Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]


God of Storytellers
The date, according to the calendar of the forsaken Creation, is 13 Descending Air.

The city of Jotun lies far to the north of the Pole of Earth, only some six weeks of travel to the pole of Air. Well, travel if any horse could survive the biting cold winds and snow that currently sweep through the northern parts of Creation.

Adorjan's will reigns here, or at least will once Creation has been turned into another Hell. But for the moment, this fairly large town is home to approximately eight thousand mortals, including two dragons of Imperial soldiers and a perfect circle sworn brotherhood of Terrestrials. Jotun mainly works to secure the elements of artifact creation that spawn this close to the Pole, and the large military presence here is to protect both people and goods.

While none of those here bear the Silent Wind as their mistress or carry her Urge, almost a month ago one of her Scourges was in sent here to bring the final silence to this bustling town. After a week, the Scourge disappeared, and the small Yozi cult in the area has not heard from him. Two days ago, his Exaltation snapped back to the mother. Adorjan's silent death covered Malfeas even more thickly than normal in her soundless rage.

One of her third circle souls appeared at the Althing Infernal, and politely, for a third circle, requested that someone be sent to investigate what exactly had taken one of the Scourges. And she would like it silenced.

And so, three Infernals and two of the newly instated akuma were chosen by the Thing to investigate. And likely destroy.

The group currently finds themselves to the south of the city, having arrived from a desolate wasteland of ice and snow where nothing survived. It may not have been a desert in the most normal sense of the word, but it was desolate enough for Cecelyne to touch Creation for a moment to allow the group to cross.

The temperature hovers around freezing or less, causing breath to almost freeze as you speak, and the lunar Akuma Carmine Lotus to really feel the horrid temperatures.
Grinning Mishka surveys the snows, finding it almost strange that she should not shiver. She scoops up a glistening clump of the white power in a wicked-looking gauntlet, a hunk of warped metal that gleams with brazen rainbows. One expert squeeze compresses the snow into a solid lump, a glittering sphere of ice. Mishka tosses the snowball up and down as she walks toward the city, to keep herself entertained. Up, down, up, down. Never for a moment does her hand falter, even as the snow sprays her eyes and the spindrift drives her back like a blow from a sledgehammer. Up, down. Up, down.

"I think I see it now," she announces, with the slightest tone of satisfaction, "Unless I'm driven snowblind. There, see?" One starmetal-clad finger points out the walls of Jotun, rimed with hoarfrost. "Hurry on, we've work to do, justice to mete out." She hurries on, marching double-time, for the city.
Green Star

Green Star Darkly Gleaming stepped over the snow, lighter than a feather and silent as death. She moved with a terrible, effortless grace. She was wrapped round heavily in furs, and her shapely face peered out from beneath her hood as she strode forward. Her eyes were heavy-lidded and her expression somewhat bored.

Yes... let us be about this, and quickly. This climate is irksome, and those who oppose our masters must die. Painfull.

Tarth Karst stood impassively in the snow, drinking in the beauty of the desolation around him. Such a strange and beautiful wasteland. It is not my desert, but it will serve. His thoughts turned to contemplation of his homelans, Karst took a moment to give thanks to Cecelyne for the harships he would endure.

"Come, children. We are strangers in a strange land. Let us go and make ourselves known to our flock."

Following the others, Adachi's small frame can be seen buried beneath furs white as the snow around them. He isn't exactly struggling to make it through the deep snow, but neither is he moving at a rapid pace, the frustration evident on his normally calm face. A pace back and to the right stands Nashil, now in a the form of a shapely young woman with skin like brass, covered in furs a match for Adachi's though the hint of burns can be seen on the inside of them. As Jotun begins to come into view and the others begin to speak Adachi hustles forward with a cold determination on his face as Nashil follows in his wake,

"I've never understood the need for haste that you've possessed so far, but I agree. I wouldn't decline some warm lodging and a place where we can start piecing events together. Though I must say, the geographical and climate conditions might make for experiment testing."
Carmine Lily

Carmine Lily looks out of place, thinly clothed and darkly tanned. Her black-irised eyes scan the icy horizon, arms crossed across her chest to hold every scrap of heat she can manage. The cold bites at her very being, she can feel it down into her motes.

"Can we please get on with the will of the Althing? This place is a misery."
The city, for all it's frozen nature, is filled with the hustle and bustle of people out on business. Once into the city proper, the snow is shoveled into alleys and off the streets and walkways. People move about quickly because of the cold, but still stop and talk, and then continue moving on with whoever they are talking with.

The buildings themselves stand three to four stories tall usually, made of heavy stone, rimmed with ice and frost. Roofs are very steep inclined, with overhangs that have thick icicles on them.

Children play in the streets, and some stop to stare at the newcomers to the city. In fact, you all get several looks even from the adults. Apparently, new people in town are a sort of oddity this far north. Those of you, like Lily, who are not even dressed for the weather get double takes especially, and a couple of old ladies point and whisper to each other as they walk past.

Finding an inn isn't hard, although it does look to be one of the few actual inns. Most places around here seem to be bars and festhalls, dedicated to helping the people relax in the evenings with food, drink, and vice.

Entering the inn, it seems fairly small but has a roaring fire going in a central fireplace that warms the entire room. Coming in from the outside, the change in heat would immediately bring a sweat to most beings, but you all are made of sterner stuff. Malfean brass, actually.

There is a man serving drinks at the bar, and nine or ten patrons between the bar and a couple of tables. Most of them wear a similar uniform that make them appear to be off duty soldiers. Most are fairly drunk, and pay you all no mind.
Grinning Mishka heads over to the barkeeper, eying the soldiers as she does. "Hail, barkeep! Our way has been long and cold. A glass of spirits fierce would warm my bones." She lays a few pieces of jade on the counter, taking her drink with unfeigned relish. "And those fine soldiers–just imagine the bitter hoarfrost they must have endured in the city's defense. Please, permit me to buy a round of your absolute strongest spirits for them all!" the Slayer says, dealing out even more jade. With any luck, the soldiers would drink themselves even deeper into a stupor, leaving them unable to remember anyone who was in the bar that night...or if some violence should erupt, they would be left staggered, unable to hold their own.
The soldiers raise their mugs in the general of Mishka at that, and there is a rumbling agreement that voices their pleasure at the idea.

The barman quickly takes the jade coins and they disappear under the bar. Pulling a mug, the barman turns and pulls a few different bottles before turning back to you. Pouring from each of them, he drops a tiny sliver of red jade into the drink after the liquids. The concoction foams and bubbles as the jade sinks to the bottom of the glass, and the glass mug actually begins sweating a bit. "Hesiesh's breath. Guaranteed to warm you up. Either knock it back in one shot, or sip it for the rest of the night." He smiles at Mishka. "Don't drink the jade, however. Your stomach will not thank you for it. And you want the strongest I've got for the soldiers, right?" He looks over the assembled soldiers.

The soldiers begin lining up at the bar for their free refill, toasting to you as they get it. The drink, if it could be called that, is tapped out of a keg, and the fumes of the icy rotgut hit the group like a small hellstrider, but the soldiers don't mind as they knock it back.

The barman looks over the newcomers, before speaking to Mishka. "What brings you all here, anyways?"
Green Star

Green Star leaned back against the wall, her soft, pale skin made even whiter by the chill wind outside. She looked over the soldiers with a cool and practiced eye. She could kill all of them, she reckoned, in two, perhaps three seconds. She ran her tongue over her lips at the though, giving a small, satisfied smile. For the moment, she simply watched, and listened.

As he followed Mishka and the others into the inn, Adachi loosened his furs and pulled the hood down. Brushing off the extra snow before making his way to the bar with the others Adachi nodded at Nashil, who took the hint in took a space up against the wall where she could watch the door and soldiers. The corner of Adachi's mouth turned upwards as he noticed Mishka's ploy and with a nearly unnoticable bow of his head showed his sign of approval.

Fishing in his furs, Adachi pulls a small pipe, carved from what appears to be ivory, a false smile playing on his face. Filling the pipe and lighting it, he puffs on it for a few moments before surveying the room to see if any of the soldiers stand out amongst the others, content to let Mishka handle the man.
Grinning Mishka smiles, sipping at her chemical catastrophe of a drink. The Blood Ape bound up in the back of her mind howls for her to down it all, flood the sluice gates of her viscera with it–but she would rather not make a drunken idiot of herself when she ought be serving Malfeas. She watches as the soldiers drink their fill, the stinging liquor numbing their minds and slowing their bodies. Should they have to fight, it would be no contest. She turns to the publican, and cheerfully responds. "A friend of ours went missing here, just a little while back. We came her to look for him, but I think we'll need lodgings first of all. We may be here for quite a while." She takes another sip of her scarlet cocktail, swishing the pyroclastic liquor back and forth over her tongue before swallowing it all down.

The Malefactor sipped at his drink distastefully. He preferred a more ascetic lifestyle, but insisting on water would raise questions, and it was not yet time to reveal the Desert's Glory to these heretics.
The barman nods. "Rooms for the five of ya for a while? That'll cost ya a bit. As for yer friend, we've had some bad storms recently. Might have been he didn't even make it ta town, and was lost ta a blizzard."

As for the soldiers, none of them particularly stand out as being of high standing. For such a small subset though, it doesn't surprise you. This is probably a small regiment of men, if it is even that.

The added alcohol on top of what they've already drank has made them drunk enough as well that you all are fairly sure they'll be nursing hangovers for the next day or two.

Turning away from his view of the other patrons, Adachi takes a draw from the ivory pipe before fishing in his furs once more. Pulling a black money purse out from the furs and sets it on the counter, from the sound of the jade inside it one can ascertain that it is at least three-quarters full. Putting a hand on Mishka's forearm he smiles at the barkeep,

"This should cover any expenses that occur on our behalf, with a generous tip for you and your establishment of course."

His hand darting back into his furs, Adachi fishes out a few more pieces of jade and sets them on the counter,

"You wouldn't happen to have a drink that wasn't quite so...potent? I'm not quite as accomplished a drinker as Mishka and all things told I wouldn't want to burden anyone with having to carry me up the stairs. Now if you don't mind me asking for a personal favor, you wouldn't happen to know of any members of House Mnemon currently in Jouten would you?"
The barman takes the purse quickly when he hears the jingle, and it disappears almost fast enough that you would think it sent Elsewhere.

The barman also gets a much bigger smile on his face. "You've got a room for each of you now." He motions to a hallway. "Down the hall, any five ya want."

He pulls a glass and fills it from a tap. "Whiskey sound alright, if ya don't want a jade drink? And as fer Mnemon, I think one of the officers here is of that House. Jael Mnemon, if I remember right."
Green Star

Green star smiled, a hint of promise on her lips, though that was more her nature now, than a measure of any intent. Have you any idea how we might speak with him, kind sir? She said, arching one perfect eyebrow as she continued to lean against the wall.
"Join the military?" The barman grins, showing several rotten teeth. "But really, you could always just ask. He's got an eye for the ladies."
Grinning Mishka swears to herself. So it will be another of those missions, Malfeas damn it. "Delightful, I'd love to meet him." she says, barely choking down the sarcasm. "And where does he usually go to meet with his...'ladies?' Me and my friends are always ones to have ourselves a good time."
"Speak for yourself," Carmine says in a focused and intense tone that could probably bore through iron, downing her own drink with abandon. "Anyone wants to have a good time with me, I'll show them just how hot and steamy things can get."

Still grinning Adachi bows his head in appreciation,

Whiskey will do quite fine and I appreciate your generosity

Taking his drink and sipping at it Adachi turns his head a fraction of the way, but enough so the inn keeper can't see his face. Staring at the others the smile disappears,

"I doubt that will be necessary ladies, he is after kin of mine, however distantly related. Besides you will have plenty of time to indulge yourselves after we have discovered what has happened Naoki. Remember he is the primary reason we came to the town, and after we've discovered his fate then we can treat ourselves."

Turning back towards the innkeeper, the smile once more splayed across his face,

"You wouldn't happen to know where in town he might be found would you? It isn't a pressing matter, but I would like to take care of it before we leave town."
Green Star

Green Star winked at Carmine, giving voice to a throaty chuckle that was in danger of melting the permafrost underfoot. I might have to take you up on that offer sometime, my dear. But let's see if we can meet with this fellow, first.
"He houses in the military encampment on the eastern edge of town." The barman says. "I'd suggest going there about dawn, before they get really moving with their practices and whatnot."

One of the 'only' mostly inebriated men staggers to the bar. He drops his mug down on the bar, before turning to look at Mishka. Opening his mouth to speak, the alcohol reeking from his skin extrudes even more from his mouth. "Shanksss, laaady."

Cold and alcohol obviously don't mix well with him.

He gives a half hearted salute that mostly resolves in slamming his head with his hand. He stumbles a bit. "Oh cap'n my cap'n." He slurs out, looking around. "Kin I have some mur?"

The barman shakes his head. "You're too out of it. I'm going to have to end up calling the Watch to drag you back to your barracks as it is, Millan."

Remaining largely stoic, Karst grinned a little bit as he sipped the vile spirit. Sounded like trouble might kick off. He did hope so. It would be good to gauge the strength of the men here, see how good they might be as potential converts to Cecelyne... Idly, Karst braced himself in his chair, ready to react at a moment's notice.
Grinning Mishka smiles, pleased to see the plan unfold before her. By buying the soldiers their drinks, she left them inebriated. Besotted as they are, they can hardly return to the barracks alone. And the barracks are exactly where they need to go. All things in accordance with the Principle of Hierarchy.

"Oh, I'm sure we could take this young man back. So heroic a guard deserves no less an escort, and surely me and my co...friends, rather, could help him back." She slinks one arm over the young bravo's shoulders, holding him up under what might seem concupiscent flesh. "Come along with me, Millan." she says, slurring his name very deliberately. "Let's go have some fun."

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