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Keeping it Casual


Professional Daydreamer
Hey all. I've been taking a break from RP for the last few months to deal with some unexpected and fairly traumatic BS. Endlessly scrolling tumblr and reddit is starting to take a toll on my data plan and turn my brain into a potato, so I'm hoping to find someone cool to play typey make-believe with.

-I'm more interested in your characters than the setting. An interesting cast can pull me into any story, and an uninteresting one can do the exact opposite.

-I mainly RP during my breaks at work, so finding someone who's cool with short (but not thoughtless) replies of 2-4 sentences, and who prefers to write their replies during the day Monday to Friday would be excellent.

-I'll try to play your fandom character if I'm familiar with them, but I'm no expert.

-I prefer to play one main character, and introduce secondary characters as the story progress.

-I'm still remembering how all this works, so please talk to me if I make no sense.


<p>Very cool. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=" :) " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> If you have a particular character or idea you wanna work with, feel free to shoot me a PM.</p>

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