Just a Myth?

Atori opened her mouth to speak when a large merchant ship rolled along the horizon. It carried expensive goods such as gold, silk, and teas. Easy money would come from raiding, or sinking, that ship. "Hmm..." She stared at it for a long while, watching it bypass the port and head straight for where her home was. She frowned, "Again with something threatening my home." She muttered under her breath and sunk into the water, swimming to a rocky area where other ships have been wrecked. She set herself deep in the fortress of jagged rocks, but not deep enough so that the sailors couldn't see or hear her. She, soon joined by her sister, let out a melodic note to beckon to the men. It wasn't long before the ship fell victim to the rocks and was engulfed by the sea. Atori, quiet pleased with herself, retrieved gifts for those at the dock, since she had no use for worldly possessions.
"hahaha" Craven laughed at the sailors and their ship, now gone, he leaned forward balancing his weight with his hands and his out stretched feet. "How delightful it is, haha" He stuck his tongue out slightly making him look like a little kid staring at a candy shop window and continued to kick his feet in the water slightly to make more rings in the water.
Atori popped up, arms filled with objects of gold bars and treasures. "Here. Take what you want." She smiled and set the loot on the dock for them to browse through. She yawned while stretching, then washed up on shore. As her scales dried, they became skin, and she wrapped one of the silks from the ship around her into a dress. She tussled with her hair, putting up into a messy bun.
When Atori popped up again, Vivian took a few steps closer in their dirrection. She didn't look too surprised when the mermaid's tail changed into a pair of human legs. Instead she looked at Atori, pointing her perfectly manicured nails towards the treasures she just got from that ship.

'Hey, mermaid girl! I was wondering, could you pull that trick in a Tiffany's store?' Vivian's mouth twitched into a slight grin.
"Eh?" Atori stopped and looked at the woman. "I don't believe so. Unless the workers were all male." She shrugged and made her way up to the dock. She sat on the edge while looking around. The area was becoming more populated as people started to flood the streets, mainly the markets, and socialized with others. The sun was growing tired, lowering slowly below the horizon, and sunset was chased away by a starry night sky. Atori sighed deeply. Humans would soon be drunk stupid, and the ruckus of parties would last for hours.
Ins polished off the last piece of steak in a single gulp. With a sigh, he stood himself up, and brushed the sand off of his bac and jeans. The meat would hold for him for a few hours, but he needed blood. Badly. He was already super weak, and not getting any of the red stuff just tipped him over the edge. He was still stronger and faster than any human, but still.

He turned and grabbed the edge of the dock. With a grunt, he flipped himself over the edge, pausing at the height of his rotation to do a handstand. He landed with a thud, crouching low to the deck. He stood himself up, and grinned his shark tooth grin. Unlike most vamps, who had two large fangs, Ins was born with several tiny, just as sharp teeth. He looked around, and spotted a small group of people walking his way. He still held his smile, hoping to unnerve them. It was a past time of his, scaring humans.
Craven yawned and flopped down on his back. He looked up at the sky seemingly bored and stretched out. *Sigh* "If nothing interesting happens i think i'll take my leave...It's rather boring here no offence to you lovelies"
'Well...' Vivian said, thinking for a moment. 'I'm pretty sure there are male guards at night around the store. How would you feel joining me on a robbing trip?'

Vivian looked forward to having a few of the shining diamons necklaces to show off. Then, looking at the guy Atori was talking to, she added, gesturing towards him. 'He could come, too, if you want. As long as he doesn't mess things up.' Having said than, Vivian gave Craven a dangerous glare.
"Tch, and what kind of a person finds robbing some place fun? What a waste of time. If there's no art in it and it's all for your pleasure of personal gain then count me out." *Smiles devilishly* "but i think i'll stick around when you get caught"

((Such a jerk you are dear Craven T.T))
"Oh? Don't be so sure. Humans are not the best at catching their prey... without the aid of those terrible weapons, that is." Atori smiled and leaned on the poll that left a lantern dangling from it, so that those in the night core see their way.
Craven stood up and looked around for a minute then answered "Well, do you ever expect a human NOT to cheat? They will always cheat to get what they want"
Atori shrugged. "Indeed. But when you can just eat them..." She gave a toothy smile and chuckled darkly under her breath.

(o_o? My, Atori...what kind of dark thoughts are you having? xD )
"Heh, cute" Craven put one hand on his hip and waited for someone else to move

(No offence, but it feels like this is going no where fast
:/ )
Name- Angellika Shay

Nickname- Angel

Gender- Female

Race- Vampire

Personality- Angel is very fierce when provoked and will not go without a fight otherwise she is very kind and only wishes to create peace between humans and vampires even though she must drink their blood to survive.

Crush- None yet

Appearance- Knee length, blonde and ice blue, pin straight hair. She is pale white and her eyes are ice blue like the color blocks in her hair.
Angellika had been walking all day covered in her invader zim hoodie, tight black jeans, and a baby blue t-shirt showing a lot of cleavage. She decided it was time for a snack so she walked about a little more until she spotted them sitting on a dock just talking seeming to have a merry day. "Time to change that" she sashayed over to the dock her blonde and blue hair falling at her knees moved around her in the wind as if it had a mind of it's own making her look even more beautiful. When she spoke her voice was elegant but seductive. "Hello" she smiled showing her fangs off proudly hoping to terrify at least one of what she thought were humans.

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