Just Another Servant [Inactive]

Lillian Gray

King in the North
Lillian Gray submitted a new role play:

Just Another Servant - Anything for you, my lord.

There's a certain sense of pride about being a servant, a satisfaction when everything is clean and done for the day. However demeaning, however cruel, I would be happy to do it for you.
After all, what else is a poor girl to do? Sell her body? No. A servant's life for me, this will be just fine.

I will do anything for you, my lord.
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Name: Brittney

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Brittney is 6'1, she has a tiny frame, one that looks like someone could easily break her in two. her hair is down to her hips, a dark red like the color of blood. her eyes are a deep blue, they appear as if they sparkle when she smiles. Her lips have touch of pink, very thin shaped. Her nose is small with a slight point. Her hair parts to the side, she usually wears her hair with a head band.

Personality: Brittany has a dominate stance, she prefers to be in charge, though she gives up everything she has to be the one who takes orders. She can have an edge of a temper at times, though many like to see her mad, they point out that she is cute when she gets flustered.

Bio/History: Brittney was abused as a child, her mother dumped her off at a place where girls loose there virginity at a low age when she was fifteen. Ever since then she has been in the hands of who ever finds her. Giving her life to others who demand to take over it.

Likes: to be treated roughly, Roses as white as can be, strongest alcohol she can consume, walks under the stars, summer time, working out.

Dislikes: Thunder, shy guys, Dogs, dominance, being told what to do, brown haired men.

Other: Servant 

Sydney217 said:
Name: Brittney
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Brittney is 6'1, she has a tiny frame, one that looks like someone could easily break her in two. her hair is down to her hips, a dark red like the color of blood. her eyes are a deep blue, they appear as if they sparkle when she smiles. Her lips have touch of pink, very thin shaped. Her nose is small with a slight point. Her hair parts to the side, she usually wears her hair with a head band.

Personality: Brittany has a dominate stance, she prefers to be in charge, though she gives up everything she has to be the one who takes orders. She can have an edge of a temper at times, though many like to see her mad, they point out that she is cute when she gets flustered.

Bio/History: Brittney was abused as a child, her mother dumped her off at a place where girls loose there virginity at a low age when she was fifteen. Ever since then she has been in the hands of who ever finds her. Giving her life to others who demand to take over it.

Likes: to be treated roughly, Roses as white as can be, strongest alcohol she can consume, walks under the stars, summer time, working out.

Dislikes: Thunder, shy guys, Dogs, dominance, being told what to do, brown haired men.

Other: Servant
she is 6'1, by tiny frame i mean by her bone mass is tiny, very skinny. 
she is 6'1, by tiny frame i mean by her bone mass is tiny, very skinny.
Name: Cameron Harlan

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Cameron stands in at the middle of his brothers, being an even 6 feet tall. His hair is short, and slightly curled, which he has never been fond of. Although not many know, his eyesight is terrible. Cameron refuses to wear the glasses prescribed to him, and only wears them in private when he reads. His eyes are a pale green, and his face is somewhat sharp, considering he comes from his soft faced mother, and even softer faced father. He allows a small bit of stubble to grow constantly, but has never let it grow out into a beard.

Personality: Cameron is educated, and can be snobbish in the wrong company, but attempts to be caring and understanding. He prefers a quiet, indoor conversation, to a loud outdoor event. However, he is a great conversationalist and is often the life of a good party. He is known as being talkative by distant friends and recent acquaintances, but quiet by close friends and family.

Bio/History: Growing up in a wealthy family, and considered a Lord by title, Cameron has always known the best. The best food, the best houses, the best tutors and teachers. Everything always goes his way, and he never expects otherwise. He is used to buying what he needs and has a hard time understanding or relating with people who make average amounts of income.

Likes: Reading, tennis, flowers (but like his glasses, will not admit to), and conversation

Dislikes: Stormy weather, coffee, sweets

Other: Has five other siblings that he rarely sees. Two older, and three younger. (Brother, 27, Sister 25, Twin Brothers 20, Sister 16)
((It is, yes, I just didn't have a lot of time to sit down and write an intro. I can do that now, and we can start! Sorry about the wait.)) 
Morning light broke through the window in careful wisps between the white curtains. Cameron was already up, reading a book silently at his desk. The ever shameful glasses sat upon his nose, slipping down with ever page he turned, until he nudged it back up with a practiced hand.

There was a knock at his door, his youngest sister invited him to breakfast and promptly closed the door after he responded. "I'll be down in a minute, yeah." He pushed the book aside and carefully set his glasses in their usual hiding spot, deep in the first drawer of the desk.

He skipped down the steps of the family's mansion of a home and strolled through a common area before finding his place at breakfast. It was only his sisters, both younger and older, who joined him.

The many servants and maids of the household scurried about the property. Cameron hardly paid them notice any more, they blended in to the normal motions of his everyday life. His meal was set in front of him by one such servant, but he thanked her all the same. No need to be rude, he thought.
OOC- {{Should i start in his mansion?}} 
Brittney woke to the lovely smell of rolls, lying on her back she stretched her arms out. Letting out a groan as she does. She stood from her old rickety bed. The old bed would sometimes keep her up at night because of all the racket it made when she moved. She sighed as she looked at the clock. She needed to be upstairs for breakfast at eight. It was currently seven. Brittney looked down at her night gown, it contained a whole righ above her knees. It was a light blue color, just barely hiding her scuffed up knees. Her feet barefoot as she walked across the cold hard stone floor, she stood in front of her mirror. It had a crack through the middle, she looked at her reflection, her freckles covering the bridge of her nose and under her eyes. Grabbing her brush she quickly brushed her hair, combing her bangs. Brittney stood from her chair, briskly walking to her dresser she grabbed a silk dress, one a maid gave her. The maid told me that i am to wear it at all times when i am around Cameron, my master. She slipped her gown off, sliding into her silk dress she was given. It was black with white vines and flowers flowing around her long and tall figure. She quickly slipped on her heels, walking as fast as she could through the hallway, her eyes staying low as she passed all the maids rooms. She ran up the steps, tripping and falling on her knees as she gets to the top. "These darn heels!" She huffed as she stood, her legs a little wobbly. She walked proudly to the dinning room. Keeping her head low like before. She was to not make any eye contact with anyone that was important. She stood at the edge of the room. Listening to all the conversation. Though glancing at the time, it was eight o' five. She cringed as she realized she was late.
Soon after finishing his meal, Cameron's older sister quickly left the room. She had to return home now, to her husband. Cameron had no idea she'd even been here. A pity, really. He enjoyed the company of all of his siblings, but now that they were all growing up, it was harder to keep close. Cameron hadn't seen his eldest brother in years now, though they had recently talked on the phone.

"Cam," His younger sister started, she called him by his nickname, "Is it true you're going to leave soon? Mom says you're too old to stay at home." The girl bit on the nice silverware she had in her hands, Cameron politely told her to stop.

"I might be shipped off to another home, yes." Cameron acknowledged. "But you can come visit me if you want." His sister smiled, said her goodbyes, and left the room. Cameron sat alone at the table, enjoying the silence. He turned to the servants at the edge of the room.

Eyeing up the crowd, he spoke in a kindhearted manner, "If you wanted anything to eat, feel free. I don't think anyone will mind." He smiled briefly, "I might actually enjoy the company."
Brittney looked up, peering at the other servants. She waited for them to figure out what they wanted to do. Whispers were being passed back and forth between them. She closed her eyes, scared out of her wits. Why was she here? She was brought here without being able to say a word about it. She opened them, her stomach growling and stinging from her hunger. she began to walk, though her body was screaming to stay by the wall. She walked to the long dinning table. Her eyes watching the floor. She slid the chair out from under the table. Sitting by her master, she sat with her hands in her lap. Glaring at her plate that was empty before her. She began to reach forward for a role, her hand noticeably shaking. Brittney touched the warm soft round role. Placing it on her plate she began to tear it to pieces, eating tiny bits ones by one. she did not dare look Cameron in the eyes as she ate.
Only one girl found her way to the table. Cameron smiled at her, although she was trying very hard not to look directly at him. All the same, he was glad someone sat down. "Really, I insist." He urged, a few more sat down, quietly eating around them. It was somewhat awkward, the silence, but Cameron did not want to push them any further to feel more uncomfortable.

"Thanks for making the first move." Cameron spoke to the girl who had sat next to him, Brittney he thought her name was, although he really couldn't remember. "Brittney, right? You've got such bright red hair, it's hard to forget your face.
Brittney looked up just quickly glancing into his eyes before she looked back down at her food. A slight smile appeared on her face. She finished eating, relazxing a little, she spoke softly. "Your welcome." She said still smiling. She use to get so many lovely comments on her hair. Some were even jealous. For what ever reason it was, it made her feel special. Brittney rose, standing with her heels together. "May i be exscused?" She asked, her eyes shut tight. She began to feel faint, her baggy eyes beginning to show.
"If you feel full, then yes, you may be excused." Cameron laughed. "Everyone is so formal here. I'll need to work on that."

He himself rose from the table and turned towards the library, if he was lucky, he might find one of his brothers or his father inside. It wasn't as if the house itself were large, more that the inhabitants never sought each other out. The twins, mischievous as they were, were often quietly studying somewhere until they got too bored.

"Everyone is excused, so long as you've all eaten what you like."
Brittney nodded, briskly walking away from the table. she headed towards the stairs that would lead her back to her room. She panicked in her mind hoping he would not follow her there. For in the past many men that she was housed with would follow her to her room. Her ankle gave in as she walked. "Why in the world do they make women wear heals?!" She shouted to herself. Stopping for a moment to wrap her hand around her sprained ankle. Wincing as she stood back up to start down the stairs. Her short dress threatening to run further up her thighs as she skips down the steps.
Cameron did indeed find his father in the library, quietly reading a book on a history of some sort. It was an older tome, something his father was very proud of. The collection of books ranged from every subject and old to new. It was his pride and joy, some whispers say more than his own children.

"Father." Cameron acknowledged the presence. His father nodded in response, he finished the page he was reading and placed a thin scrap of ribbon in it to mark the page.

"Cameron, I see you're awake." The old man smiled brilliantly and stepped forward to embrace his son. "I have an offer for you."


"If you'd like, there's a house we've not used in some time, it's on the coast. Very pretty." His father waved his hands as he spoke, this is what Cameron's sister was talking about. "Take a few servants, and find your way there. It's yours if you like."
As Brittney was making her way to the basement as stopped by the library, she watched as Cameron made his way to his father. The man who was really in charge of her. She blinked a couple of times watching as his father stood. She quickly duck behind the wall. Hoping he did not find her spying. For she would be in great trouble. As she hid around the wall her knee hit the little table that held decorations. a little elephant sculpture tumbled over, she held her breath as it made a loud thump. It felt like the whole world heard the little noise.
At the sound of a crash Cameron stopped, then quickly paced to the doors of the library. Looking around a few times, his eyes landed on the same girl from breakfast, then the small sculpture on the ground, in pieces.

"Well." Cameron put on hand on his hip and the other he combed through his dark brown hair. "I suppose you should clean that first, then come inside. I want to talk to you."

He went back to his father, they discussed that yes, Cameron would accept the offer and take a few people to the coastal house.
Her cheeks grew a cherry red. Tears falling down her face as she bent down to gather the pieces. She held the broken elephant in her palms, looking down at them. She wished she were like the elephant, wishing they could just break her to pieces and throw her away. She did not like the life she was living. Brittney walked to the cleaning room where it contained a trash can. She gazed at the prices one last time, slowly letting them roll from her hands to their doom. She briskly walked from the janitors room back to the library. Standing in the door way she placed her hands behind her back, looking down at the ground as a tear fell. Trying to hide it with her long hair. She awaited their instructions.
Cameron jerked back slightly seeing the girl cry, he didn't mean to upset her. He took a few steps forward and placed a careful hand on her shoulder, so as not to startle her any more. "Please don't cry, I'm not going to punish you or anything, accidents happen."

He lifted his hand and placed them at his sides. Not knowing how to comfort the poor girl and not wanting to make her cry any more, he offered up his handkerchief and held it out for her to take.

"I was actually going to find you. You've been in our service for years, as far as I know. I'm going to another house, I was going to ask if you'd come with." Cameron spoke slowly. The red headed girl was interesting to him. So tall, yet so thin, he'd hardly heard her utter more than two words. She didn't try to overly please him, she simply did as she needed. There was simply something interesting about her. "Do you want to come with?"
Brittney shook her head when he offered his handkerchief. She looked up in surprise when he asked if she would like to go with. She was shocked, she was for sure he would have chose someone else. She looked into his eyes for the first time, "Uhh...Yah...Sure i will go." she managed to get out. Adding a nod as the words slowly fell out of her mouth.
"Good." Cameron nodded, pleased the odd maid would come with. "I'll only need a few people to come with. Three, four, at most five. I'm only one person." Cameron addressed his father when he spoke now.

The move wouldn't take long, all Cameron needed to do was pack, and then he could drive himself over. The servants would have their own car as well, it would only be a days drive or so. The view would be worth it.
Brittney turned from the room walking out, she headed for her room to pack her things. She would miss this old mansion. But it would be nice for a change now. Brittney made it down the stairs, her heels making a rythem as she skipped down them in a rapid pace. She jogged to her bedroom, down the hallway being careful not to trip. For she was clumsy when it came to heels.

Brittney swung her door open, the handle hitting her wall as it flung open. She ran to her bed pulling out her clothes for underneath. As she was pulling them out a picture fell, one of her and her mother. She took a moment to remember her mother, but it was hard to, she had not seen her in 6 years. Brittney began to feel the sting of tears, she tore the picture into pieces. Throwing them across the room, scattering on the floor. She bent over, her hands holding her warm face. sobs fell out of her mouth with no sign of stopping. Her sobbing came to a stop as she came to a calm sleep.
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