Journey Through Time [Inactive]


One Thousand Club
SuperChocoMilk submitted a new role play:

Journey Through Time - A journey through time, what did you expect?

Time. It is the very being that defines everything we do. Can't be late for that party, or wait five minutes before taking out your warm and hot dinner.
Time, is the thing that makes the world go round. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, decades, centuries. You name it.

Now then, wouldn't it be something special if you could travel into the past, or even the future? It would be amazing.

And you can. For free. All you need to do is come to the Kunodrom Museum of Time, and watch their...
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Here's your character sheet, and if you want you can add on options.

Name: David Stark

Age: 29

Nationality: American

Race: Caucasian

(And I don't really feel like your character needs a personality or biography, mostly because this will be explained in the roleplay itself. If you want to though, you can add it.)

Appearance: Blond hair, green eyes. David is almost always wearing a blue hoodie, and under it he is wearing a gray t-shirt. He is about how a normal person would look like, not too big but not too skinny either. He also is wearing a gray baseball cap and jeans.

What Time Period Do You Want?: (this is simply to see which time period we will go to first. Here is a list of available Time Periods at the moment.)

Wild West

Ancient Rome

The Crusades

Ancient Greece

Civil War Era America

Revolutionary War Era America

Apocalyptic Future

Futuristic Future

Ancient Egypt

Jurassic Period (or just dinosaurs)

WWII Era (Random Location)

WWI Era (Random Location)
(guess I'll start then :D

Clara sat down quietly. everyone else was still standing and chatting waiting for things to begin but Clara knew no one here so sat on her own waiting her eyes looking around to cheek who was doing what. she may be quite but she always knew what was going on.

(not shore what you guys are doing so hope this works with you lot :)
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