Keychain 226-230

I wonder what significance the last panel will show in the next? Or is it already significant in showing that he is so scared he is unable to act?
Jukashi, you've broken the fourth wall. You've joined Rich Burlew in breaking the third wall. If your Sidereal keeps this up, you'll break the other two and then where will you be?
Did she just throw a chunk of the panel separator at Ben?

What would you call that Charm?

Third Wall Separation Attack?

Walling Your Enemy Prana?
Um...Holy crap. You literally broke it this time.

How much fourth-wall stretching can you produce before the comic collapses on itself?
That was the third wall broken, there. Lots of comics use comic-border gags.

To break the fourth wall, she'd have to rip a hole in the 'front' of the comic, showing us naught but a view inside, through to the innards of our monitors.
Bronze faction jazz nights are now canon.

I'm figuring this hints at her being either Gold or Independent.
I dunno...would she have been invited to BF Jazz Nights (TM by Jukashi) if she were Gold or Indie? 8)

The thought of Kejak playing 'My Funny Valentine' is rather amusing...
Kyeudo said:
Toloran said:
You get Dominic "Frames are for wusses" Deegan.
Please no. That comic is so bad that its fandom has collapsed into a snarkdom so intense that no fan yet has proved capable of surviving against it for long. That would be a terrible thing to wish upon Keychain of Creation.
Fandom had long confused me until I realized that most people hate things just for the sake of hating (although they don't realize it). Hence, I generally ignore the more vitriolic fan-forums (which is also why I like this forum).

That said: After this battle is over, I need to go through and stat out a SMA style for it.
Toloran said:
Kyeudo said:
Please no. That comic is so bad that its fandom has collapsed into a snarkdom so intense that no fan yet has proved capable of surviving against it for long. That would be a terrible thing to wish upon Keychain of Creation.
Fandom had long confused me until I realized that most people hate things just for the sake of hating (although they don't realize it). Hence, I generally ignore the more vitriolic fan-forums (which is also why I like this forum).
That's the strange thing. It's not a hatedom. They still love the comic, they just love to point out how flawed it is. When Mookie does something right, they actually praise him, but such moments are few and far between anymore.

I'd never wish such art and plot fail on an actually good webcomic.
Thanqol said:
A SMA based on the concept of Fandom?
... good god, that might just work.
Hmm... Although that wasn't what I meant, that would be awesome too. Although, I still have to finish my paperwork/bureucracy based SMA first.
Kyeudo said:
That's the strange thing. It's not a hatedom. They still love the comic, they just love to point out how flawed it is. When Mookie does something right, they actually praise him, but such moments are few and far between anymore.
I'd never wish such art and plot fail on an actually good webcomic.
Come on, let's not start arguing about a webcomic on an entirely different webcomic's forum.

In regards to the siddie's attack... what would that be described as, in universe? Solidifying a slice of future fate, and attacking with it?
Aasharu said:
Come on, let's not start arguing about a webcomic on an entirely different webcomic's forum.
In regards to the siddie's attack... what would that be described as, in universe? Solidifying a slice of future fate, and attacking with it?
Calcifying the barrier that separates one second from another.
Seems less practical than simply throwing a rock, although I fully realize that Exalted is about the Rule of Cool, not practicality. The question I have is: would such an attack bypass defenses, or deal Aggravated damage?
Fighteer said:
Seems less practical than simply throwing a rock, although I fully realize that Exalted is about the Rule of Cool, not practicality. The question I have is: would such an attack bypass defenses, or deal Aggravated damage?
Neither, unless enhanced with a Charm or if it is a Charm in and of itself that does such things, in which case it could well do both.

A calcified piece of a concept of reality is no more damaging than a rock in the hands of the Exalted. It's all about the magical power you put behind it - if it's just a stunt, it's a cool stunt and is probably worth a +3 bonus, but it remains just that - a three-die bonus. No more, no less. Roll your attack, add three dice (and of course, gain +1 XP / +1 WP +2 Motes / +6 motes).


She's an idiot if she did go whole-hog with a combo on that. If she tossed up the 1TE (Thrown) for full dice, added a Charm or MA Charm that made it Aggrevated and added something to make it Unblockable/Undodgeable (or both)...

Then she's just splooged Essence out of a firehose. Unfortunately for her, we know he's going to survive the magical bukkake, since we know he has a Perfect Defense; we've seen him demonstrate this when Mareena fired off an Essence Cannon at him.

I hope that combo of hers had a PD in it, if she used one. She'll be in deep shit when Flame comes flying back in-frame with an attack if she hasn't got one.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I hope that combo of hers had a PD in it, if she used one. She'll be in deep shit when Flame comes flying back in-frame with an attack if she hasn't got one.
You realize this is a comic and not an actual game, right? So those kind of concerns are mostly unimportant.
Frankly, if you expect an experienced Exalt to make an offensive combo without defensive charms, and they aren't a Dragonblooded, thus not needing to put such into their combo...well. Reflexive charms are your friend. If you want to combo, don't forget them. Everyone is fond of not dying. Of course, our Sidereal friend if she's wise would be Dance of Shining Joy'ing her way out of things outside of needing to have most such in her combo, but both A) Jukashi would certainly be making it clear she was doing so in some fashion, and B) She'd still want to include either Impeding the Flow or Serenity in Blood, or better, both, so she has the choice between truly perfect but costing willpower and more motes, and almost perfect, but cheaper.

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