Just one Drop.


The lunatic Fringe
Skelly (Please bold headers)






Personality (optional if you want some mystery):

Appearance (Human and mermaid, anime and RL is fine)


Sample post

Required Roles to fill (You may take as many Roles as you wish but only one mermaid)

Mermaid Roles:
Each mermaid has a special power over water I will let you know it in a Pm to give some mystry

the One who is filled to the brim with fiery excitement and energy, (taken by me)

The one who keeps a level head and a cool logical mind (Taken by @Britt-21)

The one who fears water and just wants her life to go by quietly (Taken by @ArtisticKwittyKat234)

Guy/Love interest Roles:

Sensitive Bad-boy (Taken @TheBookworm)

Sweet loving geek (Taken @TheItalianKy?t? )

Oblivious Jock

Other Optional Roles (must have a required Role, as these characters will not be regulars but will have a lot to do with plot) :

Parents & siblings

An enemy Mean Girl

A mysterious old women (Taken by me)

A Scientist doing studies too close for comfort

A developer who wants to Reclaim the Island for the world

Other (tell me your ideas) 

Neri Masters



Gender: Female

Role: the One who is filled to the brim with fiery excitement and energy


Neri Just moved to The small coastal town of Luer with her father after her Grandmother's death, She's a bit of a new girl in town but isn't letting it stop her. She originally lived and was born in the city miles and miles out from where she lives now. Her mother died when she was very young, she drowned in a pool accident, foul play was suspected since her mother was training for the Olympics in swimming at the time. She Never knew he mother very well and doesn't remember her at all, Her mother and her don't have the same last name so only a few people knew that she was her mother, as she was quite famous. Neri, was adopted as her mother did not have time for Maternity leave during her Olympic career. Neri has taken to the water similarly as her mother though in a different way: surfing, which is a convenient way to meet people in a beach town she has discovered.

Personality :

Neri likes to express herself, through art or through music. She is typically a big ball of energy and all around happiness, she bounces off the walls. Neri is the kind of person to project into the world that she loves everyone and has a classic, 'I don't care what people think about me' attitude. this is in fact to prevent people from getting to close, if Neri lets you in you, you must be special. You could also easily break her from the inside. It's rare and she doesn't let it happen. Neri grew up with a single father and was partially raised by her grandmother. Her grandmother taught her to always express her passion no matter what. And that's what she does. No matter what. Most relationships that Neri has had have tanked majorly keeping her guarded. She was 'one of those girls that was one of the guys' whatever that means. She was a girl and wore dresses and what not, didn't play sports, she just hung with guys since the girls were to complicated for her. Neri likes to move with the time and flow with whatever is happening around her. She is not the type of person to interrupt something that seems like a good thing, a perfect combination of 'go with the flow' and 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'. On the other hand if she sees something wrong with the 'flow' or general happenings she will by no means keep quiet about it. She is one who will speak her mind and not back down. Neri speaks her mind at all times and generally doesn't filter her thoughts feeling that if people can't handle her inside there is no reason to have them around.




Sample post

Neri couldn't so much as hear the girls pointing, as she could feel it. Her eyes were locked on the target, and she wasn't going to let the fact that her Rash guard was niter Designer or the latest in fashion stop that. There was a reason her Rash guard wasn't low cut and didn't have pointless little cut outs areas on the back, she didn't want male attention right now, she was hear to surf. She had a bathing suit for a different purpose but the first step was making friends, then you can try to seduce someone, though she doubted she would ever want that. But she did have the bathing suit for it if she did. Plus it was nice to dress like a girl in a group of guys, otherwise they forget that you are in fact a girl. And that is no good. Neri dove under the water and felt the calm and quiet rush up around her and into her ears, before she got her feet planted and felt the rush of what it felt like to fly.
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(Okay, im trying this again! lol!)

Name: Lucy Peters

Age: 17


The one who keeps a level head and a cool logical mind

Bio: She was born in a normal town, normal people, normal life. Lucy was raised with her best friend that she no longer lives with because they decided to have their own places. Sure, Lucy is young, but she prefered a small place of her own. Where she wont be bugged as much. As she went to school, there was a prank that had gone wrong because the next morning when she tried to shower, she changed into a 'fish'. That was her term before she realized she was a mermaid. The girls who were with her might have had the same problem. She didnt know, but she found out that they did once she got dried up. Lucy tried her best to keep it a secret and is still going on strong.

Personality (optional if you want some mystery): She's pretty calm and smart. When she's in trouble, she keeps her cool and either walks away or she uses her smarts to get herself out of a bad situation. What more could she do? Shes kind and cares for others dispite her being desprate to stay away from any liquids that might make her turn. When her friends are in need, she is right there becide them.

Appearance (Human and mermaid, anime and RL is fine)





Sample post:

During her experiments of trying not to be a mermaid. She failed and kept getting a tail everytime. Sighing, she spoke "Life is not going to get any easier anytime soon. I know thats for sure." Lucy lifted her head when she heard the doorbell ring "Uh Oh.." she had totally forgotten that she invited an old friend over. Lucy couldnt keep her inside-self;Calm. "J-Just a minute!" but remembering her friend having the key, had made things worse then what they were. She reached onto the counter and grabbed her towel, drying her tail before she was back to her human form, her friend walking in as Lucy shot back up onto her feet. "Hey Lucy!" Lucy smiled, her inside self calming down "Hey there Jamie. Make yourself at home"

Luther Joel Adams






Sensitive Bad Boy


Luther has always gotten whatever he wanted, no matter how impossible it may seem to get. It's as if he had already filled up a form as to what he wanted in life, and how he wanted it. Everyone in Luer knows him, from the poodles on the streets, to the hot surfer-girls(as he calls them) on the beach, to the frumpy old women in the ancient coffee shops lining the streets. His parents are hardly ever home, so all he has at home are his old nanny-turned-housekeeper and his pet Labrador-Retriever. He knew all about the prank, and even helped play it, but got worried when the girls didn't return. He knows nothing at all about the after-effects, and remains blissfully oblivious to the girls' little 'tail'.

Personality (optional if you want some mystery):

I'd like to keep it hidden until we start. ;)

Appearance (Human and mermaid, anime and RL is fine)

(I don't think he's a merman, so I hope this is enough?)


Sample post

"Stop worrying, Luth. There're alright. Of course they're alright. Why wouldn't they be?" He kept muttering to himself, legs on the coffee table, eyes closed, leaning on the armrest, "It's alright. Nothing's gone wrong. The girls will be home soon, they're not that stupid. They won't get lost. People are searching for them, right?"

Yeah, right. Shouting their names on the Luer Fever(radio channel) a few times and calling the lazy old bum they call the Town Sheriff isn't enough...Personally, though he would never admit it, Luther wanted to be the one searching for them. Now he thought about it, it seemed to be all his fall. It was just a welcome prank. Then suddenly, they disappeared to God knows where, and who knew what happened to them. He would never, ever forgive himself if something happened.
Okay! I don't really RP as guys, Sorry.. Plus I'mma ask my friend.
Sure! Merman or human? 
Ok! They have an important role in the story right? Or just kinda side characters? 
Oh ok! Im making a bio right now!<3
Name: Demi Lamma

Age: 17

Gender: Female.

Role: The one who fears water and wants to go by her life quietly.

Bio: Demi lived a simple life, but that was before her father got into a really bad accident, with his surfing career, he was put into a really bad coma. It was the hardest thing that her family could possibly do but, they had to do it. They had to cut of her father's life support. After that she went into full depression mode, to not eating well from, to barely talking to or seeing any one at all. She would be locked up in her room playing video games or drawing. She rarely ever went out of the house, the one time she does she gets trapped into a dare, which changed her life for ever.

Personality: Mysterious like)))



Mermaid appearance, ( just the tail)


Other: N/A

Sample post:

Demi was locked away in her room. She was playing her favorite game called " Skyrim" when she died and she had re-spawn losing all of her XP and items she had won for winning battles and raiding camps. Just as she saved her progress and was about to log off her mother entered the room. " Bunny, I think you should go out, make some friends or, at lease go out and smell the fresh air." She smiles and pats her daughters head. Demi rolled her big hazel eyes at her mother " I don't want to.. I don't want to met people, I'm fine with my cat." She says picking up her cat snuffles. " See? She's happy with me.. " She sighs and sits back into her chair, almost falling over but catching her balance just in time. She laughs. Her mother shakes her head and grabs her wrist. " you are going outside, demi if you like it or not! " says then pulls her by her wrist out the front door, locking her outside. " You can come back we you enjoy the world of nature! " She smiles. Demi groans and looks around, the sun really blinded her. She pulled her jacket closer to her body. She didn't have any shoes. She sighed and walks down to the park, right at the water's edge.
Name: Hunter McGormic

Age: 17

Gender: male

Role: sweet/cute geek

Bio: Hunter's real mother had passed away when he was younger, she got cancer and eventually lost the fight. So his Father re-married. (which Hunter will never let that go away.) So he tends to never get attached to anyone or anything.

Personality (optional if you want some mystery): He is very sweet and kinda shy at times. Hunter gets flustered easily but will show his love for you anywhere or anytime. He is the kind of teen who sits in the corner of the classroom, never wanting to speak. He is very/super smart, so he takes extra AP classes.

Appearance (Human and mermaid, anime and RL is fine) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/tumblr_mz8xpv66sK1sjt2tlo1_400.jpg.3891d7d22aaa65de17a162a7ed18a4da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11880" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/tumblr_mz8xpv66sK1sjt2tlo1_400.jpg.3891d7d22aaa65de17a162a7ed18a4da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Sample post

Hunter sighed, he was stuck in his room. His 'Mother' had invited family over that he didn't even know. He was just listening to music, doing some homework that got pushed back till the last minute. There was a knock on the door but Hunter ignored it. His Father came in with a smile spread across his face. "Come on bud, you have to meet your new family." He walked over and sat on the edge of his bed. Hunter groaned and shook his head. "None of them are my family. They don't even know I exist..let alone care." He mumbled and glared at him. "Well, Macy is surely enjoying all of the attention." His Father chuckled lightly and placed a hand on his back. "Just for today.." He pleaded and looked down at him. Hunter sighed and finally agreed. "Fine, but I'm not talking." He sat up and stretched, walking towards his door.



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Sample post is the only thing :)

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Aron Roco





Role: Oblivious Jock


Aron is a very average person, star football player, a doctor as a Father a Nurse as a Mother, 2 younger siblings. His family looks perfect. Of course that's only on the outer level. Inside the family there is noting but fear, alcohol and violence. Aron spends as much time as he can at friends and out, only really coming home to check on his two younger siblings, and father and when he can't find a better place to crash for the night. Aron's mother Drinks, she smokes, and other drugs. As a Nurse she is a strong women whom the hospital she works at calls in when they need people restrained. Aron takes every chance he can to leave the house and gain a scholarship to collage, he would like to be a cop. He is not a genius but has very average intelligence, and works hard in school, though as a jock he also goes to lots of parties.

Personality (optional if you want some mystery):


Appearance (Human and mermaid, anime and RL is fine)



Sample post

Aron in his defense was against it. He had tried to fight Luther on it, there was no reason for them to do that to the girls. They seemed like nice girls, and were very pretty. But in the end, majority ruled and all the other Jocks took over, and he was strong and he had influence but, there was a limit. He didn't take part in it. He followed, mostly to make sure his demands of the girls not being harmed had been met. He could tackle a man on the football feild but harm someone in the name of a prank? and a girl? His father had taught him to be a gentlemen and heck, he still opened doors for his mom, even after... everything. And if they were going to stick three girls in a boat and send them off, then he wanted to make sure they had life jackets at least. 
With my sign up as the Jock we have everyone! we will begin now. We will start on the morning after the moon pool, as we discover our tails and powers and the boys think about what they have done :)
I just wanted you all to know this is my first time RPing as a boy, so I don't know if I'll be all that great.

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