2000 IQ Killjoy Detective
Gonna start using this more. Any feedback for this character would be very much appreciated.
Katsumi Norio
Name: Katsumi Norio
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Katsumi is often the type of person to take every issue seriously and push himself to his limits to accomplish the task at hand, no matter how simple it may appear on the surface. His actions and line of thinking are often slow and meticulous as he plans for the absolute worst all the time. Yes, he's THAT guy. The one who'll waste no time on trivial discussion as the mission is top priority and urges his partners to do the same. Because of this he has very little patience for the laziness, greed, or pride that often clouds judgement, and if his hot-tempered words or actions aren't enough to fix the issue with who he works with Katsumi will simply plan ahead. This means that he will either replace said troublemaker himself or make a contingency plan for when they screw up. Even though he knows his limits very well, the boy will put himself at risk if need be, all for the sake of accomplishing what needs to be done.
Most of the time Katsumi can separate his free time with whatever his current work is, but there are times when he can become downright obsessive.Whether it be a personal vendetta or simply attempting to make up for his failures, his entire life suddenly shifts all focus. Sleep becomes either difficult or ignored, food is forgotten, and his patience dwindles quickly as the only thing that matters is getting the task done as soon as possible, sometimes going through extremely drastic measures to do so. Of course, his judgement isn't completely clouded as he'll still get help when needed, but he'll try to keep his personal health to himself and act like nothing is wrong.
Of course, he isn't ALWAYS like this. Outside of pursuing a task, Katsumi carries himself with a very casual demeanor, though he still isn't the most excitable person. First impressions are extremely important around the boy, and if he doesn't like you right away chances are his opinion won't change very quickly. Though he may try to handle a situation diplomatically at first, he has no problems being harsh and blunt in order to get his point across. Being a cynical person, he follows the philosophy of 'guilty until proven innocent', and as such isn't quick to share his trust with others. He can also be a bit of a perfectionist, getting irritable if even the slightest thing is out of place. When he isn't working, Katsumi often relaxes by reading or watching something on T.V, and despite what one may think he much prefers the simple excitement of the action genre over more surreal and thought-provoking entertainment. He also has found knitting and sewing to be oddly relaxing and has taken to doing so as a hobby.
Lastly, Katsumi believes that everything should be earned through effort and hard work. He has a soft spot for young child errors for this exact reason as they were discarded before they could prove themselves. Other than that small exception, he thinks that being born strong and claiming that strength as your own is the worst sin a person can commit, with taking shortcuts at the expense of others being a close second. So, one can easily figure out from this that the entire concept of Espers rubs him the wrong way, what with higher levels often being gifted and only a select few defying such stereotype. Skill out, then, is completely in the right as far as he's concerned. All of this may seem completely hypocritical coming from an Esper, but he acknowledges that his power wasn't properly earned and treats it more like a tool than his own ability. However, despite this, jealousy and envy run rampant around his mind, sometimes wishing he could be that small bit stronger in order to make a difference. All in all, he simply wants to protect those being taken advantage of simply because they are weaker.
Sewing and Knitting
Hard work
Young child errors (not in that way you sicko)
Viennese Sausage Coffee
Prideful idiots
Anything too sweet
High-leveled Espers
General Skills:
- Katsumi has an amazing skill at sewing together clothes as well as being able to knit one hell of a sweater. There's never been a fabric he couldn't work with, and his friends jokingly call him a grandmothers worst enemy.
- He is, if anything, durable. Not only can he take a beating and keep getting up, but as mentioned before Katsumi can work with little sleep or food in his reserves.
Ability Name: Vision Thief
Level: 3
Vision Thief allows the user to telepathically connect to a targets sensory cortex and allow them to view things through the targets eyes. Once physical contact with skin is made with a person, Katsumi can access a persons ocular senses whenever and wherever he pleases, being able to cycle through every single possible subject instantaneously. Katsumi can only target one person at a time, and when in use his eyes grow unnaturally wide with his own sight being replaced, making him extremely vulnerable. However, it is still possible for him to move, talk, and do anything that isn't related to sight. It is also important to note that he cannot tap into the other senses of a person and is completely restricted to sight alone.
Katsumi grew up inside of Academy City under the tutelage of his business minded parents, both of them having jobs at the Academy City IKAMONO Production Committee. Even as a child he was taught the lessons of hard work and focus to achieve your goals, and as a kid he took these words to heart. After all, the city itself was full of great innovations and inventions that had been earned through these exact principles. Of course, among those scientific breakthroughs were Espers themselves, which garnered a large portion of Katsumi's admiration. He'd always strive to be the perfect student and become the best he could be in the hopes of becoming a level 5.
Of course, things didn't exactly work out the way he had planned. Once he had gotten his ability and it was evaluated as level 2, Katsumi was more than a little livid. While level 2 was still nothing to sneeze at, it was far from what he was aiming for, and after seeing those who worked significantly less than him be rewarded with higher levels he began seeing things from a much more cynical viewpoint. Strength wasn't earned through hard work; it was gifted to whoever won the lottery. Still, despite this Katsumi kept persistent, eager to prove the world wrong, though no matter how hard he tried he'd only managed to jump a single level.
However, at the age of 14 Katsumi met a strange new girl at his school that he couldn't understand for the life of him. Her name was Naomi Etsuko, and despite being a level 0 she felt no anger towards Espers, and in fact seemed glad to not have an ability. To her, being a level 0 in a city full of those with so much power meant that anything she achieved was just that much more special as it was all her. Of course, with his mindset Katsumi found this girl ridiculous but couldn't help but admire her guts and energy.
The two became close friends rather quickly, and it was soon after that Katsumi started helping Naomi out at a nearby orphanage. They both quickly became attached to the children as they played with them, cleaned up the facility, and even made clothes for them. Things weren't meant to be, however, as one year after they started helping out the orphanage closed down, with no information being given to either of them about the whereabouts of the child errors. While Katsumi and Naomi were both distraught with worry, Naomi decided that the only thing they could do was grieve and move on.
Katsumi wasn't so keen on 'moving on'. After hearing the many rumors that floated around Academy City, the boy was sure foul play was involved, and immediately began searching for clues, using his power to go through the visions of everyone that had attended the orphanage. When nothing but black came from the children, his worries increased dramatically as he became obsessed on discovering what had happened. However, no matter how hard he tried Katsumi couldn't find even the smallest clue, and after many months eventually became burned out and was forced to listen to his friends plea to give up.
After that, everything moved along rather normally. That is until, at the age of 17 on July 23rd, Katsumi caught wind of a rumor about something called the 'level upper'. Apparently being able to boost an Espers level, the boy immediately took interest in it. Though it went against his entire moral code, he saw it as his best chance of tracking down the children of the orphanage. So, avoiding to tell Naomi about his plans, Katsumi obtained the audio file and used it to enhance his abilities power.
It wasn't until the next day that he got a chance to use his new Vision Thief, and with it he tapped into one of the kids full sensory cortex as well as his memory. While the child's memory didn't yield any results- most likely due to tampering if Katsumi had to guess- he was able to pick up on suppressed chatter; enough for him to confidently state that they were in a lab of some sort conducting experiments. That was all he could gather, however, as shortly after he suddenly blacked out, and the next thing he knew he was in a hospital with Naomi by his side. It was safe to say she wasn't very happy. She made him promise never to do anything that reckless and stupid ever again, and without much of a choice he complied. The two friends went on with their lives since then, but secretly Katsumi still wishes he had the resources to protect those who need it just like the orphans he'd failed to track down.
Writing Sample:
With a shopping bag full of various junk foods and sodas, Katsumi trodded alongside a girl his age as they made their way to her dorm room. Normally he wasn't one to splurge on these kind of snacks, but Naomi had insisted it was a special occasion and it wouldn't hurt for him to pig out every once and a while. It wasn't the first time he'd been over obviously, considering how close they were as friends, but staying the night was something new he hadn't yet tried. The two of them had decided that they'd dedicate the coming weekend to preparing for an upcoming test just for the hell of it, and even though he would've been perfectly fine with leaving it at that Naomi couldn't resist planning out an entire smorgasbord of things to do. Among these plans were watching movies, trips to multiple high profile locations, and of course, sleeping over at her place. He wasn't too sure about that one, especially since the girl wasn't well known for thinking things through.
"So, you're certain that I'm allowed to stay for the night? It's a girls dorm after all, and I don't want any misunderstandings with myself and the headmistress." Looking over to Naomi, she gave him a nonchalant wave as if he'd just asked the stupidest question a person could ask.
"It's fine. Nobody ever checks up on us anyways, and worse case scenario you can just hide under the bed or something. Ah, I'm getting excited just thinking about all the fun we'll have! Aren't you?"
Katsumi raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so you didn't ask like I wanted you to?"
"I was too worried that she'd say no! Oh come on, don't worry so much! When have I ever gotten you in trouble?" Katsumi opened his mouth to enlighten Naomi on the numerous times her blunders had resulted in his own misery, only for a finger placed on his lips to silence him. "That was a rhetorical question. I don't need to start off our weekend with another one of your lectures."
Chuckling, Katsumi continued onward with nothing but a smirk on his face. Even though he valued work greatly, it was times like this that made his life that much more enjoyable. Simply hanging out and having fun; how long could that last in a city such as this? It wasn't just the incident with the orphanage that opened his eyes to the dangers that lurked in the well hidden shadows. Things had undeniably been getting more and more hectic, with Naomi not being fazed by any of it at all. She was sure things would come and go, but Katsumi had his concerns. What if they somehow got tangled up in the crossfire one day? He wasn't strong enough to do anything on his own, so would they just perish like he suspected many had before, gone without a trace? Maybe he was overthinking things.
Beep Beep.
Huh, that was odd. Katsumi didn't usually get too many emails, so when his phone went off indicating such he was thoroughly confused. Not as confused as he was when he actually looked at the message he had received though.
Greetings, Katsumi Norio
Today we are writing you to extend an invitation, a simple one, of sorts. We would like you to participate in a team, in the name of protecting our dear city of science. While we can not provide any further details until you accept our offer, we can assure you that your service will be well rewarded.
Kind Regards,
Was this real? Were these people reading his mind or something? He didn't want to jump blindly into whatever awaited if he accepted, but if what he was seeing was true then he'd finally get his chance to protect everyone that couldn't do so themselves. His hard work would finally pay off, and that was enough of a reward itself. Still, the fact that they chose him meant they had likely been watching him for a while in order to gauge his ability to benefit their team, a fact that definitely set the boy on edge. Could he trust this 'SERPENT', or was this some kind of trap? Maybe they planned to make him their next experiment and knew the exact buttons to push to get him to cooperate? There were too many variables at the moment for him to feel comfortable, and if he was to make a decision he'd need some time to-
"Hey, watch'a lookin' at? You have a girlfriend you aren't telling me about?" With deft hands his phone was swiped from his grasp by Naomi. She spun and swerved playfully from Katsumi's attempts to desperately retrieve his stolen phone. However, it was too late as the girl suddenly came to a halt as she herself found herself staring at the screen. "What's this?" She asked, and Katsumi could tell there was a hint of annoyance present in her voice.
Crap. Katsumi thought. There was no way Naomi would approve of him joining some sort of special operatives unit of whatever to defend the city, especially not after the whole level upper fiasco. She'd almost killed him right then, but this? this was on a whole other level. Snatching his phone back, Katsumi spoke. "I don't know, I just got it now. Probably just a spam message or something, nothing important."
"Well, you're going to delete that message right now, okay? Just in case it is real, I don't want you going all superhero on me and passing out again, you here?" Katsumi flinched at how stern her words were. Should he listen to her? He didn't want to upset her, but this was exactly what he had wanted ever since the orphanage shut down. Suddenly a thought rushed to his head, and with a few quick finger movements he turned his phone around to show his friend the message had been wiped from his phone. "Thanks." She said, "Now, let's hurry up shall we? We can get finished with our studying early so the real fun can begin!" As Naomi began moving with an excited bounce in her step, Katsumi took one last look at his phone and stuck it back into his pocket. Naomi was his friend and there was no denying that, but some things he just had to do. This SERPENT could be a chance for him to save those child errors, and that's all the motivation he had needed when he sent the one word reply that would change everything right before the message was deleted.