Keychain #186 - 190

Well, pedantically speaking, they are neither. Them being not fully dead is one of the reasons why they are so unwelcome in the Underworld, at least in terms of fluff.

EDIT: Er, critical typo.
Abyssals are held right at the edge of their deaths and saved from the grasp of death by accepting the Black Exaltation.

If'n ya want to get picky about it, you could say they are not of the dead and thus cannot rest, yet are not among the living, so they cannot die (naturally, anyway).
As it states on p27 Abyssals, "only living, more or less human beings can Exalt." Further, on page 32, in the sidebar labeled Twice Pariahs, it states,"Despite appearances, Abyssals are very much alive, which makes them stand out from their bleak Underworld surroundings."
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I figured that she'd long ago chugged about two gallons of Maiden Tea to avoid just this sort of potential issue.
And lose the potential to create a race of sexy fox ladies!? This is Sexalted! We do not close options for creating new and interesting ways to debauch!
That's what Craft [Genesis] is for... Or, yanno, just having Misho undo your sterilization.

Remember, practice safe Sexalted. The last thing you want is to find a string of abandoned children coming back as Immaculate Monks out for your hide. :P

So Karen is a Reverse-Trap?
Not quite. Karen looks like a tomboy to me. That's not the same as a female Trap.
No, She's not. She's obviously the Forgotten Flame.

Kyeudo said:
That guy doing Marena's tatooing should consider himself very lucky.
That's not tattooing he's doing... nudge-nudge,wink-wink!
So, do you folks think Marena has bad memories of her mother, or is this more a case of "if you'll stop interrupting, I'll tell you"?
FredMSloniker said:
So, do you folks think Marena has bad memories of her mother, or is this more a case of "if you'll stop interrupting, I'll tell you"?
I'd say her mother ain't the nicest person in the Creation.
FredMSloniker said:
So' date=' do you folks think Marena has bad memories of her mother, or is this more a case of "if you'll stop interrupting, I'll [i']tell[/i] you"?
I'd say her mother ain't the nicest person in the Creation.
To be fair, she travels around with Misho. He is the nicest person in the Creation. It's kind of hard to top that.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
FredMSloniker said:
So' date=' do you folks think Marena has bad memories of her mother, or is this more a case of "if you'll stop interrupting, I'll [i']tell[/i] you"?
I'd say her mother ain't the nicest person in the Creation.
To be fair, she travels around with Misho. He is the nicest person in the Creation. It's kind of hard to top that.
Well he does have Compassion 5 xD
Well, that's not technically true.

The nicest person in Creation would be the one person with the Paragon Merit and has a Compassion of six.
I'm still waiting for whatever's coming first- today's comic or the reason why it is so very late...
Tal9922 said:
I'm still waiting for whatever's coming first- today's comic or the reason why it is so very late...
Good question...

Let's see, is Jukashi...

1: Drunk?

2: Busy?

3: Suffering Creator's Block?

4: In the nick after a terrific brawl last night?

5: Helping the authorities track down an infamous jewel thief?

6: All of the above?
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Let's see, is Jukashi...
1: Drunk?

2: Busy?

3: Suffering Creator's Block?

4: In the nick after a terrific brawl last night?

5: Helping the authorities track down an infamous jewel thief?

6: All of the above?
Isn't the answer "YES" to all of those questions?

My apologies: there was a connection problem. Flagg fixed it for us, so the comic is up now.
Now the question is: Is Marena's mother still around and still scheming? Can she still beat Marena in a battle of wits?
Jukashi said:
Have these last two comics been too... exposition-y?
Hmm, well now that you mention it, it IS an aweful lot of details to process in such a short time, but at least it's interesting.

Not telling you how to write your comic, but it's probably more elegant to expose bits of information when they become relevant, and using exposition to piece together what you already told us, shedding light on the missing pieces, rather than just reveal it all at once.

But it's not like there wasn't any foreshadowing preceeding this, so I'm probably being overly critical.
It's nice to have Marena be deeper than a bitchy egomaniacal sexpot who acts matronly when it's not inconvenient.


It is going to hit Marena that she has become her mother, and she's going to be VERY upset.

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