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Multiple Settings juni_tootie's cutesy lil plot wasteland (oc/non-oc specific plots inside)!

if you decided to not reach out, why? (for research purposes)

  • i'm too young

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • there's nothing interesting

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • we wouldn't mesh well

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • format is hard to understand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


they could never make me hate you john titor
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
intro !!

  • hi! i'm juniperr, my pronouns are they/them! i am 16, and currently so close to ending my junior year.
  • i consider myself literate, for i can comfortably write around three beefy paras, but i can definitely push myself to write a bit more than that!
  • my preferred pairings are nwlnw (non-women loving non-women), though sometimes i do feel inclined to play a female character! in that case, i do anything but mxf.
  • i am an artist; i have been drawing for a while, i think i started to get more into drawing about… eight-ish years ago?? though, despite this, i still have a lot of things to work on in order to improve.
  • also i am both a goth/metalhead disguised as your average joe, unfortunately :closedeyescryingfrown:

what you can expect from me
  • well-written paragraphs! the least i write are three large paragraphs, but if i have some creative block and write less, i'll be sure to give you a heads up!
  • correct grammar! i only talk ooc without caps on because i like the look of it, but i can assure you i do capitalize ic!
  • very talkative/friendly ooc! though at first i can be a bit shy HAHA
  • maybe a spotify playlist or pinterest board based off of our rp??? maybe?? 😳
  • lazy doodles of our ocs! usually happens when i get super invested in a rp!
what i expect from you
  • also come up with plotting ideas! it doesn't have to be 50/50 but at least put in the effort to help develop the plot!
  • be okay with dark themes! of course, make sure to tell me your triggers, and i will tell mine in return!
  • when it comes to age, i'm actually not that picky! i usually prefer people either my age or older (16+) just because there are darker themes, but don't let that discourage you at all! if you're older than 18 then just don't act creepy, that's all i ask from you.
  • be okay with romance. that's a must.
  • literate with at least three paragraphs. i do prefer quality over quantity, but i just don't want to get absolutely nothing to work with.
  • okay with tons of ooc convo! i love forming relationships and making new friendships, so i just can't not be friends with a rp partner!
  • don't be a dry texter please. i love people who are funny because then i can make so many inside jokes with them. also i love taking shitpost videos and putting a caption on it that has to do with our rp, i think it's actually so funny.
  • artist (this is optional)! i need more art friends AHAHA
  • also PLEASE BE OKAY WITH MY AGE. like don't just skip through my intro and act shocked when you find out i'm a minor (this one applies to adults, not minors).


these are all oc-specific, i can give you a character sheet of the oc mentioned for each plot when interested!
  • (wlw/wlnm) Aira Lampi, an energetic DJ at one of the best nightclubs in town has a secret job. Despite her being an avid party-goer, she works side-by-side with the police force to track drug dealers. Y/C is a private investigator who is trying to figure out where large loads of drugs are coming from, because there is a specific drug becoming an exponential problem with younger partiers. The two must team up to figure it out, and they end up traveling all over the world to solve this mystery. In the midst of this, the duo slowly grows closer and forms a close bond, which leads them to the main question: "what are we?"
  • (mlnw) Nathan Anning was quite literally a half-assed attempt to recreate Frankenstien. His creator, to his surprise, brought Nathan to life exactly how many of the stories had told it. Put the body parts together with stitches, and give it a shock. What his creator didn't expect was for him to learn human mannerisms quickly; Nathan only took around two months to learn how to speak fluent English, and he had no problem walking as soon as he was created. One fateful day, His creator wanted to sell him. His discovery was groundbreaking, and he really wanted to get every single benefit he could out of this monster. Sadly, Nathan was blinded by his false kindness and always thought his creator was the best person he could ask for. The day his creator decided he had to pitch some sales, he died on his way to his destination. Rushed to the hospital, no one really knew what killed him, but the doctors covered it up and wrote it down as a "heart attack". Weeks passed, and Nathan doesn't know what happened to his creator. He was hungry, scared, and felt so alone. He had no idea his favorite person in the whole world withered away. People came into Nathan's home to possess some of his creator's things, and shortly after, Y/C buys this home and moves in. Little did they know, a strange entity was hiding in their closet...
  • (mlnw) Piers Cheong, an artist who was once known for his unique style of music and clothing, was not at his peak anymore. He longed for those days to come back, but he was always set back by his own thoughts. "what if I wasn't such a dick?" "What if I never took my first sip? Or a first bump?" He was never safe from these horrible thoughts; it made him want to vomit. These small, harmless things started snowballing so bad to the point of hitting past managers and spitting at fans days where he didn't have the substances he longed for. He shut himself away from the prying eye, making sure to never damage anyone ever again. Y/C is a new talk show host that is getting low on viewers, so they resort to a rather desperate measure: trying to get in touch with Piers for just one interview. So, what did they do? Find his address, and show up at his doorstep fairly early in the morning, of course.
  • (mlnw) Lou Williamson cannot catch this cheeky bastard. No matter how many times he's tried, they always managed to scurry away with ease. As one of the best in his profession, it's embarrassing. Y/C makes him feel like an absolute idiot. What makes things even worse for him, is that he is conflicted on his feelings about them. He hates their smug attitude, but at the same time, it's unfortunately attractive. Time flies, and this thief thinks of the stuck-up detective the same way. It caused them to have some history, with an odd on/off relationship. They now have to either: part away from each other, or one needs to give up their career for the other. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the two are that flexible... (think of a Sly Cooper/Carmelita Fox kind of dynamic here.)
  • N/A, will add more eventually :)
these are non-oc specific!!
  • (nmlnm preferred) Rumor says that if you dream of someone you've never seen in your life, it can potentially be your soulmate. At least, that's what "A"'s family tells them. They didn't really want to think it was true, and for a while, they thought for sure it was false. That is, until they had the most pleasant dream with a person they had never seen. Yet, they felt oddly familiar, almost like they were perfect for "A". It happened almost every night after that. "A" finally gathered up enough money to move out of the bad area they once lived in, and found a really good job. They decide to explore the town, and are immediately pulled towards a small flower shop. To their shock, there was "B", the person they had seen in their dreams repeatedly.
  • (meant to be nwlnw) "A" had been into cars for quite a while now. Their whole family was filled with racers. Street racers, drag racers, offroaders; it was deep in his blood. When "A" was invited to a "Drag Show" by a friend, they immediately agreed to go. Their friend said one of the people performing was "a friend of a friend" so obviously they wanted more racing friends! They were prepared to see all of the cars in the show. There were no cars. Unfortunately, they were thinking of the wrong thing. They were surrounded by Drag Queens. "A" had a blast, but was a tad bit bummed. They were dumb enough to jump the gun and think it was car related. "A" and their friend then met the performer ("B"), then there was a quick surge of unexpected chemistry. "A" and "B" got along quite well, enough for "B" to just hand out their number. As time went on, they decided to get together.
  • N/A, will add more eventually :)


so that just about sums it up!! feel free to shoot me a dm, please do not respond to this thread, because i will not get notified. if none of these plots interest you, don't fret!! we can always come up with something as well!

hope you have a wonderful day/night, potential partner!!! <3
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