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Realistic or Modern July the Fourth




June 2 06:00, Pripyat: Ukraine/Washington D.C: United States

TO: US Control FROM: Cher 1

"Cher 1 has successfully located the Chernobyl Disaster Site, all seven team members are accounted for, standing by."

June 2 06:02, Pripyat: Ukraine/Washington D.C: United States

TO: Cher 1 FROM: US Control

"Cher 1 you are clear for entry into Chernobyl Disaster Site, standing by."

June 4 12:00, Pripyat: Ukraine/Washington D.C: United States

TO: US Control From: Cher 1

"Cher 1 is ... Chernobyl Disaster Site ... accounted for. Harper is missing. Something ... him into ... standing by."

June 2 12:02, Pripyat: Ukraine/Washington D.C: United States

TO: Cher 1 FROM: US Control

"Cher 1 please repeat, your signal is faulty, standing by."

June 2 12:04, Pripyat: Ukraine/Washington D.C: United States

TO: Cher 1 FROM: US Control

"Cher 1 do you copy? Please repeat. Cher 1, do you copy? Cher 1."

June 8 13:24, Pripyat: Ukraine/Washington D.C: United States

TO:US Control FROM: Cher 1

"Cher 1 ... Control, five ... accounted ... help. *the sound of gunfire can be heard*"

June 8 13:26, Pripyat: Ukraine/Washington D.C: United States

TO: Cher 1 FROM: US Control

"Cher 1 mayday call? Cher 1 do you copy? Cher 1? Cher 1 do you copy?"


The ruined city of Pripyat, Ukraine was near the site of a large nuclear power plant up until one terrible day in 1986. During a systems test on April 26, 1986, reactor 4 of the Chernobyl power plant experienced a large power surge. At the attempt of a shutdown, an even larger surge occurred, causing the reactor to ignite and expel highly radioactive fallout into the atmosphere spreading over miles of land around it. The cities most affected were inhabitable in hours and those lucky enough to escape did with just barely their lives. The city of Pripyat, one of these affected cities, sits silent as a ghost town now as an eerie reminder to that terrible day.


In this roleplay, there are four available roles, as the other members of the team went missing and died or were killed by one of the nicknamed "Chernobyl Creatures" to the knowledge of the rest of the team. These four roles are of the three remaining scientists and one US military member who was set on the team's detail. To give a perspective, there were four scientists and three US military members originally on the team. The four roles will be picked by whom I think has put the most effort into creating their character. This is not a first come first serve roleplay. Everyone who would like to apply has until June 11 12:00 AM (US Mountain Time) to do so.

Smoaki said:
Glad to see! You guys can tag anyone you think might be interested!
I dunno if I can help on that front. What sort of scientists are they anyways? Nuclear engineers? Particle physicists?
Sorry! My internet's been down for a bit. I'm not sure why but... I'll check it later. Uh, they can specialize in anything the person believes would help on a mission like this. I'm pretty loose about characters right now since I mostly just need people
Smoaki said:
Sorry! My internet's been down for a bit. I'm not sure why but... I'll check it later. Uh, they can specialize in anything the person believes would help on a mission like this. I'm pretty loose about characters right now since I mostly just need people
Particle physcist it is.
There is an actual RP thread with all of the basic info up, if you search July the Fourth it should come up with my picture

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