Keychain #371-375


3rd Soul of Kimbery
I understand all to well about crashes stealing away your art.

I thought the fight with Ten Winds was great so I don't think the action has gotten worse at all.

Hmmmmmm the guy really wants to keep archer number 2 alive. Good for him! Now I'm kind of cheering for Sidereal guy and archer mook 2! *Starts singing Don't Stop Believing*
That Sid has gotten my respect and I have to make a Chosen of Endings within the next weeks or so in a game O-o

Seriously, taking on a Deathknight, while saving a mook, blocking the arrows, dodging them soon thereafter and then barely hitting the Deathknight with a non-artifact bow(when your Auspicious abilities doesn't inclued Archery just to ice the cake!) is 3-die-stunt material! Someone send that comic to WW, that surely will hurry the Sid Errata to the next coming!!!
I'd vote for this Sid if her ran for office now.

"I've been a chosen of the Maidens, now I want to be the chosen of the people! Vote Sid!"
Synapse said:
So Secret is left handed. Hmmm.
And yet she lived longer than all those other villagers who were right-handed. It's clear that Secret laughs in the face of statistics and uses her Dodge Charms to avoid science.
veekie said:
Guess her Valor isn't very high either.
It is the nature of the Nightalike to get the fuck out of dodge when the getting is good.

Besides, striking from ambush is always better. There's no shame in legging it when you're confronted by something you don't understand and can't counter.
Synapse said:
So Secret is left handed. Hmmm.
And yet she lived longer than all those other villagers who were right-handed. It's clear that Secret laughs in the face of statistics and uses her Dodge Charms to avoid science.
Don't need to be exalted for that. I've been doing fine and dandy and my elders are among the oldest I know.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Besides, striking from ambush is always better. There's no shame in legging it when you're confronted by something you don't understand and can't counter.
A real man never lets the enemy see his back![/Kamina]
Kyeudo said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Besides, striking from ambush is always better. There's no shame in legging it when you're confronted by something you don't understand and can't counter.
A real man never lets the enemy see his back![/Kamina]
Hence the cape?
I dunno, made sense to me: Misho, while fleeing, charges out into an open field. Correctly noting this as a Bad Thing when being pursued by archers/ranged combatants of any kind, he skids to a halt. Shortly after Marena and Secret barrel into him.

Is this a correct interpretation of events?
BlackcladAngel said:
I dunno, made sense to me: Misho, while fleeing, charges out into an open field. Correctly noting this as a Bad Thing when being pursued by archers/ranged combatants of any kind, he skids to a halt. Shortly after Marena and Secret barrel into him.
Is this a correct interpretation of events?
If that comic had been by itself, this would make sense. However, the next comic clearly clarifies events: They've been dragged into a PLACEHOLDER void! "How will our heroes ever get out of this one!?"

The only way to escape a PLACEHOLDER is reasonable patience and stroking the author's ego. Possibly dodge charms, too. :roll:
BlackcladAngel said:
Well, okay, that's infinitely worse than I had originally imagined.
Not really.

Have Marena and Karen go to town on the archers. Karen's there to use Heavenly Guardian Defense to Defend Other (Marena) if something gets through to her. Meanwhile, Misho, Ten Winds and Secret deal with the goldfish shit gang. Ten Winds trained the Terrestrials, so he's probably capable of taking on two of them at once. Misho's job is to battle the others and keep them from wanting to try to gang up on Ten Winds by providing them with something more dangerous (God-Forged Body of War if he can manage it, but probably just Glorious Solar [sabers].)

Secret's job is to just murderize shit. Just straight-up murderize shit, and not die. Those are her only objectives; if she gets shots on mortals, she executes mortals. If she can press one of the Exalts into blowing motes and maybe WP on paranoia combos, better.


I really, really hope she has a proper 2/7 filter and a mirror to Lightspeed Body Dynamics. And preferably the mirror to Reed in the Wind, too.

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