Keychain #361-365

Yay fire! :)

I know it has been mentioned before by others, but I can't see how Ten could possibly by a dragon blooded. He is just way too powerful to be one unless he did something that broke the standard limits.
Theories about what sort of Exalt Ten Winds is have been a staple of the Keychain boards since very early on. The general consensus at this point is that he's done stuff that would be very difficult even for an extremely capable Dragon-Blooded impersonator, like pulling out Unassailable Body of Air at a moment's notice, and is probably just an extremely high-Essence Dragon-Blooded. They do exist.
Everyone knows Ten is Saibok Guato using the charm that allows them to take on other aspects.

Less crazy, look at the awesomeness that is Saibok Guato, and just make him an air aspect martial artist. Poof, instant Ten.
Don't listen to them and their lies! Ten is an Alchemical sixth columnist sent to Creation in order to help stop the fifth columnists by way of throwing off the aesthetics by being a sixth column in a room with only four columns! It's all got to do with how there are eight winds and he's called Ten Winds. It's all very logical.
Mizu said:
Yay fire! :)
I know it has been mentioned before by others, but I can't see how Ten could possibly by a dragon blooded. He is just way too powerful to be one unless he did something that broke the standard limits.
Maybe he got some kind of upgrade while he was in the service of the Sidereals. They did shave his chest and give him a nifty tattoo. It seems like his students have some kind of morpher on their arms to upgrade their power. At least that is what it seemed like was about to happen before the Sidereal bopped the one on the back of the head. Then again I'm still new to Exalted so maybe she was just doing some wierd dragon blood thing.
They seem to be hearthstone bracers. Hearthstones (and, accordingly, their manses) are really big deals. Boost essence recovery and do whatever nifty little thing the stones can do.
Ah okay, that makes sense. Thanks!

Well then what power might be so extream that the Sidereal doesn't want the Dragon Blood using it? I mean they are lobbing fire balls and trying to cut 10 Winds in half, I can't imagine what escalation is from there. From my understanding Hearthstones and Manses are not one use items so it seems silly to hold back on 10 winds given how dangerous he is unless they've got some sort of new ace they don't want reveal to 10 Winds. (Otherwise why hold back as he knows pretty much all about them already.) Unless it is a "take him alive" sort of thing but given the fact they tried to cut him in half that seems unlikely.

On a side not I can't imagine how powerful 10 winds must have been when he had a hearthstone bracer of his own.
It's probably a Hearthstone that would make map makers cry, and by its use force Ten Winds to start using his higher Essence Charms which would make map makers just give up entirely. However, the plight of the poor map maker isn't why they're playing Pillow Fight: Exalted Edition. They're playing Pillow Fight: Exalted Edition because they're on an island filled with Dragon-Bloods.

Paranoid Dragon-Bloods.

With Thousand Forged Dragons.

And itchy trigger fingers.

When massive holes in the landscape start appearing and nobody knows who did it they're going to start shooting and end up turning the Blessed Isle into the Blessed Crater.
LaFreeze said:
Ah okay, that makes sense. Thanks!
Well then what power might be so extream that the Sidereal doesn't want the Dragon Blood using it? I mean they are lobbing fire balls and trying to cut 10 Winds in half, I can't imagine what escalation is from there. From my understanding Hearthstones and Manses are not one use items so it seems silly to hold back on 10 winds given how dangerous he is unless they've got some sort of new ace they don't want reveal to 10 Winds. (Otherwise why hold back as he knows pretty much all about them already.) Unless it is a "take him alive" sort of thing but given the fact they tried to cut him in half that seems unlikely.

On a side not I can't imagine how powerful 10 winds must have been when he had a hearthstone bracer of his own.
<giggle> You will learn soon that, in Exalted, bisection, fireballs and moves that make professional stuntmen in the world cry are available at Character Generation. Once you reach Essence 4 or so you're already expected to alter geography with the bigger battles.
In one of the flashback comics Ten had the same style of bracer. I very much think it would have been a transformation type thing into Dragon Armor. They are color coded after all.
Well I guess I'll have to finish up reading creation's history this weekend and start looking at those lovely world destroying charms. If Terrestrials can change maps I can only imagine what Solars in a bad mood could do. The mind boggles! Now I kind of hope Karen has some sort of horrible angry valor based flaws. Mwahahahahaha!
Actually, at lower Essence levels, it's more difficult for Solars to craterise things. The elements tend to be better at broad-scale destruction than heroic perfection. Even at Essence 4, it's difficult to cause really massive broad-scale damage without Sorcery or artifacts in my experience.

Once you get up to higher Essence levels and the new Solar Hero Charms etc, things change, of course.
chalicier said:
Actually, at lower Essence levels, it's more difficult for Solars to craterise things. The elements tend to be better at broad-scale destruction than heroic perfection. Even at Essence 4, it's difficult to cause really massive broad-scale damage without Sorcery or artifacts in my experience.
Once you get up to higher Essence levels and the new Solar Hero Charms etc, things change, of course.
Oh, well I don't think Karen has that high Essence being a young Solar. I guess I'll have to wait till they pick up another Abyssal then. I'm sure they've got to be pretty darn good a destruction. King of Uncloaked Steel where are you?
Hmmm, I just had a thought, maybe he is the hypothetical dragon blooded that managed to master a Sideral martial arts style and it gave him a boost in power from reaching levels of enlightenment terrestrials just weren't supposed to be able to reach.
Usually, but it isn't one of those things that is explicitly impossible like time travel. The books say that nobody has ever managed it yet, but says the story teller is free to say there is a way without having to rewrite canon.
Synapse said:
Don't their anima explode when that happens?
Wait, wait, wait. I just want to make sure I have this right. In other words, if I'm another type of exalted and I'm standing around watching a Sidereal practice kicking beer cans off a fence and all the sudden I have a burst of insight into how they fight, my immortal god soul explodes from having too much awesome?
LaFreeze said:
Synapse said:
Don't their anima explode when that happens?
Wait, wait, wait. I just want to make sure I have this right. In other words, if I'm another type of exalted and I'm standing around watching a Sidereal practice kicking beer cans off a fence and all the sudden I have a burst of insight into how they fight, my immortal god soul explodes from having too much awesome?
Nah, only if you are a Terrestrial level :)
chalicier said:
"Oh noes! My limited Terrestrial nature cannot contain such insights! KANEDAAAAA!"

New Flash: Tragety struck in the realm today as over 50 Terrestrials were killed today at the first Chuck Norris movie marathon. Mortal witnesses on the scene reported their was a awed cry of "Round House Kick" before several viewing dragon bloods spontaniously exploded. More details will be reported as they become clear.
Well, in the terrestrials' defense, it's implied that they can learn it...they just can't ever use it without exploding. On a theoretical level mr Winds could know sidereal martial arts no problem.

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