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Fandom Justice League meets The Avengers (IC)

The interplanet merge had brought about a newfound set of changes for world leaders and geo- politics as a whole, were there two Atlantis's now, or maybe just one? None were more attuned to these new realities than the King of Wakanda, who set aside a meeting with the world's leaders to hold a summit regarding the state of the world's affairs and these alterations , no matter how slight, as chairman of the new world council, T'challa went to address the sea of leaders, some he recognized from prior exchanges and many others whom he was introducing himself the first time.

T'challala urged the importance of interconnected co-operation between powers, continuing his "brotherhood of tribes" ethos while respecting and maintaining borders and traditions. Among his pledges, he pledged to make Wakanda a welcome hub to visitors from the other world as well as dedicate his technology to restoring order if possible.

Having addressed his peers, the Wakandan ruler withdrew himself from the podium to allow the other leaders in company to present their findings on the merger.
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Even with the motherbox that had been placed within the Earth's Solar System beforehand, traveling to the planet was no easy task. It took lots of speed, stealth and precision to avoid whatever detection systems that the humans had set up. It would be almost impossible to do for any normal creature with a consciousness. However, for this, lone soldier, it was not a challenge, especially due to how primitive humans were when compared to the apokaliptians. The soldier in question was a parademon, a race of genetically engineered living beings that were made out of the living tissue of other lifeforms. They were very strong, extremely resilient and the perfect supersoldier for invasions. The entire army of parademons shared a single hivemind giving them excellent coordination. One that's sole purpose was to serve Darkseid and to exact his will. This meant that instructions could be sent directly to their minds, including what their main goal is. This very nature of the parademons means that at any point in time, if they could commit suicide in order to achieve a goal that would benefit Darkseid more than what they could do if they were alive, they would do so without hesitation and activate their self-destruct sequence which will explode them.

It had been sent to install another motherbox on the planet, specifically within the region of Themyscira. Extensive scanning showed the island to be home to one of the infinity gems. Darkseid knew of the island and its close relations with the likes of Zeus and the other gods of Earth. They did not worry him however, as them intervening would allow Darkseid to declare total war on Earth and conquer it. The contract with Highfather meant that if Darkseid were to launch an extensive invasion, Highfather would be able to declare war on him which would lead to a battle costing many lives. With his opponent's planet being a paradise, Darkseid did not have a single doubt in his mind that he could win. However, doing so would cripple his forces. And with both sides not being too keen on the massive casualties such a war would cause, a quick invasion of Earth would mean that Highfather wouldn't dare risk his entire army over one planet. There were only a few who could stand up to the destructive power of The Omega Effect. Highfather was one of them. If they were to be pit against one another in a battle however, Darkseid had no doubt in his mind that he could kill his dear brother.

The parademon had difficult entering the atmosphere with the Justice League satellite orbiting the planet. His small size meant that he could easily sneak past it though. After a long period of time, it had finally entered the atmosphere and traveled towards the island. And there it was, Themyscira, the home to the Amazons. Darkseid always had a bit more respect for the Amazonians, considering them fine warriors and thinking that they would make very good additions to his forces. He was especially interested in Diana, Wonderwoman, as if he were to get his hands on her and control her mind, she would be simply unstoppable. That was not his priority at this moment in time however. The priority was to collect the gem.

The parademon slowly descended, with it looking at the area from a very high altitude in order to find an adequate spot for the mother box that would give Darkseid's army a tactical advantage upon entrance. He descended into the island, trying its best to avoid all detection. The lush green wilderness was pleasing to any normal human being. But for the parademon and by extention, Darkseid, it was nothing more than life. Life to be eradicated. The beast retracted his wings upon landing, with it entering an adequately large cave and placing the Motherbox. He then turned it on, which lead to it attaching itself to the cave and then installing itself. The box was being installed. It would connect to Apokalips and moment and inform the armies of the availability of teleportation, with them preparing methods through which they could steal the gem.
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The parademon left the cave to flee. Apparently, it had not been as sneaky as it thought it would be as a few amazonian guards had caught up to him.
"Halt beast!" - the woman with the spear cried. The other accompanying her drew her sword and got ready to fight the parademon.
The parademon looked at them for a moment without making any noise.
"You are trespassing on the grounds of Themyscira. Surrender now and you may be given a chance to live." - The women got more tense. So did the parademon.

The parademon got into a leaping position, with it giving a loud roar and extending his wings before it launched itself to one of the women. She dodged his attack and skillfully pierced it through the gaps within the armor using her spear. The beast yelled in pain as it broke the spear with one hand and struck her with the other. The woman with the sword leapt up and cut down one of his wings. She dodged another swipe by the creature and attempted to his it again, with the strike being blocked by the armored hand of the demon. It broke the sword and grabbed her by the throat before slamming her into the ground. Her friend could do little to save her as her body could not sustain the massive damage the demon was doing to her.

Before she died however, a few arrows were shot at the parademon, with one hitting it and the others being blocked by its armor. The women continued to get close and fire arrows as they slowly but surely neutralized the beast. And suddenly, a beeping sound came from the parademon. The motherbox had been installed. Its purpose had been carried out. Now to take care of these amazonians who witnessed his presence. The women were around the beast as it was lying on the ground. It then knelt with an Omega symbol shining on his forehead.
A massive blast followed, completely wiping out the amazonians.
Mission complete.​

Steve stared up at the building, watching as the man donning the 'S' emblem zipped in and out of the flames. As what Steve was sure was someone foreign to earth descended, he watched as the man dropped off two people that had been trapped in the building. His eyes landed on those of the tomorrow man, there was something different about him. The Superman looked back at Steve, and for a second, Steve thought they'd have to stare each other down before he zipped off and back into the building. Steve wasn't sure how this flying man had mysteriously appeared out of nowhere, or why this city had just formed out of nothing, but all these facts made his stomach unsettle, he already didn't like the other man in blue.

"Haha, very funny, Nat." Steve said sarcastically to his partner in this undercover operation, Natasha Romanov, or the Black Widow as she preferred. "I already don't like him and he just got here." He added, tapping his ear pierce now. "Tony, you sure Friday doesn't have anything on this guy? No facial recognition, background checks, anything? You're not telling me a flying man just appeared out of nowhere. " Steve was very much annoyed at this point, no man just decides to be a hero in a day. Not like this, there had to be a reason for the odd appearance.

"I think we should get out of here though, Nat. He's got it under control, we're looking in the wrong places."

Geozaki Geozaki

Hearing the explosion and seeing the smoke, Hippolyta rode out with her warriors to the site.

The Queen saw the bodies..corpses of brave warriors, now reduced to ash and bone. She shed tears, but only few. "Do we know who is behind this?" She urged the captain.

"Reports of an insect like creature with wings are the only thing we know, my queen." The Captain replied.

"That purple gem that fell from the skies! It has brought a curse upon us!" One of the younger female soldiers said from astride her horse. As if on cue, the horses began to rear and scream fearfully. The clouds moved and darkened at a rapid pace, Hippolyta looked to the heavens, "I have a grave feeling that gem is no ordinary bauble..." The Queen kicked her horse and sped off, calling over her shoulder: "Prepare your troops captain! I fear we are under attack!"

The power emanating through that purple jewel was felt by all who approached the crater it had made...when it fell from the heavens. Queen Hippolyta rode fast to the sealed cave where the most dangerous and ancient artifacts were kept.

"My queen!" The four amazonian guards before the cave entrance greeted the ruler of Themyscira. "Two of you come with me, two of you guard the entrance, no one enters after us." Hippolyta ordered them as she dismounted her steed.

The purple stone lay on a pedestal in the center of the room, it pulsed with great power, power that beckoned to all three amazons present.

Hippolyta approached the pedestal, she looked at the purple rock and cautiously reached out to it. She pulled out a small cloth bag and tucked the stone inside.


"We must prepare, I fear something is coming-" Hippolyta to explain to the guards, before an enormous pillar of light appeared within the cave. With a THUD that made the entire area quake...a man wearing black and red armor and a helmet with curving horns landed in their midst.

"Steppenwolf." Hippolyta said the name like it tasted like something rotten.

"Noble queen Hippolyta! I suggest you turn over the stone of power...or else Themyscira shall burn." Steppenwolf declared.

"I have absolutely no knowledge of anything regarding this...stone of power." Hippolyta lied. "Do not be foolish, Queen. It sits right here on the-...." Steppenwolf started to gesture to the pedestal, only to see there was nothing on it.

"Did you misplace something, New God?" Hippolyta couldn't help but chuckle. Steppenwolf was unamused as he smashed the pedestal aside and strode toward the queen, whose guards stepped in front of her protectively.

"Where have you hidden it!?" Steppenwolf swatted aside the two guards, their bodies impacted the wall so hard it cracked.

"What-" Hippolyta continued to play dumb, until Steppenwolf hoisted her up by the throat with one hand. "WHERE IS THE STONE?!"

Meanwhile, by the shoreline, one of the Amazons dismounted from her horse, she held a small cloth sack which currently held the Power Stone within. She had been quickly handed the rock from the Queen herself to 'hide away', before Steppenwolf arrived.

The Amazon warrior had taken an artifact from the cave in order to send the stone far away. It was a bow and arrow said to be blessed by Artemis herself, only to be used under the most dire of circumstances.

Tying the sack to the end of the arrow in a tight knot, the amazon pulled back the drawstring and said a quiet prayer to Artemis...and released.

She watched as the arrow sailed out over the ocean and through the clouds themselves...far higher and farther than any normal shot could've carried it.

"Thank you, goddess..." The Amazon said before Boom Tubes began opening all across the island, spewing out dozens of parademons.

Steppenwolf threw Hippolyta through the cave wall and out into the grass. "Why do you insist on making this painful for yourself? Surrender the object I seek and you shall be left in peace."

Hippolyta looked up from the ground and laughed mockingly at the Apokoliptian general, "I'm afraid you arrived....a few moments too late. Your precious trinket is gone."

Steppenwolf's face twisted in rage as he gripped his electro-axe tightly, before slamming the spike of his axe down onto the ground. Instantly boom tubes erupted across the island of the Amazons, dozens and dozens of Parademons flew freely across the sky within seconds.

Amazon warriors, led by General Antiope, charged down the hill towards their queen and Steppenwolf.

"KILL THEM ALL!!" Steppenwolf roared to the parademon hordes.

Hippolyta drew her sword and attacked the New God. "Blasted witch! You actually believe you can best a god?!" Anyone could see that Steppenwolf's anger was on full display, Hippolyta smirked and taunted the Apokoliptian. "You have made a grave mistake here today, Diana will have your head."

As the two combatants struggled, Steppenwolf spotted Antiope along with several other top amazon warriors, charging him. Shoving Hippolyta aside, Steppenwolf proclaimed: "You will watch this!" The New God leaped into the air, coming down upon the war party like a shot from a cannon as the Queen watched in horror.

"NO!" Hippolyta cried out as the fiend's axe impacted the ground and sent Antiope and those beside her scattering to the ground.


Antiope's horse was dead and had pinned her to the ground when it fell, she frantically reached for an arrow as Steppenwolf approached. "Consider this a favor, from one general to the other..." Steppenwolf stated as he slashed his axe across her face, she let out a shriek of pain..but it was quickly silenced..she wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"You should be thankful, that could've been your head..." Steppenwolf turned back towards Hippolyta and leaped toward the Queen. "Burn everything!" Steppenwolf ordered his parademon troops.

Grabbing Hippolyta by the throat as a Tube opened up behind them, "You are quite beautiful, my Queen. I am sure Desaad shall be delighted I have brought him such a prize."

"You disgust me. What do you plan on doing?!" Hippolyta demanded.

"As I said, Desaad has a way of gaining...information." Steppenwolf grinned wickedly before the boom tube zapped both he and Hippolyta to Apokolips.

Meanwhile...a certain arrow carrying a sack on a long journey...had just appeared through the Bifrost...and landed at Heimdal's feet in Asgard.

The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

spooderman spooderman
John considers Spider-Man’s question, humming softly. “Some might, but not likely unless provoked. There are many of us, but of the core members, hawk girl would be the most likely to resort to violence. She’s a warrior by nature. Is there any way you could reach out to them, call a meeting?”
The gods deliberate for some time about how this is going to go. Eventually, Odin comes to a decision. “Thor, you will go to Midgard to speak to the Amazon Princess. However, you are not to set foot on the island she calls home. Arrange to meet her somewhere else.” Thor stands, and bows. “As you wish, father.”

Loki huffs, irritated. “Should we really be sending Thor as our diplomat? I am far more skilled in the matter.” Odin pauses for a long moment. “You May accompany Thor, but be aware that I will be watching.” Loki smirks, standing, and looks to Thor. “Shall we, then?”

Thor groans internally, as the two of them go to fetch their horses, preparing to ride out, but Heimdal stops them, holding a pouch in his hand. “It would seem the amazons were the first to contact us. Bring this to Odin immediately.” A servant takes it, and nods, carrying it back to the council room.

Heimdal looks to Loki and Thor. “Themescira is under attack, I don’t know by whom. I suggest you go to aid them.” Thor grins. “Come, brother, we have a battle to win!” Now it’s Loki’s turn to go, as the two don their armor, and ride for the sacred island of the Amazons.

spooderman spooderman
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"I can try.. But uh, I'm not sure they'll be able to given the circumstances and if they can, I dunno if they would seeing as I'm not really an avenger, and you're just a reporter..." Peter said, being blunt. He did, however decide it wouldn't hurt to try so he sent out a message to the Avengers, asking if they could all meet up some place.
"Also I think I should mention, last time I saw any of the avengers aside from Iron man I was fighting them... Not sure how smoothly this whole meeting thing will go." He said, nervously chuckling as the message was sent out.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
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Zatanna looked back at Nightwing. “I thought I heard you talking about some alien in your records a while back”, she recalled. “I think used an omega as his symbol, and I’d guess he isn’t a very nice guy. But I don’t quite remember the name, and that’s all I need.”

As she awaited his response, Z held out her hand for another teleportation spell.
spooderman spooderman
John smiles, pulling out his own phone. Not that he needs it, he just wants to keep up appearances. “Excellent. I’ll contact the core seven, and see if we can get everyone in one place. Probably not in either of our home turfs however, just to keep everyone comfortable. The middle of nowhere would probably be best.”

He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his business card for this identity. “Here’s this, so you can contact me. Or just give it to someone you feel more comfortable handling this. Whichever works for you.” He’s working hard to keep his harmless detective personality up. He does feel a little bad about it, but if he’d done this as the Martian Manhunter, he’s sure they’d be having a very different conversation.

"You have a new message from Mr Parker, sir." Friday chimed as the message from Peter displayed in front of Tony. Tony scanned the message, "Friday, open a voice channel with Peter." he requested. "Patching you through now," Friday announced as she connected Tony to Peter. "Hey, Kid." Tony started. "I know about as much as you regarding whats going on, I'm watching 'Skin-tight' now." He added, feeling he had decided on his nickname for the unnamed inhuman man he'd just watched fly through searing hot flames. "Bu-" The call disconnected suddenly, cutting Tony off. "Friday, what's up?" Stark asked. "Sorry sir, I closed off all communications, someone is trying to hack your suit," Friday explained. "Scramble the signal and try to trace it," Stark replied. "The signal is coming from two ariel drones," Friday reported. "Scrambling their signals may take some time." "Just don't get too cocky, if it starts looking bad, we take them out," Tony said.

"Awww don't worry, Cap," Natasha said, patting Steve on the arm reassuringly. "I'm sure he won't steal all your thunder." "I've got nothing." Tony's voice came through Steve's and Natasha's earpieces regarding the question of who the caped man was. "No facial matches, no sightings nothing at all, he doesn't exist," Stark added. "Having said that, I'm still working on gaining access to any records regarding the new places that have appeared, they might have something. or..." He paused for a moment. "We could just walk up to the guy and ask him who he is?" Tony suggested. "Look, I'll show you." Tony flew towards the burning building, scanning for any sign of the man. His location appeared on the display in front of Tony. "The drones appear to belong to an organisation known as Lexcorp," Friday announced. "look into that for me," Tony said, approaching the man in the bright costume. "Romanova's right," Tony said. "His outfit is just as garish as yours, cap." As Tony neared the strange man he called out to him. "Hey, Skintight, I'm kinda out of town and was wondering who are you? I mean, that display was quite impressive!" "There really is no controlling him is there?" Natasha commented, watching Stark walk right up to the stranger and strike up a casual conversation in the way that only he can.


((Apologies for the absence, looking forward to getting back into this though!))
Hippolyta woke up with a groan and a terrible headache. Her limbs were firmly restrained by metal. However, for some reason, the metal, along with the room, was a lot warmer than what she was used to. Unbeknownst to her, she had been taken to Apokolips. She was there, in complete darkness, as Desaad noticed that she was awake and proceeded to enter.


Meanwhile, Steppenwolf was standing there, kneeling in the throneroom of Darkseid.

"I thought that you, one of my most elites, could at the very least defeat the weak earthlings and take the gem from them."

"W-we weren't fast enough. We thought that the Amazonians had hidden-"

"HIDDEN THE GEM? Could you not run a scan for it?"

"W-w-we later realised that the gem was no longer on the island. Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazonians. She had one of her soldiers transport the gem off of the island with incredible speed. However, we have captured her and we can simply interrogate her for the information."

Darkseid stood up from his throne and walked to Steppenwolf who was kneeling down. "Fail me again, and you shall face the consequences." He then left the throneroom, determined to get the information himself.


Hippolyta was screaming at the top of her lungs as Desaad kept shocking her.

"If you simply tell me where the gem is, I can stop all the pain."

"You will get nothing from me you rotten fool."

"A strong spirit! An earthly one nonetheless. I've done this to thousands and I know that all spirits break...eventually." He twisted the knob and then shocked her again, with the pain being even worse. Desaad was seeming enjoying this, with him increasing the power of the shock more and more as her screams were turning louder and louder. He wanted to see how long she would last.

Darkseid then stepped into the dark room, his red eyes glowing. "Desaad. Stop."

Desaad looked behind him, with him turning off the electrocution and kneeling immediately. "M-master?"

"Leave the room" Desaad nodded as he scurried out, with the door shutting behind him.

Darkseid then walked towards the Amazonian, with him starting to use his mind control on her. "Amazonian...."

The door opened as Darkseid emerged. Desaad peeked inside the room to see Hippolyta unrestrained. She was completely submissive however, with her sitting up against the wall and not resisting. "Send her to Granny Goodness. She will make a fine addition to the elites." Hippolyta walked out and followed Desaad without saying a word.

Darkseid entered his throneroom where he had Steppenwolf wait for him. "She does not know where the gem is herself. Run another scan with the boom tube. With one being stationed on the planet, we should find the energy readings fairly quickly."

As Steppenwolf left, Darkseid sat back on his throne, with him wondering whether he should intervene in matters himself.
Thor and Loki are shocked to see what looks like a full on war zone when they arrive at the island of Amazons. Thor immediately leaps off his horse, and charges the nearest parademon with a roar. He fights with a grim look, understanding that these monsters did not come here for a noble war. This is a slaughter.

Loki, meanwhile, summons six clones of himself, all armed and ready for battle, and gets started on trying to find the surviving Amazons to give them support. He’s less suited to frontline combat, but his illusions and healing magic are useful for keeping the parademons away from the Amazons, and stabilizing those about to bleed out.

The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect

Cap sighed, a light glare at Natasha as she teased him about his hostility towards the caped inhuman. "We don't know who he is, what he wants, and why his cities have somehow ended up on our maps. This is not about thunder, Nat." Steve exhaled a whisp of air, thumbing his forehead as he thought of what to do. "This could be a trap... if it's Loki doing it then we should contact other Asgardians. What has Thor said about this--" Steve hadn't even finished his sentence when he saw the suit of armour Tony had on rocket into the building. He groaned, biting his lip as he clenched a fist. "There really isn't. We've got to go after him, we don't know what the other man is capable of." Tapping the comm on his ear, Steve switched from the grouplink between Iron Man, Black Widow and himself to that of the S.H.I.E.L.D. telecomm. "You've got the backup right? We're going out of cover."

"Roger? What're you doin'."

"Look, Fury, can we talk later. I need the backups, stat."

"If it wasn't cause you're an old man." Nick whined, Steve smiled at the other end. "The code is Appleberry. Good luck, cap."

Steve nodded, he knew S.H.I.E.L.D. was already watching them, Fury was just too much. "C'mon Nat, I'm tired of this white t-shirt." Sliding into a light jog, Steve scanned for the backup agent S.H.I.E.L.D. had planted in the area, before meeting up with a man in a Hawaiian t-shirt and khaki shorts, glasses slid back over the neck and a backpack. "Appleberry." Steve said quickly, he hadn't time to waste. Who knew what Tony was doing right now. The agent slid off the back pack, handing Steve a suitcase consisting of his shield, and Widow's gauntlets.

"You've got your suit under right? Your gauntlets are here, lets get there quick before Tony can do any more damage."

Geozaki Geozaki
Peter took the card, something about this man gave peter the woogies but he wasn't sure what. His spider sense hadn't gone off... But something just seemed weird about the guy. Just as he was thinking this, he got a call from Tony.

"Mr. Stark, hey!" Peter began, however the call was ended rather quickly. Leaving Peter kinda at a loss. He got to his feet looking to the detective.
"I got to go, I'll tell the avengers about the meeting in the middle of no where though, um thanks for the interview, I think..!" Peter rushed out.

Once outside the cafe, Spider-man began to sling his way to Tony's tower. Something wasn't right, but still Peter wasn't sure on what. Other than dimensions colliding, that is. Peter quickly maneuvered throughout the massive mooshed city, he got lost for ahwile but eventually made it to the tower.

Peter stood in front of the door, muttering to himself.
"Should I ring the door bell orrrr...." Peter trailed off standing there a bit awkwardly. He eventually extended a finger and pressed the doorbell. He had to admit, he felt a bit ridiculous ringing a door bell of Iron man's, wearing his suit and standin there like he was selling girl scout cookies.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Geozaki Geozaki
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Geozaki Geozaki

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sevenstars sevenstars

Superman looked at the man wearing the red and gold armor who had approached him and simply answered: "I'm Superman...nice to meet you." Superman extended his hand to shake.

"It looks like Luthor has taken an interest in you and your friends. In case you're wondering, no..I have no idea what caused our worlds and seemingly our dimensions to collide." Superman explained, his super-hearing had already picked up Luthor's comments earlier about sending images of Iron Man to the news stations in order to frame him...even from within Lexcorp tower.

Supes' eyes glowed red and the two drones immediately were blasted by heat vision and exploded. "That should give us some privacy. You should probably be aware that Lex Luthor is planning on sending images of you to the local news stations which he controls...making it look like you had something to do with the fire."

Superman grinned, "You might wish to get ahead of him by speaking to a reporter at the Daily Planet named Lois Lane. The Planet so far is not under Luthor's control and Ms. Lane detests Lex Luthor...so it'd give you an opportunity to speak to someone who isn't bought and paid for..as well as avoid a smear campaign."

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

The Amazon warriors were rather uncomfortable fighting alongside these two MEN who appeared on the island seemingly out of nowhere. But they could deal with these two 'guests' after the parademon infestation was handled.

"I hope you both know that men are not permitted here! Regardless of whether you're assisting us or not, you will be treated as trespassers after the battle!" General Antiope shouted over the roars of the parademons. She was still injured from Steppenwolf's encounter, but she was not out of the fight yet!

However, most of the amazons could feel that these two were no ordinary men...
Both Thor and Loki seem rather frustrated by that, but they’re more concerned with the attackers at the moment. “Understood!” Thor calls back, while Loki smirks, his body shimmering into a genderbent version of itself as he continues his work defending the injured. “Does this suit you better, my lady?” ‘She’ calls, laughing as a parademon falls to earth at the hand of one of her magical attacks.
Zachy1993 Zachy1993
John smiles, and waves to Spider-man as he leaves. He gets a coffee, and leans back as he drinks it. He sends out a call to the core seven. “I just encountered a young man with connections to the ‘Avengers. I’m attempting to arrange a meeting so we can sort this out. Will all of you agree to join me if I arrange this?”
Nearing the end of the engagement of the world council meeting , T'challa received an impromptu emergency stream on his kimoyo bead device, the sender being none other than his sister, the honored princess and head of Wakandan research & development, he wasn't sure the nature of this prompt, he was obligated to take the message, it wasn't something to be scoffed at, either way. He was soon joined by Okoye of all people, and when he looked upon his friend, he could read the visible distress on her usually well tempered poker face , at that moment T'challa knew this was a far more serious matter than just the usual small talk protocol between friends.

"My King..." Okoye spoke. T'challa panned a look to Okoye, then Shuri's message began uninterrupted. Shuri went over the tragedy that befell Themyscira moments ago, and presented visuals from Wakanda satellite drones stationed in orbit at the time.

It was hard to refute the magnitude of what had transpired, presented in crystallized 4K detail. He would have to make haste for Wakanda at once, to makes preparations for and put his "interdimensional alpha threat" contingency plan forth.
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Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

There was a flash of light, and a figure burst through the clouds above Themyscira. With a mighty battle cry, Diana descended upon the parademons like a hurricane. Using her lasso to swing them into the sides of mountains and her sword to behead and impale several at a time.

"Princess Diana is here! This battle is ours!" Antiope declared as she signaled everyone to charge at the parademon ranks. "HYAAAAH!" Diana and all the amazons roared as they slashed at the parademons with their swords.

The demons that tried to fly away were shot with hundreds of arrows.

Samuel would enter his kitchen extremely exhausted after just coming back from his routinely daily jog; drenched in sweat and is in need for a refreshing drink so he could feel a little re-energized, hydrated and cool. He left his television on and it was on the 3 PM news, it would also appear to be airing live where they were reporting a massive blazing fire at a local hotel. Sam opened his fridge, and grasped onto his half-filled carton of freshly squeezed orange juice and proceeded to watch the live news broadcast. A man who seemed to be faster than a speeding bullet wearing a blue costume with a red-and-yellow emblem on his chest, consisting of the letter S was saving the lives of the individuals that were stuck in the burning building with no optimal effort whatsoever. "Unbelievable, you don't see that every day..." Samuel said wide-eyed as he later finished gulping down his carton beverage. The camera would then pan over to the witnesses and he would see two noticeable faces, one of course being the Cap himself and the other being Natasha. "Hold on, is that Steve with Natasha? What are they doing over there?" Samuel asked himself with a questioning arched brow. "And that hotel looks familiar. Actually, I think I know the exact location of that very hotel, and it isn't too far either. There must be something going on with that guy in the red cape, hopefully, it ain't that big of a problem since he is saving lives but you never know." Wilson turned off his television and went over to pick up his jacket. "Welp, time to go," said Wilson without an utter worry or hesitance in his voice despite the upcoming troubles he may face.

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Thor grins, pleased to see that this island has such powerful and noble warriors. Loki is currently more concerned with survival. Sure, the parademons look to have been driven off, but they’ve still offended the Amazon law by stepping foot on this island.

He walks to Thor, and grabs his arm. “Thor. We are not meant to be here. Let us go before we insult them further. We don’t want a war.” Thor furrows his brow, confused. “Male gods have been allowed here before.” “Greek Male gods. We are not even acquainted with them yet, this could be seen as a grave violation!”

The two of them look around, worried about how their aid will be responded to.

Zachy1993 Zachy1993

"I hope you guys don't mind me crashing the party," said Samuel in a mellow jokingly manner with a genuinely sweet smile that instantly gave him a warm aura. Sam would finally appear at the scene where everything was pretty much under control and handled, the innocent civilians who were caught by the burning hotel were being treated and cared for by the medics to see if they sustained any injuries from the unknown caused fire, and Sam would also arrive to see Stark and the man called "Superman" having a conversation about someone named "Lois Lane" and also assumed that Tony and the man in the red-cape knew each other. Sam would not think much of their conversation and continue to walk over to Superman. "My apologies for interrupting your conversation. Nice job you've done up there 'Man of Steel', I've done a little research on you the way here, nice to meet you I'm Samuel Wilson." Samuel offered Superman a firm handshake as he kindly introduced himself. "How come I've never heard of you before though? You don't seem all that familiar nor do I have any good background knowledge of you." As Wilson asked that question, he gave Superman a squinting curious gaze through his pair of carmine colored high technological protective goggles.

Geozaki Geozaki fin fin Zachy1993 Zachy1993
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Steve listened to the Superman introduced himself to the group, "Clever name, Superman. Captain America, good to meet." Steve listened as Superman went on about Lex Luthor, a man Steve had no prior knowledge about, nor had he ever heard of. "He's from your earth isn't he? Lex Luthor--" He stopped mid-sentence, swinging his arm as the shield escaped his grip. It missed the target, the two drones from Lex Corp. disappeared, the star-sprangled shield returned back to Cap's hand without hitting a target. "I missed." He whispered. He looked back at the Superman, eyes glowing red, "You're not from here are you? Or from your world's earth?" Steve then realised he knew nothing of the other world, if they even called their home earth, or if this man had just been making up all he'd been saying. "... Lois Lane..." The Superman also mentioned, who was that? Another powered humanoid?

Steve's train of thought fell interrupted as he looked up as Sam Wilson descended into the hotel, suited up in the Falcon suit of course. "Great, someone that's not gonna mess this up." Steve thought to himself as Sam landed. Steve immediately frowned as Sam introduced himself to the flying man, "not again."

Spider-man rocked back and forth on his heels, effectively gathering after about ten minutes of spamming the doorbell that no one was home. He was currently trying to figure out what his next move outta be. Peter didn't know any of the other avengers outside of fighting them with Iron man, so he really doubted the idea of a group up. So, he just whipped out his phone and texted Mr. Stark, seeing really no other option at the point. He could probably swing around and bump into them, but with all the new twists and turns in the city he'd probably only end up lost.
'Hey Mr. Stark, where are you? I'm kinda not sure what to do, I'm feeling kinda useless.' Peter sent the text, huffing to himself.
Tony looked down at the foreign man's hands, scanning for any form of EMP or organic virus before decreasing suit's thrusters, blue energy dimming from spaces in the suit as he lowered. The clanking of his armour against the concrete was heard, strolling over to shake the alien's hand. Tony hadn't an idea of any Lex Luthor or Lex Corp, as he asked Friday once more, "You got anything on a Lex Corp? Or Lex Luthor, run me down on whatever pages you can find."

"Bringing out info now, Mr. Stark. My systems are being flooded with foreign databases and web codes... like technologies of the world merging." Tony kept his eye on the Superman, paying attention to the conversations he was having with both Friday and Superman. Countless files and images of the Lex Corp business flooded Iron Man's heads up display, before he turned to answer Supes once more. "So we've got a rich stalker on our hands, nothing the Avengers can't handle." Shortly after his response, Superman's eyes glowed a bright red, downing two drones right beside him. "Talk about impressive... so this Lex Luthor guy of yours, rich billionaire playboy philanthropist... but doesn't like the world. Hmph, that's new--" Iron Man had been cut off as the Black Widow and Captain America had both so rudely interrupted the two of them.

"Please, knock on the door next time, Cap." He teased at Steve. The soldier didn't budge, glaring steadily at Iron Man. What Tony hoped would be the last to interrupt them was the Falcon, flying down next to Tony as he introduced himself to Superman. "Well, American Dream here-- the one who flies," Steve shot a glare at Tony, leaving him in a short laugh. "Superman actually, pretty cliché if 'ya ask me, is a good guy too. Both our worlds merged actually, pretty messed up, Friday and I are working on an explanation for that, but long story short, his big bad villain Lex Luthor has some vendetta on... well, everyone really. He's got a Legion of Doom, on his earth. Wouldn't be surprised if he allied himself with our villains too."

Natasha left her battle stance, clearly this wouldn't be a fight. Steve reluctantly did the same, lowering his shield as he neared the man. "Excuse my hostility, I've seen to many good men, too many bad men, and men who can't decide which side they're on." He apologised with a smile, patting the caped man on the back. "How many more of you are there, Superman?"

Tony was distracted as messages popped up in the HUD screen of his helmet, "Peter!" he thought to himself, "damn, I left the kid all alone." "Friday, boot up communication systems with the kid's phone," Tony asked, "On it. The call is through, Mr. Stark." Iron Man nodded. "Kid, kid, my bad, I should've called first. You know I'm new to this mentor thing. Er.. there's kinda two worlds merging, hard to explain. Get to Avengers tower in manhattan, I'll be there soon." Tony looked up,

"We should get to the tower."
DANKMEME DANKMEME R Rizzy Zachy1993 Zachy1993
R Rizzy

fin fin

Superman smiled at Cap's question: "Biologically I'm not human, otherwise I'm just a farmboy from Kansas." Hearing Tony's comment about a 'rich stalker', Superman chuckled. "He's just a very bad example of a human being. International terrorism, arms deals, human trafficking and illegal human experimentation, you name it LexCorp has a hand in it. Thing is, most witnesses or those willing to testify against him when he's found himself in court normally...vanish."

"Those are quite slanderous accusations Superman....almost as bad as the libel that Daily Planet rag prints about me." A snide voice said from behind them, they would turn to see a bald man in a business suit.

"Lex Luthor, a pleasure..." Luthor extended his hand to the group of newcomers. "I've read a lot about you Mr. Stark. Perhaps we could discuss business sometime over lunch? That is of course...if you're not busy keeping in the company of inhuman monstrosities and unnatural creatures." Lex sneered at Captain America and Superman.

"Oh yes I know about you, Mr. Rogers. The man out of time...put on ice and waking up in a new world." Lex chuckled before turning to Tony Stark. "By the way, next time you wish to have your A.I. hack into LexCorp...you might wish to at least try speaking to me up front BEFORE resorting to petty cyber crime. I'm sure we could discuss things like gentlemen." Lex nodded and turned to walk back into his skyscraper.

"Anyway..there are five others in a group of heroes we call the Justice League. An Amazon princess and demi-god named Diana aka Wonder Woman. A young man called The Flash who is what is known as a Speedster, someone who can run so fast he can time travel or warp into another reality if he wants."

Superman continued, "We have a man who has no powers but is far from being unable to hold his own. He uses gadgets similar to yours, Mr. Stark. He's mastered every combat style known to man, every science as well...he's a genius both in combat and strategy. He is in Gotham, another city that is quite..different and more bleak than Metropolis or New York. He's called Batman."

"Next we have the King of Atlantis himself, known as Aquaman. He's able to communicate with sea life and summon monsters from the darkest corners of the ocean, he's also quite good with a trident and amazingly strong."

"Finally we have John Stewart, a member of the Green Lantern Corp. assigned to this space sector. They're sort of like...an intergalactic police force. Each member wears a ring that allows them to make hard constructs of anything they can imagine...from pure willpower."


Eliasdagood Eliasdagood


Diana stepped in front of Antiope, "I know the laws of Themyscira...but I believe this time-"

"We can make an exception.." The wounded Antiope finished the princess' sentence for her. "The Queen...your mother, has been kidnapped by the one known as Steppenwolf....the ancient texts spoke of The New Gods...he apparently was one of them." Antiope turned to Thor and Loki, "He was after a purple stone..."



The invasion had begun...

Hordes of Parademons emerged from the sky and began scouring for their prize. When Tanaleer Tivan's collection was blown to bits, the Reality Stone went out a window and made it's way to Earth through various hands..eventually coming to rest at Wakanda, where it was kept under lock and key.

The blood red gem...it would be Darkseid's.

Nubian_Legend Nubian_Legend
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"Oh uh, yeah sure." Peter said, after the call ended he sighed. He kinda was already at the tower and there was really no way of knowing when the others would show up. Peter looked at the business card of the guy from the café.
"I still didn't eat lunch." Peter realized, clicking his tongue.
"Well, while I'm waiting I outta at least eat" He reasoned. He began to stroll away from the tower, humming some tune that was stuck in his head. He walked down the street until he found a hot dog cart, and got his lunch of a dog, and some fries. Paying the cart owner Peter decided to kill some more time by exploring just a liiiiittle bit of this merged city.
Peter lifted the bottom of his mask over His nose, and took a bite of his hot dog, his other hand carrying his fries. It was a nice day, if you could ignore the fact that the city now looked as messy as sidewalk gum with it's new buildings crammed against those of his city and such.

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