[Kagura,Rogue,Riddle78,EpicFearieTale if she wants] Magnus Mechanus


Four Thousand Club
The year is 2020. Earth is a different place than what we know now;Technology has advanced rapidly,and magic does exist. Mages are humans born with supernatural powers,and a link to the Aether,a realm made entirely of magic,and is the source of all magic. According to the mages,gods are simply extremely powerful mages who decided to assume the greatest seat of power possible. Our story begins in Toronto,Ontario...

[OOC: Use my character sheet as a template. These are for easy reference. Personalities and histories are made up as we go]

Name: Fathos Aren

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Magical Affinity: Omnikenesis,Telepathy,Illusions,Sensing,Soul Manipulation

Magical Control: Masterful. Silent,no reagents,no tools,no gestures.

Other Magical Info: Has a rather limited "mana pool" and it regenerates more slowly than most others. He counters this by being conservative with his magic. His spells tend to be powerful. Spells that don't fall under his affinity tend to either fizzle out or explode in his face.

Appearance: Six foot four. Lean build. Long face,pointed features. Brown eyes,black hair. Fair skin. Sports a "Gordon Freeman" goatee. Hair kept short,save for a ponytail that reaches just below his shoulder blades. Wears black dress pants and shoes,and a black formal vest,and a dark violet tie. Wears a deep gray greatcoat in less-than-fair weather. Missing his left ear. Scar runs down his entire right arm.

It was 1500 hours. It was raining. Fathos walked down the main drag in his greatcoat,using his magic to keep the rain off. He stepped into a bistro. He was feeling hungry. He looked around,and sensed other magic within the building. He smiled warmly. It's so nice to know I'm not alone here...
Name: Domino Miyora

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Magical Affinity: Dark Manipulation, Hypnosis, Illusions, Fear Induction

Magical Control: Semi-Silent. Her power comes from an silver amethyst ring. She can harness magic without it, but it is not as powerful.

Other Magical Info: Her spells do not have much "brute force" behind them. They work slowly to confuse and disarm the targets. If she was to attempt a powerful, more forceful spell it would drain her more than others would.

Appearance: Five foot five, a slender, fit build. Ebony hair with a slightly tanned, fair skin tone. Violet colored, almost catlike eyes over very well molded facial features. Mostly wears her hair at shoulder length, down or pulled up in a ponytail for workouts. Has swooping bangs that frame her face nicely. Normally wears purples and blues, sometime reds. Tries to stay away from blacks except for formal events. Normally, it is a purple halter top and medium colored jeans, with DC Sneakers.

Domino sat quietly by the water coated window, in the corner. She had a soft colored blue notebook in front of her and a pen that she twirled around her fingers, deep in thought. She had been attempting to write, as she used to when he was younger. But the rain was no good for her muse, and she shut the book and focused instead on the coffee she had in front of her. She raised her catty eyes to look at Fathos as the bell on the bistro's door chimed.
Fathos was shown to a seat,by the wall. As he approached the seat,he felt the magical presence strengthen. The nearest person when he sat down was behind him. A woman. He perused the menu,and thought to himself, Hmm...She looks nice. Maybe we'll talk. Don't want to look liek a creeper,though...I'll let her initiate. When the waitress came back,he ordered a bottle of whiskey,and a small glass. "Neat." he added. No ice,no mix. He checked the menu again,trying to decide on his meal. He looked out the window,while he waited.

It was a sheet of rain. On the other side,a shapeless mass of shiluettes,walking by in both directions,and lights streaking past. The din of the outside was deadened by the bistro's walls,and the light jazz that played inside. "I wonder if they'll put on something by the Ink Spots if I ask them...?"
Name: Marigold "Mari" Rissolo

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Magical Affinity: Elemental Manipulation, Illusion, minor telekinesis

Magical Control: She does not need a special item to harness her powers, but she has very weak control over them. Her emotions play a big part in her magic and with her being so young and in a perpetual bad mood her magic is all over the place. This is fine against weak opponents who are shocked by such a sudden surge of power which knocks them out but it also quickly drains her energy and leaves her pretty vulnerable against more calculating opponents.

Other Magical Info: She is the very antithesis of subtle. While she is "able" to tap into more telekinetic powers with her emotions being in constant adolescent turmoil she only thinks to go with quick brute tactics with her elemental manipulation, preferring to use fire and wind.

Appearance: She has a trim physique and has well tanned skin and hair that has been bleached blonde from constantly being under the sun. Her eyes are green and there is a sprinkling of freckles over her nose which she hates. It is evident that she cut her hair herself, being chopped into with bangs that often cover her eyes. There is a perpetual scowl on her face which doesn't fit in with her round cheeks and big eyes which make her looks even younger than 19. Her teeth are crooked and have begun to take on a yellow tint after taking on a smoking habit. She is often wearing ratty old jeans with band t-shirts or whatever she finds to be comfortable.

Mari was outside with her one foot pressed up against the wall of the bistro, watching cars drive by. She had just lit a cigarette when she felt a droplet hit her nose and then roll down her cheek, causing her to pause and look up at the sky. A small cry of indignation caught in her throat as if she were yelling at someone for making it rain. Throwing her cigarette to the pavement she dug her heel into it before slapping her hands together and then walking inside. She was greeted with a cheery welcome from a woman in her 40's with visible laugh lines and dyed hair. Mari noticed a slight twitch in her upper corner of her smile as she lead her to a table in the back, probably because she was dressed a little too casual in what had to be a semi-formal place.

After having the waitress list the day's specials at least twice Mari ended up ordering the cheapest item on the menu and didn't flinch at how the waitress later slapped down the bread basket or how slow she was to refill her drink. Mari shrugged grabbing a bread roll and took it apart with her fingers, letting crumbs on the table cloth as she put pieces in her mouth.

OoC: I swear I didn't go out of my way to make her like this
after you said you liked subtle characters. I'd already thought her about before then ^^;
Domino carefuly looked over the man in front of her. She wondere what his story was; But of course, she wondered that about everybody. She sipped her coffee and wondered if she would have been best served to order some alcohol as well, considering how her day had been going painfully slow so far. She moved her catty eyes to his shadow and made it move independently of him, almost playfully. She was rather bored, wanting to enjoy herself a little. Her amethyst ring glittered as she moved the shadow, and her lips twitched slighty into a half-hearted smile.
Fathos felt another source of magic enter the building. He looked over his shoulder and saw a young woman walk in,dressed like a Sum 41 reject. Well,someone's moody. He turned back around as his whiskey arrived. "Thank you,ma'am." He poured himself a glass,and taken a sip. Then he noticed movement from the corner of his eye. Shis shadow was...Dancing,almost. He immediately guessed the source. He entered her mind,and spoke into it. "Enjoying yourself?"
Domino smirked a little at the entrance to her mind. She licked her lips and made the shadow move to form words on the ground. 'Yes', it read, and she leaned back in her chair, kicking her feet up on the table. She shifte her eyes to the other girl as well, looking to be in a much better mood.
"That's nice." He taken another swig of whiskey,then turned around in his seat,and said normally,after leaving the woman's mind. "A lumakinetic,I see. It's always nice to meet another mage." He offered his right hand for a shake,revealing the tail end of a scar that ran along his wrist. "I'm Fathos Aren. A pleasure."
Domino took her feet off the table and leaned forward to take his hand, nodding. "Domino Miyora." She responded to him, tilting her head, her bangs partly falling in her eyes.
Mari ran her fingertip over the lip of her water glass, ignoring the warm food that her just been brought to her not five minutes ago. Her shoulders spazzed a little as she felt a sort of electricity in the air, or rather a source of energy that wasn't too unlike her own. Looking up she noticed two older people with their eyes locked. Cocking her head to the side she jumped back a little noticing the twitching of the man's shadow and was even more surprised to see it form into words. How could they so blatantly use magic in a public place? Not that it was really uncommon, she thought, looking back to her water glass.

A small whirl pool had formed and she focused on this, clutching her fist on her lap. People talked about it like it was some real blessing and that it was a good thing. What was so good about not being able to control yourself? The way the two adults had been acting before though didn't even hint at an inability to keep their powers in check. It was just her. Her glass shattered as the world pool grew intense and Mari didn't even flinch as this caught the attention of a surprised waitress. "Sorry." she mumbled, slamming down two twenty dollar bills before walking out.
Fathos used his telekenesis to fix Domino's hair as he shook her hand. The waitress came by,and he ordered a simple turkey swiss club on whole wheat. He noticed the waitress looked noticably worried as she scurried off to prepare the order. Fathos sighed sadly. "It seems every other mundane I encounter fears magic...Oh,well. They'll come around,eventually." His voice was smooth,yet hard. The voice of experience,confidence,and leadership.

"So,Miss Miyora,how has the mundane world treated you?" He let go of her hand. He then heard a glass shatter,and a quick utterance of apology,followed by the sound of a hand slapping a table. He looked at the source,and saw the young woman storm out. He focused on her for a moment,and memorized her magical aura,then brought his attention back to Domino.
"Humans don't speak to me." Domino said, smiling, this time actually showing her teeth a little. "But, that is their decision." She flickered her eyes to the woman who had stormed out of the bistro, and raised her eyebrows. She wondered what had her all worked up but decided not to press it. "To me, it is a sign that I'm something to fear. Which is fine...The day we are accepted is the day we become ordinary."
Mari stuffed her hands in to her books and grit her teeth, trying to focus on the sidewalk in front of her. She let out a shaky breath and brushed her bangs from her eyes, pausing to note the blood on her fingertip and realizing that a piece of glass had left a cut on her cheek. "Stupid, stupid, stupid." she mumbled, letting her hair fall back in her face as the rain seemed to become more persistent in coming down on her.

She hadn't even thought about the water in glass until after it had shattered. A part of her knew that it was jealousy and envy that there were people who understood what she didn't and what she felt she never could. Wrapping her arms around herself she allowed one more weary breath before wiping off the "woe is me" face and looking for another place to stay off the rain.

Fathos' order was delivered quickly. He said a word of thanks to the wiatress,and said to Domino, "But if they fear,they may do some...Less than intelligent things. Magic is something to be embraced. The sooner they come to like us...The sooner we can stop fearing a knife in the back." He taken a bite from his club,and made a sound of appreciation. He swallowed,and said, "It may just be a sandwich,but it tastes amazing."
"Knives make life exciting." Domino practically purred, her catlike eyes flashing briefly, then noddedin recognition of the second comment. "Maybe I should eat." She concluded, waving down a second waitress and ordering a grilled turkey-bacon-swiss for herself, before taking a drink of her coffee and dropping in a couple more sugars.
Fathos raised an eyebrow. "You have an interesting outlook on life." He taken a swig of his whiskey,and said, "But I'm not one to judge. So,after this,what next,hmm?"
"Hmmm." Domino contemplated this for a moment. "I hadn't really thought about it, honestly."
Name: Cáel Hyperion (Kay-ehl, like Superman!)

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Magical Affinity: Healing, Shielding (Both mentally and physically), Psychometry, Memory manipulation

Magical Control: Very high, uses some small hand motions or clipped syllables to cast a spell, usually in shielding

Other Magical Info: Can manipulate the memories of human’s much easier then magical beings, has to know the memory existed to change it. Psychometry happens naturally when touching objects, so he tends to avoid interacting with them.

Appearance: Golden blonde curly hair sits in a short and neat cut atop his rather angular face, blue eyes peering out from behind framed square glasses. Five ‘o clock shadow spreading down from his sideburns, forming both a beard and mustache that surround his slightly fuller lips, in a shade darker then his hair.

He is at an average height of 5’9” and rather bulky in his stature, almost a shield himself; seen wearing a loose leather jacket over some sort of plaid or normal graphic-tee, with jeans. No scars adorn his skin, but dirt sticks under the fingers nails of rough hands.


Cáel ran his finger along the in-seem of his pocket, liking the rush of familiar memories in the onset of rain. It was moments like this he should count himself lucky his whole body wasn’t a conductor, as the water cycle shouldn’t be broken down in detail. The people shoving past as they looked for shelter from the torrents made him uncomfortable in a different sense. Crowds weren’t his favourite place to be, and it showed by the unwelcoming aura he gave as he strode through the rain.

Unlike the slowly diminishing population of the street though, he was looking for a specific type of shelter from the water. It was too bad his rather mundane bachelor pad sat in a ridiculous area of town, how he wished he could teleport…or control the weather. It seemed his magical control was in a very different area though, reminding himself by shuffling his hand through his keys in the other pocket.

The lock clicking into place, his super handing him the key to his mailbox…

Cáel never understood how this magical prowess could better the world, but he took the power in stride. It came attached to his other abilities and he’d rather be attached to magic rather than human hood. Despite the countless reminders it gave him, he couldn’t remember a time when he was ever able to turn it off.

A familiar bistro seemed to glow brighter in its city plot and he paused to remind himself of the distance before pushing his weight against the door. His weight smacked against it first, and it moved with ease as he continued to the next door, repeating the process. The hostess gave him a stranger look but his piercing gaze made her say nothing, instead seating him at a table.

Finally drawing his hands out of his pockets as he took a seat at the table, he prepped himself before clenching at the edge of the circular table. Instead of the warm rush of memories, a cold shock filled him;

A young bleach blonde girl shattered her glass and slapped bills down on the table top…His hands spasm away.

It was an abnormal feeling, but it had happened once or twice before, unfortunately he had no idea what it related to. The memory didn’t even make sense, as many of them didn’t; only relating to the feelings of the object, as if they had them.
Fathos had finished his sandwich,and taken the final swig from his glass of whiskey. He then felt another magical presence enter the building. "Another mage. This is an oddity." He looked at the door,and saw a young man walk in,looking fresh out of high school. When he rested his hands on the table,the same one that the other girl sat at and shattered her glass,his expression momentarily turned sour. "Now,I wonder..." He entered the young man's mind.

He quickly found what had caused the sour expression. It was a disjointed memory. A replica of what had happened only a few minutes beforehand. "How odd,indeed...This isn't your memory. A Pychometer?" He left the man's mind,smiled and gave a friendly wave.
It was a slight numb feeling that gave the mind reader away, the disjointed thoughts that related to objects usually left an after taste for his brain. Like any other human mind, Cáel was still trying to make sense of the phenomena, despite having it happen to him on a regular basis. His mind could not shake it off as every day or a simple bodily function but it also made his mind keen in its senses.

The presence, that dulled the sharp edges of the memory, felt as if it was drifting through his subconscious, Cáel knew better. Slowly lifting his eyes from his lap, he peered around the dining area catching a man waving at him.

“Hi my name’s Alice, I’ll be taking your order today…can I get you anything to drink?”

His attention turned to the small girl with long black hair that was taking his order. Olive eyes scanned his face and she cleared her throat, causing him to turn towards the man once again.

“I’ll just have your soup of the day” he noted,

It was the safe choice that required no menu holding and the girl nodded her head, taking off towards the kitchen without jotting anything down. Cáel cleared his throat as he focused on the ground for a moment; the man being in his mind had made him nervous. His finger twitched to life, dancing slightly before he raked his finger through his hair taking a calming breath when the familiar ward went up.

As his soup arrived, he took hold of the spoon and watched as its story enfolded from factory to his soup bowl. He was used to the warm rush of memories, and was able to eat in a slower manner then his usual pace. As he drew his wallet from his back pocket, his eyes found the man’s again and he got up from the table, slipping a ten into the same place the girl had slapped it. Cáel then got up and headed for his table, all the while his gaze locked with the man who had earlier prodded his mind.

“Krak” he casted,

As far as the slightly older man knew, he had just read the mind of the girl who had sat at his table ten minutes earlier. There was a fairly pretty woman who sat near him, but he paid her no mind as he exited the bistro into the rain.

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