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Just a Few Plot Ideas (Really craving some roleplays!)


New Member
Hello! So I recently got some inspiration and several ideas for new roleplays and am hoping to find some fellow roleplayers who are interested.

So I have a few small rules, I will keep it short and sweet.

  • 2+ paragraph replies. I am a wordy person by nature so I write rather detailed replies, and appreciate getting detailed ones in return. I seriously hate one-liners.
  • Unless we are doing doubles, I always want to roleplay as the female character.
    As a little note on the above rule, I am not really wanting to roleplay doubles for these plots but if you really want to and provide me with a sample of your writing style/length I may say yes.

[*]I roleplay to practice, and improve my own writing, meaning I really appreciate good grammar and literate replies. I understand typos, a few spelling mistakes, misplaced commas, etc. we are all human after all. However if we are roleplaying and your writing style just seems a bit juvenile I will most likely get bored and ask to end the roleplay.

[*]I really enjoy having some romance in my roleplays. I love adventure and mystery, and all sorts of plot twists, but I absolutely love to have romance involved in a roleplay. So, just be prepared for that.

[*]I only roleplay MxF

Alright, I hope I did not scare you away with those rules. Hopefully I did not come across as too up-tight or harsh. I really am quite laid back and just looking to have some fun in a roleplay. Soo, without further ado my plot ideas...

And I will Give Up this fight, because I can not make you love me if you don't

The Gist: An Emperor/King/Prince (whichever you prefer) is quite the self centered, vain, selfish, cruel individual. He has a rough personality and is entirely unoccupied with what anyone else, aside from him, wants or needs. The people consider him to be a somewhat oppressive, yet uninvolved ruler and rather than be loved, respected, or admired by his people he is hated and mocked behind his back as none would ever dare speak ill of him in the open. One morning as he happened to be passing through the streets due to an inconvenience he happens upon a mere, yet beautiful, peasant. He orders a servant to observe her, later learning that she is engaged to be married in just two weeks. Being vain and selfish he determines that she is the most beautiful woman in the kingdom, and only he should be allowed to wed her. With that decision he has her brought to the palace and orders her to marry him. She refuses, not fearing banishment, but as a result he threatens to execute her family if she will not marry him. With such drastic terms, she can not refuse.

Basically this will be a roleplay of love and war. As the ruler he will have much more hardships to face, and having been uninvolved in the past there is a large hurdle for him to overcome. For instance regaining his people's trust. At the same time, while he and his new bride start off despising each other, arguing all the time he eventually realizes that there is more to her than her appearance and actually falls in love with her. Of course, her feelings would not be the same and he would have to come to realize that not everything can be bought with money or power. If he wants her love, he has to earn it.

Whatever Way Our Stories End, I Know You'll Have Rewritten Mine

(All about theater!)

The Gist: I would really love to discuss this idea more, however I will give the basics of what I have in mind. A young actress who's whole life revolves around theater gets the chance of a lifetime, an audition for Broadway. She has never been one to believe in love, in fact she has never given it a second glance. Her focus has always been on getting to Broadway. So her 'big break' finally comes and in the middle of her audition another actor bursts in, and after a moment of listening to her, jumps onto the stage with her and completely hijacks her audition. The whole scenario completely fries her nerves and her audition bombs. Whereas originally she stood a good chance of getting a lead role, she ends up with a minor basic, unnoticeable one. Throughout rehearsals the two have this sort of back and forth banter almost, though her side is far from friendly and playful.

Like I said, I would love to discuss this more it is definitely up for some tweaking.

We'll Be Fine, All We Gotta Do Is Be Brave And Kind

(This is a sort of twist on Peter Pan)

The Gist: Children hear stories of Peter Pan and Neverland. The exciting adventures, never growing up, having no responsibility. The entire idea sounds marvelous. For one girl who's life has gone every direction but up, never in her wildest dreams did Neverland seem possible. Yet in her heart she hoped to go, hoped that the land of her dreams was real. So naturally, the night a devilishly handsome Peter Pan appeared at her window she did not hesitate to leave to Neverland, the first girl to ever go. But the stories of her childhood, of every childhood are far from true. Peter Pan is a menace who lures anyone, seventeen and younger to Neverland where they are trapped forever. Using them as his own personal game. He is considered a hunter, those brought to Neverland are released on the island only to be tracked and tormented by Peter, as what he sees as a fun little game. If Peter catches them they are faced with an unfair fight to the death where Peter leads them over the deapths of the sea, allowing them to fly as they battle with swords, But the fight is anything but fair for if Peter fears he is going to lose he lets the individual drop into the sea with no hope of rescue. the ones who escape and manage to avoid being found in Peter's little game of "Hunt and Seek" call themselves the Lost Boys, and they task themselves with saving anyone Peter brings. The only real threat to Peter is the band of pirates, lead by Captain Hook a boy who managed to escape from Neverland completely. It is rumored that when he fell to the sea the mermaids took pity on him, enamored with his appearance, and helped him escape Neverland. He later made his way back with a ship and took every attempt to save those who were dropped to the sea like him. Pulling them onto his ship and making them apart of his crew.

We can talk more about plot ideas, but that is just the general idea. I am looking for someone to roleplay a Lost Boy, or possibly depending on our ideas Pan or Hook.

Normal Is Boring

(Three words, School of Heros!)

The Gist: There is not much more to say than the above. Basically years ago there was a sudden increase in the population of those born, or on the end of experiments gone wrong, who possessed incredible unnatural abilities. More commonly called "super-powers" by lack of a more sophisticated term. Utter chaos broke out as many of the individuals were not able to fully control their abilities, and those without became increasingly worried and paranoid. Until one day an individual rose up, possessing what he liked to call the ability of illusion. He could plant images, illusions if you will, in others minds. Essentially leading anyone to believe the story he wanted them to. Rather than abuse the power he chose to create a school, choosing those who had lived with their abilities for many years trying to keep peace and goodness to be professors. Once the school was established he chose to create the illusion of the destruction of all "powers" leading all those without supernatural abilities to believe that nothing was out of the ordinary. That any "superpowers" was simply what it had always been in the past, fiction, fantasy. As years went by the school became fully established, rules, professors, classes, secrecy, all running like a smooth fully functional machine. The downside? Those not born with their abilities, who received them based from an experiment are not allowed at the school and considered threats to society. They are taken into custody, and locked away to be kept secret. Though, some manage to hide the origins of their abilities and still attend the school (which accepts all students at age 16 no older or younger)

So if you are interested in any of these let me know! Honestly, if you are interested more than one feel free to say so I'm completely up for doing two separate roleplays with one person. Also as a side note, I am a full time college student and am extremely overloaded this semester (which thankfully is coming to an end). So with that said, right now the semester is at it's final two weeks which means all projects and tests are crammed together. So for right now my replies are a bit slow. Once the semester is over I will have lots of time to roleplay. So just stay patient with me till them. It's only like a week and a half...​
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I'm interested in the first plot about the jerkwad emperor. It seems like there's a lot of potential for character growth.
Hi! If you'd want to RP with me I'd be interested in either of the last two ideas, they both sound extremely interesting!
@Cross_Rhodes Wonderful! I was really hoping that plot would get some bites. I would love to roleplay with you. PM me and we can talk details.

@Hexed Hello! I definitely want to roleplay. I would roleplay either or both of those plots so just PM me and take your pick and we can begin planning.
I am a new roleplayer to this site, but I would be extremely interested in roleplaying the last idea with you. Well I consider myself intermediate, I believe I can fulfill the two paragraph requirement you set out.

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