Just a Myth?


Junior Member

Myths have existed for centuries, since the beginning of time, told from person to person. But have you wondered if they were ever real? The dangerous beauties of the sea, mermaids, who will drag a man to the depths of the ocean just to have him for a snack. The vampires that feast upon human blood, cursing them to be their slaves. Or perhaps those wild werewolves that devour our livestock. And even more exist, but only in fairytales. Or do they? Well that, my dear friend, is something you'll have to decide for yourself.


-Don't Godmod, please.

-Keep it PG 14.-Four to five sentence minimum. Although I do understand writers block.

-Don't be rude or make fun of others.

-You can't kill another player without their permission.

-OOC is any bracket or parentheses.

-(Also remember that the Mermaid world is all female. And they're not Little Mermaid girls, I'm talking the dangerous POTC mermaids.)

Profile Form:








Name- Atori Layrec

Nickname- Just Atori

Gender- Female

Race- Mermaid

Personality- Like other mermaids, Atori is a beautiful singer. She loves the water and only wishes to protect her home. Even though humans are a mermaids main prey, she has helped them before, but quickly vanished before being seen.

Crush- None so far.

Long, wavy, golden brown hair cascades to below her chest. Her tail matches her eyes, an ocean blue. Her right eye has a splash of yellow in it.
Name: Kamonalven Kortres

Nickname: Kamon

Gender: Male

Race: Dokkalfar (Dark Elf)

Personality: Kamon is a trickster. He likes to cause trouble, and finds pleasure in misfortune. He knows when to draw the line, however. He occasionally becomes attached to small trinkets, and becomes protective of them. He gives them to people he trusts, and keeps from causing trouble to these friends.

Crush: none

Appearance: http://img.booru.org/Grognard//images/6/7a08bb8b665c13a15539f395d1d2ff049fed5f50.jpg
Hell yes lol he's a little weirdo like that. if anyone falls for him, good luck getting his attention away from his lovely "death"

btw thx for accepting mah ^^
(well I don't know where to start so I think since you made it [NeonTails] you should start off :3)
Name: Ins Rivela

<br>Nickname: Bones

<br>Gender: Male

<br>Race: Vampire (Never RP'd as a vamp before... O.o )

<br>Personality: Slightly obnoxious, and always sarcastic. He is otherwise friendly (or as friendly as a vampire can be), and will usually make light of bad situations.<br>Crush: Nope. Not yet, at least.

<br>Appearance: He has the standard features of a vampire. White skin, Pointy fangs, stuff like that. His eyes are yellow, and due to his less than stellar eye sight, always rimmed by a pair of 'Hipster glasses' (The wide rim ones, that stereotypical geeks where). His fingers are long, and a single silver ring rests upon his left index finger. He wears a white, long sleeved t-shirt,  a dark grey t-shirt over the top of that, a pair of black, loose fit jeans (Which are extremely long on him), and a pair of tattered old trainers. He usually has his dark brown, hair cut short, but it is currently long, creating a slight fringe in front of his face. Also, he tends to wear a pair of large 'skullcandy' brand headphones, the kind that you see DJ's wear.<br>

--- Merged Double Post ---

Atori circled the incoming ships to the towns port. She could easily spy upon the illegal dealings of the humans from below the surface. Nothing extraordinary was handed down from the ships. Her stomach rumbled with hunger and she smirked from the corner of her mouth. "Oh well. I have to eat too." She shrugged and found a nice cove to lure an unsuspecting human in. Atori's voice resonated through the rocks and filled the ears of one unfortunate man. He swayed to her, under her spell. Atori glanced down at him, smiling sweetly. "Hello.~" She hummed. Not long after, well, let's just say there was one less living man in that town.
*sigh* "what a pretty way to die...eaten by a mermaid" <3

Craven kicks his feet a little making small splashes off the dock that he is sitting on.

"Are you going to eat more men with your pretty voice, dear mermaid? heheh"

Craven attention becomes focused on the rings in the water made by his feet
Atori turned her head to the one who spoke. "No, he was meaty enough to just have one." She laughed darkly for a second and just resumed to smile. She really only limited herself to one a day, for her metabolism was slow enough it make it last the day. "And what are you doing here? You don't fear me, therefore, you must not be human."
Ins leaned further back into the dark, dank alleyway he was hiding in. His stomach rumbled, distracting him momentarily.

He was hungry. No, he was
starving. He risked taking a step forward, closer to the sunlight, and was well rewarded.

A particularly good 'specimen' passed by, heart pumping the rich, red nectar of life through his veins.

He slipped his headphones over his ears, and followed the man, keeping his head low so that his Yellow, cat like eyes wouldn't draw attention to him.

Atori circled the dock, waiting for the male to respond. She resurfaced after awhile and held onto the docks poll, humming to her hearts content.
"Me? I'm here for no apparent reason...just wandering around gazing at the average human and laughing at their ridiculous death's in the future. Like the one you just ate, it was funnier to see it happen in person"

Craven continues his small splashing
Vivian, who was utterly bored this day, decided to have a little stroll along the dock. Her feet stepped lightly on the wooden boards, her hips swaying seductevly from side to side as she made her way forth. She wrinkled her nose and squited her eyes when a ray of sunlight happened to hit her in the face. She didn't like sunlight. Why was she even walking on this stupid dock? She had to find out a better activity for the day.

But just as Vivian turned to walk away she spotted a guy talking to what seemed to be a mermaid. Vivian's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a hint of a grin.

She casually leaned against the tall wooden pole of the dock, crossing her arms on her chest as she watched the conversation between the two of them.
Atori titled her head to one side. "You seem to mention death a lot." She hoisted herself up onto the dock so she could see a bit better. There weren't many humans around, considering it was about lunch-time, so she could move around the shores, or ports, more freely, without being threatened or shot at. It wasn't until she had her elbows resting on the deck, could she see a woman standing against the pole. "Hello.~" Atori smiled and waved.
Ins kicked at a can, his disapointment at the situation was obvious. He'd followed the human all over the dockyard, only to discover, at the last minute, the man wasn't as pure as first thought. So instead of some nice, delicous, warm human blood, he was stuck with the options of cold cow blood, or even colder sheep's blood.so, here he was, walking to the shore with a slab of porterhouse steak in one hand, a can of Red Creaming Soda in the other.

On a spur of the moment decision, the young vampire chose a spot next to one of the docks. He sat down in the sand, and leaned back against the old, mottled wood, and pulled his meal out of its plastic wrap. Instead of digging into it straight away, he held it above his mouth, and allowed the juices to drip into his mouth.
Kamon shifted stealthily from alley to alley, staying in the shadows as to not draw attention to his dark grey skin. He noticed the vampire and took a different route from his norm so as to not draw attention. It was riskier to take this way, as more traffic occured through the business district, and the nearby port often brought drunken sailors down this way. Anything was better than confronting a bored vampire, however. Especially when you are as squishy as a human. He went to go back to his shack at the end of town, when he found that the only remaining alleyway to his home was housing the black market. He rarely came this way, and hadn't realized that it had come here. He was stuck between trying to get past a vampire or risking exposure in the black market, and cursed the fact he forgot his hood. He was considering causing some chaos to get back, when he caught the sound of sweet humming from the dock. His interest peaked, he cast a simple spell as all elves could, and used it to listen in at the pier.
Atori looked around to see if any mortals were about. Her eyes caught two sailors laughing their lungs out at whatever happened in the Tavern they just exited. She ducked under the dock until they were on their ship and out of sight. She didn't fear humans, it's just, she'd rather not be shot at and called a "sea-devil" today.
Craven looked at the woman at the pole then his attention was reverted to Atori when she ducked away from the sailors view. His splashing paused for a moment then he continued and gazed out at the water far away
"Bloooood..." Ins murmured as the red elixir dripped from the steak. He slowly lowered it to his mouth, making a noise like a cross between a high pitched yawn, and the meow of a kitten. It was a talent of his, making noises. It was something he was good at, and he prided himself on his ability to sound like almost anything. With a large Chomp, Ins grasped the meal within his small, pointed teeth, and pulled, ripping the meat into two halves.

To the casual passerby, he would've been quite the sight. A young man, covered in red steak juice, eyes closed and mouth stretched into an extremely un-nerving smile. not that Ins gave a damn. He was enjoying his lunch to much to notice anything. Not even the chatter which emanated from the dock above.
Vivian faintlsmiled at the mermaid girl when she said 'Hello' to her, only giving a slight nod in response. Even though, she and the boy noticed her presense, they didn't seem to mind much about that matter, so Vivian continued lounging against the wooden pole, her eyes fixed on both. She wished something would happen. Anything to make it less boring. Maybe she should try and catch that fish girlie just for the fun of it? No, that wouldn't do.

She bit on her lip, frowning as she tried to come up with an idea.

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