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July Art Competition

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*Still working on concept* I have an idea, but I want to push the idea to be it's absolute best. So I've put down sketches. I'm making progress! Slowly, but surely.
Excellent! I'm glad to see so many people excited for this!
Musician said:
Are we allowed to edit our submissions?
To an extent, Publicy submitted artwork is fine, it's just a matter of resubmitting things to the gallery and deleting the old copy. Privately submitted work, I'd prefer not to get four messages in a row with minor tweaks in each one.
The month is half over! How goes everyone's progress?
Nonsense, Dagfinn. There is no such thing as no talent, only no skill.
Oh well, then I have no skills xD

I've been busy fixing a super nintendo, maybe when I'm done I'll get on this.
Omg, Morde, that icon.

Lol, hope there are some submissions heading in, not much in the gallery yet.

But yeah, til the 31st~!
Hmmmm, I think I might attempt this. It'll be my first tried and true attempt to make a completed digital painting. If I can't get something I like by the 31st, I guess there's always future art competitions. Haha
EvelienLocalArtist said:
Like midnight the morning of the 31st or what time exactly??
It says the deadline is July 31 at 11:59 pm (CST) which I assume means whatever time zone Chicago, IL, USA is in... I think Chicago uses CST, not too sure though

Needless to say, any time zone east until the International Dateline will actually already be on August 1st when the deadline hits, and any time zone west until the Internatonal Dateline will be an hour to four or five hours shy of midnight when the deadline hits

Note: Not sure who the artist who drew this is, but it ain't me. I just think it's cute and I found it on google.
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