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Fandom Jujutsu Kaisen: The Dark Age


Neuro Vampire

Senior Member

It’s nighttime in the city of London and too non sorcerers the streets are as clear as freshwater. To those who can see curses the streets are riddled with curses and there’s one curse in particular clutching the very top of Big Ben. The curse has the appearance of a large stark white dragon, clearly it’s a special grade curse. Special Grades have become more common since the start of the pandemic and quarantine.

A rooftop in the outskirts of London suddenly darkened as a man rose from the very shadows on that roof. Special Grace Sorcerer Zennin from the Zennin Clan. However, he is from a branch of the family that has a restriction on their ability to use the Ten Shadows Shikigami. Instead, they were given greater control of the shadows portion of the cursed technique.

“So you’re the sorcerers Jujutsu Headquarters gave me. You’ll have to do. The mission is straight forward we need to wipe these streets and that special grade.” Kazuma explained. “Also you will all be working for me for the foreseeable future. Call me Kazuma because there are too many damn Zennin sorcerers.”

mysteryxio mysteryxio InumakiBaby InumakiBaby
mysteryxio mysteryxio Neuro Vampire Neuro Vampire

Mitsuru stood before the man who was her assigned leader for this mission, Kazuma. She met the other one of their team earlier. Her eyes moved from Kazuma to the Curse way in the back. Her lips parted as if she was about to say something. But then she closed her lips and looked back to Kazuma. She was a reverse curse user. She could have been sent alone as her success rate was 100% to this day. But, oh well. She had to swallow her pride and arrogance. After all, her faith taught its followers to be humble. And she did pray for a long time to have someone to lead her because of how much stress solo missions were giving her. The higher ups had such expectations that she had it tough figuring out what they were even thinking. She was more of a follower, someone who'd prefer to obey and serve, than someone who would rather lead. This was of course a change in her since her God opened himself to her. Before that, she was rebellious and disrespectful.

"What is the plan?" Mitsuru asked Kazuma. She stood there fully decked out in her armour. Her sword was nowhere to be seen right now though.
Ando looked below the group. All the curses made him gulp though his expression didn't change. He had recently left his teacher to go out on his own. He'd fought plenty of curses before but never this many without his teacher with him. He breathed deeply to regain his calm. Ando felt ready though, he knew he could do it, though it helped having more sorcerers with him. He flipped backwards from where he had been looking out, landing in front of Kazuma. "A Zennin sorcerer huh?...hm...Teach mentioned your clan a few times before but he was more focused on survival than politics so he didn't talk about it." He turned then bowed to Kazuma. "Looking forward to working together." He turned toward the girl in armor, looking her over, gaging her power. "I'm Ando," extending his hand to her. "Though uh what's with the armor? I mean it's clear there's a relation to your power but don't you think that it is a bit too early to be wearing that. We haven't started fighting. Gotta be really hot and stuffy in there." He began stretching his legs he knew that however long this lasted it was gonna be a long night.
mysteryxio mysteryxio Neuro Vampire Neuro Vampire

Mitsuru watched Kazuma and Ando quietly. Ando appeared very young. And by his words and voice she could tell that too.
"Mitsuru Sasaki." She introduced herself in respone to his introduction. "It is adaptable to my needs. No need to worry." Mitsuru answered simply. "As for it's function... it is due to my God tha I have this."
Shingen had been quiet taking in the other sorcerers. He remembered hearing about a branch of the Zennin that lost capability to use shikigami for advance shadow control. He found Ando kind of annoying and Mitsuru strange. However, those traits aren’t exactly uncommon amongst Jujutsu sorcerers.

“The plan.” Kazuma said gathering the other sorcerers’ attention. “We cannot fight the special grade while it’s on that giant clock. We cannot even fight it in a tight area. We need to get it to an open area such as Regent’s Park. I and whoever the fastest out of the three of you will keep the aggro of the special grade to follow us. Before we do that, we’ll work from Regent’s Park towards the tower clearing curses. The other two need to head over to Regent’s Park and clear out the curses. The reason is so we’re not dealing with too many worker ants when we’re trying to bring down the queen.”

Shingen nodded his head as the plan seemed simple enough. He walked to the edge of the roof as he definitely knew he probably wasn’t the fastest in the group. He looked in the direction of the 2.5 mile stretch of curse that Kazuma and someone else is going to have clear out then flee down.

InumakiBaby InumakiBaby mysteryxio mysteryxio
"Well I guess I'm with you then" he turned to Kazuma and spoke in a matter of fact tone. "When it comes to speed I've got plenty of it." He looked at the one holding onto Big Ben. "Call me Ishmael, huh? Though I guess that was a whale but hey giant white sea target." Before he said anything else he heard a quiet bark, like that of a weak dog. Below him was the animal, weak from being attacked, though he didn't know from what. Without thinking, he jumped down to it. He landed easily without damage using his curse power to absorb the impact. He grabbed onto the dog, holding it gently as he could and tried soothing it. "Do not worry you're going to be okay friend." The dog nudged him back in acknowledgement.
Mitsuru listened patiently and attentively. "I will let the rest of you decide who will do what. I can do either." Ando pitched in to go with Kazuma, so that left her and Shingen. Then she noticed the barking but Ando went to deal with the source right away. Mitsuru smiled a little when she saw the teen handle the dog gently. That looked nice. But then her attention went back to Shingen. "So... We're on park cleaning duty." Before they were ready to split up and go, Mitsuru withdrew her sword. The method though... Was quite unconventional. She leaned back her head and opened her mouth. The sword came up hilt first and she pulled it out like it was nothing. Then her helmet formed in her hand and she put it on her head. Why did she store the sword like that? Well, wasn't her choice but it made sense to her. Every word of her God was said to be a sharp sword. So since words came out of the mouth and the sword symbolized her God's word, hence she had a literal sword coming out of her mouth. When she recited her God's holy scripture, the words cut through other's hearts like a sword. And there was a verse that said 'no word of God will be fruitless, but will achieve the intended goal after being spoken and the results will come to the Lord' (her God). So almost everything Mitsuru did was symbolic of her deity. The sword left her mouth, she recited scripture to command Curses, she exorcised them with her sword, and then it went back into her mouth. One could say that she and her siblings fit the saying 'say you're an evangelist without saying you're an evangelist'. But it only made sense more when people learned that Mitsuru was an adopted child of her God. After all, like parent like child.
"Shall we go?" She asked Shingen to make sure he was ready. All of these are children... I'm the oldest here at 25... She thought to herself. Not uncommon for the leader to be so young if he has enough maturity. But, I think I will have to protect them and take some blows for all of them. To my knowledge, none of them have the potency of attack that I do, unless they use reverse curse like Gojo does.

mysteryxio mysteryxio Neuro Vampire Neuro Vampire
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“All right, good luck you two.” Kazuma said as he dropped into his own shadow.

Kazuma was spat out in some shadows near Ishmael. He could see that he’s holding a dog now. “You going to carry that the entire way? If you set it down in our path it could get caught in the action when we come back with the dragon.” Kazuma said. “We’re going to get over to start of the park and work our way towards the dragon. By the time we are halfway to the dragon the others should be at the park already doing clean up.”

Kazuma inclined his right hand towards the ground and it yielded him a rope dart with a kunai blade. He gave the rope dart some testing and calibration spins to get a feel for its weight. He began glided with the shadows beneath his feet as opposed to running. “I suggest stashing the dog somewhere before we get to the entrance of the park.” Kazuma finished.

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Shin watched Mitsuru draw her sword with his Jack hung open. ‘What the hell is this freaking ass knight I got stuck with? Is she serious? I don’t think she would even see a problem with what she just did.’ Shin thought to himself before he closed his jaw and shook his head.

Shin hopped off of the roof and branched his body with cursed energy as he landed. He began hustling towards Regents Park. He ran with one hand on his katana and sheath in one hand. His other hovered near the hilt of his blade for… moments exactly like this. As Shin ran a fourth or third grade curse spirit tried to leap out at him. Shin performed an iaido style quick draw of his blade and slashed it in two exorcising it without even breaking his stride.

InumakiBaby InumakiBaby

The route Kazuma and Ishmael have to go down is infested with grade 2 and below curses. They all vary in size and appearance but none of them look particularly powerful or if they have any actual cursed techniques to beware of.

However the Park itself seems a be a different story. The Park is filled with way less curses but there a few Grade 2 cursed spirits and one that seems like a Semi grade 1. The evidence of these things is most often the lack of lower level cursed spirits around.
Mitsuru followed after Shingen. Though he was the first one to land on the ground, Mitsuru was the quicker one when it came to running, in spite of her wearing several kilograms of metal.
When Shingen dispatched the Curse that jumped at him, Mitsuru was several feet ahead of him. But then a large Curse jumped out from under the ground. It made a hole in the middle of the road and now it seemed like there would need to be an excuse or a cover made up for it's origin. The Curse was easily a semi 2nd grade. It was charging up an attack but Mitsuru headed straight for it. She leapt over it and only its eyes followed her. As she flipped to the back of the Cursed Spirit, she plunged her sword into its head and cut through it on her way down to the ground. The attack it was charging up dissipated and the Curse fell on the ground, beginning to disappear. It wasn't that the Curse was that easy to kill. It was more about Mitsuru's sword than it's lack of intelligence or power.
Mitsuru carried on her way. Minor Curses leapt out here and there from the alley ways and off the building roof tops. "In the name of the Living God, begone!" Mitsuru shouted and all of the ones in the vicinity that heard her were exorcised.

Shingen arrived at the park without much further issue. He noticed the lack of a significant amount of curses but did notice the Semi grade 1 stalking in the central part of Regents Park. He looked over at the 2nd grade curse spirits which seemed to be keeping their distance from semi grade 1. Looking at Shin realized it is kind of intimidating even to a 1st Grade sorcerer like himself.

The Semi First Grade looks like a mess of arms from underneath a cloak that hides a hideous vaguely human face. The fact there’s a humanoid form in there means that it does have the ability to evolve even into a special grade and should be exorcised before it can do so. He took not that two of its arms have blade attached and one of its arms has a shield attached. He’s guessing the curse likely conjured those weapons by transmuted matter because they didn’t seem to be completely composed of curse energy.

“Hey, Mitsuru, I am Shin by the way. Let’s clear out the grade 2s so they don’t attack our flank when fighting the Semi First Grade.” Shin suggested. Shin could see the second grade spirits seemingly paying attention to him now because he referred to them.

InumakiBaby InumakiBaby
Ando looked at the pup. He tried soothing it more but it wanted to stay with him when he went to put it down. "I'll get you somewhere safe once we beat them." Looking around he noticed an open door. The building was dilapidated but it would give a bit of cover, though he didn't want to leave the animal. He did understand that Kazuma was right, there'd be very little chance of him surviving long if he had to hold onto the canine, he'd learned that before. He rubbed it's fur a final time before turning to his leader. He took another deep breathe, grabbing the gear he brought with him. He put his gloves and goggles on, tightening them making sure they wouldn't fall off. Kazuma had already gotten a good ways down the road, but Ando knew he'd catch up. He felt the curse energy flow into his legs building up. He couldn't describe how it felt but he imagined that other cursed users like him probably felt how he did.

He knelt down like a track athlete, then took off appearing right next to Kazuma. "I've never seen travel by shadow before. Kinda cool. Like out of a ninja manga. I got curses straight ahead." Ando ran faster than before getting ahead of Kazuma, moving toward one of them. He launched himself into the air, aiming for what could be called a head. The impact was fast enough that the curse didn't know it'd been hit. Another one nearby tried to swing down at him but he leapt back to a wall then used that as a surface to propel him back toward it. He felt his knee make contact which he followed with an axe kick. He leapt back a few feet, waiting for Kazuma to catch up. He didn't want to go at a fight alone for too long.
Neuro Vampire Neuro Vampire
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Mitsuru was standing on the middle of a small field and assessing te situation. She looked at Shingen when he spoke. "Pleasure to meet you, Shin." Spinning the sword once on her hand, she took a stance, ready to lunge for the kill. "Sounds good to me. I want to make quick work of this, so let's not dawdle." Then she vanished from where she stood. A second later there was a crash as several curses flew in one direction, crashing into each other, and beginning to disintegrate as they had sustained decapitation.
Mitsuru was efficient. So far, her attacks always brought the results she sought. However, something seemed strange. For someone with so much power, Mitsuru seemed either not confident in herself or like she had a secret she was keeping. The reason such suspicions may arise is because she didn't always deliver the same power behind her attacks, didn't seem (yet) to have a favorite technique, or have consistency in style. It was like she had too much on her plate, or was spread too thin, if it could be put tha way. The reason though... she had too much power available to her than she knew what to do with it. It wasn't her power. Wasn't something she trained and developed over time. It was something that was gifted to her out of the blue and she had to pick up the ropes as she went. But a certain proficiency with what she could do was showing.

Neuro Vampire Neuro Vampire (I am going on a trip starting tomorrow and will not have service until Monday).
It’s clear Shin and Mitsuru had some ideological differences on overkill. Shin moved off to handle his portion of the second grade curses. For these ones he was going to only use his cursed energy infusion.

Shin charged directly at the first second grade at a normal human sprint. Shin smirked as the curse was over confident and swung at him. Shin flipped onto the curse’s arm and ran along it severing the curse’s head as his foot touch its shoulder. He front flipped into cutting the next curse in half vertically. Shin sidestepped another curse’s lunge and countered by ending the spin with a downward diagonal slash that hacked the curse in two.

He kept running towards the next curse that had not even taken notice of what is happening. Shin took the curse by surprise and thrusted his blade through the curse’s face. He twisted the blade and ripped the blade upward. The last two grade 2 curses had the sense to attack simultaneously. Shin jumped getting about 5 meters off the ground as the curses caught nothing but air. Shin dropped down on top of the curse stabbing one in the nape of its neck. Shin flipped off of the other curse and ran it through immediately.

He regrouped with Mitsuru to confront the Semi 1st Grade. It took notice of them and with two of its arms scoop up dirt. It seemed to use a curse technique to turn that dirt into two more swords. It not stood holding 4 swords and one shield.

InumakiBaby InumakiBaby

Ando would have seen Kazuma disappear into a shadowy alley. He would reappear from a shadowy alley closer to the entrance of the park. Kazuma lined up near the entrance of the park waiting for Ando. He chose the right side and Ando will have to take the left. From here they just clear out all the curses they come across until they’re at the special grade. Kazuma spun around the kunai blade of the rope dart in anticipation.

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Mitsuru watched over the semi 1st grade from a distance as Shin finished up the last of the 2nd grade curses. The semi 1st grade definitely had some good sense in its head as it did not blindly charge Mitsuru. She did also take notice of Shin's skill and complimented him in her mind. When he joined her, the semi 1st grade now could tell a fight was going to take place and prepared itself. "This one seems to have foresight and logic." Mitsuru warned Shingen. Her armour changed in appearance. She was now wearing far more chainmail to protect herself. A shield appeared on her free arm and her sword grew in length. She took a prepared stance. "Let's off him as quickly as possible. I'll cover you and you finish the job." She stated her plan. Mitsuru thought it would be best if she protected Shin because she was confident she could take more damage, and if she would be badly wounded, she wasn't afraid to die. She thought of this as her responsibility.
Ando looked around him. He hadn't seen Kazuma near him. He thought that he tried to jump ahead to beat him to the curses but hadn't noticed him and decided to head toward the park only noticing Kazuma there. "Wait...How," he didn't finish his thought focusing instead on trying to get the job done. He didn't stop running, heading left. He continued on toward the special grade, kicking the curses until they stopped moving. He ran faster than before, with the space between steps reaching 15 feet. Ando kept his eyes on one curse hanging off of a building a few stories above him. He jumped and kicked it to the ground easily then kneed it to finish it off. Taking a breath, he took his water bottle out and gulped. He looked around, noticing the progress of the two of them. He couldn't really explain it, but he felt like he didn't want to lose to Kazuma and didn't know where this new urge was coming from. Putting back his water bottle, he continued on to the clock tower.

Neuro Vampire Neuro Vampire

I apologize for not getting back sooner I got stuck doing a lot of double shifts at work

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