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Just a thought


Expect the unexpected, it expects you
Thinking of an idea about a pair of friends that pick on a girl and one of their girlfriend's helps, but the girl stands up for herself all the time. Finally she gets one of them cornered and gives him a lecture about how it is and how they are all very much jerks. From then on he kinds of in interested in her, just to know her after the talk, but then it grows and his friends are still jerks to her and all that. See how that goes.
Awesome and yes, I can do two separate ones or we could do it as a group. I don't mind one on one or group on this one.
Well looks like we are all on the same page as I do not care either if a group or 2 separate rp's. Although if made into a group thing maybe the girl who gets picked on could have a friend who is also picked on? One of us could double as a male and female character. (I can do that if needed)
Yeah, will the girl being picked on isn't necessarily a jerk or nerd, she could be being picked on because she refused to be on the cheer squat? Something stupid like that, bit yeah I like that idea.
yeah. ok so both girls are being tormented because they refused to join the cheer squad?

now next question. if im doubling as both a male and female. I dont want my two characters to be having a fling xD It would be awkward. Sooo how will the match making stuff go? And will both male characters be friends?
OR at least in the same sort of group. That way they will at the least know who each other are.
The two guys are childhood friends, and is it selfish I want to do the one on one and group
I'm interested, and willing to play one of the jerks or the girlfriend, if needed. I'm fine if you'd rather not have me play though, you won't offend me in any way. :3

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