Keychain #286-290


Well, I think I know what Secret has to sacrifice. Also, this is what I was saying a sacrifice should be. It's not important power wise, it's not going to diminish her, but it's a sacrifice all the same.
Wait. She keep her necklace as memento of her father? This is considered as "Sin of Life". At least I think so.
I like Karen's current scar more than I did her old one, the old one was a bit too much in your face (pun not intended).
[Moved from the older thread.]

At the risk of breaking the chain of Karen-love, I'd say that she got that scar in a kind of dumbass way. She casually charm-parried Ben's guitar like she was on vacation, leaving herself completely open to counterattack. Not a very smart move for a Solar.
If Karen only has a scar to show for her first combat against Abyssals, she's much better off than most.

This doesn't excuse the lapse in judgment, mind you. Lack of experience (and Jukashi's whims) are to blame. :mrgreen:
Since other people already posted what I was going to say, I'll just say that I agree with...


krrackknut said:
The last panel amuses me greatly.

ShadowDragon8685 said:
I think Karen's scar should continue to diminish until it is gone. She is, after all, one of the Exalted.
The end.
Behold, a new comic!

For a short-comic, it still made me laugh. I didn't see that last panel coming.

And - "hearts aflutter"? Ooh, Jukashi, you sneaky coot...Do you think we're too chicken to counter in kind?
I don't think so; it's broad daylight and not in a Lunar demesne or manse or anything. I think she's just trying to get some self control.
Or maybe she increasing her integrity or willpower. Anyway she's not doing much progress to be honest.
I'm pretty sure it's Just That Time Of The Year when every woma- er, Lunar- becomes a raging beast, and she's trying to contain it.
Reading this comment made me have a thought:

Marena is (supposedly) the social expert of the group, focused on seduction. (if in personality only, the only time I can think of when she tried to seduce someone was that Clawstrider. And that failed pretty badly.)

But she's a lunar. And eats random animals, if the gag comics are to be believed.

Do her kisses taste. . . kinda gamey?

Quite possibly this is a path I'm going to regret thinking through.
Jukashi said:
Marena practices effective oral hygiene.
Come to think of it, isn't there a charm for that? Or a one- or two-dot Artifact? I seem to remember a collar that kept you clean no matter what you went through.
Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light. Or whatever you want to call non-Orichalcum versions. When simply worn it keeps you clean and negates any social penalties for the possibility of being dirty from what you've been doing, since,'re still as clean and fresh as before that wrestling match in the sewers. If attuned it extends than cleanliness to the body as well, adding 2 dice to rolls to resist poison or disease, as it helps clean out toxins, too.
Proper oral hygiene, eh?

We're now one bad idea and Daybreak craftsman from an artifact soulsteel toothbrush that screams with the pain of a thousand dental patients and the whir of a million drills.
Crasical said:
Proper oral hygiene, eh?
We're now one bad idea and Daybreak craftsman from an artifact soulsteel toothbrush that screams with the pain of a thousand dental patients and the whir of a million drills.
...that is terrifying. Why would anyone make that?!
merle said:
Crasical said:
Proper oral hygiene, eh?
We're now one bad idea and Daybreak craftsman from an artifact soulsteel toothbrush that screams with the pain of a thousand dental patients and the whir of a million drills.
...that is terrifying. Why would anyone make that?!
Because this is Exalted

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