Just a small talking thread

Jaden said:
Hey there I made this thread to just talk around a little before I start doing some roleplay
Welcome to RPN, my friend. How are you this fine evening, or whatever it is for you:P ?
11:46 for me. Barely evening, I suppose. I'm catching up documentation for work, so I'm not the best but not too bad. Just trying to get it all done. I should probably go to bed soon, but I don't know if that's going to happen. :P
Jaden said:
I'm finishing up on my studying for one of my oh so hard yet probably helpful college tests.
Haha, I get you. I've been there. It is worth it though! What's your major? Whatcha studying for? If you don't mind my asking
Jaden said:
I'm majoring in chemical engineering
Ah, I've got a friend who's about to finish up that program. You guys have it rough: :( Good payout at the end though. Do you enjoy it?
Tronethiel made a friend. Nobody ever holds a conversation like this with me ;(.

Well. Welcome to the site. Contact me if you need me.
Tronethiel said:
Ah, I've got a friend who's about to finish up that program. You guys have it rough: :( Good payout at the end though. Do you enjoy it?
I like it it is pretty rough at times but chemistry and things like that always interested me as a kid.
Jazzy said:
Tronethiel made a friend. Nobody ever holds a conversation like this with me ;(.
Well. Welcome to the site. Contact me if you need me.
That's to bad I try to hold coversations online whenever i'm not studying or at a lecture

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