Keychain #306-310

Ascension said:
All I know is that I'd pay good money to see a tag team match with Chuck Norris/Mr. T vs. Misho/Ten Winds. Followed, of course, by the inevitable realization that they're all on the same side and the subsequent indescribably awesome team-up.
No no, see, they'd fight, then they'd all be attacked by the entire Realm army, backed up by 50 Sidereals and secretly being controlled by 20 Abyssals, along with one of the Neverborn themselves, and then all four would team up and destroy them all. And it would be in the Gigaawesome levels.
Aasharu said:
Ascension said:
All I know is that I'd pay good money to see a tag team match with Chuck Norris/Mr. T vs. Misho/Ten Winds. Followed, of course, by the inevitable realization that they're all on the same side and the subsequent indescribably awesome team-up.
No no, see, they'd fight, then they'd all be attacked by the entire Realm army, backed up by 50 Sidereals and secretly being controlled by 20 Abyssals, along with one of the Neverborn themselves, and then all four would team up and destroy them all. And it would be in the Gigaawesome levels.
You know, Creation was specifically built to be capable of holding nigh incomprehensible levels of badass, and I'm still not sure it could hold that much awesome without collapsing.
Skycroft said:
Aasharu said:
Ascension said:
All I know is that I'd pay good money to see a tag team match with Chuck Norris/Mr. T vs. Misho/Ten Winds. Followed, of course, by the inevitable realization that they're all on the same side and the subsequent indescribably awesome team-up.
No no, see, they'd fight, then they'd all be attacked by the entire Realm army, backed up by 50 Sidereals and secretly being controlled by 20 Abyssals, along with one of the Neverborn themselves, and then all four would team up and destroy them all. And it would be in the Gigaawesome levels.
You know, Creation was specifically built to be capable of holding nigh incomprehensible levels of badass, and I'm still not sure it could hold that much awesome without collapsing.
It gets worse.

Misho, Mr. T, Ten Winds and Chuck are horribly outnumbered. They can hold their own against that much mayhem, but actually achieving victory will require more of their allies.

Secret, for example, drawing the attacks of entire Realm Legions at once, and showing them that yes, Dodge Charms are the answer to everything, letting them focus on futilly trying to hurt her whilst Marena of the Red Crescent goes into Deadly Foxwoman Form and hefts an entire first-age Chiaroscuran glass tower out of the ground to use it as Creation's third-biggest javelin directly at Aysn Sys, who was expecting a great many things, but not to have a building thrown through her. Her sister, of course, would be busy showing Chejop why you don't fuck with a Solar Meleeist, unnerving him with her silent attacks.

Mid-way through, of course, it will become clear that the tide is turning, but then the Realm armies will simply attempt a bum's rush. That's when a shining portal of golden gears lands from the sky, and a gigantic robot cat surges forth at the head of an army of cyborgs led by Alchemical Exalted. And in the middle of the battle, Chejop failed to expect the unexpected, and finds a Starmetal Keyblade sticking through his chest, with Hot LibrarianSid saying "I never liked you guys anyway."

Then Wireframe Mew Cai shows up, reanimated from the lingering Essence Patterns that once formed her thought core into a fully autonomous divinity, lazily looping and coiling over the battlefield, throwing down beams of hot golden electrocution at the collected forces which dare to oppose the Solars. Just 'cause.

And Creation can handle this. It'll be straining at the seams, but it'll hold.
Not too long ago, I would have guessed that she would choose not to learn sorcery due to one of the trials, likely after learning what would be required for her sacrifice. But... I'm not too sure now. I can't see Marena putting this one off forever, at any rate.
Well, I can certainly see what Misho is making the sacrifices become. They must be something you don't want to lose, but what you want is not necessarily what is good for you. Compassion 5 makes him turn the sacrifice into a loss of something that's bad for them(both parental issues, incidentally) but that they want to keep.
Ribusprissin said:
I think Marena will fail to learn Sorcery. Opinions?
If she can successfully leave behind her envy of her mother its possible Marena won't feel the need to learn sorcery anymore. She might stay the course because she initiated the whole thing by asking Misho but I don't consider that a given.
veekie said:
Well, I can certainly see what Misho is making the sacrifices become. They must be something you don't want to lose, but what you want is not necessarily what is good for you. Compassion 5 makes him turn the sacrifice into a loss of something that's bad for them(both parental issues, incidentally) but that they want to keep.
Actually, Secret is not facing the test of sacrifice, she's facing the test of fear. She still has the sacrifice ahead of her.
krrackknut said:
One thing? Doesn't she have other motivations in life, such as "find daughter," "find son," "have fun," and "maybe take care of kingdom?" I mean, "out-do your mother" only became the focus recently.
Point taken, and an excellent point it is. However, Marena's character development thus far shows that she's been trying to meet and exceed her mother's expectations, and, more importantly, out do and out wit her, for far longer than her children have even been alive. Specifically, I'm thinking of the angry "I'LL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT HER." at the end of strip 187, and panels 5 and 6 of strip 188.

Heck, even Marena's behavior immediately after her Exaltation plays into this. The intoxication of not just her power, but feeling empowered, after being restricted and looked down upon by her mother (the only real authority figure in her life), for so long was simply overwhelming, and she reveled in all of it.

Her actions and dialogue when encountering her mother again, though, seem to indicate that the "carefree, don't-give-a-damn Marena" that we all know and love (and lust after ... that was out loud, wasn't it? :oops: ) is somewhat of a facade to hide the fact that underneath it all, even with the Lunar Exaltation, she's still a girl with a few self-esteem issues, at least when it comes to her mother.

Now, are her children and her enjoyment of life any less important to her? Not at all. This is really only going to come up until she can resolve her own internal issues (and Negative Intimacies) with her mother. That may not be an easy thing, of course, but I think that's where Misho (and by extension, Jukashi, of course) were going with this Sacrifice. Letting go of something that's defined a part of your personality, but in a negative way, for so long can be not only liberating and therapeutic, but very powerful, as well.

Then again, I could just be WAY over-thinking this ... *chuckle*
Kyeudo said:
veekie said:
Well, I can certainly see what Misho is making the sacrifices become. They must be something you don't want to lose, but what you want is not necessarily what is good for you. Compassion 5 makes him turn the sacrifice into a loss of something that's bad for them(both parental issues, incidentally) but that they want to keep.
Actually, Secret is not facing the test of sacrifice, she's facing the test of fear. She still has the sacrifice ahead of her.
Well, yes, but I figure her father's ghost can count twice.
OK, so, we know Marena isn't Misho's lunar mate, and we also know who is - the White Tiger Lunar from the first age strips. Makes sense, when you think about it, since it explains why said lunar was with Misho when it was time to kill the God of Locks. Also, he's a Chimera now. Fun times are to be had. (At least, I'm guessing Chimera.)
Aasharu said:
OK, so, we know Marena isn't Misho's lunar mate, and we also know who is - the White Tiger Lunar from the first age strips. . . . Also, he's a Chimera now. Fun times are to be had. (At least, I'm guessing Chimera.)
If that's a by-product of spending too much time out in the Wyld, then yes, that's what I would think.

Either way, it's a good thing this is drawn digitally, because I'd fear Juk would run out of colors when trying to illustrate Dan.
Anyone who read Lunar book can easily guess that Misho mate is in 95% chimera. Rest is 4% for Akuma and 1 % for Unknown. I really hope for this 1%. Jukashi manage surprise us few times.
Kyeudo said:
Essence 10 Lunar Chimera somewhere in the future. :shock:
That's gonna be a big fight.
Can Chimera raise their Essence?

I was just thinking that there's the tiny possibility that Resch Dan didn't raise his Essence to 10. Ma-ha-Suchi did not raise his Essence.
Kyeudo said:
Essence 10 Lunar Chimera somewhere in the future. :shock:
That's gonna be a big fight.
Can Chimera raise their Essence?

I was just thinking that there's the tiny possibility that Resch Dan didn't raise his Essence to 10. Ma-ha-Suchi did not raise his Essence.
Nowt says they can't, as far as I know.

Damn good timing on my part, buying the Lunars book last Saturday...
I'm going to count this as a victory for the "Marena is Secret's Lunar Mate" camp. With Misho out of the running our chances are a lot better. Karen would be in second place for Secret.

Also, COMPLETELY INSANE AND POWERFUL PRIMORDIAL ERA LUNAR CHIMERA!!!! Bwahahahaha. I approve. Don't forget he's probably got the "Perfect Regeneration" knack that will mean he can regenerate from a single drop of blood. He's a full moon lunar too, which tells you something about his personality. You know something I never though of is that there's nothing that says that Chimera can't take size enhancers like Emperor Ox Expansion.

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