Keychain #191 - #195


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Non-Exalted players may be a wee bit confused. So behold! One of the faces of Luna, the God/dess of the Moon, Creation's chief trickster-type deity. In particular, the incarnation you see here is the Two-Faced Bride, who may appear as either gender but is always heavily pregnant in either. Now that's what I call mythology!
......Exalted is ****ing weird. And the source of so much bad fanfiction, it seems. Is it true that everyone is bisexual?
I'd assume that when the Primordials created humans, they made their sexual preference a matter of neither genetics nor choice but rather one of circumstance.
I always thought of it as the fact that reproduction is a duty after the Contagion. So if you had a baby, who cared what you did in your free time? Or it's a "if the gods are doing it, why shouldn't we?" attitude.

Also, I think a harder (and more fun!) question would be "Who hasn't yet gotten into the pants of the opposing gender?"
Not everyone in Exalted is bisexual. Of the cannonical Lunar Elders, one is a straight man and dating a bisexual gender-switching snake, one is a gay man, Ma-ha-suchi from what I've heard will sleep with anything that moves, Leviathen is too emo to do anything, Lillith was straight (who knows now?), and no one with any sense will touch Raksi with a ten-foot pole.
And a lot of people are INTO shape-changing, bisexual, utterly insane, seductress monsters.

Speaking of which, what's the population of Creation at this point?
Y millions plus minus X millions

(really this is just as fuzzy a number as how many Dragon-Blooded there are)
Non-Exalted players may be a wee bit confused. So behold! One of the faces of Luna, the God/dess of the Moon, Creation's chief trickster-type deity. In particular, the incarnation you see here is the Two-Faced Bride, who may appear as either gender but is always heavily pregnant in either. Now that's what I call mythology!
I feel compelled to point out that Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun is Creations leading Trickster Deity, due to his being unconquerable at everything. He is in fact so competent a trickster deity almost every one thinks Luna is better at it than him. So she gets all the blame and mistrust. And the morning sickness. :D
Luna has tricked the universe into making her the chief trickster deity by never challenging the Unconquered Sun in trickery, thus not needing to surpass him to be the best.

SI's solution to trickery is to hit the offender really hard four times with each fist and blast if resplendent, glorious, brilliant solar fire.

That's why nobody challenges him.
Honestly, he has pretty good PR for a guy who's spent the last 5000 years holed up in his pleasure dome playing WoW while the rest of Creation falls apart.
As a Lunar fanboy, I fully endorse Marina's reaction to her Exaltation. 8)
There's a reason my preferred Storytelling Style is "let your Exalts run amok." You'd be amazed at how much of a mess they can make of the setting if you let them.

-cdi, "it's hilarious to watch"
In my tabeltop group, its more like, "Good luck keeping them from going amok."
I've learned that's pretty much impossible. Instead, I'll let them do pretty much whatever they want ... so long as they earn it.

By the way, if anyone was wondering what a fox scream sounds like, the one I was thinking of when I made the comic can be heard at about 1:35 in this video. I reckon they're more frightening than the more commonly known wolf howl, since they more closely resemble a human scream (hence the name).

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