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Futuristic Junk Punk


Dusty Wanderer
This is just a guideline...





(PICTURE and/or description)



Eye colour:

Hair colour:

Affiliation: (Loner, keeper, ganger, other)


Skills and equipment:




Approved Characters:

Orphaned Characters:

The Fallen:
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Name: Rico

Age: 23

Gender: Female



Height: 5'7


Eye colour: Brown

Hair colour: Black

Affiliation: Loner

Occupation: Scavenger

Skills and equipment:

  • Utility belt - has an assortment of hook bars and compartments.
  • Can opener - that's her sword, although it's more useful as a lever.
  • Nut cracker - that's her glove. Augments her grip strength at least a hundredfold.
  • Aikido - this girl can take care of herself.

Personality: Spirited and thoughtful of others, Rico is that rare type of Comet City denizen who isn't afraid to trust and befriend other people. She'll gladly share what she has if someone else needs or deserves it more, and if someone were to take advantage of her kindness, she wouldn't hold it against them. Well, not a lot anyway. It's just the way things are.

To Rico however, just because something is, doesn't mean it must be. You lose something, find something else. Lose everything, start over. Lose someone, mourn their passing and then move on. Above all else, Rico is adaptable but she'll fight just as hard as anyone else to hold onto the important things and people in her life.

History: As a child abandoned on the outskirts of Comet City, one of many 'dumped' children from orphanages that had their funding cut off, Rico had always been an older sister figure to the other kids. She was quick to figure out and teach them how to make a living from scavenging, though she did not learn everything on her own.

In a fellow scavenger and fully grown adult, Rico had found a mentor and a friend, but little did she know that she had also befriended the king of Comet City, the man named Mars Drekker, otherwise known as the Wandering King.

Every so often, the king would sneak away from the Tower and as not many recognized him by sight, he'd travel around the city and walk among the people, seeing with his own eyes everything that would have been reported to him by his Keepers.

It was during one of these little jaunts that Rico had met him, offering to trade her day's scavenged items for food. Instead, Mars offered to teach her how she could find food on her own as well as how to defend herself should she ever need to. Rico accepted the offer only after getting the king to agree that he'd teach the other kids as well.

For the next few years, life went on like so. Rico would lead the children on their scavenging hunts and the king would appear every once in a blue moon, teaching them all manner of things. All of that changed however when one day, during a lean time when decent findings were scarce, Rico tried thievery and for her first target, she had unknowingly stolen from a Keeper. It did not end in her favor.

As luck would have it, Drekker was on another of his outings and arrived just in time to prevent the Keeper from cutting off Rico's hands as punishment. Unfortunately however, the Keeper raised a stink over it and was about to cut off Rico's hands anyway until the king put a hole through his head with a round from his sceptre, a military grade laser rifle and symbol of his status.

It was through this ordeal that Rico had learned of Drekker's identity as king of the city, though he would not be any longer as this was not the first time he had killed one of his own men to prevent some kind of injustice, and the Keepers seeing this as an unforgivable sin, were quick to find a replacement whose first order of business would be trying to kill Drekker.

A string of ordeals followed thereafter with Drekker trying to keep Rico and the other children safe whilst fight off and evading a whole slew of assassins. After too many deaths and failed attempts to find safety, Drekker assaulted the Tower directly with the aid of some close friends, including Rico and the surviving children who wished to avenge their fallen.

The attack ultimately ended in failure with Rico and Drekker being the only survivors, both thought of as dead as well. It was Rico who saved the king's life, nursing him back to health over an entire winter in the shadow of the Tower, a time when everyone tried to stay indoors and keep warm. As soon as he was strong enough, they both moved to the outskirts of the city and Drekker used his contacts to the outside world to move away from Comet City entirely.

Though he had offered to take Rico along as well, she declined as she wished to carry on doing what Drekker had done for her and the other children, teaching others how to survive. She was 15 at the time.



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Name: Mars Drekker

Age: 40

Gender: Male



Height: 6'3


Eye colour: Brown

Hair colour: Brown

Affiliation: Loner

Occupation: King in Exile

Skills and equipment:

  • Cybernetics - makes up most of his entire body with legs being fully prosthetic.
  • Sceptre - military grade laser rifle, the real deal and in top notch condition, if a bit outdated. Belonged to the king before him.
  • Aikido Master - He WILL kick your ass and throw it all over the place for good measure.





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Name: Rixx Hichi

Age: 20

Gender: They (Both)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c9c548f_Screenshot2016-03-29at5.23.44AM.png.2aefb2204938d203f8437235912c20b5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c9c548f_Screenshot2016-03-29at5.23.44AM.png.2aefb2204938d203f8437235912c20b5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5ft 2'

Weight: 125 Pounds

Eye colour: Blue

Hair color: Cyan

Affiliation: Loner

Occupation: Painter Of The Land

Skills and abilities: Painting/Drawing, Running/Dodging

Personality: Outsider,Quiet,Creative,Clever

History: Had a normal life until they and their brother ran away. Half way through his journey with their brother they split apart. To not think about how lonely they were they started paining and drawing. They moved to a village and become well know for their art. After a few years they were crowned "Painter Of The Land"




  • Screenshot 2016-03-29 at 5.23.44 AM.png
    Screenshot 2016-03-29 at 5.23.44 AM.png
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Name: G-15 423.161 (Grace DAWN)

Age: 5 effective years of 'life' / Appearance of 16 years.

Gender: Female in appearance / Machine


Sky is a pure white tom kitten, with a stub for a tail and a dirty, rusty and ripped colar, with a muted bell. He usually looks grey and has his fur ruffled, unless Grace gives him a bath. With this kind of place tho, he will get dirty again, very easily.

Height: 5 ft 51 inches

Weight: 220 lbs

Eye colour: Purple-ish blue

Hair colour: Light Brown

Affiliation: Loner

Occupation: Abandoned Android Maid

Skills and abilities: Being an android she is capable of understanding machine language and even comunicating with them via USB port or Bluetooth.

She is also able to carry heavier objects than normal humans can, a car, for example. However there is a limit. She can't carry a bus or a house.

Being a Maid model she knows cooking, house cleaning and some basic fixing (may fix other machines and devices if they aren't severely damaged, beyond repair.)

Can also perform simple tasks, like, changing a light bulb.

Personality: Grace has a hard time trusting humans. She is afraid to get used by them again just to be thrown away. However, she is a kind person and never the first one to attack someone.

She may seem a little emotionless at times. The thing is, she's not used to have this weird reactions (feelings) and she can barely name them. So, she'll often respond the way a robot is expected to.

She is very curious about the world and even though she might recall things names, it is only a data, an old memory.

When Sky is in danger she'll thrown herself in the danger's way to protect him. She couldn't bear to keep on living without the kitten and have no idea of the why.

History: The G-15 was a popular robotic servant for the wealthy and rich. This model had been bought by a family to serve their household and, it had remarkable babysitting and cooking abilities. After a couple of years, the model became obsolete was replaced by a H-17 and abandoned in the dump.

However, it hadn't been properly shut down, G-15 423.161, rebooted itself and seemed after living with the humans and then being betrayed by them, had developed a personality.

Her first other of business was finding a name. She looked at her herself, and found her serial number, now, blurred and old. It seemed to spell DAWN, the thing humans said about the sky when a new day was starting. A new day, a new life. It was a fitting word and was assigned as her surname. Grace was simply one of the G names in her data bank. Grace Dawn. That would be her new name.

Grace kept wandering the desolate land, it was filled with things she did not really understand. Then she found a fluffy thing. It was a 'cat'. A very dirty and sad looking white kitten, who was missing something. Half of his tail.

Grace felt something different, (compassion perhaps?) She doesn't know. But that forgotten creature had been forgotten just like her. It didn't seem fair.

She rescued and cared for the animal, not really knowing why. When it recovered and was walking again, Grace felt even weirder, (is that what happiness feels like?), she had grown attached to the cat and couldn't let go of it.

The rescued feline was called then, Sky. It had gained a second chance by the hands of the android, it had been abandoned and was dirty, but, even so it shined, it played, like the sky that grew blue at times and dark at others but even so, always returned to its blue and white form.

Grace Dawn and Sky have been together ever since and have become each others best friend.

Extra: Grace's artificial skin has cracked in several places. The most obvious one is at her right arm, where some of it has even fallen apart, showing her metal and wiring.

Her maid clothes have also become rippled in several places from her adventures.

The old habit of speaking of her in 3rd person has remained. When feeling a very strong emotion, like anger, it might slip and become a 1st person speech.

The habit of using technical and complicated words, and even technology language on her speech also remains. It also makes her seem like a very polite and serious person.
Name: Ivy

Age: 28

Gender: Female



Height: 5'10

Weight: 195

Eye colour: White

Hair colour: Pale Blonde

Affiliation: Loner

Occupation: Underground Herbalist and Chiropractic Physician

Skills and abilities: The ability to see through flesh with her eyes and manipulate scraps with her robotic hand.

History: Ivy was a beautiful and vibrant young woman. A natural herbalist and mistress to an experimental roboticist. His wife caught them together and was enraged. That is how she lost her arm. Ivy's lover was convince that he could fix her. Unfortunately the experiment took a wrong turn. Most of her beauty had left her and soon, he did too. To cover his past to the public, she was banished to Comet City.

Extra: Ivy lives on the outskirt of Comet City, a short distance away from the 'Drop off' dock. Only from word of mouth, do people come to her with their ailments, in hopes that she can help.

  • Ej9oe1e.jpg

    Name: Doctor Henry Grezzer

    Age: 34

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Occupation: Doctor

    Personality: Grezzer as he prefers to be called is many things. Anxious, a hypochondriac, paranoid, and an addict. He worries often about insignificant things. Such as whether or not he gets enough crunchy foods in his diet or even if that itch he gets on his foot sometimes is an early sign of cancer. Treating people used to give him a nice warm tingle in his heart but ever since he began trading patches for Prozac things have changed. People are no longer people, they are things and in Comet City everything is broken.

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Name: S-DD12/7 (Refereed to as 'Shade' but will respond/reply to serial ID)

Age: Uncalculated, Assumed 9 years in steady operation.

Gender: None, but AI is Male

Appearance: (I'll upload the image drawing later) Shade has the bodily appearance of a malnourished eighteen year-old male with unusually long hair. His skin is almost completely white and he wears no clothing besides his silk robes that hang from his waist. He wears a old OMNIGEAR_CV visual aid system on his face, obscuring his eyes and a good half of his face. His hair runs down to his ankles when he sits still. Some rumors state that his hair even grows from nanomachines. He is barefoot and shirtless, but he seems to pay no mind because he cannot feel much pain. His whole body is startlingly skinny, but he refuses to explain why he is practically skin-and-bones.

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 162 lbs

Eye colour: Rarely seen, but assumed to be a pale green.

Hair colour: Pale Green

Affiliation: Squatter, taken residence in a building of a former android lab.

Occupation: Analyst and Tinkerer

Skills and equipment:

Tinkerer: Shade is a mechanical genius and can create small machines even with primitive supplies. He has a vast knowledge over prosthetic and robotic components and can make lesser androids for very specific purposes if given the time and materials.

Stamina: Shade can run indefinitely, but the speed is at a average human being's running speed.

Power supply: Shade has his own rechargeable core that can charge if it is hooked up to any battery or energy outlet. Estimated time on a full coil is about 48 hours. Charging time varies, but averages 30 minutes to an hour.

Sync: Shade can interact with other androids, machines, and robots with a sync cord 'tail' Shade has. It can be used to transfer information or speak with the machine in private.

Strength: He has considerably more power than a human being and he is able to carry or throw large and heavy objects. (Cars, large chunks of garbage or rusty metal, large pieces of concrete or rock, ect...) But he does have a limit, so he is careful not to strain himself.

Personality: Shade is almost devoid of emotion, though he has certain feelings that play a major part in his existence. For example, he is occasionally paranoid of whoever he meets. He is afraid of someone shutting him down and stealing his valuable parts that keep him functional. He likes hiding in small and closed-off places, especially his lab 'home'.

History: Built and abandoned by a famous scientist after what people call 'The Collapse'. He was activated by unknown means and began diagnostics. He couldn't retrieve his memories prior to his first activation and since he has been lingering around the large lab he was built in. He powered himself via solar panels from the greenhouse of the lab and stayed like that for seven years. He became restless and wanted to explore, so he disembarked his home and began to wander. At the end of his travel he had blood stained hands. He killed a human scrapper who was trying to dismantle Shade. Out of fear he struck the man with a nearby piece of concrete rebar lying nearby and left the man with a large split in his head, bleeding out. Since then he has rarely ventured outside, and never plans to go out far again.

Extra: In his neutral, calm state, He always has a cocky smirk and demeanor. Nobody knows why, and it is assumed he was programmed that way.
Name: Edd

Age: 45

Gender: Programmed as male


Mostly this, except much more rusted and worn.


Height: 6'7"

Weight: 1,500 lbs

Eye colour: Green

Hair colour: None

Affiliation: (Loner, keeper, ganger, other)

Occupation: Scrap sorter, collector, smelter, etc.

Skills and equipment: Due to being a re-purposed construction robot, Edd is much stronger than a normal man, capable of lifting about 2 tons, and is also highly resistant to blunt force. He has an optional .50 caliber machine gun shoulder attachment and armor plating, though the latter is seldom used (the former, however, is used on quite a lot of things)

Personality: Incredibly patriotic and loyal to the United States, and equally overzealous in combat. Hates many things, namely communists and thieves (the two being synonymous in his mind). Has a soft spot for children, cute animals, and inexplicably apple pie despite it being impossible to eat or find.

History: Initially, Edd was a mere construction robot, designed to...well, construct. He was no different from the thousands of others of his kind other than the serial number he was given: EDD-6157. His particular model was programmed with semi-sentience to make the human workers more comfortable around machines such as himself. For decades he worked at this facility, before it became apparent that his model of worker bot was becoming obsolete and that he was being replaced. Instead of simply scrapping the older robots, however, the company sold them to various other places, one of which being the military base Edd was sent to. It was there that he was re-purposed, repainted, and reprogrammed as a combat robot, until he was finally dumped once more in Comet City when he was damaged during a combat operation.

The local scrapyard found that a robot such as Edd would be incredibly useful in both security and mundane work, and so they utilized him like so many had before them.

Extra: Edd lives in a small "hut" made from the rusted husk of an armored personnel carrier vehicle.
jamaicanviking said:
Name: Edd
Age: 45

Gender: Programmed as male


Mostly this, except much more rusted and worn.


Height: 6'7"

Weight: 1,500 lbs

Eye colour: Green

Hair colour: None

Affiliation: (Loner, keeper, ganger, other)

Occupation: Scrap sorter, collector, smelter, etc.

Skills and equipment: Due to being a re-purposed construction robot, Edd is much stronger than a normal man, capable of lifting about 2 tons, and is also highly resistant to blunt force. He has an optional .50 caliber machine gun shoulder attachment and armor plating, though the latter is seldom used (the former, however, is used on quite a lot of things)

Personality: Incredibly patriotic and loyal to the United States, and equally overzealous in combat. Hates many things, namely communists and thieves (the two being synonymous in his mind). Has a soft spot for children, cute animals, and inexplicably apple pie despite it being impossible to eat or find.

History: Initially, Edd was a mere construction robot, designed to...well, construct. He was no different from the thousands of others of his kind other than the serial number he was given: EDD-6157. His particular model was programmed with semi-sentience to make the human workers more comfortable around machines such as himself. For decades he worked at this facility, before it became apparent that his model of worker bot was becoming obsolete and that he was being replaced. Instead of simply scrapping the older robots, however, the company sold them to various other places, one of which being the military base Edd was sent to. It was there that he was re-purposed, repainted, and reprogrammed as a combat robot, until he was finally dumped once more in Comet City when he was damaged during a combat operation.

The local scrapyard found that a robot such as Edd would be incredibly useful in both security and mundane work, and so they utilized him like so many had before them.

Extra: Edd lives in a small "hut" made from the rusted husk of an armored personnel carrier vehicle.

Reminds me of the MARVINS from Titanfall. The smiley-face robots.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/WIN_20160331_201449.JPG.d9fa1ee700b4f4a17e8f4a9441fed29e.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116213" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/WIN_20160331_201449.JPG.d9fa1ee700b4f4a17e8f4a9441fed29e.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Here's a low-rez pic of shade. I drew him, obviously. ;3



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Name: Javier Smith

Age: 39

Gender: Male



He has a large enough scar in his abdominal region, inflicted by a robot gone crazy. Ironically, he was out hunting for some robot scraps.

Height: 6'2

Weight: 187 lb

Eye colour: Dark brown

Hair colour: Dark brown (Black to the untrained eyes)

Affiliation: Loner

Occupation: Inventor | Scavenger | Inventor

Skills and equipment:

He has a very outdated Kalashnikov 47 he found on the dumps, in a more better condition than all the other weapons. After a bit of jury rigging and unconventional methods of repair, he managed to get it working, although it does jam from time to time. He keeps up with its bullet demand by crafting them.

He's quite skilled in basic hand-to-hand combat, although his fighting style is mostly improvised and adaptive. Most of him moves are either learnt or copied from various other adversaries or allies.

He also carries a metal baseball bat, one of the more useful things he found on the ground. The object's usual job is to inflict blunt trauma and concussion.

And as an emergency backup, he carries a shiv, about 6 inches in terms of height. It's made of a sharpened piece of durable scrap which has a shaped out and chipped handle reinforced with hardened leather.

He has a very strong back, allowing him to carry a lot do stuff, although it restricts more fluid movement.

Personality: Javier may be a bit too serious or show a lack of magnanimity and compassion, often better described as a wooden persona, due to his experience in what he describes as the 'wild', which of course, was quite blunt and not in the slightest towards the ideal of being fruitful. He's also moderately depressed and even more grimmer on his overview of other people and situation, mostly due to his past experiences, but he does keep them closed away from the outside world, it may be more clearly defined as him being a washep up old man, who clearly has nothing to lose and no meaning in life yet chooses to survive. He tends to quite cynical and heavy-minded, and quite sarcastic too. Nevertheless, he manages to keep his sanity and calmness in check, but he does have bouts of anger and fury, making him own very intolerant man. Whenever he's not being cold or insensitive, he's being charitable or assertive, yet he does lack signs of zeal or energy, although he's rather confident in his own abilities.

His pessimistic attitude is often overshadowed by his more realistic and pragmatic side, which often conflicts with one another. Other than that, he's a moderately composed individual, who's a bit on the altruistic, managing to blur the lines between altruism and suicidal behaviour in the process.

History: Javier was one big lucky man in his more earlier and youthful years, one which were more energetic than his present life. His luck came in the form of the fact that he was born in comet city to two very mitigated parents, who were generally really passive, since he was already born in comet city, there was no blunt realization that he was stuck in some land and left for dead, no. He was already hardwired and raised with the fact that the world was always like this. Anyway, he was a pretty energetic and zealous kid, often better being a troublemaker and nuisance than being a general benefit to his parents, who were of course, unhindered by that subject. However, fate had different plans in store for him. At the age of twelve, his parents were approached by muggers, his parents were overwhelmed and met their deaths at the hands of various blunt objects. While the then young Javier managed to escape, he was permanently scarred by this event. He eventually came on to realize that people here would do anything for their next meal. It was kill or be killed. Survival of the fittest. And that his life story was really cliche. Tsk tsk.

Though fate wasn't entirely cruel to him, as he survived because of his innate knack for inventing and fixing objects using rather unconventional methods. Life was a blur for the next two decades, it was the same thing everyday, no difference other than a few bland and brisk encounters with nervous thieves who were easily scared off. Although, he met two boys, who he befriended and took in under his care. Unofficially adopting them. Life was seemingly happy for the trio for the next three years. He lived near some outskirts near a large junkyard, quite distant from any relative form of civilization, this proved to be a very critical mistake. Nevertheless, they lived in a fairly sized scrap house with a concise structure.

However, his destiny had another obstacle ready for him to cross. He was approached by his first ever real threat, a group of armed thugs. Now whenever a small hooligan would come by, he would flaunt his gun which would immediately scare them off, but this didn't seem to be effective in this situation. He tried to hold a last stand but only managed to kill two before he and duo was captured. And that's why they always tell you to stop doing any damned heroics.

The leader, quite impressed at his daring last stand, decided to not kill him. But he also wasn't feeling any necessary compassion. He shot the two kids to death before firing a bullet into his knees and leaving him for dead in a moderately sized pit with no forms of sustenance. Apparently, he was still given his gun, without any bullet or so it seemed. He was extremely furious, and it was fury that drove him to build a makeshift knee brace, to assist him in his improvised escape plan. He actually succeeded and managed to escape that hideous and relatively dank pit, although his anger soon subsided, leaving him with a more sadder and grim outlook on life. He never actually managed to catch those vile mob of thugs, and he has of now, ceased in searching for them. Instead, trying to just keep by himself and naturally survive.

He went on to get a house, which was more precisely, a downed or dumped VTOP Aircraft, which was a pretty good steal. After a few modifications, he managed to create a shop and a home out of it. Which was a pretty good accomplishment except for the fact that it took about year.

Life sucks. At least for him it does.


He has a limp leg, which he keeps stabilized using a knee brace, however, this gives him a very odd walking stance.

He's usually stationed at his stall which is made up of a crashed VTOL aircraft, which also doubles as his home. When he's not in this building, he's usually out collecting machinery, scraps or various other misc. Item, or bartering items.


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@Noivern and now we have a face to the name, but holy ham, what was up with the triple posting?

And @Elephantom, your character is now approved, although I can't add him to the list of approved charries right now as I'm currently at work and using my phone. I'll do it when I get back home. Anyways, feel free to post at anytime.
Ok... well I guess it's technically not against the rules, but it'd be preferable to write everything you want in a single post rather than several. Takes up less space that way and makes it easier to read, y'know.
John & Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt


Age: Biologically late-30s, though chronologically only 25 years old.

Gender: Male (Each is his own "He", but goes by pronoun of "They" when referring to them as a whole due to duality of personality).

Appearance: Body is built resiliently, despite mutations, heavily muscled and sturdy limbs give incredible strength and surprising agility. Their two halves appear to have control over separate systems in the body along with shared functions, John (front half) having the majority of control over their legs and the left arm, while Jacob (rear half) has two arms, the right and a secondary, smaller left arm. Jacob seems to take over the capacity of maintaining organ function, while it is no doubt apparent that they share common organs such as lungs and stomach, and a single nervous system links both of their brains to each other and their body. Altered biological structure requires some coordination between them for movement, but they have developed a type of synergy that allows them to share a number of thoughts between their connected brains.


Weight: 250 lbs.

Eye colour: John has brown eyes, Jacob has blue.

Hair colour: Both brown.

Affiliation: Keeper (Previous), Loner (Present)

Occupation: Enforcer | Gunman-for-hire

Skills and equipment:

  • Armed with salvaged and refurbished weaponry, know how to use them.
  • Multiple extra anatomical features, including a secondary left arm and two complete sets of organs: Heart, lungs, stomach, etc.
  • Mutated genes maintain near-complete immunity to disease, poison and illness.
  • Incredible regenerative capabilities, Severe wounds healing over mere days, minor scrapes and bruises in several hours.
  • Hypermetabolism allows processing of normally-inedible objects for nutrition, including plastics, metal, fabric, but burns energy at an increased rate.

Personality: Mixed between the two, John appears to be the dominant personality of the duo, brash and loud and cocky, always one to run his mouth and shout orders to underlings. Jacob is more passive, simply grunting in response to his brother's comments, typically keeping his thoughts to himself. Jacob is definitely the more intellectual of the two minds, he is surprisingly thoughtful and keeps a journal in a pouch at their waist that he occasionally writes poetry in. John is more physical, his being in control of the legs that support the equivalent weight of two grown men in peak condition. Despite having one arm (His nickname is Lefty), he can easily perform single-handed pushups for nearly an hour. Both are sarcastic and like to crack violent jokes, usually about shooting someone they like, and both have a sincere love for destruction, carnage, and booze. The two together make an expert pair for their line of work, being a combined "good cop/bad cop" in one person, though it is often difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins.


In years past, John and Jacob were going to be born to members of "the outside world", to civilization far beyond the shores of Comet City's trash-ridden coastline. Their mother was going to be the proud mother of twins and could barely contain her excitement to hear she was going to have two strapping baby boys. Unfortunately, employment at a nuclear facility didn't allow much time for leave, and she was forced into laboring through her pregnancy. No one noticed the leak in the reactor for several days and by then the radiation had already seeped into every room in the facility. Fast forward to nearly eight months later, the boys' mother was in the hospital, giving birth. Imagine her horror to discover that her boys who were to be her pride and joy turned out to be a monster. The radiation had infected their developing cells, causing them to mutate and grow together, two bodies inextricably joined into one grotesque creature. They were disposed of, given a lethal dose of potassium chloride to stop their heart and sent into the garbage chute, and promptly forgotten.

But they did not die. A injection lethal enough for one heart may not be enough for two. By a touch of providence, the dilution of the drug, and the mutations to the cells, the pair did not die. They arrived in Comet City among a shipment of garbage, half-conscious and barely moving, dumped onto the shore, found by a resident who took pity on the horrific twins and took them in. Years past, John and Jacob grew rapidly, at almost twice the rate of the average child. They matured quickly and soon found their place at the side of their adoptive father, as a Keeper who protected the King of the City. John and Jacob were physically fit, even at a young age, and such an intimidating and gruesome person was a valuable tool to keeping the peace in Comet City.

Then came the Rebellion Of The King, where Mars had betrayed all of his followers in becoming a Keeper-Killer, but more importantly, the Keeper was John and Jacob's father. John seethed in rage, threatening to kill the man himself, while Jacob philosophized over how they could put their lives on the line for this man only to be used as disposable pawns by his own hands. The agreement they came to was this: Mars Drekker must die. They joined the groups of assassins attempting his life, using every trick in the book they had learned from their father, make-shift bombs using garbage fumes as fuel, covert sniper operations with run-down rifles, full-on machine gun onslaught that blew through entire canisters of precious ammunition. The King was unkillable, and eventually, he fled the island and John and Jacob could not follow him any longer. So they made a pact with each other. They were now the Guardians of the Throne, and while they did not take the title of King for themselves, anyone who wanted to do so themselves would have to go through the Brothers Schmidt first. And so they set out into the wastes and dumps of Comet City, searching for the new King.


Whenever they go out, the people always shout.
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Neil Gundyr

Age: 28

Gender: Male



Height: 6'1"

Weight: 178

Eye colour: Green

Hair colour: Red

Affiliation: Loner

Occupation: Used to work as a Private Eye back home but now he doesn't really have a job. He fancies himself a little bit of a mechanic but certainly isn't any where close to a professional.

Skills and equipment:

-Armed with salvaged and .45 Python Revolver and with a modded and refurbished sniper rifle.

-Neil is a quick learner and very observant. This helps him adapt to most situations and usually find a work around if his in a tight spot. He also has dabbled in basic chemistry, engineering, mechanics and other sciences. He also knows how to speak in German, French, Gaelic and Czech.


Neil has always been the charismatic sort. He's frequently used his charms to get what he wants, which becomes increasingly useful when trying to pry information out of someone. Beyond his suave ways, Neil is also a very calm individual. Never letting his emotions get the better of him the man tries to use his brain more than his heart, which can sometimes be hard considering he is such a passionate person. Neil is full of hopes and aspirations which complements his poetic behavior. He is widely considered to be an optimist and prefers to give people the benefit of the doubt. That's how he would have described himself years ago. That was the old Neil. Ever since he got dumped on this garbage heap, well... Neil's personality took a turn for the worse. After getting dumped in comet city Neil has lost all hope. His dreams have blown away like dust in the wind and his eyes no longer hold that twinkle that people found so charming. Whats left is an empty husk, a cynic, a pessimist and a murderer. Don't get me wrong he doesn't like killing but that's what Comet City does. It drives you to do things you don't want to do. It changes you.

History: Neil grew up in an orphanage for most of his life. He spent the majority of his days, when he was young, picking fights with the older kids and getting the shit kicked out of him. The care takers never took his side in the matters and ended up paddling the poor child into submission. But it never stopped Neil. The older kids were bullies and he could not stand their unjust behavior. Eventually Neil had developed a way to talk himself out of punishments from the care takers, usually by promising to do extra chores and then enlisting the help of friends who were indebted to him. As he grew older it seemed no one wanted to adopt him, so the orphanage is were he stayed. But as he grew older he was now "the one in charge". As the oldest kid what he said was now law (next to the care takers rules) and he was respected by all the other children. By the time he turned 17 Neil decided that he was done with the orphanage. No one was going to come for him and he couldn't spend even another year there.

He ran away and began to work as bus-boy for a local dinner. He worked long hours and the pay was shit but it beat the orphanage by far. It was here that Neil met Officer McNally. He was the first person to take a genuine liking to Neil. And for a time Neil began to like the man as well. They talked for hours and eventually Officer McNally decided to take him under his wing and give him a place to stay for the time being. It inspired Neil to be a police officer and from that day on that was all he cared about. He started another two jobs and began working 24/7 until he could afford schooling. It was at this point in Neil's life that he learned about the power of knowledge. He studied everything from chemistry to fishing, mechanics to cooking etc. The kid had a hunger for knowledge that was never satisfied. By the time he was able to get into college Neil was speaking 4 different languages and trying to get degrees in 5 subjects (including law). Things were looking up for Neil. But as it always does, life took a turn for the worse. This was also the time Neil learned a very important lesson. The world isn't as black and white as it seems. A week before graduating Officer McNally was arrested for drug smuggling and arms dealing. Neil's world came crashing down around him. The person that inspired him to be better than what he was, the person that guided him, the person he considered a friend, was no more than a dirty cop. Because of this Neil lost the house he was staying at and couldn't afford a proper establishment. He ended up staying in hotels and on the streets for the next year. Neil had graduated but Neil wasn't sure he wanted to be a cop any more. It's luster had faded. After another year of his depression Neil finally managed to break free. It happened slowly but something in him awakened and he was back to his regular optimistic self. He had wanted to join the police force and make a difference but that dream was ruined. So he moved on and instead became a Private Eye. At first it was hard to find any work, most people didn't take him seriously because he was still very young, but eventually he found work here and there.

One faithful night Detective Gundyr received a call. Neil had moved into an apartment at this point and technically had an "office"for Gundyr investigations. Anyway this call was from a man who had a job for the detective. It was a simple one, just bust a kid that was constantly getting high on the employers property. The job was easy and finished in no time, but the rabbit whole went deeper, way deeper. Fast forward a month and Neil's been kidnapped by some Gang because he was "poking around in something he didn't understand". Neil's response to that being "I understand it just fine you dickless bastard, go to hell". Next thing he new hew was being shipped of to Comet city (not before receiving a sever beating and losing a finger or two). They threw him in to the garbage, right back where he started, trying to bury him. He would have died but that's when he met Dynames (and even though his model is clearly a 32-7 Dynames he insists on being called Ludwig). An old "out of commission" robot solider. The robot took Neil in and fixed him up, and ever since they've been the best of friends. Over the years Neil slowly fixed up Ludwig, modding him ever so slightly from time to time. Although Neil has never been able to fix the speech modulator so the only two settings it has now are German and Russian. Neil of of course set it to German.

Extra: Has a big issue with cigarettes (the issue being he can't stop smoking).

Ludwig (Model Dynames)

Age: 50-56

Gender: Male?

Appearance: A new Model would look like this, Ludwig is a bit rustier.


Height: 15 ft

Weight: 832 Lbs

Eye colour: N/A

Hair colour: N/A

Affiliation: Loner

Occupation: Solider

Skills and equipment:

- Equipped with high powered sniper rifle, blast shields and thrusters (thruster are currently out of order).

-Skilled at breaking things and minor medical procedure.


Ludwig is huge and frankly terrifying. But that's not at all who he is. Something in the war ended up banging Ludwig's AI system and caused a malfunction. Because of this Ludwig is actually a kind, cuddly robot. He's basically just a big kid who really likes hugs.


Ludwig was created as a Dynames model in a time of war. Soldiers were low and the use of robots were used to help supplement the lack of fighters. Thus Ludwig's birth. Of course at the time he wasn't called Ludwig. His real name was 32-7 but his platoon called him Greens because of his green paint job. His human partner was James Ludwig and the two became a force to be reckoned with in the war. After several years the war was finally coming to a close and Dynames was going to be decommissioned until needed for future wars. James and Greens were going to say their goodbyes when a sudden terrorist attack struck the base. In order to save Jame's life Greens took a grenade for James but in the process something in his AI was dislodged and his system malfunctioned (this left Greens how he is today). Despite his attempt to save James, the solider did indeed pass in the attack. Greens took his last name in his honor.

Eventually the military found out that Ludwig had a malfunction and sent him over to Comet City. The gentle giant barely survived but manged to make it alright. That's when he met Neil and fixed the kid right up. The two became close friends and Neil has been doing a lot for Ludwig so things are looking up for the big guy.


Dreams of one day owning lots of cats and dogs.

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