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Fantasy Just A Regular Day

his eyes widened for a moment thinking that triandra had made an appearance knilowing better than to pull a weapon out at her but it wasnt. just some kid eith a pocket knife. he looked her in the eyes not afraid of the weapon but not wanting to reveal his abilitys just yet. "my name is cameron. im human. and im hunting an assasin currently. i heared you and your company and thought it was her but your not who im searching for... why exactly are you here anyway? its a little far from the city or anywhere in fact" he didnt expect a straight answer or any answer in fact and wished jim was here to talk to this person he has a much better way with words
Operations Leader
Alexandra McCoy
"You're either on my side, by my side or in my fucking way. Choose wisely."

Though she had heard him perfectly fine, she was still skeptical. She stayed put for a moment before slowly moving the dagger to her side, still gripped tightly in her hand. She wanted to ask the name of the person he'd been 'hunting' for, feeling as if it was the rarest thing for people to target assassins unless they were being tracked by the very same one themselves. It wasn't her job to be involved in his problems though when she already had her own.
"Ask yourself that question. Why would someone be off in the forest miles away from the nearest city."
She scoffed, "It isn't a camping trip, I can tell you that." Alex then commented as she sheathed her dagger and turned from Cameron. She put up two fingers in a peace sign before heading back the way she'd come.
Code By Nano
oc: cameron
interaction: alex
he followed after her not wanting to let this person go just yet as her remark had peaked his interest. she seemed way too defensive to be just some regular person and come to the conclusion that she may be being hunted aswell "they would either have no choice to be there or lost and i know the answer in this case. i can tell your not in a good situation i see and help people like you on the daily maybe not your exact situation but similar and you wouldn't of gone after me then like that if your company was in a fit shape." he didnt want to continue with his proposal for now wanting to see how she reacts to his statement
Operations Leader
Alexandra McCoy
"You're either on my side, by my side or in my fucking way. Choose wisely."

Alexandra stopped her tracks the moment that she noticed him following, not daring to turn back to her party with a stranger like him. She was tempted to put the guy at gunpoint but that wouldn't be very calm of her. And once again, that would most likely add onto her already long list o things to worry about. She especially didn't need a fight right now. So she decided to entertain the male for a moment so he'd be satisfied enough to leave her be.

A heavy scoff fell from her at his proposal.
"What makes you think I would need your help? I came after you because I'm smart and I knew that you were coming after us." She looked him up and down before continuing. "Thank you for the offer." Then she was off again. Only this time she ran, simply hoping that he'd be too lazy to catch up.
If he wasn't though, Alex wasn't afraid to sock him.

Code By Nano
oc: cameron
he would keep up with his efforts seeing that she wasnt a bad person. he wanted to help her but if she didn't see that she needed it then he would have to let her go "did i say you wernt smart? its clear your intelligent seeing as your not walking directly to your friends right now so you dont lead them to me. im offering you this help because you need it not because you want to but if you want to get hunted down in the woods and get caught be my guest but i doubt your group would be happy when they find out you had a good chance and you pushed it aside because you cant swallow your own pride" he didnt want to insult her but he felt it was neccacery to say. she was aggressive and harsh but so was he sometimes
Operations Leader
Alexandra McCoy
"You're either on my side, by my side or in my fucking way. Choose wisely."

She'd only made it a good few feet ahead before stopping to look back. Seeing him still in one spit made her lips purse in a bit of confusion. She was by no means a stranger when it came down to receiving help from others but if it wasn't from her team, Alex often found that she'd prefer to do it all herself. That way she knows that it'll be done right. and if it doesn't...Well, then she'd know who to blame for failing. Her eyes burned with a kind of fire that showed the debate in her mind. Two contradictory sides butted heads until she caved. Very...Very hesitantly.

Alexandra lowly approached Cameron,
"Shelter. That's what I need. I've got two runaways with me and my own safe house is still miles ahead. I doubt we'd make it before morning if we tried."
Code By Nano
oc: cameron
he was glad she had let him help her knowing how hard it was himself to accept help "ok that's fine theres a road to the south not too far and i can get a vehicle there in a couple minuetes were not too far from the city where i can keep you all safe but never reveal its location to anyone and i mean it" he would look her up and down before speaking again "my name is cameron aswell by the way and if we get intercepted i can distact them for your group to get to the vehicle just keep heading south he will be there now lets get going"
Operations Leader
Alexandra McCoy
"You're either on my side, by my side or in my fucking way. Choose wisely."

Alexandra crossed her arms while he went on to give directions to the supposed shelter she'd asked for. Hearing it now, she couldn't help but notice just how fishy this all was. To blindingly trust a stranger to take control over her mission. One that involved other people. If she decided to trust him and ended up getting screwed over...
Her fists clenched at her sides and she gently chewed on her lip. A bit of a nervous habit of hers.

"Just because I accept you doesn't mean they will. Follow." Alex turned on her heel to travel the easy route back to the small group...Who she had left....Danielle in charge of-
Oh shit-
Alexandra began sprinting through the greenage at the realization, mentally cursing herself for being gone for so long.

Code By Nano
oc: cameron
he would nod at her statement knowing it would be too much to ask for all of them to trust him as he pulls out his phone calling his transport "drop what your doing i need you here now.... send a support team then this is important..... good ill see you soon" he would hang up breaking out into a sprint after not questioning it assuming she wanted to save time and hurry up
Jacob & Josaline

Where Alexandra had been expecting a fight of some kind of chaotic discord, there instead was a sleeping cat lady laid out by the two she had taken. Jacob and his sister sat on the ground eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, quietly chatting in each other's heads. Their conversation had currently been about horrible food combinations but was interrupted at the presence of Alex and her guest.

While Josaline was willing to sit them down by her and offer them some food as well, Jacob surely wasn't.
He motioned his head towards the stranger.
"Who's this dude?"
"What is he doing here?"
"Don't know."
"You two cool?"
"Not at all."
"...You're still going along with it though aren't you?"
"Absolutely. You two alright with it?"
The twins looked at each other and gave a shrug before nodding to Alexandra.
"Yeah, why not."
"What else do we ha-"
Jacob was stopped mid-sentence when Alexandra took his sandwich, left to blink stupidly as he wondered why that was necessary.

"Please, lead the way sir."

coded by reveriee.
he would look at who was there glancing at them all briefly noting that the cat person might be a problem and possibly a factor why they wouldn't make much progress he would nod at them asking to lead "ok make sure to keep up... does someone need to carry the cat girl?" he would look at Alex when asking this knowing he would get a clear answer from her
Operations Leader
Alexandra McCoy
"You're either on my side, by my side or in my fucking way. Choose wisely."

Throwing the sandwich she had taken to the side, Alex stared at the girl on the ground. To say the least, she was disturbed by the idea of taking her to travel with the group but leaving her there wouldn't be right. If Danielle happened to be caught by those who they'd just fled from after helping Alexandra with the escape, she couldn't imagine anything good happening from it.
"I got it."
A small blue light in her neck faintly blinked for the briefest moment before she got down and sat Danielle up against herself, making a face as she started to snore. Soon enough, Alexandra had securely hefted the girl onto her shoulder.

"Five minutes till feet touch."
She put a finger up to her earpiece and used her other hand to gesture him ahead, not willing to lead herself when she was carrying a whole person.
"Only one, you stay!"
"Understood ma'am but Paranix-"
"Dusk, I mean it. I'm not waiting for them."
There was silence from the other side.
"Copied. Four minutes."
"Tell the other teams I'll be MIA for a few days."

And with that, she took the earpiece out and stomped it on the ground. Seeing how it easily broke, she moved on but her eyes wandered constantly after as she'd been waiting.
Code By Nano
oc: cameron
"lets get moving i dont want to keep our driver waiting" he started in a jog south towards the road hoping he could pick up the pace a little soon and as he ran he took out a revolver looking weapon opening the chamber emptying out the shells into his pocket and loading in 5 fresh shotgun cartridges smoothly like he had done this countless times before. he holstered his weapon satisfied with its condition and glances behind him making sure the others kept up. it wasnt far but he needed to be sure everyone was accounted for

wow cameron was bossy sometimes but he rarely was like this it must of been important. he had just finished up with a small robbery when getting the call and reluctantly left his men to clean up not wanting to take the vehicle they had but he had no choice they could always get anouther anyways. he drove rapidly though the streets glad the roads were mostly empty and once out the city he put his foot to the floor. it may of been a van he was driving but it wasnt exactly slow. he saw the forest in sight and lessend his speed a little to not crash into a tree on the more narrow roads and hoped he would be there in time
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  • MOOD: Excited but Focused

    OUTFIT: Click Me!

    LOCATION: City --> Forest
    INTERACTION: Dusk, Paranix, and Kierra

    TL;DR Nah G
    Eloise L. Garcia
    "In his kiss, I taste Revolution."
    She stood on the roof of the place she called home, her bright pink hair whipping in the air as she looked down at the world below. A smile spread across her lips and she closed her eyes before leaning off the ledge and letting herself fall.

    Now dear reader. The company she works for is the BISA, otherwise known as the Bionic Intelligence Service Agency, is one made purely of those around the globe who had been brought up, worked to the bone, and kept to be sold off. It was a team Alexandra herself had founded shortly after establishing her own indepence. Her original team and another that had left with her went from city to city bringing down places that did the same thing that happened to her to others. And after a few months, she had over fifty willing and grateful people like her doing the exact same thing. Over the years, people have, of course, left the business to follow a regular modern life. Maybe even settle down with those they held close. But no matter what, they left as agents instead of assassins.
    But Eloise was one of the few who stayed to help.

    She'd first been discovered by one of the lower-ranked teams when she was only two. The still current youngest they've ever taken a subject. There was good reason for it too.
    The enhancing chips each person was injected with can easily develop and grow to suit the host with a minimal cognitively developed mind. In other words, the older that person got, the better and quicker their chips would work. This also meant that the younger they were, the slower it worked. But for a subject that had little to no real development to have this bordered onto plain harmful and incredibly risky.

    Being the youngest of the dozens of groups that flooded in daily, it of course caught Alexandra's attention. As the years went by Alex took it upon herself to take care of Eloise even though there were countless others who were more than willing to. She acted almost like a mother if mothers carried knives to the bathroom.

    Eloise was taught combat and warfare. How to pick her fights and when to start them. Along with that, she was taught all the most important contradictory traits to have; Kindness and Hostility, Generosity and Selfishness; Diplomacy and Indecency. And while Alexandra had made a point to never involve Eloise in the work she did, here she was now calling for her personally. And by god, was she ready.

    Small green waves wrapped around her wrists as the wind grew heavy around her. And suddenly, she hadn't been falling anymore.
    "Two minutes. Twenty due North."
    Gliding through the air, the currents around her shifted to support her. The feeling was too familiar for her to think much of it but it was still thrilling, to say the least. The wind currents carried her through the air even quicker, building up speed while she headed towards the thick forest the voice had pointed her to.
    All that she needed to do now was not mess this up.

    But little did she know of the fellow agent who had been watching her.
    code by valen t.

oc: cameron(red), jim(blue)
he was glad they kept uplooking left and right for any sign of life but finding none apart from there group but soon the road came in sight and a glossy black van the back door open ready is seen waiting the driver inside had a smile on his face and obvious scars covering it. he did a small wave and called out "hurry up slow pokes we dont have all day... is that a cat lady?" normally cameron would be happy with jims small talk but right now he wanted to get out of here and these people safe "not now jim we need to go" he would go into the back looking at the others "we should be good once out the forest but i would hold on jim drives fast"
this is jim lemme get on with the next charicter explination wooooooo
jim is camerons right hand man who has been a childhood friend and always close. he was not born with any abilitys or powers and has had camerons healing briefly to save his life but gave it back soon after. he is very easy going only getting serious when he needs to be liking to lighten moods and generally make cheesy jokes. he runs the police department for camerons organisation and has connections with the main authorits within the city not that they do much but there around lol.


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Operations Leader
Alexandra McCoy
"You're either on my side, by my side or in my fucking way. Choose wisely."

Choosing to be grateful for the lack of new faces around threw the body she'd carried into the van then let Jacob and Josaline climb in themselves. Alexandra's eyes flashed blue while she scanned the area a final time. Not seeing worth calling to attention, they flashed a light hue of red before she got into the vehicle herself. At Cameron's warning, she simply nodded. She was rather good at keeping her footing so she saw no point in heeding it but she looked to the other two with her, ensuring that they understood.
"We're all good Let's go."
Code By Nano
as soon as she says shes ready he outs his foot to the floor cameron already closing the door as he swings the van around driving wuickly out the forest not waiting around "we will be there in 2 minuetes so have a nice ride" he puts his concentration nack onto driving after the comment glad he had made it early

he looked at alex carefully
"do you know someone called sam around my height he used to have green hair but now white im only asking because i noticed the thing in your neck" he saw sam only twice both times he had been very useful at repairing damages but something a out him unsettled him he knew he was strong but it was something more than that
Operations Leader
Alexandra McCoy
"You're either on my side, by my side or in my fucking way. Choose wisely."

Alexandra could say she was surprised by his question. After they had got moving, she had assumed they'd ride in silence. But wasn't even just that-...Her head snapped toward Cameron at his question as she'd grown the sudden urge to chuck him out the window at just the mention of his name. But a bigger part of her wanted to know how he came to know Sam by name.

Sure, she knew that both versions of him were rather...Popular to say the least...But she could have also sworn that both had gone into hiding to enjoy life without the constant fighting and never-ending problems that came with them. It'd been a good while since she'd even heard of either herself-
Perhaps that's why she was interested. Personal interest? How strange...

Her eyes stared ahead at the road in front of them. She was quiet for a moment before nodding her head.
"That's the guy who saved me." She leaned back a bit and narrowed her eyes. "How do you know him? And how could you link the chip to my knowing?"
Code By Nano
"i met the guy... both if them although im more familier with his older counterpart. the younger one helped me repair some large explosive damage but didnt say much his older self told me about the chip and seeing your neck glow earlier clued me in about it." he spoke honestly wanting to be open about things he knew so she would atleast trust him abit more but while he knew what happend to the older one the younger sam dissapered to his knowlage and he hopes he wasnt dead
Operations Leader
Alexandra McCoy
"You're either on my side, by my side or in my fucking way. Choose wisely."

She slowly nodded and instead of wanting to throw Cameron, she wanted to throw Sam for telling a random stranger about her. For all she knows, that could mean that he knew exactly what she had been doing and what situation she had been in when she found him. She could even go as far as thinking this to be staged. All because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"...Good for you then." She gave a small smile that looked as fake as it was supposed to be.
Code By Nano
oc: cameron
he sighed a little at her reaction knowing that she obviously wasnt happy but he couldnt do much about that now "he didnt tell me anything about you or the group you have just where they came from. when someone who could level the city appears wouldnt you ask questions aswell?" he looked away from her at that comment leaning foreward to the front seat snatching a radio which layed on it "point gas requesting storage tunnel to be open and ready. vehicle 6 is entering city" he would look out the window as buildings start to come into view there destination not far and he looked back at the group "i will have to request that you should try and limit the use of any abilitys you have and to not go into the hospital without me or jim with you its a clean zone and takes weeks to reclean if outside sources come in without proper measures. a room will be ready for each of you and meals are at 9, 12 and 6. there are two exits which will be shown on a map of the complex in your rooms you may enter and leave freely just if your leaving for good tell someone. any questions?" he didnt expect any serious ones but he had to make sure

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