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Futuristic Junk Punk

Well, That's understandable. I have probs like that all the time. But mostly with stuff like night shifts and budget reports. Yikes.
Character Completion

Conrad ‘Burlap’ Newton

"But most days,

I wander around feeling invisible. Like I'm a speck of dust

floating in the air

that can only be seen when a shaft of light hits it."

Age: Appears mid to late twenties

Sex: Male

Orientation: Leans towards heterosexual

Weight: 160 lbs

Height: 5’11

Conrad is lean is musculature and has a light weathered tan on his arms, face, and legs. His original complexion is somewhat pale, an eggshell fleshy tone. Comparably, the texture of his face is firm and pocky like a soft cheap leather that has been freshly oiled and ready for purchase. His face is long and just barely fits his head precariously though his expressions are firm enough to hold it in place. He hardly breaks from his trademark scowl and in such an event that it would crack, it could be quite startling.He smiles lips closed for friendly conversations.

Conrad, or Burlap as he is called,, is perhaps best known for his choice in hairstyle which he purposefully keeps unique for this reason. One side is kept dark and shaved close to his head, the other side is wild and a wicked blonde. He believes it best suits his image, or what little reputation he has. His body is pure of tattoos and piercings save for his twin hoops he wears in his right ear. Old wounds and scars from unfortunate encounters riddle his torso and arms creating small ridges of solid tissue. Don’t ask him about them; he won’t say a word.

Just below Burlap’s thick, well kept brows are a pair of amber eyes: clouded, fiery windows into his mischievous soul. Even though they’re always furrowed, his darker brows compliment his eyes subtly enough to make an appeasing contrast. The dark side of his hair continues down around his sharp jawline and makes a chinstrap that meets a thin mustache perched above his full lips. He enjoys stroking it with the sharp blade of his pocketknife when displaced or in thought. It keeps it trim to his liking.

Another feature that Burlap has inherited is his long spider-like fingers and bony hands. They are unmistakeable when speaking to him. He enjoys ‘talking with his hands’ and gesturing. These hands have proven useful to him in thievery and more importantly, charismatic conversation.


Conrad was born in Comet City to an average couple. His father was the head of a prominent gang in the city and his mother stayed home. Of course, he lived in poverty but his parents loved each other so his childhood was emotionally secure. He did not know his interest in money until he acquired his first job at the age of 13 doing simple things for his father, and his dad always made certain that he was safe on these missions. Maybe fetching some snacks from the market place or picking up some groceries for the gang. Gangs were what he was born into and what he felt comfortable in. He did not realize that they could be dangerous and his father hid this from him as long as possible, fearing his son might soon start asking questions about his way of life. Truthfully, his father only went into the gang business for security and what little financial income it provided. Maybe it was this trait that Conrad inherited among others.

Conrad started saving his money when he was young. Twenty cents here and there, fifty cents on the street. It added up quickly in jars and old water jugs and he finally amassed enough to buy a ticket off the island. The young boy was heartbroken when someone from his father’s gang stole it in the middle of the night.

This event changed how he thought about currency. Gaining more money became a life goal for him. It started out dabbling in jobs to replace what was stolen, but it warped him into a mercenary and a thief in his late teen years. Doing jobs no one else would do earned him a small reputation around his community and soon a select people started coming to him for favors. It was only a few people but Conrad loved the attention even going to far as to fabricate a fake backstory, He quickly assumed the name Burlap, after a nickname his mother gave him when he was younger, and performed his duties under this guise. To this day he prefers the nomminor over his real name. Interestingly enough, he does not think of himself as a villain (he prefers the term ‘vigilante’)and he still respects the modern day gangs in the city.

Today, Conrad prowls the dirty streets looking for work or just loitering to pass the time. He has a permanent residence within Comet City however he keeps it a secret out of fear his things might get stolen again. A keyring is home to many skeleton keys in the event that someone does get a hold of it, and for peace of mind, he always has his switchblade on him. It is a blade long enough and sharp enough to seriously hurt someone that approaches him aggressively. Violence is his last resort. Words are his fisticuffs.

Occupation: etc.

Extra: He’s a Virgo.
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