Keychain #356-360

DukeGod said:
Simply because I had nothing else to do I raise a question to simpyl make his delve into random insanity
Is there any chance that Four and Stream got Camel Toe on those clothes xD ?
Come on,you guys are not going to let this one pass right?
DukeGod said:
Simply because I had nothing else to do I raise a question to simpyl make his delve into random insanity
Is there any chance that Four and Stream got Camel Toe on those clothes xD ?
They'd need ridiculously tight pants, and they appear to be wearing loose pants (as makes sense for martial artists).

So, no, there is not. Not unless Marena turns into a camel and kicks them in the crotch.
Merry Christmas (Eve) everyone!

... With Jukashi on haitus, I assume that means no Christmas filler...

*Insert pic with enthusiastic Marina, reluctant Streams, and mistletoe.*

Side note... when and how would Creation have an analog to Christmas? And I guess also why.
Brickwall said:
DukeGod said:
Simply because I had nothing else to do I raise a question to simpyl make his delve into random insanity
Is there any chance that Four and Stream got Camel Toe on those clothes xD ?
They'd need ridiculously tight pants, and they appear to be wearing loose pants (as makes sense for martial artists).

So, no, there is not. Not unless Marena turns into a camel and kicks them in the crotch.
...or unless someone gives them a wedgie. Which reminds me, I need to look into the feasibility of a prank-based martial arts style...would be quite appropriate for a Lunar I have in mind.
merle said:
I need to look into the feasibility of a prank-based martial arts style...would be quite appropriate for a Lunar I have in mind.
Laughing Monster Style, from Fair Folk (pages 221 to 225, with necessary errata on pages 101 to 103 of the Scroll of Errata) works something like this, and a Lunar can learn it with relative ease, given their relationship to the Raksha. Not sure how well it works for an Exalt, being, well, Raksha Charms, but it's a start.
Synapse said:
merle said:
Synapse said:
I love Streams.
You broke the page format!

I do hope they don't have to kill her over this.
;_; Not my fault the browser is usually open at 1600x900

Sorry :x
No harm no foul! :lol:

I think it's just the sheer adorableness of the poor disheveled DB girl coming face-to-face with an (as far as she knows) evil evil EEEEVIL Lunar that broke the page.
Surprised that she doesn't try to use her social charms to weasel her way out of that one.

....though her social charms seem to be more seduction focused, and I think that might transcend the rating of this comic, now that I think of it....
I take the timing in the comic to imply that either the Dragonblooded had a higher initiative, or that they tied, and thus their actions went off at the same time.

Rather hard to charm a gal out of shouting that you're a Lunar if she's already doing it.
Dragonmystic said:
Surprised that she doesn't try to use her social charms to weasel her way out of that one.
....though her social charms seem to be more seduction focused, and I think that might transcend the rating of this comic, now that I think of it....
You can't use social actions when operating in combat time.
Kyeudo said:
Dragonmystic said:
Surprised that she doesn't try to use her social charms to weasel her way out of that one.
....though her social charms seem to be more seduction focused, and I think that might transcend the rating of this comic, now that I think of it....
You can't use social actions when operating in combat time.
Really? I thought you had the option to make a social attack instead of a physical attack, though my grasp on Exalted rules has always been tenuous at best so I won't doubt you. (I literally understand rocket science more than Exalted's rules :shock: )
Dragonmystic said:
Kyeudo said:
You can't use social actions when operating in combat time.
Really? I thought you had the option to make a social attack instead of a physical attack, though my grasp on Exalted rules has always been tenuous at best so I won't doubt you. (I literally understand rocket science more than Exalted's rules :shock: )
Social attacks opperate in long ticks, which are essentially minutes. Regular attacks operate in normal ticks, which are essentially seconds. The two do not cooperate well.
Kyeudo said:
Social attacks opperate in long ticks, which are essentially minutes. Regular attacks operate in normal ticks, which are essentially seconds. The two do not cooperate well.
Possibly the most easily houseruled, though.

Since Social Combat long ticks are modelled on a "debate" structure, where a round involves a participant explaining his stance, putting forth his argument, and supporting it against counterarguments - or alternatively just giving a nice, well-worded speech to the same end - what we're looking for is interactions which could potentially achieve the same end of "changing someone's mind."

I personally rule that participants in combat can at any time Stunt a Social Attack that directly draws upon an opponent's Motivation or Intimacies as a standard Miscellaneous Action. That neatly allows us to cover both Henry V's St Crispin's Day speech (Performance + Charisma Social Attack, aimed at buiilding Intimacy towards "Kicking Ass In England's Name") and "Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father/No, Luke. I AM your father" (Stunted Presence + Manipulation Social Attack, aimed at eroding Intimacy towards the Rebellion, draws on Luke's 3pt Intimacy "Discovering the Truth about his Origins").

The reason this works for me is that in combat, most of the time combatants will either treat a NMI Social Attack as an Unacceptable Order or just spend 1 Willpower ("Enough of your lies!"). What we actually need is support for two-sentence UMI use, and the "Stunt Them Right Where It Hurts" rule works perfectly in play in my experience. Given Marena's tried Charm-backed seduction attempts in combat time before now, I suspect that Jukashi sees it similarly.
Hmmm. Good point about the long ticks.

There are some social attack like charms (like New Friend Aroma) that are not social attacks, and can possibly be used in non-combat time. It also seemed to me like there were some charms to let you do social attacks in combat time, though I can't name any off hand.

Also, nice visual on the cloud-trap charm.
Ah. In my current game, the GM decided to just do away with social combat as a combat form, and just used it more freeform. Social charms still apply, they're just...actually, I don't play a social character in that campaign, so I'm not sure how it's handled. I'll have to have him post on here now that I think about it...

But it's more freeform, and you can make epic speeches in the middle of combat. I guess that's slightly unrealistic, but hey, it's Exalted!

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