Keychain 226-230


Elder Member
Jukashi said:
A little late, again. I hope you'll agree that this particular page is worth a little wait, however.
I totally agree! Today's page speaks to me on a deep, spiritual level.

The blank field of white reminds me of the bleakness of a snow-covered tundra in wintertime, making me feel the hopelessness and pointlessness of it all, whereas the word "Placeholder" is a poingnant reminder that we are all placeholders, occupying space and time until we are ended or wear out, and the next generation can begin to hold the place for the generation after them. The caption, "The comic will be up shortly" is a cruel tease, at best an epherimal taunt that what we seek is not to be found here, but may be at some time in the future; but is not to be breath-held over, for ineivtably the caption itself will soon grin it's macabe and sadistic grin at us again.

TL;DR: Down the road, not across the street.

Seriously, I'm just staking out the next two and a half weeks' post thread, and wondering where the comic is, since usually it's around by 2 AM my time (7 AM Ireland.)
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Jukashi said:
A little late, again. I hope you'll agree that this particular page is worth a little wait, however.
I totally agree! Today's page speaks to me on a deep, spiritual level.

The blank field of white reminds me of the bleakness of a snow-covered tundra in wintertime, making me feel the hopelessness and pointlessness of it all, whereas the word "Placeholder" is a poingnant reminder that we are all placeholders, occupying space and time until we are ended or wear out, and the next generation can begin to hold the place for the generation after them. The caption, "The comic will be up shortly" is a cruel tease, at best an epherimal taunt that what we seek is not to be found here, but may be at some time in the future; but is not to be breath-held over, for ineivtably the caption itself will soon grin it's macabe and sadistic grin at us again.
Deep, man.
What does In-Fasces mean?

Is Broken Perspective Strike a canonical SMA charm? It sounds like Kaleidiscopic Knowledge to me, but it could be a native charm I can't remember.

Good comic Juk.
It certainly ain't late for me.

'Fasces' means bundle in Latin so...'In-Bundle?' Philosophical meaning? Meh.

Also, what's happening in the sixth panel?

Edit: Did I mention that this page is awesome?
Broken Perspective Strike: I See What You Did There.

For the weak: You notice how the perspective in that panel is screwed up? How there's no way she should be able to attack three guys standing that far apart with a single blow, yet due to the way the panel is set up, she does anyway? It's not a canon Sidereal Charm - what it is is complete awareness of the fact that they're in a comic strip, that the strip has rules, and how those rules can be exploited for her own benefit.

Which is exactly what a Sidereal should be. They don't make up new, stupid rules that serve themselves (like Fair Folk). They find loopholes in the rules that already exist. They're perfectly aware of the system they're in, and how to step outside it when it suits them.

I love it.

(Also: she used the power of two Keys to 'open' Drummer's stitches, making him fall apart.)
Fighteer said:
I can't wait to see her use the "I Squish Your Head, Squish Squish" charm.
I'm pretty sure that's a Dusk-Caste exclusive charm. I mean it, not even an Eclipse or a Moonshadow can pick that one up.

Jukashi said:
It's up now, poets. :roll:
Awh, c'mon, I was just getting my Oblivion on. ^_^

Anyway, this is how we know she's someone Not To Be Trifled With.

She has Custom Charms. For a Sidereal, that's hard - it requires the personal dispensation of the Maidens. The same Maidens who are too busy snorting crack off Luna's ass with Sol.

it's Not Easy. This is, in the words of the immortal Dr. Emmet Brown, some 'Serious Shit'.
She has Custom Charms. For a Sidereal, that's hard - it requires the personal dispensation of the Maidens. The same Maidens who are too busy snorting crack off Luna's ass with Sol.
And such a fine ass it is.


Poor Abyssals -- their Solar-Equivalency charms are no match for an elder Sidereal's SMA cheese. Her mastery of the rules of the world is unparalleled! Nothing can hope to defeat her but an even greater force. Something writ into the very fabric of the world -- made, nay, defined to be unbeatable.

Like a retired old monk with a dark secret in a wuxia setting.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
She has Custom Charms. For a Sidereal, that's hard - it requires the personal dispensation of the Maidens. The same Maidens who are too busy snorting crack off Luna's ass with Sol..
Could be a martial arts charm. Celestial and Sidereal Martial Arts's get peculiar [Dreaming Pearl Style and Obsidean shards both have stranger bits.] and Sideareals can invent new ones without bothering their Sailor Scout.
I could totally see it as an SMA that dispenses enlightenment about being in a comic strip. Now either she is old/powerful enough to have created it herself, or someone else made it and she may not have mastered it. My money is on the former.
Someone noticed that our Chosen of Battles here wears visible pants. Then I noticed that the Caste Symbol for CoB's is the symbol for male. I think there are a bunch of jokes begging to be written.

I wonder if we'll see a male Chosen of Serenity who wears a dress?..
We don't need to assume that just because she's using charms we haven't seen before that she's using custom charms or a unique SMA. This could just be how Sidereals work in a comic strip setting. Rather than manipulating the Loom, they Fourth Wall the comic strip.
Couldn't 'the Loom' in this strip BE the Fourth Wall? I have no idea how the Loom works in the game, but so far her abilities seem to be along the line of 'I know how this reality is set up, and I am exploiting this fact'. So it's not necessarily that they are custom charms, they could just be how their charms WOULD work, if Exalted was indeed a comic.

Also, the mark on her forehead is that of Mars [as opposed to Venus], so she would be... under? ...the Chosen of Battles? Hell, I have no idea how the various groups are aligned with who gave them power.

Sad that the raised help seems to be taken out of the picture so quickly.
Kalatash said:
Couldn't 'the Loom' in this strip BE the Fourth Wall? I have no idea how the Loom works in the game, but so far her abilities seem to be along the line of 'I know how this reality is set up, and I am exploiting this fact'. So it's not necessarily that they are custom charms, they could just be how their charms WOULD work, if Exalted was indeed a comic.
That's pretty much the case. However, the issue that a few others were discussing is the fact that she isn't calling out any known charm names (unlike everyone else). Hence, they must be custom charms and normally you don't new Sidereal charms (only new MA styles).

Also, the mark on her forehead is that of Mars [as opposed to Venus], so she would be... under? ...the Chosen of Battles? Hell, I have no idea how the various groups are aligned with who gave them power.
You are correct. It works like this:

Chosen of Journeys = Mercury

Chosen of Serenity = Venus

Chosen of Battle = Mars

Chosen of Secrets = Jupiter

Chosen of Endings = Saturn
I think it's far more likely she's using a custom SMA, since it's already been pointed out that custom Siddie charms are really hard to get. Considering that most of the canon Sidereal Martial Arts manipulate the Loom of Fate in some way, shape or form, the idea of a martial art that allows direct manipulation of the Loom/Fourth Wall isn't really inconceivable.
But what I'm saying is that regular Sidereal charms in this universe could very well be these 4th Wall charms.

Or she's using funky pretend names for regular Sidereal charms. Drop-Dodge could be how Duck Fate works, always.

And finally, I think a SMA that manipulates the Loom of Fate is a little out of theme. SMAs look at base, raw concepts - like 'Essence' for Prismatic Arrangement, 'Consumption' for Charcoal March of Spiders, or 'Conflict' for Scarlet-Patterned Battlefield. A SMA likely wouldn't directly affect the Loom of Fate - that's too complex for it, that adds a whole other level where you're taking that concept and doing something with it. The Loom measures and classifies fate, but it's still essentially a big ol' artifact. Fate would still exist without the Loom, and a concept as raw as 'Destiny' would be a valid SMA baseline.

It'd also be a terrifying style, and interact with the Loom in scary and unknowable ways. But it wouldn't go through the Loom to get to that result.

Also: All regular Sidereal charms already manipulate the Loom of Fate directly, so it'd also be redundant.

Edit: Thanqol is currently playing a character who's doing a lot of philosophising on what SMA means and may be a little incoherent regarding them.
An SMA using the concept of "perspective" or "comic-book paneling" or "two dimensional space" would be valid, though arguably the most valid is "perspective" which is kind of already addressed in Kaleidoscopic Knowledge.
Crazy idea, Jukashi- have you tried sleeping on the floor for one night? Sounds crazy, but it's helped my back problems before.

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