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Futuristic Junk Punk


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Dusty Wanderer



Grand garbage bin of the world.

A place where everything is meant to be forgotten.

A place where you can dump just about anything...

Or anyone.


Yeah, life ain't easy in the pits.

Food and water are hard to come by,

Everyday's a struggle to survive

And someone somewhere wants to take your stuff.

That's if you have any.


Well, I guess that's just the way things are.

Good luck out there stranger,

Hope you make some good friends

And hope we never cross paths again.

It's a dog eat dog world, this world.
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Glad you think so :)

Now what would you like to know? Mind you, this is just an idea so I might not have all the answers just yet, but hopefully thinking over some questions will help with that.
Of course there is! Once I, uh, actually make the rp that is. I'll throw up a link as soon as it's ready.
Enkerzed said:
Glad you think so :)
Now what would you like to know? Mind you, this is just an idea so I might not have all the answers just yet, but hopefully thinking over some questions will help with that.
I was wondering if the world/universe like the pictures, and I was wondering if you had a story or is it just going to be go with the flow type deal.
That's the plan, in regards to the pictures showing the world of the rp anyway. As for the story, I was thinking it'd all depend on our characters. Some might wanna become king of the city, others might wanna leave at any costs, others still might want to protect or prey upon the weak, or simply live their lives. A few might even come to the city by choice in order to look for a certain someone or something. Whatever ideas you've got, they're all potentially major plot points.

Some details I just thought up as I wrote all that, the city's on a large artificial island that was created to be a utopia about a hundred or two years ago, but it failed and ended up as a dumping ground for the rest of the world.

There shall be robots and consequently, you can have robot characters if you want.

I'm not sure whether I want to include power and abilities or not. I'm thinking maybe tech cobbled together from junk might be enough, but would people like it if things were spiced up a bit? I think I'll flip a coin for that one, but I'm open to any thoughts on the matter.

More ideas later as they come.
I really don't think having powers or abilities is a good idea. It loses the originality of the RP in my opinion. I'm really tired of every roleplay on the site using powers and abilities. But that's my 2c.
Do want, yes pls.

Also, to add my input-- I think the rp could stand well on its own without characters having powers.
And the people have spoken, no powers or abilities it is then.

Hwaet sayethee to these other ideas then?

There are numerous factions and gangs all over the city, but the biggest is the king's and they're known as the Housekeepers, or simply Keepers. Not the most intimidating name, I know, but it does stand out in that way from all the other groups that try to make themselves sound as hardcore as possible.

The king typically rules from the highest point in the city, a skyscraper simply known as the Tower. It's basically a fortress from all the time spent by previous kings on building its defenses. It's also the only place with internet where contact to the outside world can be made, as well as to the rest of the city with its radio broadcast system.

As a general rule, all known gangs must pay some kind of tax to the king. Whether it's food, water, weapons or some kind of tech, a portion of whatever they find must go to the king, else they'd get crushed. If they're found out to be hiding things, they'll also get crushed, though everyone does it anyway, so they're punished more for getting caught than doing it at all.

Mechanics, engineers, doctors, roboticists and cyberneticists are highly valued and in VERY high demand among the city gangs. They are known collectively as fixers and enjoy a high level of status, though when it comes down to it, they're essentially viewed as a resource and one that can be kidnapped or killed if it meant robbing another gang of an advantage.

Robots and cyborgs are also highly sought after, though mostly depending on how strong or useful they are. Poor quality robots and cybernetics may as well be scrap.

Those not affiliated with any gangs are called loners and they're open season for just about anyone. Needless to say, one ought to be very strong or very smart or very lucky if they want to survive on their own. There's also a kind of loose affiliation with other loners, kind of like in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games (if anyone's familiar with them), but just like in that, a loner's got no obligation to help out another.

The only 2 ways of leaving the city is either stowing away on one of the ships that arrive to dump things (a dangerous endeavor as they usually come with security), or trading something (or someone) of value for passage. That said, the king of the city is most able to leave or grant others the ability to leave. An alternative third way is for someone to build their own ship to leave, but that's probably the riskiest way by far what with others who might want to steal it and there being no guarantees to safely reach another land.

As y'all can probably tell by now, the king of the city is going to be a big deal in the rp, but might not necessarily be central to the rp, depending on what your character wants. That said though, I hope everything I've mentioned give y'all a few ideas. If anyone has any thoughts too, feel free to share.
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I would hit the like button but my mobile doesn't like to show the like button for some reason. Dx

I like all of it. Really cool concept.
I have a question: You said we can have a character that is a robot, but can we have a character that is part robot? Like being human but having various parts of their body being mechanical?
Sorry for the wait folks, it's been a pretty busy week for me lately and now it's Easter, so I'll be doing this and that with the family. I promise we'll get this show started by next week, maybe Tuesday or Wednesday.
If y'all want something to do, maybe we could share a few pics for our prospective character ideas. I already have a few lined up here:

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I have made a little gallery for those who might be looking for faceclaims in that vibes: here

(I'll probably go with Nausicaa, by the way.)
I spy a lot of Fisheye Placebo pictures in that gallery. xD

I actually haven't found any pictures that I wanna use yet. Dx

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