Keychain #296-300(!)

Suddenly, it all makes sense. All of it.

Masterly done, good sir Jukashi. I salute you.

Also, "Rouen Farle?" As in "Roland Farley?"
Ohhhhh, so Secret's disdain for Marena's homewrecking is more than just an element of their personality clash. That's an awfully good job of keeping track of continuity, Jukashi.
It's possible, but I've my doubts. I'm willing to put an obol on the notion that Secret's dad was already married, and then one unit of Marena came along, and De-something Not-Farle was the result.

This from the people who brought you Alchemical sixth and fifth columnists.
"De-something Not-Farle" is so going to be a running gag around here...

And I say that fuels more reasons for secret to lick marena all over. Punishments abound!

There's been a lot of speculation that that circular necklace represents a Caste Mark, normally assuming her father is an Exalt. HOWEVER!

What if it's his only memento of her mother? If she was a No Moon or (I think this more likely) a Night, she might disappear off somewhere, and if she was Night Caste, he could know about Solars.
Why does it have to have ANYTHING to do with Exalts? It's a ring of some sort. It would make more sense to presume it was a ring that showed Rouen cared for her mother deeply but was already married and unable to marry her. Or something like that.
krrackknut said:
What if it's just a ring of black jade, and nothing more?

...Nah, that's too crazy.
But it's clearly a silvery metal!

Unless... unless it is a ring of black jade that's been painted silver.

How deep does this rabbit hole go?!
Arhra said:
krrackknut said:
What if it's just a ring of black jade, and nothing more?

...Nah, that's too crazy.
But it's clearly a silvery metal!

Unless... unless it is a ring of black jade that's been painted silver.

How deep does this rabbit hole go?!
About that deep, actually. Going deeper requires the silver to actually be a rare shade of purple not normally visible to the eyes of mortals, and that's just overkill. Or is it?
Good God, my eyes are horrible. Yes, it is indeed silver. I thereby alter my statement to:

Mayhap Secret's necklace is simply a ring of white jade, and nothing more?

...No, that would be utterly insane and preposterous. Tea, good chaps?
jeriausx said:
Why does it have to have ANYTHING to do with Exalts? It's a ring of some sort. It would make more sense to presume it was a ring that showed Rouen cared for her mother deeply but was already married and unable to marry her. Or something like that.
It doesn't have to, and I'm well aware that I could be completely wrong, but rampant unfounded speculation is fun!

I'll just make that very clear: I'm not asserting that I think this is the case, just pointing out that it's possible and would make some sense- as would any of the non-Exalt theories.
MorkaisChosen said:
It doesn't have to, and I'm well aware that I could be completely wrong, but rampant unfounded speculation is fun!
I'll just make that very clear: I'm not asserting that I think this is the case, just pointing out that it's possible and would make some sense- as would any of the non-Exalt theories.
But after a certain point, it gets dull and annoying. Also, there's a difference between stuff that's actually plausible and rampant speculation.

If it's even remotely Exalt-related, it's probably a crude amulet, but we've never seen it as anything other than an heirloom.
Ah, very true. I never mean to get dull and annoying, but it's easy to miss. :(

Anyway, it'll all have to stop soon... :wink:
... It's still just a placeholder, but the author comment seems to imply that, instead of learning what we want to know about Secret, you are instead going to change scenes, and stretch it out longer.
I doubt it's going to be a complete shift. Marena still has to dump her rage and that thing Secret wasn't going to say until it became important is probably going to be mentioned sometime.

There's also the possibility of Marena's trial running parallel to Secret's. Of course, I seem to be batting 1.000 with all my other predictions.
The last three panels are a comic trick, a time/scene transition into the next page, period in time, and scene.

As I was going to say, it's a nice transition.

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