Katsumi Norio ~ Raildex


2000 IQ Killjoy Detective

Gonna start using this more. Any feedback for this character would be very much appreciated.


Katsumi Norio

  • 53voQf8.jpg

    Name: Katsumi Norio

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male


    Katsumi is often the type of person to take every issue seriously and push himself to his limits to accomplish the task at hand, no matter how simple it may appear on the surface. His actions and line of thinking are often slow and meticulous as he plans for the absolute worst all the time. Yes, he's THAT guy. The one who'll waste no time on trivial discussion as the mission is top priority and urges his partners to do the same. Because of this he has very little patience for the laziness, greed, or pride that often clouds judgement, and if his hot-tempered words or actions aren't enough to fix the issue with who he works with Katsumi will simply plan ahead. This means that he will either replace said troublemaker himself or make a contingency plan for when they screw up. Even though he knows his limits very well, the boy will put himself at risk if need be, all for the sake of accomplishing what needs to be done.

    Most of the time Katsumi can separate his free time with whatever his current work is, but there are times when he can become downright obsessive.Whether it be a personal vendetta or simply attempting to make up for his failures, his entire life suddenly shifts all focus. Sleep becomes either difficult or ignored, food is forgotten, and his patience dwindles quickly as the only thing that matters is getting the task done as soon as possible, sometimes going through extremely drastic measures to do so. Of course, his judgement isn't completely clouded as he'll still get help when needed, but he'll try to keep his personal health to himself and act like nothing is wrong.

    Of course, he isn't ALWAYS like this. Outside of pursuing a task, Katsumi carries himself with a very casual demeanor, though he still isn't the most excitable person. First impressions are extremely important around the boy, and if he doesn't like you right away chances are his opinion won't change very quickly. Though he may try to handle a situation diplomatically at first, he has no problems being harsh and blunt in order to get his point across. Being a cynical person, he follows the philosophy of 'guilty until proven innocent', and as such isn't quick to share his trust with others. He can also be a bit of a perfectionist, getting irritable if even the slightest thing is out of place. When he isn't working, Katsumi often relaxes by reading or watching something on T.V, and despite what one may think he much prefers the simple excitement of the action genre over more surreal and thought-provoking entertainment. He also has found knitting and sewing to be oddly relaxing and has taken to doing so as a hobby.

    Lastly, Katsumi believes that everything should be earned through effort and hard work. He has a soft spot for young child errors for this exact reason as they were discarded before they could prove themselves. Other than that small exception, he thinks that being born strong and claiming that strength as your own is the worst sin a person can commit, with taking shortcuts at the expense of others being a close second. So, one can easily figure out from this that the entire concept of Espers rubs him the wrong way, what with higher levels often being gifted and only a select few defying such stereotype. Skill out, then, is completely in the right as far as he's concerned. All of this may seem completely hypocritical coming from an Esper, but he acknowledges that his power wasn't properly earned and treats it more like a tool than his own ability. However, despite this, jealousy and envy run rampant around his mind, sometimes wishing he could be that small bit stronger in order to make a difference. All in all, he simply wants to protect those being taken advantage of simply because they are weaker.


    Sewing and Knitting

    Hard work

    Young child errors (not in that way you sicko)

    Viennese Sausage Coffee


    Prideful idiots


    Anything too sweet

    High-leveled Espers

    General Skills:

    - Katsumi has an amazing skill at sewing together clothes as well as being able to knit one hell of a sweater. There's never been a fabric he couldn't work with, and his friends jokingly call him a grandmothers worst enemy.

    - He is, if anything, durable. Not only can he take a beating and keep getting up, but as mentioned before Katsumi can work with little sleep or food in his reserves.


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