Journey Of the Sword

Name: Selka, Goddess of Community. ((what the priest had told her))

Race: Unknown

Abilities: healing, greats with swords, Speed & Agility

Gender: Female

Starting weapon: two bladed twins swords

Class:warrior soon become goddess

Appearance: Selka is a being of many faces, as varied as her children. To each viewer, she is different, matching their self-description of what they consider a beautiful figure. However, several things remain constant among each version of herself. She typically appears to be a woman in her late thirties, her face often has soft features that is accented by a thin smile, like that of a mother showing pride in her child. Her head is covered in creamy-white hair that differs in length and style to the age of the viewer, stopping at waist-length for those who have lived long lives, but appearing bald to immortal beings. Her right and left arm are covered in intricate tattoos, her left hand is black and skeletal while her right hand is golden in color and shines with a aura of pleasing light. She always wears a long, flowing gown of silk that matches the favored color of the viewer. With her she carries a wooden spoon, a quill, and a scroll, which is said to carry the name of every follower she has.


Personality: Compassionate and caring would be the best words to describe her, she views each of her followers as children and treats every other god as fellow parents. While she tries to shy away from violence, she will fiercely defensive of her children, willing to fight tooth-and-nail like a mother bear for her cubs. When she cannot intervene directly in the lives of her followers, she urges them to defend themselves.

Abilities: She has very few abilities herself, but bestows her power upon her followers. Certain few gifted individuals have the abilities of healing, restoration, and protection which are all extensions of their glorious mother.

Position: Goddess of Community, birth, family, and life. The Hearthmother, the Bleeding Goddess.

Additional notes:

•Selka has unintentionally created a powerful artifact from a shard of crystal infused with her divine spark and blood, it has the power to restore any being to life, however it can only be used once every 1000 years or so. When not recharging, it can spread life to whatever it comes in contact with, such as healing wounds, spreading plants, causing life to flourish.

•Selka, using one of Abaddon's pawns, has created a goat-like humanoid being. These beings are known as satyrs and are as of right now, good-aligned and act mostly like humans.
[QUOTE="Anna Kyoyama]Name: Selka, Goddess of Community. ((what the priest had told her))
Race: Unknown

Abilities: healing, greats with swords, Speed & Agility

Gender: Female

Starting weapon: two bladed twins swords

Class:warrior soon become goddess

Appearance: Selka is a being of many faces, as varied as her children. To each viewer, she is different, matching their self-description of what they consider a beautiful figure. However, several things remain constant among each version of herself. She typically appears to be a woman in her late thirties, her face often has soft features that is accented by a thin smile, like that of a mother showing pride in her child. Her head is covered in creamy-white hair that differs in length and style to the age of the viewer, stopping at waist-length for those who have lived long lives, but appearing bald to immortal beings. Her right and left arm are covered in intricate tattoos, her left hand is black and skeletal while her right hand is golden in color and shines with a aura of pleasing light. She always wears a long, flowing gown of silk that matches the favored color of the viewer. With her she carries a wooden spoon, a quill, and a scroll, which is said to carry the name of every follower she has.


Personality: Compassionate and caring would be the best words to describe her, she views each of her followers as children and treats every other god as fellow parents. While she tries to shy away from violence, she will fiercely defensive of her children, willing to fight tooth-and-nail like a mother bear for her cubs. When she cannot intervene directly in the lives of her followers, she urges them to defend themselves.

Abilities: She has very few abilities herself, but bestows her power upon her followers. Certain few gifted individuals have the abilities of healing, restoration, and protection which are all extensions of their glorious mother.

Position: Goddess of Community, birth, family, and life. The Hearthmother, the Bleeding Goddess.

Additional notes:

•Selka has unintentionally created a powerful artifact from a shard of crystal infused with her divine spark and blood, it has the power to restore any being to life, however it can only be used once every 1000 years or so. When not recharging, it can spread life to whatever it comes in contact with, such as healing wounds, spreading plants, causing life to flourish.

•Selka, using one of Abaddon's pawns, has created a goat-like humanoid being. These beings are known as satyrs and are as of right now, good-aligned and act mostly like humans.


Don't be op
Name: Zephanaros

Nickname: Zeph

Age: 800 (appears 20)

Race: Demon Elf

Gender: Male

Abilities: Impeccable eyesight, Hyperactive reflexes, Ether walk ( can walk through the plane of the dead )

Class: Archer

Weapon: Long bow and daggers

Bio: Was born and raised Elvin but got tired of the same boring life, no plague, no death, so he made a deal with Abbadon for freedom of the same monotonous life, and this is where he ended up.


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las0r0o7 said:
Age: 800 (appears 20)

Race: Demon Elf

Gender: Male

Abilities: Impeccable eyesight, Hyperactive reflexes, Ether walk ( can walk through the plane of the dead )

Class: Archer

Weapon: Long bow and daggers

Bio: Was born and raised Elvin but got tired of the same boring life, no plague, no death, so he made a deal with Abbadon for freedom of the same monotonous life, and this is where he ended up.







Special Abilities (Have 3 or less):FireBolt, Fire Aura, Summon Phoenix.

Class:Mage, FreeLancer

Starting Weapon:Staff Of Fire

Bio:The mage, that joined the forces of humans in order to save the world.
nikitaw99 said:



Special Abilities (Have 3 or less):FireBolt, Fire Aura, Summon Phoenix.

Class:Mage, FreeLancer

Starting Weapon:Staff Of Fire

Bio:The mage, that joined the forces of humans in order to save the world.
[QUOTE="Ib All Alone]Kaden... just change the name... it is so stupid. If you do I will accept you.


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