Just A Game[RP]

Titania Heartlex

Elder Member
"Yuki are you serious, we planned to hangout all week and you're bailing out on me again for that stupid game!"

"It's not stupid Comabi and i know but I have other plans tonight and I can't miss out on them.."

"Fine whatever, just don't come crying to me when you don't have any friends!"

And with that, Yuki's only friend hung up, leaving the line dead and quite. "oh well." Yuki shrug's her shoulders and continues walking home. Having a feeling that tonights game it going to be different. 'I can't wait to see all my real friends..' She smiles to herself. Taking the steps up to her apartment and stepping inside. Kicking off her shoes and sitting right in front of her computer. Yuki logs into her account and puts on the headset, "Hey guys, it's Zero logging in!" she says with a smile on her face. 
Manami finally arrives at home from her super long walk from home to school and vise versa. The first thing that popped into her mind was Tower of Paradise. Her dad jumped in front of her and made Manami jump. "Ahahahaha! I got you!!" He started rolling around on the floor as Manami went around him, not really caring. She turned on her big computer and clicked on Tower of Paradise. When Likara was officially in the game, she announced. "Likara is now here! Time to go fight some stupid monsters!!" A bunch of people cheered her on and some frowned at her. All of her real friends plays Tower but wasn't going to be on today. Manami adjusts her headset to be more comfortable and continues to find some monsters.
"I don't care!" Ataru screamed angrily as he stood on the doorway. "Just leave me alone! Jeez!" And with that he slammed the door and locked it. He wasn't about give up his precious time for some stupid dinner with one of his father's clients. He took his shirt off, his unusual habit when he starts playing video games, and opens the windows to let the cool breeze fly in.

He logged in as fast as his hands can type as a broad grin formed on his face and the familiar jumpy feeling started racing inside him. "Alright, let's get this on." He muttered smugly as he watched Xenon appear on the screen with his earth brown robe, lined with gold fabric, his emerald green staff tat he fought hard for and his point wizard hat . "Here!" He announced before grabbing his headphones placing it on his head.
Ray had took the train home from school with a friend as they got off the train Ray dashed towards her house "Ray where are you going" her friend said with a frustrating tone Ray looked back at her "You know exactly what im about to do" she says with a grin, the friend rolled her eyes and turned the opposite way and mutters "Gamer junkie" Ray ran to her house and saw that her parents car was not in the drive way signalling that they were not home "Yes!" Ray unlocked the door to her house and ran upstairs towards her room, she opened the door that had a "Keep Out Gaming In Progress" poster on it and shut it behind her she then threw her school stuff on her messy bed and sat down on her black spinney chair and twirled on it as she logged into "Tower Of Paradise" she then connected her wireless headset to her computer "Time to play" she said sitting crisscross on her chair while drinking a juice box
" Hmm.. " A guy thinks. He wasn't sure on what to do or where to go. But, there is only one thing that came out of his mind, Tower of paradise. It was a game that he really enjoys. and most of all, He has friends in it. He then put on his Gear on his head and logged on as his body becomes numb except his brain. On his mind he logged on his accountant and moments later places started to appear. He finally is in Tower of Paradise. The moment he logs in, There was a message waiting for him. He reads the message,

Vincent! This is john- After he read the name he quickly deleted it. He knows who it was and doesn't want to read if it's from him. He then starts to wander.
Ataru browsed through Xenon's inventory and sighed. "I'm out of health potions again." He muttered, recalling the last time he played where he used all his health potions just trying to kill this huge monster all on his own and since Xenon was a wizard, his character wasn't so keen on heavy armors.

The wizard started to roam around, along with the other players. "Alright, Xenon. Let's go get some monsters and get that gold." Ataru announced as Xenon broke off into a run, his robe swaying in the wind.
"Oooh take that you little fairy!!" Yuki says in her headset. Killing fairies and monsters, making her points increase. Zero was on a role until the computer screen freezes and goes black. "what the hell!" Yuki says loudly, pressing buttons to try to fix her computer until the screen comes on and there's a man in a mask dressed in all black. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen..." the strange man says.
The column of fire dissipated into flickers of ember as the last member of a feral wolf pack disappears. "Nice one, Xenon!" Ataru exclaimed as his shot a fist into the air. "And who said wizards can't take a few hits?" He asked himself and scoffed.

Xenon walked on an imaginary path, leading to a resting wolf under an apple tree. "Alright, let's finish him before he wakes up." He said as Ataru guided Xenon towards it. He stopped, just a few meters away from the beast.

Xenon started chanting words that sounded like crackling fire and whispering cold winds at the same time just as his emerald green staff started to glow. Then, the screen goes blank; empty; nothing. "What the--" Ataru stopped as the screen lights up again, showing a man dressed in black. Ataru squinted his eyes and furrowed his brows as he tried to decide whether this is one of the developers tricks to get the gamers going or if this is a bug or a virus.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen..." His voice was deep and raspy, and it made Ataru's hair on the neck stand.
Vincent was just wandering, He went to different villages and towns. But from time to time, he does quests the NPCs ask him to do. And easily finish them, and get his reward. His rewards vary from money, experience, and some items. After awhile, He finally got tired of walking around and decided to sit down and have a little break. He opened his Item Screen and equipped bread and milk as he started eating on them. Even food here tastes better than the real ones, But the food here won't stop his body from starving in the real world. The food here only increases the stamina . Then, In the middle of his meal. Everything went black. For a moment, He thought it was a glitch of the game. Then seconds later it came back, except. There's a man in black in a window. " Good evening ladies and gentlemen " He says calmly, his voice was deep and raspy. And Vincent didn't like this at all.
Ray was in a cave about to slay a fire dragon "Ok venom we cut its head off and make it into a trophy" when she had finally got to the dragon she had to look away from the computer "Ohh you look so magnificent" but then she hears a dark voice saying " Good evening ladies and gentleman" Ray was shocked "The dragon can talk?" Ray looked back at the screen to see a man dressed in all black "Crap! is this some stupid advertisement!" she said frustrated "Wheres the cancel button" Ray couldn't find it so the only choice was too turn off her computer but she desperately wanted to kill that dragon so she sighed and watched
Manami ran into a dungeon with lighting fast speed and killed the enemies like they were nothing. She was down to the last monster before the boss. Her chain extended and wrapped around its neck, soon suffocating it. As Likara entered the last room, a man appeared dressed in black, head to toe. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen." The first thought was to be a virus or bug, but when her father had just scanned through it yesterday he said nothing was wrong. "Is this an ad or something?" Manami looked for a cancel button or an x near the man, nothing was there. She gave up and sat back in her chair, waiting for the man to continue.
"I hope you all are enjoying your game...killing monsters and such..." The man says with a light chuckle. "I am Master X, one of the many who've created this game.." Yuki looks at the screen as she listens to the man, one of the creaters..?

"I here to inform you all on a bit of a rule change to the game.." The man says. "first rule, you can not leave this game or pause it anymore now that you are logged in..If you don't believe me, just click on this link about one player who didn't follow this rule.." Just then the video pauses and a link pop up. Yuki nervously clicks on it and a video starts playing, showing a boy that's at least 17 who looks like he hasn't slept in days playing the game which it appears to be night. We hear a click sound, assuming he paused his game and the boy climbed into bed. The video goes black and when it comes on there are 6 people dressed in all black with strange mask on standing around him. The boy wakes up in a scream before the screen goes black again, when it the screen comes back on we see the boy hanging with a belt around his neck as he hangs from his closet. He looks beat up and there's something written in blood on the wall: RULES
Ray sat back in her chair un-amused "Mr.X what are a x men wannabe?" she then hears him say that there are new rules and that you are not aloud to pause the game or leave it then a link pops up "Ughhh" Ray clicks the link, she sees a boy, about 17 "He looks like a hobo" she mummbles then he pauses the gameand goes to lay down, the screen blacks out when it comes back there are a bunch of men that are dressed in black standing over his bed then it blacks out again but this time when it comes back he is hanging by a belt and he looks like he just got out of a boxing ring and there is something written in blood "RULES" Ray raises her eyebroow "Is this a trailer for a horror movie?"
"Mister wh--?" Ataru tried to understand the point of all this, because, right not, it all sounded like a joke. After the man says something about not pausing the game or leaving it a link appears and the kid presses it right away, expecting another joke. Boy was he wrong.

His brows furrowed deeper, straining the muscles on his face, as he watched at a boy looking like one of their maids days away from a big party where the mansion is expected to look perfect and grand. Ataru watched the boy climb to bed, wondering this is all about, and the green goes blank again. "I swear if this keeps happening and my computer breaks I'm going to kill myself!" He cried, but his anger was shortlived when the screen goes back on, showing the boy from before grotesquely hanging on the closet with his belt as more people with black clothes and strange and eerie masks surround him. At the back, where it's written in either blood or red paint(Ataru silently prayed it was the latter), was the word: RULES

Ataru gulped and forced a nervous chuckles, but it came out tiny and squeaky. He tried to push the creeping terror inside him away, but the video looked like it was pulled straight out from a nightmare. He scanned the walls and floors for any symbols or signs he could make out and find out more about this, but before he could even pull his eyes away from the boy the video ends.
"Now, I hope I'm making myself clear.." The video link goes away and the man speaks again., "the only way you can leaving this game is if you kill every player here! if you don't, you will be killed by me, or the other players." Yuki sits, staring at the screen as the man speaks, "there is no time limit unless I as other wise..you make continue your game now, how have.." The screen goes back to the main room of the game where all the characters are gathered together. Yuki quickly puts her head set back on, "hello, can anyone hear me!?" She ask, feeling a bit nervous and panic.
Ray just sits and listens still thinking its some type of advertisement for a movie or someone who just hacked the system, when the video ended Ray just stared at the computer "...He didn't put when the movie comes out." she says in a flat tone then somehow she is in the main room with all the other people that were online Ray then turns her wireless headphones back on "Anybody going to see that movie" she says laughing then she hears a voice, it was a girl saying "Hello can anyone hear me" the voice sounded panic like someone one was in a scream movie and they were all alone in a dark room this thought made Ray laugh while her headphones were still on
After hearing those, Vincent appeared on a place where almost all characters gathered. He realized, The man purposely but all of them here for a blood bath. But Vincent was calm and smart, The moment he regained his thoughts. He instinctively ran away from the crowd. He never really liked the crowds anyway. He prefers going by groups for 3 or 4 . Vincent escapes from the crowded place and hopefully, No one saw him .
Ataru's heart raced. Kill or be killed. The statement circled n his head as he sat in front of his computer for a few moments, trying to grasp the concept of this nightmare. "I--I--I-- d-don't understand." He muttered nervously as he clenched his chest, hoping it stop the fast thumping of his heartbeat.

He turned his microphone towards his mouth. "Hello? Hello! Is anyone there?" He didn't bother trying to sound calm and cool, because now wasn't simply the time. He looked at the screen where his character stood motionless, waiting for direction.

"hello, can anyone hear me!?"

"Hello can anyone hear me"

The two voices gave him a little amount of relief, he sighed deeply and wiped his sweat on his forehead away. "I'm here! I'm here!" He cried, sound almost desperate.
Akira arrived home from work after his long session of moderating Towers of Paradise. Truth was, he could still do it. When he had applied, they looked at his résumé, and they accepted him into the company. He strolled into the kitchen and fixed himself a cup of Jasmin tea, because he liked Chinese drinks and foods. After that, Akira took his steaming hot cup up to his room and sat down at his 'Alienware' gaming computer. He did his normal log-in details, and then his moderator password. Before he could choose one of his characters, some writing on the screen appeared in all caps.


Akira smiled at his promotion, put the headset on, and chose his character. The world generated around him with other players doing things. Finally when his U.I. appeared on the screen he announced himself.

"Newly-made Administrator Zarox is online! I hope you can ask your parents to bring you plenty of coffee, because you are not leaving. I'll meet anyone at the center of town if you want to join a raid." Akira said as he typed in a command to instantly warp to the hub of the game.
Manami started to freak out and ran to the nearest hiding spot in the dungeon. She turned off her headset and looked around for any players. "I can't make any wrong moves here, if someone sees me, I'm done with..." Likara moved onto a platform on the ceiling and waited for players to walk into the dungeon. She used a potion that made her invisible to a regular mini map or player view. After turned her headset back on, Manami calmly talked into her microphone. "I'm taking this seriously, if I see anyone near me, I will go all out and kill them. Don't take me lightly."
Vincent ran away quite far and decides to rest on a nearby dungeon. [ well manami, time to meet vincent :P ] He isn't sure what's happening right now at that place. He thought of many possible ideas, but only one was possible. " Bloodbath .. " He whispers to himself. He sits back and tries to relax, running long distances made him 'very' tired. And decides to consume a little meal for stamina regeneration.
[ Her first encounter, yay! :3 ] Manami could hear someone near her and decided to stealth it out. She sneaks behind him and quickly wraps her chain around his neck, hands, and feet, restraining him from doing anything. "I guess you're the first one that I'm going to kill." Likara smiles and tightens the chain slowly.
Vincent was enjoying his light snack, until someone sneaks up behind him and restrains him. From what he can see, Her level is only 3-4 lower than his but still, She can still beat him if he doesn't do anything. He uses his special ability, Shadow illusion. The chain slowly passes through a dark mist, And his image disappears. This is a high level ability and a special ability for a Vampire. " You're going to kill someone who hasn't done anything to you ? " He asks from somewhere in the dark. His shadow illusion disappearing slowly.
Ray could see some of the players running away from the crowd "You people are taking this seriously?!" then she thought "Oh crap people ARE taking this seriously" she then ran into the forest to get away from the other players, she ran and ran until she was deep in the forest "What is wrong with you people" she mumbled into the black headset, Venom climbed the tallest tree she could fine "Good now we will just wait here until these people calm the hell down" she said in frustration "Geesh what the hell is going on"
Likara stood there shocked, not knowing what to do. "Y-you heard the that man, you either kill or be killed. I'm taking this seriously, I don't want to die because of a stupid game. Where are you?!" She glances around but stops and tries to use her senses.

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