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Fandom Justice League: The New Order

Darth Gangsta

fresh out of h*cks
(For children of the characters)

Realistic Picture Here








Child of:


Canon Characters

Realistic Picture here








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Joseph Wayne

Alias: Batman

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Personality: Joseph will do anything to get a job done. He's willing to kill and is easily angered.

History: TBR in RP

Child of: Batman

Other: N/A
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Name: Jessica Grayson (Jess)

Alias: Robin

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight.

Personality: Peppy, Upbeat, silly at times, But she knows when to be serious. She does her best to keep Joseph in check and not too violent. She's extremely loyal and willing to die for those she loves. She has a temper though, and a strong sense of what's Just and what's Not. She's a natural born leader and not afraid to speak her mind. She's more of a tomboy, but she has a girly side that comes out at school or around a cute boy. She is the kind of person who can't stop and won't stop just because she's bleeding or injured. Stubborn as a mule when she's being challenged in her views.

Her anger shows up more now that she believes Joseph to be dead, and her mind is considerably weaker when she is angry.

History: TBR

Child of: Richard Grayson (Robin/Nightwing)


Extremely skilled in Karate, forensics, ninjutsu, hacking etc. Much like her father.

Suffers from an extreme case of Katsaridaphobia and a lesser case of Atelophobia.


Jess's Brass Knuckles:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/WideTopH04GLARGESmall.jpg.ebb941811621b5eb5d08c3446774d9c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119840" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/WideTopH04GLARGESmall.jpg.ebb941811621b5eb5d08c3446774d9c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has named them Truth (left) and Justice


Rebellion/Leadership/Rally Song

Rising Up/Second Wind/Not Done song


Having fun/Out with Friends


I'll add more when more come to mind.




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Bruce Wayne

Alias: (Formerly Batman) N/A

Gender: Male


History: Bruce Wayne was born a wealthy family, the son of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Young Bruce would often watch the series, The Gray Ghost with his father, and took many ideas from the show later. On the way home from seeing The Mark of Zorro, Bruce watched as his and father were gunned down by a mother. Bruce was taken to Wayne manor where he was raised by the Waynes' faithful butler, Alfred Pennyworth. After the incident, Batman swore to take down any wrong doers that slither in Gotham City. He met a woman named Taliah al Gul, daughter of Ras al Gul. They're relationship wasn't the best at first. They eventually became lovers and married. They had a child and named him "Joseph". Bruce trained him in the art of martial arts at the age of seven, not knowing he was the Batman. Batman grew old and Joseph took on his legacy.

Other: Now has a dog named "Ace"



Skylar Queen

Green Arrow




Developing a sense of humor like his father, Skylar tends to be the clown of the team, making a joke out of every tense situation. But, when the situation is grave, Skylar is professional and serious. He is usualy outgoing and known to like partying in bars and clubs a little too hard, and getting into fights rather often, thanks to the teachings of his uncle, Roy.

(Will be exposed through dialogue)

Child of:
Oliver Quinn

Accurate with a bow, well versed in hand to hand combat, thanks to some tips from his mother. (guess who that is ;) )

CS complete

Name: Oliver Queen

Alias: Formerly Green Arrow

Gender: Male

History: As the young heir to a billion dollar corporate dynasty at Queen Industries, Oliver Queen was a wild socialite. His behavior so shamed his father that he was relegated to clerical work on an oil rig in the Pacific. Naturally, Oliver turned the rig into a hub for his parties. At one such party, a helicopter meant to be carrying a famous rock star was commandeered by oil-thieving terrorists, who soon took over the rig

The terrorists were armed with a detonator to a battery of explosives, including some which they had strapped to Oliver's girlfriend Leena. Oliver managed to shoot the detonator out of the terrorist's hand, but it bounced and activated, blowing up half the rig, and killing Leena. Fortunately for Oliver, his life was saved by Tommy - but his friend had taken the brunt of the blast, and was very badly burnt. After this, Oliver washed up on the shore of a deserted island, and was forced to survive with only his bow and arrow for a year.

Taking the identity of Green Arrow, he protected Star City against all types of villains. Soon, with his long time lover Black Canary, and soon fathered Skylar. The boy took in his footsteps, both in his good habits, and his bad ones, and soon, the mantle of Green Arrow was passed to Skylar.

Other: He lost his left arm, but uses a prosthetic one when needed.

CS complete

Name: Elizabeth Nigma

Alias: Puzzler

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: witty, Charming, extremely insane. She has the same fetish that her father does for riddles, puzzles, games, and clues so that she's almost NEVER successful in her crime sprees. She's not afraid to kill to get what she wants, but she'll explain why (they call it "monologuing" and she's quite good at it.)


Child of: The Riddler

Other: she LOVES to use her dad's catchphrase: "Riddle me this......!" And she's as agile as he is.

Her cane, the green one shaped like a question mark that she inherited from her father, conceals a knife that pops out of the bottom end of the cane with an expert flick. It's made of a special metal and is nearly unbreakable.

General Theme


I'll add more when more come to mind.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/scarecrow_boy_by_gatobob-d97065o.jpg.94f3d24267e8d9fc398904425e8d27f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/scarecrow_boy_by_gatobob-d97065o.jpg.94f3d24267e8d9fc398904425e8d27f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Terry Crane

Alias: Scarecrow

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Quiet, sadistic, loves fear tactics. He is literally not afraid of anything, but he can tell when people are.

History: TBR

Child of: Scarecrow (Johnathan Crane)


He uses a poison much like his father's to bring out people's worst fears, but he has a poison that can manipulate emotions as well (love, anger, jealousy, hatred, sadness, etc.). This poison can be used as a gas or a liquid.

His third poison is another hallucinogen but instead of fear it leaves the victim in a state of immobile bliss. It envelops the victim in a calm scene so serene they become lethargic and unable to move.

When injected, it has a more severe, long lasting effect on the victim, but neither inhaled nor injected is pretty.*

Scarecrow's glove is again, inherited from his father, and has four long, silver needles attached to glowing tubes of his poison.

General Theme song

*side effects include: Drowsiness, cold sweats, nausea, short term memory loss, and moodswings. Do not get injected by Scarecrow's poison before consulting a doctor. Those who are pregnant or are planning to be should not get injected by the poison.

These side effects are all temporary, and will last from 3-4 hours after injection.



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Name: Ace

Gender: Male

Age (human years): 18

Personality: Ace is nice around his friends and his master's associates. If he doesn't know them, he could be a real bitch (pun not intended).
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Tommy Allen

Alias: Velocity

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual


Tommy is constantly mistaken for being angry or in a bad mood when he isn't, more so that it's just the way he looks on a normal basis than anything. Being more about the job and getting it done rather than wasting time.

Tommy doesn't see being a hero like many of the others, he didn't particularly want that life to be his. It's more of an inexcusable responsibility to him, he has a gift and thus he should use it. Thomas' loyalties lie with his writing, it's his joy in life that he can create an entire universe within words.


Tommy was born the average child, or however average one could be as the Flash's son. The boy had been proud of what his father did and would always watch the news when anything was going on that might involve Barry.

Then after having missed the bus home, Tommy was forced to walk home. Halfway a storm showed up out of nowhere, and before he could make it home a lightning bolt had struck nearby and shocked the ever living daylights out of him. It wouldn't be until the next day when he was leaving the hospital that he'd learn of his now abilities.

No one really knew why, but many guessed that it was because he had Barry's blood running in him. That some hidden gene had been passed on but laid dormant, only to be awoken when he'd been shocked and given Tommy powers similar to his fathers. This had thrown his life and plans for an entire loop.

Tommy didn't ask for this life, but this life chose him.

Child of: Flash (Barry Allen)

CS Complete
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ERROR: Character Deceased.

No further routes available.

Name: Silithia Black

Alias: Dragoness

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Silithia is two extreams of the spectrum, no center. She is either a very kind gentle soul, or a ferocious monster ready to snap someone’s head off. She is “savage AF with no chill” and will call people out on their bull crap. She tends to do things on her own but will work with a group if she must. She is loyal to those who are loyal to her, but the second she feels betrayed, she will never forgive them and will make them pay for it. She has some insecurities of her status As ‘human’ and her protection under the law.

History: Silithia was created off Jurassic dinosaur bones of an unknown species. Star labs decided if they could splice the DNA into a human fetus and give it genes that would allow them to shift forms, it would show them exactly what they dug up. The only shifting DNA they found was beast boy. The lab managed to sneak some DNA out of his blood by drugging him while he was out on a mission for the YJ league and getting some saliva. They singled out the pieces of his genetics that allowed Beat boy to change his own genetic blueprint into other animals and only gave silithia the genetics of whatever extinct creature they dug up. What they found was one hell of a discovery. The creature they dug up was the reptile that inspired the lore around fire breathing dragons! So now, silithia can shift between a human and a fire breathing, flying reptile. And since it took a fairly long strand of beat boys DNA, her genetics match his in a paternity test. However, her human form doesn’t fully appear human. Her horns, wings, claws and eyes all retain their reptilian allure even as a human.

All through her childhood she was kept drugged, they feared silithia’s strength and whenever she was allowed awake, she was still lulled with some kind of depressive drug. She was forced to complete intelligence tests, compete in death matches to prove the species’ evolutionary advantages and even test her resistance to poisons. However, luckily someone forgot to give her an evening dose of medicine and she escaped, Burning that section of the lab down. However, the labs weren’t through with her yet! The began engineering more dragons with less intelligence to try and bring her back. For her own protection, she has decided if she buddies up with the justice league, the labs can’t get her back.

Child of: Beast Boy

Other: CS compete
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Name: William “Will” Prince

Alias: Demon Hunter

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual with a very strong prefrance for men.

Personality: Will is an odd duck. He is very kind and sweet but his interests are all over the place. He’s pretty simple and doesn’t like flashy things (perhaps why he ditched the title ‘wonder boy’ as fast as he could.) He’s going to try anything atleast once and seems relatively fearless. He has his mother sense of justice and flirtatious nature.

History: Growing up the son of wonder woman is difficult, especially when she’s an Amazonian (known for not really favoring male children over female children.) however Diana loved him all the same. She taught him everything he knows from birth and even taught him his methods of crime fighting. She set him up with the bullet deflecting bracelets, instead of a lasso of truth (which he distained for being kind of feminine and flashy) she got him a whip of hellfire instead. He cannot fly although he is still incredibly strong and somewhat invulnerable. Diana sent her son to join the justice league to fill her place when she retired.

Child of: Wonder Woman.

Other: is colorblind and near sighted without his glasses or contacts. CScomplete
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Mariam said:

Name: McKenzie Kent

Alias: SuperWoman and SuperMan

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Clumsy,Stubborn,Sweet,And Loving

History: McKenzie grew up in Foster homes, Her Biological Parents couldn't be there for her there we're to busy saving the world, They couldn't have enough time to be there for their daughter. McKenzie never knew who her parents were till she turned 18. Now that they've come back to her life they want her to live on the legacy of the family. It will be her time now.

Child of: SuperWoman and SuperMan

Other: McKenzie Still lives with Foster Family
You'll need to pick another character. Superman is already taken.
Mariam said:

Name: McKenzie Williams

Alias: SuperWoman

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Clumsy,Stubborn,Sweet,And Loving

History: McKenzie grew up in Foster homes, Her Biological Parent couldn't be there for her She was to busy saving the world, She couldn't have enough time to be there for her daughter. McKenzie never knew who her mother was till she turned 18. Now that her mother has come back to her life she want her to live on the legacy of the family. It will be her time now.

Child of: SuperWoman

Other: McKenzie Still lives with Foster Family
Aaaand read the overview tab....

Name: Jenna Constantine

Alias: Rai

Age: 22 (stuck at 18)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: straight

Personality: Rai is a pretty blank slate. Bits and pieces of her personality remain from life, but she is kind of blank. This will change throught the roleplay as the team helps her remember who she once was. Death takes pieces of it’s victims the longer they lie in their graves, so when being dragged from the lake of fire, pieces of them have often burned away. However she does remember the team, even though she has forgotten some of their names, she does remember them and she will not harm them. She is aware of her previous fate and feels awful for leaving everyone for 3 months, she even kind of blames herself for her own demise. But now she’s back and stronger than she was before and is more than willing to be a team member once again.


Jenna first joined the team 3 months ago, but on her first mission, tragedy struck. She had gotten caught in a building collapse and didn’t make it out alive. Jhon Constatine was heartbroken and devised a ritual to bring her back… but it took months… months of Jenna having to suffer after death for her sins of using dark magic. He was eventually successful and brought back… something. What used to be just the normal sorceress was now something… new? In her journies through hell she’d learned more uses of magic, obtained a demon mount (a demon horse that is contained in a glass figurine. Break it to summon it and dismount to dispel it back to a figurine again.) learned more brutal hand to hand abilities and lost her human status. She is now a demon.

Origionally, constaine was upset. But after some thought, it sort of relieve him that his daughter couldn’t be killed by normal means ever again. It’d take a bit to get her acting like her old cheery self again, but at least he had his daughter back.

Child of: Jhon Constantine


List of things that will kill Rai:

Holy water

Copper blades


Rituals and light magic being used against her

Things that will immobilize Rai:

A ring of salt around her feet

Chains of copper

Simply saying “Begone demon” (Wont paralyze her, but she will be unable to attack)

CS complete
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