usagi froggy
Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer
"Even perfection has room for improvement."
20 - she/her - voice by Cherami Leigh
To put it bluntly, Ingrid comes from a family of slackers; at least, that's how she saw it. She grew up in the sleepy Floccessy Town where it seemed like nothing ever happened and no one cared that nothing happened! The only thing the town had going for it was the clock tower and the ranch up north. Ingrid always had a fascination for learning, especially about Pokemon. She knew that she wanted more than her boring little life in Floccessy, and it always infuriated her that nobody else in town seemed to care about doing something special with their lives.
Ingrid knew from the beginning that her lot in life was going to make it difficult for her to succeed. That's why she always put 110% into everything she did. Whether it was academics, housekeeping, or battling, Ingrid accepted no less than perfection for herself. She knew that if she did she wasn't going to achieve her goals. Lucky for her, all of her hard work paid off and she was able to land a full ride scholarship into Castelia Tech's Pokemon Research program, wanting to focus on type interactions between Pokemon, climate, and habitat. Despite this, she's still quite strict with herself and others, and can never find the time to relax.
Her team consists of a Cinccinno, Altaria, Lopunny, Aggron, Archeops, and Lilligant.

Earlier that day, Juniper had informed her that she would be working together with her father's assistant, Adonis, to travel to Liberty Island to go check on the Mythical Pokemon that lived there-- Victini-- the next day. The Mythical Pokemon had been put under the care of Juniper ever since it had been attacked by Team Plasma several years prior, and now she made it her interns' job to go check on it. The island was peaceful enough that it could live on its own, but it needed to be checked on every so often to make sure it was living in decent conditions.
While there was a part of Ingrid that was excited to get to see an actual Mythical Pokemon, she was less excited about the fact that she was being expected to play babysitter for it, and much less excited about the fact that there was some tagalong joining her. She was perfectly capable of doing an assignment like this on her own, and didn't quite understand why she needed a partner for it. When she asked Juniper about it, she said it was "just in case anything happened," but Ingrid knew she was a strong enough trainer that she could handle it on her own. All she had to do was check on it, make sure it was well-fed, had enough enrichment, and spend the night there "just in case."
As she finished her last note with a flourish, she put the paper into her tabbed folder, slipping it under the "Pokemon Biology" tab, just for reference. Tomorrow was the day of her trip, and she wanted to make sure she was ready for it. She spent the rest of her night packing an overnight bag for the trip and taking a shower before turning in for the night herself. The tickets for the ferry were at 9:00AM sharp, and she hated being late.