Keychain #186 - 190

Yes, but the whole 'every woman becomes her mother' trope is funny, even if it's unrealistic, especially at this level.
Well, she is a Lunar. It's possible that the every woman becomes their mother thing, could, in her case, be literal, if she's snacked on her.
Well, I suppose the goal is to try your best to be your parents, if they're kind, and try not to be when they're manipulative, over-sexed b****es.



Karen must be telepathic.
I do believe that Karen probably took such a lunatic deal (pun intended) because her sister would always be able to understand her anyway - either Twin Telepathy and Marena's own skill at reading, or a more overt form of telepathic understanding thanks to Marena having a high Solar Bond and her sister being her Solar Mate - and she didn't really give a toss about being able to communicate with anyone else. Possibly that could be vestages of her Immaculate Training giving her a loner streak.

She probably never thought she'd wind up in a circle with another Solar, let alone a Solar, Lunar, Immaculate Monk, and Death Knight.

As for them being too exposity? Not at all!
Jukashi said:
You haven't met her mother yet!
Yes we have.
She's Ten Winds, naturally. You can't trick me!

...seriously, though, we've only seen her in the shadows, which would make anyone suspicious. And we only get to see one eye. Presumably the other one reflects her Celestial parent...

Huh. Has there been a series of theories as to why she's always standing in the shadows yet? Maybe she's hideously deformed.

ShadowDragon8685 said:
I do believe that Karen probably took such a lunatic deal (pun intended) because her sister would always be able to understand her anyway - either Twin Telepathy and Marena's own skill at reading, or a more overt form of telepathic understanding thanks to Marena having a high Solar Bond and her sister being her Solar Mate - and she didn't really give a toss about being able to communicate with anyone else. Possibly that could be vestages of her Immaculate Training giving her a loner streak.
She probably never thought she'd wind up in a circle with another Solar, let alone a Solar, Lunar, Immaculate Monk, and Death Knight.
Or she just wanted the bonus points that came with being mute.
Aquillion said:
Jukashi said:
You haven't met her mother yet!
Yes we have.
...seriously, though, we've only seen her in the shadows, which would make anyone suspicious. And we only get to see one eye. Presumably the other one reflects her Celestial parent...
Thats because she's Garnet Maclaine.

If we don't see her red eye we won't know she's not human...
We're never going to find out who her husband is, are we?

By the way, why is she putting on a veil?

Oh, right. Jukashi's not here.
Internet booth.

She is not putting on a veil, and the veil that she is not putting on is certainly not white. She does not possess and has never possesed any such thing or any relation to anyone who might possess or employ such an item.
May I say that the one single panel showing the juggernaut is INCREDIBLE. I want a full-page version of it for my desktop, srsly. Much <3 for that.

Also: exposition is perfectly fine in places like this. You don't want backstory to drag on too long, so making it superdense is perfectly okay. We know we're going to get back to a more relaxed pace later, when the main story continues.
Jukashi said:
Internet booth.
She is not putting on a veil, and the veil that she is not putting on is certainly not white. She does not possess and has never possesed any such thing or any relation to anyone who might possess or employ such an item.
Of course, this alone tells us *Is promptly stabbed*
Jukashi said:
Internet booth.
She is not putting on a veil, and the veil that she is not putting on is certainly not white. She does not possess and has never possesed any such thing or any relation to anyone who might possess or employ such an item.
That's odd. Marena doesn't seem the Martial Arts type.
She's not. There's no relation between white veils and martial arts, even if there was a white veil present at all.

(In other news, it's the only combat Ability she's demonstrated competence with, so...)
Of course there in no relation between White Veils and MAs. Nope. Even if a secret society created a secret MA, which they didn't because they don't exist, then there would still not be a relation. Because it doesn't exist...nope doesn't exist. *whistles*
I had to re-read the posts over and over before I understood tha-ARGHHHHHHHH! Jukashi! What has thou done to me?!!!
Veil? What Veil? There! Look! The Juggernaut! :P

Wait a second: Mask of Winters conquered Thorns 4 years "ago". Since Marena is way older than she looks, there's no way she exalted just 4 years ago. Therefore, the comic is set 20 years or so in the future...




No, seriously, can you give us some kind of timeline, Jukashi?
Ophion said:
Veil? What Veil? There! Look! The Juggernaut! :P
Wait a second: Mask of Winters conquered Thorns 4 years "ago". Since Marena is way older than she looks, there's no way she exalted just 4 years ago. Therefore, the comic is set 20 years or so in the future...
Well she did have a daughter who was old enough to be out in the city (apparently) without supervision. So I'd say Marena just looks younger than she actually is/was.

But then again, she gained her 4th essence 'last month' so could we figure out her actual age from that?
So, the hairstyle of the girl in the back looks a lot like the one Secret has when confident.

...Yeah, Secret is totally Marena's daughter, possibly minus the memories of her mortal life herself. After all, a few choice brainwashings alone would be handy, considering she'd been alive in what became the region of another Deathlord if I'm remembering correctly.
Nope. Secret had brown eyes and fairly light skin as a child. And her father didn't have dark skin like Marena's husband. I severely doubt Secret and Marena are related.
Marena had her kids in Thorns when it wasn't a Shadowland, so that would preclude her being Marena's daughter.

Your theory is stuuuuupiiiiiid...

Anyway, the more I think about it, the more I realize that Marena is so matronly towards Secret because of the daughter she lost. A replacement of sorts. A replacement goldfish, if you will.

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