Juro "Jace" Kato


God level
Name: Juro Kato - goes by "Jace" or simply "Jay"

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Race: (mixed) Afro-Asian (Japanese on his mothers side, African American on his fathers side)

Hair: Platinum Blonde (second picture)

Height: 6"2

Weight: 180lb

Extra: Clean shaven (first picture), pretty much always wears a cap 

Naynay Jr.jpg




Jace is quite a typical "muma's boy" having the up most respect for women and his elders, but feeling distinctly uncomfortable around confident/ cocky men, especially those he hasn't met before; if he ever met himself, he'd probably hate himself. His mother separated from his father when he was barely able to walk, for reasons he's never bothered to ask, making him the man of the house from a very young age. This has given him a small alpha-male complex, meaning Jace likes to feel in control of whatever situation he is placed in. He is confident in himself and his own abilities, achieving good grades at school while also playing soccer to quite a high standard and having a good social life. He fancies himself as a bit of a funny guy once you get to know him, though he does often come off as shy/cold when meeting new people, especially guys. This is often unwarranted and laughed off once he becomes more used to the person in question, but Jace always has and always will trust his instincts. He is more critical of himself than anyone else could be of him, and is scarily determine to achieve whatever he sets his mind to - having a burning desire to make his mother proud. Juro isn't one to usually show his emotions, and can often come across as quite cold, but - although he never admit it - deep (deep, deep, DEEP) down he is actually quite sensitive, though he has learnt that having feelings just tends to mean people can hurt them, so he rarely leaves himself open. This trait has become somewhat of an inside joke between him and those who know him, and he often self-deprecates his "ice heart", drawing comparison between his 'heart' and his overly peroxide bleached icy-platinum hair, after all it's always better to laugh than cry (hiding behind humor, so to speak). Furthermore the boy has quite a swift temper, which can switch on and off at a seconds notice, but after upsetting his mother a number of times by almost punching a couple walls down, he has learnt to channel his anger into physical activity - most of the time. If asked to describe him self Jace uses the oxymoron, a cynical-optimist, stating that he believes people go through life only trying to satisfy there own agenda and the world pretty much sucks, buts it's okay because he'll probably win the lottery one day.


Sport (specifially soccer and boxing)








Imposing people

Loud people




Woods/ Forrest's


Losing people he cares for

Being rejected



Juro, or Jace as he prefers, was born in the hospital just outside the same small town he had lived in all his life, that his mother had lived in all her life before him and his grandparents before her. It was safe to say he felt a little caged by the town, especially the past experiences which haunted him, and the people who reminded him of said past experiences every time he saw them. It felt like the town was far to insignificant to have such a large hold on him, but between keeping his mother company, ensuring her sanity, and the incident all those years ago, it definitely felt to Jace like he had unfinished business here - so when the offer came from his mother to move to his estrange fathers house, to escape the drama, he quickly refused it, and not just because he disliked his father. 

He met the group of friends through school, they seemed like pretty much the only kids who didn't look down on his mixed heritage. At least that's how he felt at the time, allot of the alienation was probably in Jay's own mind, something he grew up to realize later on as a teenager when he started to play soccer and became quite integrated into the school society. He regretted not trying to hold the group together more after the disappearance, but he was irrationally scared to lose someone again, another one of them, so young and naive he pushed them away. Something that remained in the back of his mind, which seemed to hinder all of his future relationships/ friendships - it even weakened the bond he shared with his mother, though it did encourage him to get back into contact with his father and half brother; even if it was only short lived. 

Juro was brought up to believe that people are defined  more by the experiences they live through, than the genetic predispositions they are born with. Though he was only young when the incident happened, he truly believes it has changed him irreversibly, both for the better and for the worse. He still preys each night for the safety of the friend, though this now feels like more of a habit (both mentioning the friend and the act of preying its self) - than actual concern. 

Occupation: High School
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