Kaiju Academy *REBOOT*

i have 2 more people making chars. But I need to go for the night. I know tomorrow is Easter, and that might interfere. But if enough of us are on tomorrow we'll start then.

Name: Alex Greyhs

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, however prefers girls over boys as 'They smell nicer'

Grade: 10, however he has just transferred this year.


Species: Soul Seer/Mutant


Personality: Alex is somewhat quiet and can seem a bit anti-social at first, however in reality he is very playful, child-like, along with having an almost uncontrollable curiosity. Not caring very much for his own well being, Alex will ask any question that pops in his head along with answering any question honestly regardless of what could happen. He likes to help strangers only if they promise to be his friend, and if they lie or break that promise, then Alex will try everything he can to make sure their life is a living hell regardless if what he does to them is right or wrong. He holds promises very highly, to the point that he nearly killed himself due to not being able to get his little sister a teddy bear from a carnival machine game after promising he would. If you are wondering, yes the animal in the picture is the same teddy bear, they got it when afterwards his sister made a bet with him stating if she couldn't get it, then she would let him kill himself. She won the bet, and he is alive <3

Monster Abilities/Powers:

Soul Sense:He has the ability to see, hear and sense other people's souls. By using this, not only can he can detect those who are not humans but also figure out what they are and also understand how they feel inside emotionally along with being able to tell when people are lying.

Soul Increase: By using the energy of his soul, Alex can increase his human-five senses to an almost superhuman degree however he cannot control it, and as such activates when his heart rate increases quickly.

Bio: Not very much is known about Alex, except his basic information which was given by him. He was allowed into the school due to his power, and the promise that if they let him be a student, then Alex wouldn't tell anyone about this 'Monsta-School' even if his life was at hand. That, and he threatened he had set his laptop and phone to alert several authorities along with monster-hunting groups of the school if Alex would have been killed or rejected by the staff.

Extra: Alex likes to hug, feed, and follow people he likes or wants to talk to. Also, he loves animals and non-humans.

Signature: Alex Greyhs

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.​
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300 (looks 16)









Monster Appearance:



Blake, being a demon, loves to create chaos and spread it thought Earth. As a child, he would sit on his throne in hell and send out imps and such to kill humans or drive them insane by thinking they were seeing said demons. When he isn't doing that, however, he is trying to be the center of attention, doing insane stunts and the like to do so. He is usually calm and level headed, but this is all a facade, as his demonic nature makes him more prone to anger.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

  • Hellfire Manipulation
  • Enhanced speed and strength
  • Minor control over weaker demon's, aka imps.

Bio: The arrogant son of Lucifer, Blake lived in the luxurious depths off Hell where he resided with his father. As a 'teen', he would explore the rings and gates, most demons knowing not to attack him, and the stupid ones that did, he dealt with personally. He eventually met up with Luther and the two of them hit it off immediately. Or, at least Blake thought so. He still has no clue of Luther's emotions towards him but hopes that they're positive. After a year or so of royal treatment and causing massive amounts of chaos in hell, Lucifer sent his son off to Kaiju Academy. He believed that it would make something of a man out of him. He had hoped so anyways. Blake has just recently made it there.

Extra: Blake is usually seen listening to I'm My Own Master Now on an Iphone he stole from a human who called him a freak. That human has been missing for 2 weeks. Jacob can also summon a solid black katana he calls Vindicus

Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly)

Blake. He was never given a full proper name.

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.


Thomas Cale

(Israfel is his real name)








Angel of Death


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c206c7ebe_97480d73bf5bf18d4a47e7cccc028caf(1).jpg.7fe506af7d7cd8d13946814805ed4a19.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47645" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c206c7ebe_97480d73bf5bf18d4a47e7cccc028caf(1).jpg.7fe506af7d7cd8d13946814805ed4a19.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His eyes are as beautiful as the sun and has lightly tan skin. His black hair cover most of his head and leaves little to see of his eyes.

You'll find to black raven wings where you should find air behind his back. His clothes, whatever their called, are what he wears on any regular day, and constantly ignores dress code.

Monster Appearance

Same as above


Thomas is a man inside of a body that doesn't age. He's very calm and patient but isn't afraid to fight, after all he is no stranger to death. The killing he has done for the almighty god are quite high. Some would call this beast a monster at heart, but in fact he's quite the opposite. Sweat and kind to human and beast alike, but isn't to keen on communicating with the creatures that sided with Lucifer. He's naturally blunt because he's an angel. He'll stand at the back of the room until spoken to and when that person does he gives them a smile and talks polity to them.

Monster Abilities/Powers


-The ability to possess an infinite lifespan and an arrested aging process-

-And can be killed by a creature of similar form, such as a demon, or by a creature of greater or equal power-

Spell Casting

-The ability to cast spells and perform rituals-


-The ability to draw objects into existence-


-The ability to become intangible move through solid objects-



-Speed, Strength, Etc.-


Death follows those who are made for it, and all are made to die.

Thousands upon thousands have died by his hand

Men, Women, and Children have felt his grip

He doesn't choose who he kills it just happens

And he has never lived his own life until now

Thanks to the Reapers he is not needed in the world

God sent his angel of death down to earth until one day he may need him again.

Now he finds himself in a school full of beasts and monsters.

Sexual Orientation



(Please Print Full Name Clearly) Thomas Cale

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.



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[QUOTE="Kat Attack]well i mean we'll have fillers. ya know, *random school students roaming halls* type deal

I know, I was just making a joke.
Dang it... I didn't get a notification on the old thread, and now I miss out on this. Think you could open up one more slot, given that the number's kinda hit a stop at eleven players and (from what I've read) there's a good bit of imbalance in gender...? ( :P )

You don't have to, just my joking attempt xD
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Name:Lynx <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.02ccbf1077960d21b7e4ef06dad9dc77.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47797" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.02ccbf1077960d21b7e4ef06dad9dc77.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.d141b253667eeda613f8196393ee8961.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47798" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.d141b253667eeda613f8196393ee8961.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





Personality:mischvious and clever

Monster Abilities/Powers:can turn hands into claws of fully transform into a Lynx

Bio:Lynx is a halfling between a Lynx and a human when ever he gets mad he turns into a Lynx.

Extra:plays guitar and has a sweet tooth

Signature: (lynx Cairo)



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Lynx , kat already said that applications closed, also this rp is for more experienced Rpers as we all do at least a paragraph per post.
@Kiyoko Tomoe if I let you in it would be unfair to @Lynx . Plus I did say the RP would close after a specific ammount of people. I hate to do this and it kills me but I can't accept anyone right now. I'll let you know if a spot opens up in the future for sure.
Haha, I understand. Think I could go ahead and get a character or two up to have 'em accepted and waiting in line should a spot open up though? Kinda like a reservation for next open seat at a restaurant or somethin'. @Kat Attack

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