Just a Little Screwed (Me and Purplepandybear<3)



Xenia Monroe

Just a little screwed? Oh no, this was way past a little screwed. Try ruining your life. That's were she felt she was.

All Xenia did was let her guard down for just a little while, and it ended up being the biggest mistake she'd ever made. She was speechless when she found out--how could this happen to anyone, let alone her? This was not how she planned out her life, this was not what she ever imagined for herself.

Ok, think about it later. . . now it's time for school. Plus, that thing could have just been. . . wrong, right?

Xenia exhaled deeply as she stepped out of her room, tugging down on her denim shorts. Her step mother stood at the base of the stairs, staring up at her step daughter. She knew something had to be up for Xenia to be acting like this. It wasn't her. . . she was always so talkative, so lively, so out there. Right now, she barely came out of her room to eat. Xenia hadn't meant for anyone to notice it, not that it was really that hard to. But it was working on the two people she needed it to; her boyfriend, Alex, and her father. The two men in her life had no idea that anything was wrong, and it seemed like they wouldn't even figure it out unless it slapped them in the face.

She had gotten to the point of blowing people off; she never went out, never did anything she used to enjoy. That she had done to Alex many times during the last few weeks, and honestly, she was shocked he hadn't asked her about her strange attitude towards him, or anyone else-- or better yet; why she wouldn't talk to him about it!

"X," her step mother wrapped her fingers gently around her arm, so she wouldn't keep running from her. "What's going on? Is something wrong? Xenia, you know you can trust me with anything. Honey, keeping it on the inside wont help anyone. Not you, not me-- what about Alex? What do you think he thinks of this? He has to be just as worried as I am, baby girl."

Xenia stood there just a moment as she took in the words, but once again, she just shook her head and pulled away. In her deep, sky-blue eyes, there was nothing but tears, however she would never let them fall. Not in front of her, or her best friend. "It's just. . . it's-- it's nothing, it's really nothing. And Alex and I are fine, ok? Please just let me get on with my day."

With those last few words, Xenia pulled away and walked to the kitchen to get her keys and lunch.

Please let this get better. . .

Believe it or not, she couldn't handle this. The thought, just the thought, of this actually happening made her even sicker than she already was. Maybe, somehow, Alex could figure it out on his own. . . she didn't want to tell him. She was really scared he would leave her to be honest.

She walked out to her car and began her commute to the high school, her hands shaking so badly she had to stop to calm down a few times. But, eventually got there unharmed.


Jason Smith

On the other side of town, Jason was laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling as he briefly thought of his beautiful girlfriend, Ivy. Honesty, he had never thought he'd get her. She was all he had ever wanted. Yeah, he was a little bit of a hopeless romantic.

A little is an understatement. . . I'm a total hopeless romantic. But who can blame me? I've got the life here; a beautiful girlfriend, a wonderful, understanding and caring best friend--

He cut himself off on that thought, it made him think about how his best friend had been acting. It was kind of weird, you had to admit. Even he had a hard time figuring out why exactly she had been acting so strange around him, but then again, she and Ivy had never, ever, gotten along. That worried him as well, it made him feel a little bit. . . like he was in the middle of their arguments.

Jason turned onto his side to get a glance at his alarm clock, and it read; 7:45. Oh, ha, mister trouble maker was late again, eh? No big deal, to anyone but him. To him, it was a very big deal. He was already applying to collages, this would kill him in the mean time. So, Jason hopped up and began to hint for something to wear.

No, no-- why is this even here? Oh, right. I took it from my cousin.

He moaned when he couldn't find anything really clean to wear. He hadn't had time to wash his clothes. . . give the kid a break. He needed it every once in a great while. This, was his time to relax and get away from school. He didn't want to waste it washing clothes. It was kind of easy to understand from anyone point of view.

He finally walked to his older brothers room and stole a plain white t-shirt and grabbed some of his jeans, before he was finally able to get dressed and go downstairs to get his keys from his mom, and or step father. Which ever one had taken them the night before. Most likely his step dad. . .

"Keys, I need keys to get to school!" He called as he walked into the living room to find his parents, both of them, on the couch, lounging back to watch T.V.

"Here," his step dad tossed them to him, without another word. He was too busy with the T.V.

"Thanks." The soft, barley notable murmur sounded from Jason's lips as he caught the keys and went out to his old, beat up truck-- the old beat up truck being a 1997 ford. He drove quickly, to get there faster. He was late as it was.

Alex Green

Alex green sighed as he sat there at the dinner table waiting a his parents explained the importance of school and crap. Jesus all I asked was to stay home today, the one day that I wanted to. He thought to himself.

"Okay now get to school sweetie." His mum said with a sickening smile. He flipped them both off before rolling his eyes ad grabbing his keys, jumping into his car. Today's the day, that I find out what's wrong.

Yes he had noticed something was wrong with Xenia, but he knew that when he would ask her what's wrong she wouldn't tell him, she could be stubborn like that at times. He sighed as he put his car into drive and began to drive to school, wallowing in his own thoughts.

Ivy Jones

Ivy smiled as she woke up in her soft warm bed and instantly felt loved as she thought of her wonderful boyfriend, Jason. She frowned almost instantly after, because when she thought about Jason it made her think of his best friend, which made her jealous, but scared. But, what if he leaves me for her when he finds out? She shook her head violently as she thought about to try and get it out of her head. She sighed as she got up and trudged towards her mirror. She lifted up her shirt just so she could see her stomach and started to rub it with a sad face. I hope he doesn't. She thought as she ran into the bathroom and threw up into the toilet, after several minutes she cleaned up and headed back into her bed and sobbed, she was always the strong one, but she had feeling too.


Xenia Monroe

Xenia sat in her car for a few moments, her hands rested in her lap as she thought everything over once more. The only thing on her mind, was; what if she did in fact tell him, but he left her for it? Her heart was broken up over the subject. Over all of it--god, this was going to ruin her life!

All I have ever wanted, was for him to be happy with me. God, I can't even do that right! I cant spend one night with someone I love without. . . screwing everything up.

Did she take the blame for what happened? Of course. She had never, ever blamed Alex for anything in the few years they'd been together. However, something should have told her it was not all her fault. Jesus, he could have taken just as many, if nor more, precautions as she could have! It wasn't all her fault. It wasn't her fault she. . . she did something wrong.

Her stomach had been in knots all morning long, not to mention the constant nauseous feeling that came along with it. She'd just about stopped eating in fear it would just make her sicker, when in all reality, she should have been eating, going to the doctor. . . the normal stuff, but she didn't because she was scared of what people would think of a pregnant sixteen year old girl. She was just a child herself. . . how was she going to ever raise one? Right, it was almost impossible. That is why she needed Alex so much. He was her rock, without him, she could never do it alone.

Finally, Xenia got everything together and got out of her car. She slung her bag over her shoulder and began to walk to the entrance, only to be stopped by the security for what seemed like no reason. . . then she figured it out.

"You're looking really, really good today, Xenia. Maybe you could teach me all the things you taught your little excuse of a boyfriend." a smirk fell onto Brad's face as he spoke, as if calling her some kind of. . . horrible name.

"How about this; you sneak up to the roof top, stand there a few minutes, near the edge, and I will personality push you over." She was not in the mood for his bullshit. She didn't even want to be there. "Oh, and not if you were the last man on earth, and I was desperate." She added as she pushed past him, and into the school.

With a quick snap of the wrist, Brad had grabbed her and tightly too. "Who the hell do you think you are?!"


Jason Smith

With a last minute decision, Jason turned and drove towards Ivy's house. Was something wrong, or something? She always called him early in the morning. Like, the second she woke up, usually--or that was how it seemed.

What's up with you, love?

Jason honestly was beginning to think something was wrong. Oh, now that was what drove him mad. He needed to know she was ok, it was his only propose in life anymore. Well, that and protecting Xenia.

So, maybe Ivy was right. . . he had a little bit of an obsession with his best friend, but only in a brotherly way. All he ever wanted from Xenia was to help her, and for her to help him when he needed someone to lean on. Yes, it was strange, but that was how they worked. It had been that way when they were young, and it's still that way today. Nothing would change it.

Once at Ivy's house, Jason got out of the truck and walked to the front steps, knocking on the door ever so lightly so her parents wouldn't get mad at him again. It seemed they saw him as Xenia's father saw Alex. . .

Alex Green

Alex pulled into the school's parking lot and furrowed his brow as he saw Brad grab his girlfriend, and hard by the look of it. He hopped out of the car and slammed the door shut before walking up to the two and glared at Brad. "What the f*ck are you doing?!" He asked angered enough already today. He sat there staring at him as if he was trying to burn a hole through his head.He grabbed Brad by the arm and twisted it backwards to get his hand of his girlfriend and sat there with a smirk on his face.

Ivy Jones

Ivy furrowed her brow slightly as she groaned and got up before walking down the stairs and opened the door. "Oh, H-Hi Jason." She said smiling slightly as she still didn't feel good. are you"W-What doing here?" She questioned him as she sat there looking not quite herself. Please don't ask.
Xenia looked at them both in horror, but she calmed down quite quickly. However, just the look on Alex's face scared her, but he was only looking at brad like that, right? He couldn't be mad at his beloved girlfriend, right? I mean, she was a sweet girl. Or, she was sweet to Alex. The rest of the world, she could care less about.

"it was my fault, I said something stupid. . . and he grabbed me. But, he-- he. . ." Xenia only stopped speaking because of the look Brad was giving her. It looked like he was telling her to shut her mouth, which she happily complied with for a few moments, hut then it set in; she had nothing to be scared of. Alex was there, and he wouldn't let him hurt her. She knew she could trust him. "He asked me to teach him the same things I taught, and I quote, my little excuse of a boyfriend. Then I told him he could walk to the roof, stand near the edge. . . and I would personally push him off. . . then something about I wouldn't do anything with him if he were the last man on earth, and I was desperate. . ." She explained as she let her head fall like s little girl who was in trouble.

Brad shook his head, "I did not say that! Go to hell, Xenia! You're just the school sl--" He finally stopped himself before the word came out of his mouth.
Alex didn't need to hear it anyway before he raised his fist and decked Brad across the face as he watched him fall to the ground and he stood over him before punching him many times in the gut and face before stepping back breathing heavily and blood on his knuckles as he looked over at Xenia quietly trying his bet to calm down.

Xenia Monroe

Xenia shook her head before she turned and headed to her locker. Her feet drugged across the tile floor as she did so.

She couldn't truly understand Alex's violence, yes, he was protecting her. . . but that was a little much. Brad was probably right anyways; she was just s--s. . . she couldn't even bring herself to think the word. It was so dirty so not like her. Humph, she'd only slept with one guy. Maybe that's why she was in this stupid mess as it was.

Was she disappointed in how he did that? Not exactly. In all honesty, she loved it, but the fact that he was so quick to judge did scare her. Thus, another reason she didn't went to tell him.

Xenia shut her locker, then turned to press her back against it, before she slowly fell to the floor, her head in her hands as she did so. Maybe she needed to tell him. He was the father anyways, there was no use in sitting here waiting forever. But, it was scary.

What if he doesn't want me anymore? Alex, please don't stop loving me. . . I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry, babe. . .

[[Meep, Ivy!!]]

Alex Green

Alex calmed his breathing as he sighed to himself quietly. What did I just do? He walked into school and sat against the locker beside Xenia. "Babe, tell me what's going on." He said looking at her with her head in her hands., he didn't like it when she kept things from him. "You can tell me anything."

((Oh!! I didn't see it! I'm sorry!))

Xenia Monroe

Xenia shook her head when she heard the footsteps getting closer, undoubtedly, it had to be Alex. Her thoughts were only confirmed when he sank down beside her. What could she say; 'guess what?! I'm pregnant!'? Ugh, no.

Something inside her wished she would have never met him, that she would have never seen. But something else told her how much she did in fact love, and need him for every bit of this-- not just raising their child, but being there for her.

"Babe, I'm not so sure you want to know. I-- I wish I could tell you, but I'm. . . I'm scared you'll hate me for it. I'm scarred you'll never want to talk to me again, and if that happens. . . I-- I can't do this alone. Not anymore. I need you there with me. . ." Xenia didn't look up from her position, just stayed there, with her head hung into her hands. She looked undoubtedly miserable. Something was most certainly not ok.


Jason Smith

Jason raised a brow at the look of his girlfriend, something didn't look right. He was most definitely not going to let it slip past this time. He just stared into her eyes for more than a few brief moments, but it wasn't long enough to cause suspicion.

What the hell?

Ok, yeah, he was confused. "You don't look. . . normal. Are you ok? Is something wrong?" he asked softly as he nearly ignored her first question. "Oh, I just came to check on you. You never called me this morning, so I thought something had to be wrong. . ." he tried to explain himself, but he was too worried to think of what he was saying!

[[it's okay`]]

Alex Green

"Babe, no matter WHAT I will always e right here, ever will I ever leave you for any reason."
Alex said looking over at her no matter if he was looking over at her or not. "I could never hate you, so you can tell me anything." He said grabbing Xenia by the chin softly and made her look into his eyes. "I love you, Xenia."

Ivy Jones

"I-I'm just not going to school today. I'm sick."
Ivy knew she was lying and gritted her teeth for it, she just didn't know how to tell him yet, and her fear was creeping closer the more she thought about it. "Just go off to school, I'll be fine here."

Xenia Monroe

Maybe if she were to give him a hint he would have to figure it out, right? That would be easier then coming out and saying it. But, either way, she was freaked out and scared to death. her life was over in so many ways; she could never really do the things she loved again. That ears a little much, even for Xenia.

"But you don't understand. You are not the only one I have to let down--this is not something my dad would take lightly to. I would be homeless right now if he knew." That should have been a hint. . . not even a few months back Xenia's father sat them both down and told them if she ever got pregnant, and it was Alex's, she would no longer have a place to live.

Please get it now. . . I wont tell you if you don't.


Jason Smith

Jason furrowed an eyebrow at what she said. This wasn't like her. . . this was some weird, demon thing that took over his girlfriend. Well, maybe not a daemon, but it seemed that way. It seemed someone had snatched her, and replaced her with some kind of weird robot thing.

"Ok, what do you have? I don't really. . . I don't have to go today, I'm alright with playing hooky for you, Ivy." Jason said softly as he leaned against the door frame. "Now, would you quit lying and tell me what the hell is wrong?"

Alex Green

What is she... Alex looked over at Xenia with mixed emotions inside of his eyes. "Y-You mean?" He started to say but shook his head. "T-This is some kind of prank right?" He asked and looked down at his hands smiling slightly. "Very funny." He said but mostly to tell himself that this wasn't happening. It wasn't that Alex was mad about it, he was just kind of hurt that she hadn't told him sooner.

Ivy Jones

"Really there's nothing wrong."
Ivy said as she took a deep breath. Her heart was racing and she felt like she could give in to him at any moment and burst out into tears telling him everything, but she couldn't do that, what would he think of her then even though the baby was baby. "Jut go to school, I'm fine really." She said giving Jason the best fake smile she could.
"Please don't, please don't. . . Alex, don't do this. Trust me, if it were a joke, I would have went about it differently. I was scared of telling you-- Alex, I haven't told anyone but you. I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry." and that was it, she couldn't hold it back anymore; tears rolled down her rosy colored cheeks as she tried so hard not to cry, but she couldn't help it anymore.

He had no idea, just the slightest look from him made her feel like he was upset, or mad. Of course he had a reason to, she hadn't told him she was pregnant. . . this was a big deal. A life changing deal. Where was she supposed to go after her dad kicked her out?


"No, why wont you talk to me? I don't need more of this, Ivy. I have enough at home, and god knows Xenia wont even talk to me anymore, now it feels like you're blowing me off, what I did wrong there. I honestly don't know what I did to anyone to be blown off." Jason murmured as he looked to her with saddened eyes.

Jason, to be honest, was more than a little confused. Now, he was getting frustrated. He was not stupid, he could see something was wrong.
Alex Green

"Babe, please don't cry."
He said pulling her up into his lap ad hugging her tightly. "I'm not mad okay, believe me. I don't know what were going to do yet but everything will be okay." He sighed softly as he stroked her hair comfortably and said sweet things into her ear to calm her down it helped every time she was upset.

Ivy Jones

She started and burst out into tears, luckily her parents weren't home at the moment but still she bawled her eyes out as she put her back against the wall by the door and slid down it before shoving her face into her hands. Why me? She continued to cry trying to talk in between breaths but that only made her cry harder.

Xenia Monroe

How did he know it would be alright? Odds were, it would be― but that didn't mean that there couldn't be something to go wrong. Xenia just had a hard time grasping the concept of the fact she was going to be . . . a mother. It was more than enough to take in, but there was the fear of losing everything too. That didn't help, god knew they were still only kids themselves. How could they even buy a home? Rent an apartment? They were under the legal age. In other words they were screwed.

Please don't talk to me like that. I'm not a little kid . . .

She moved closer to him when he pulled her into his lap, and gently rested her head against his chest. His soothing words calmed her down, and kept her from crying anymore, but she was still undoubtedly distort over this. All of it . . . it was just too much. She had never been good with stress, or anything of the sort, and now this? What could be more stressful?

"I wish I could say I knew what to do," It was nothing but a mere murmur, her voice even cracked a little as she spoke. "what is there we can do? How are we, of all people, going to raise a―a child? We both have mediocre jobs. That's not enough cash-flow to even put a roof over our heads. We're screwed . . ." honestly, he wasn't really screwed here. He could have left whenever he wanted. But Xenia, she was trapped. There was no easy way out.


Jason Smith

Jason watched her a moment, as she fell to the ground. But, it didn't take him long before he was on his knees trying his best to calm her down. He whispered softly to her, stroking her silky hair as he did so. His eyes searched deeply in hers, as if trying to find out something without her having to explain everything; it was useless in the end. He knew there was nothing he could really do, not with her; she would never talk to him, or open up.

"Please talk to me, I swear, I will not get mad at you―not ever. Babe, you know you can talk to me about everything. Right? I'm trustworthy, I've always been here for you . . . please, just tell me what exactly is wrong." Jason was at the point of pleading, but could you blame him? He was more worried than most people could imagine!

Alex Green

"I'll work two jobs, we'll be fin, you'll see."
He said softly as he continued to rub her hair ad tell her sweet little things in her ear.

Ivy Jones

"I'm pregnant, please don't leave me I'm sorry."
She said crying even harder as she looked deep into his eyes. 'Please don't Jason, I need you.' She thought to herself.

Xenia Monroe

Xenia rolled her eyes at his suggestion. Did he really think it would be that easy? Come on. This was not easy, and anything could happen. She rolled her head back as she thought over what he said once more.

What's the use? I mean, Babe, you're making this out like it's easy.

Xenia pulled away from him after a moment, as if she needed some air. Which, she did. She was tired of being held-- that's what got her in this whole stupid mess in the first place. "I--I just need some air," She stood up and slowly walked outside, staring back down at him. He seemed so sure they could handle this. In all honesty, Xenia was scared half to death of this. Of all of it. She just wanted it over with.


Jason Smith

Jason felt his heart become heavy. God, that was not what he thought she would say. However, he felt like his world was caving in. This couldn't be happening, this could not happen to him. There was no way.

You. . . what? How! No, that cannot be correct, she has to be lying . . .

He rolled his neck back as he sat against the door way, trying to think of something to say, but no words seemed to form. It was just a waste of time, this whole thing. . . he wished he would have never even shown up now.

Alex Green

He nodded and sat against the wall as he gave her her own space, plus needed time to think about all of this too. Oh god, I'm going to be a father. The realization hit him like a brick wall and he couldn't breathe for a couple seconds. Everything will be okay, I'll get two jobs I'll earn enough money for at least an apartment. He thought to himself and he got this happy feeling at the back of his mind. I'm glad that it's mine, and I'm going to be a father though.

Ivy Jones

"Don't be silent, it scares me even more."
She said in between breaths as she tried to calm her breathing to at least normal people's breathing. She was trembling with so many emotions, it wasn't even funny. She looked down at her hands as she wiped away some of her tears before new ones formed and streamed down her face because of all of her nerves.

Xenia Monroe

Xenia sat down on the front steps of the building and started to think to herself. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad, right? I mean, they knew what they were doing. . . they could figure it out, but that didn't help how she felt. . . all she wanted was a little love and support. That's what Alex gave her, and to tell her parents, she needed that. She needed him to help her . . . God knows she could not tell them on her own.

She looked down for a brief moment, resting her hand on top of her flat stomach. Even though the baby was quite small, and really, it was just barely there, she felt it was needed. She wanted to be a mother one day, and so what ? That day was coming a little sooner than planned. "Hey," she smiled down softly, before moving her hand, "I know you're going to have a great life, a lot better than me. . . I wont let you end up in the same place that I am. I promise. . . no one needs to feel this scared. . ." She whispered, rolling her neck back to pop the vertebra.

I just wanted a happy life. . .


Jason Smith

"What do you want me to say?" Jason asked as he looked over at her with soft, confused eyes. He wished he knew what to say, he needed to talk, but god, it was hard. He seemed too all over the place at the time. He stood and began to pace, "Have you told anyone else? I mean, besides me?" he asked as he watched her with those beautiful eyes. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Holy shit, this is not happening. Wake up you idiot!

Jason was mentally slapping himself. He could not believe he let himself slip up. This should have never happened.

Alex Green

Sometime after thinking for a while before he stood up smiling softly a he stood in the doorway of the school and smiled when he aw her talking to her belly. He walked up behind her and sat down next to her. "You'll be a good mom." He said truthfully as he looked down at her belly smiling.

Ivy Jones

"N-No I haven't."
Ivy said her breathing calmed down but still shaking a little as she breathed. "I-I was scared you would leave me for Xenia." She said the truth as she looked away ashamed. No more lying

Xenia Monroe

Xenia smiled softly at his comment, but it was not totally true; he had no idea how she would act. Hell, Xenia did not even know what she was going to do. She honestly had half a mind to keep this underground, and adopt the baby out, so no one except her parents and his knew. This would ruin them both in so many ways. She had plans, she had a life ahead of her. She didn't need some kid to mess it all up. God knew she loved, and lived, for Alex. However, she had no intention in raising a child at the age of sixteen.

"I don't know, I don't know if we'll get that far." Xenia said as she moved her hands back, though not for long.

Subject change.

"I was thinking, tonight, we could go and eat dinner with my parents and. . . om, tell them? I cant hide it longer. My step mom keeps asking me what's going on, but I cannot tell her because, well, I didn't want to do it alone."
She softly rubbed her left arm. She needed him for at least that, he had to be there for her just for that. I mean, how hard would it be to have her back?


Justin Smith

Jason was nearly speechless. How could she even think he had a thing for Xenia? She was his best friend―yeah, they dated when they were eleven or twelve! It was one little playdate. Come on!


Jason moaned as he covered his face with his hands. "You really, really think I would leave you for. . . for my best friend? Why? She's my closest friend. God, she has a boyfriend! One she loves." he was rather frustrated with that. How could she even think that? He closed his soft blue eyes, before rubbing his fingertips over them slowly.

Alex Green

"Of course."
Alex said smiling softly. "I'll help in any way that I can."

Ivy Jones

"I-I know, ok...I'm sorry for thinking about something so stupid."
Ivy said in barely a whisper as she looked down at her hands and bit her lip softly. They're just so close, I just never knew...

Xenia Monroe

Xenia forced a smile onto her lips. "Alex, you know, this isn't a game anymore. You cant just decide to walk out at any time, that's the thing. My parents will tell me we have to get married. . . but I don't―I don't want to. . . um. . . merry you. I don't want to marry anyone . . . not that I don't love you, it's just . . . I don't know, it's not my thing." She didn't move away from him. Instead, she got closer and laid her head in his lap when she laid down on her side to just stare out at the parking lot.

Please, please don't take that the wrong way, babe. I still love you, even though marrying you doesn't feel like a solution right now.

Xenia was one of those girls who were always partying, the party hard girls. It was going to be hard for even her to adjust to this. But maybe, just maybe, it could help them. You know, with their relationship stuff. Not like they needed it, but lets face it, they had small communicational issues. Both of them never really asked the other how they were, or like this time, what was wrong. For Xenia, her world was crumbling and it felt like he didn't care because he didn't notice; her mood change, the way she pushed everyone away―how she pushed him away. Maybe she was crazy for what she did, and she probably was. No doubt it was stupid. But, she loved him, just like she still does.

"You're not mad at me, are you?" Xenia asked as she turned onto her back to look up at him, "Alex, trust me; if I didn't love you, I would never had been this scared to tell you I was pregnant." She sat up slightly, just to quickly kiss right under his jaw, where she remembered his hotspot being, one single time before she laid back down on his legs, at least her head.


Justin Smith

Once he realized he raised his voice, he chewed at his bottom lip. "I'm sorry," he quietly moved away just a bit. God, this was not how he planned his life out. He never wanted to have a child with anyone, not yet that is. Maybe later in his life; like after collage. It was tragic in a few ways: he couldn't be there most of it's lifer, he was always busy, he was seventeen . . . there was too many to list.

You really screwed up this time, didn't you?

Hey, this was not all his fault. Right? He wasn't the only cause of it. It was a team effort. However, he would be the one to blame; the man was always the one the blame. "So, you know that I dated Xenia before you, right? It didn't work out, so we split, stayed close, but found someone new. Both of us. She found Alex, and I found you. You are the only person I have ever loved, Ivy. I wont admit, I'm seriously-seriously isn't even the word, but it works- pissed off about this, about you being pregnant, but there's nothing to do now. We just have to work with it."


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