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JoJo's Bizarre Roleplay: Shades of Heaven

@Orikanyo @Thief of Words

"Yeah! Yeah! Follow along mate!" Danny turns off with a grin, heading back out through the lobby, towards a door tucked off to the corner of the great, glamorous room. "Although guns aren't really on R&D's tech list, sorry to disappoint. They mostly work on shit like- Bah, you'll see. Back when I was down there I was helping them work on a frequency to disrupt the ripple, since we where dealing with some ripple-using terrorists at the time." The door opens to a rather bland, bleak spiral staircase, which in turn leads down to a pressure-sealed door. A rush of wind echoes from within as he punches in a quick code, and heads inside. "Right now, the boss's biggest investment is on Stand Creation. So far, we've only got one...kinda-success I guess. We called it "Forces". "

@SephirothSage @Kalin Scarlet

Joel snores softly, as a paper airplane flies in through an airvent. It flows through the air gracefully, stopping as it taps Joel in the temple. He drowsily picks it up off the end-table it lands on, unfolding it to read it. He lowers it, his eyes now wide open, the glare of a sleep-deprived man pointing at the far wall. "Welp. Looks like I didn't even need to bother Veronika." He stands up with a sigh. "Welp. I'm headed to the airport. Looks like we already have another heavy coming up from Mexico. Set to arrive in about an hour or so. Either of you two care to follow?"

"What? Creating a stand? Damn, you can do that?" Rosie asked, looking confused. "well, I guess thats fine if i can't get any more fire power, I can get that on my own time I guess..." he shrugged as he continued following Danny down the stairs. "Ripple using terrorists... pity they aren't around to fight the vampire menace huh? No offense Stie- ah... didn't come I guess."

The man stood with his hands in his coat pockets, pity about the guns really, figured this place would be holding soemthing interesting if it was fighting vamps... perhaps he could grab a launcher or something later on when he gets his pay, he had a feeling he was going to need some serious fire power ahead... try and block that you damn little imps shit stain.

"So whats to do around here then? Aside from gawk and poke at things we shouldn't."

"We can...SORT of do that. Only one success, and it's fully independent. It was that thing you heard dragging around a hunk of metal last night." He carries along, and pulls three vials of blood out of his coat. "I'm also here to drop off some samples. And harass the guys working on Forces. Man, y'know that mask we're tracking down? Was kind of the inspiration for Forces. Atleast, it's container's a mask anyways. Doesn't look like the creepy stone BLEUGH face, just a blank mask. It's honestly kinda creepier to me."

He carries on down the corridors. For the most part, each room's view looks rather bland, simply various men in full-body hazmat suits looking over lab equipment. On occasion something stands out. One room contains a ten-armed stand absolutely wailing on a pressure sensor. Another contains an ornate sword. He eventually turns into a room, with four scientists typing away around a large tray of blood-samples. "Hey guys! Got three more scans, mark them Fatty, Biker, and Nic Travolta!"

"Nic Travol- Oh, the victim who- oh. Right. Yeah."

Sitting down in the far corner of the room, having a sample taken, is a rather bored looking middle-aged man, with a wide-brimmed, tan hat. A classic cowboy look meets a hunter in the brush. A southern drawl crosses his lips as he gives a sigh.

"How much longer is this blood work gonna take? I really wanna get back out on the road now. Girl on my arm. Wind on my face."
Stein calmly nods at Joel.

"Sure, I'll tag along." He says firmly, before rising in all his muscled glory to follow the man. "Where we headed, exactly?" He inqures in his usual deep, solemn tone. He smiles faintly, as he stretches out. "Mrm. You should get more sleep at night, when I'm awake. Trust me, yeah?" he offers playfully, a teasing smile on his face.
<p><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9083-tacomann/" data-mentionid="9083">@TacoMann</a> </p>


"Cool, sounds like some creepy shit right there." Rosie commented on the appearance of the mask they were hunting for, that was until he spotted the man in the lab... A cowboy? Another other then him!? This was... unprecedented! Who knew that another man within this company had the cowboy shtick going like does!? Well, atleast the look in his case, he tried to do a southern drawl but it only made him feel like a god damn idiot whenever he did it. Now that he thought about it that was around the time he got his cool eye patch, so he guess he had gotten something interesting out of it... Even if he had to get sued to shooting with one eye covered.</p>


Don't get me wrong, the eye is just fine, just covered. Comes in handy if your going from very bright to very dark places rather quick... Hey, if pirates long ago could do it, so could he! </p>


Doesn't help for night time though...</p>


Rosie gave a man a good hard look, he didn't know the man... But he had a feeling he could give him some respect, if he chose to bugger it all up from the get go, that was his choice. "Well then, gotta be something' we gotta get done if you lead us down this way.. or yea just showin' off the cool shit the company has?" he smirked to his friend as he looked for someplace to lean that he wouldn't knock over something important looking...</p>


No luck, everything looked breakable.</p>
From beneath Rosie's shadow, a shape detached itself, flowing apart to rise into the towering form of the Pillar Maiden. She had wondered what had led them to retain the creature in the hallway from before. Still, it seemed odd that...wait. "The other one, the Stand which could reach into shadows, it was tied to a person. Part of them, in a way. Is this fabricated Stand not?"
@Thief of Words

It took roughly two seconds for Rosie to realize what had just happened, the sudden appearance of the woman out of literal nowhere shocked him more then that one time he was following a mark and had to run through an obese couple's home while they were playing a game of "hide the pickle."

The pickle was not an actual pickle.

Neither did his target or him walk away from that unscathed, mentally.

But at this moment he had jumped backwards away from the suddenly appearing woman with a look of fright that not many people in this world had to pleasure to see. "Sweet bloody christ on a bicycle where in god damn hell did you crawl out of!?!" the man shouted with a hand instinctively on his pistol. His body ready to jump up and dash away like a spooked rabbit as he railed the woman with his question, looking pale as a ghost.

"Could've atleast told me somebody you were with us!" he barked once more, now switching to anger.
Maiden arches a single white brow at the gunslinger. She considers her responses a moment, then answeres with a faint smile. "In order? From your shadow, and you had matters handled satisfactorily. There was no need for me to act or speak." She gave a half-shrug again. "Not that I need to now. I simply feel like it."
"Then how long were you in there for? Christ I could've went for a shower or something with you in there." he sighed as his hand rubbed a crease in his brow. Mind you... the woman was probably old as sin, one naked man probably wouldn't be the end of the world for her... Or perhaps she was some secret perverted vampire chick?

Wait, why does he care? Hes not some young woman. Or a female anime protag. Wait, where did that one come from?

"Atleast give us a sign or something, yea can come along just mind a man's privacy."
@SephirothSage @Kalin Scarlet

"I'll get a good night's sleep either after HQ burns down. Or I drop dead." He says in a somewhat bitter tone. He adjusts his cap, and heads out through the lobby once more, navigating the sea of employees through to the front entrance, not really checking to see if either of you actually follow. He flashes a badge to an employee out front, who sprints off. Afew minutes later, a limousine pulls up. "... Stein, keep an eye out, I'm going to pass back out in the car."

@Orikanyo @Thief of Words

The cowboy, and the scientists, also jump at The Maiden's sudden appearance, the cowboy leveling a rather old-fasioned gun towards her with a coward's shine in his eyes, before quickly lowering the gun. Danny gives an excited laugh.

"Ohoho! The Lady of Shadows draws herself!"

"Jesus! The city-boy's right. Warn a man 'fore you burst out like that. Almost shot a woman. Don't think I'd ever forgive myself for that..." he goes silent as his eyes fall on the Maiden's musculature. "Even if she's tough enough the bullet probably wouldn't do much."

"The uhh. The work's in process, Mr. Horse."

"Good. Hate bein' locked up down here." He stands with a dramatic pose, his hand resting on the brim of his hat as he gives a wink to The Maiden. Against his better judgement. "Adios." he says, before striding off down the hallway.

"Man, I love that guy. Great story-teller. Ran into him on a mission to Turkey. Good runner."
She considers that, one hand on her hip, "Rather than injure your pride or induce paranoia with banter, I'll simply aask you a question in return, gunslinger. How long has it been since I vanished?" She quirked a fleeting shade of a smile. "Because that's how long." Turning to the others, she snorted slightly. "It seemed an interesting conversation to contribute to, and given that I quite literally have nothing but time any longer...I thought answers regarding these Stands might at least entertain a while."

Eying the cowboy, gave him the same steady, stare she'd given the others. "It would at worst be an annoyance and inconvenience. You might dislike my reaction, however."
Stein nods to Joel, smiling serenely and then chuckling.

"Gotcha, kid." He says calmly- jokingly referring to the veteran as a kid due to the massive gap in their ages. He finds it moderately amusing inside of his own mind, at least. He stretches out, looking at the Limousine curiously as the older looking man heads into it. "Huh... interesting. Not exactly my taste, but it looks comfortable. Hope I fit. Still- nothing on a Panzer for traveling in style." he says firmly- having fallen ardently in love with Tanks when he woke up during World War Two.
"Tough thing aren't yea? Can't say yea don't look it." Rosie added in but then began to walk about the room to look at the various things, ignoring his earlier sentiment to not play with things that look like they could break; on account of being bored. "Stand research... so yea sayin' you could make a stand for a man who doesn't have one? or can you give a person two stands at once?"

It was kinda interesting... though he'd rather not become a guinea pig for some crazy mad science... No offense Danny. A weird thought passed through his mind right now... "Hey Danny, what happened to that Zappa chick?"
@Orikanyo @Thief of Words

"Well, whatever reaction it'd be, even trying to hurt you I'd deserve it." Mr. Horse gives a wink, before turning the corner, to head off upstairs.

"Well, that's what we're working on. We already have a means of giving a stand to those with potential, and violently evolving existing stands, however, we're focused on creating a new method of doing so, with more control over it...So far, while we can contain Forces, it's entirely independant. Originally, Take The Wheel also had proficiency with a variety of different shadow-based weaponry, wielded in unison. Now, it's incapable of direct combat....and Forces has a life of its own." He taps on the blank mask hanging at the far end of the room.

Zappa? Oh, she's got a room on the 3rd floor. We're still keeping her under surveillance just in case, but she's allowed to come and go as she pleases. We're worried she may be targeted again as a loose end, but hopefully she'll be kept safe." He turns to The Maiden for a moment. "She's still going through abit of a crisis knowing monsters are real. Says she's somewhat glad she found out, but, well. Kinda vague on that one. I'd recommend her a shrink."

"Hey- HEY! Don't touch that! It has to stay level or the entire experiment could need to be reset-!" The blood sample in the vial bubbles, a tiny face appearing to snarl in an adorably quiet, high-pitched tone for a moment, before it goes back level. "AAaaahhhhh.... Come on. We need it to sleep."


"Heheh. Man, you would've liked the original R&D Department. Most of them where actually former scientists for the Nazis. Worked on a special project that, technically, still hasn't been declassified, before the war. Might've seen it if you where anywhere near the eastern front. Same group wound up stitching together the artificial hand Old Man Joestar has. And invented the UV Emitters. Much as we hate to admit it. Our work here kind of...owes Nazis quite abit. We don't bury it, that would just make it worse, but it's the black mark on our tech. Not literally, we do scrub the Iron Cross from everything." He trails off a bit. "Ugh..." He lays down in the far back of the limosuine, rapidly drifting off the sleep again as the limo takes off to drive to the airport. "Wake me when we're at the airport, hombre..."
Rosie took a good long look at the mask, leaning in as to get a better look. "Well, you got it right, thing is freaky..." he gave the thing a good look over before he then looked to the tiny screeching... thing. "...Man this is some serious science shit. little things in vials, next thing your gona show me is a brain in a jar controlling a mech." the sudden images of Wolfenstien appearing in his mind, things along the lines of mechahitler...




No, that'd be crazy...



Sometimes Rosie was happy that none of these guys were mind readers.

"So these forces are living things, meaning they can, you know, have feelings and stuff? or are they kinda like... giant brainless pwoerful stands walking around?"

Simon let's out a frosted breath as the last of everyone walks off, apparently to pick up another agent for their group. Feeling somewhat uncomfortable going back outside after being shot at the last time he did that, Simon decides to follow the path the others took earlier. They said they were headed to R&D, right? Maybe he should take the chance to learn more about stands. His own, in particular.

@TacoMann @Orikanyo @Thief of Words
@Orikanyo @Thief of Words

One of the scientists stops his work, giving a very concerned, almost worried look to Rosie. The other, continues to explain, not noticing his colleague's expression.

"Well. Forces, seems to be, sort of...animalistic. Feral, if it where. Imagine if you took an alpha-wolf from the darkest depths of the jungle, and dropped it into, say, a well-forested park, without any larger predators. But afew park rangers on patrol. It's learned to be scared of the few people it can't hurt, and when it wants out to prowl, it takes to prowling. No one's been hurt since last month, and it doesn't get out nearly as often anymore. We suspect we simply need to find a viable host for the mask...the last volunteer was...well. Three months ago. Director Kujo has insisted the host search be volunteer-only, and that at even the slightest sign the process go wrong it be canceled. He even threatened to crush the shard that actually contains forces with the hammer on display in his office....not even sure why he has that thing with a stand like his-"

"Dude! The hammer's been in the director's office since back when this building only had six rooms! That's the hammer Speedwagon himself used to destroy the first Stone Mask ever recovered!"

"I thought that everything Speedwagon owned was passed on to his son?"

"His GOD-Son. Old Man Joestar."

The scientist in the far corner continues to stare at Rosie with an uncomfortable look on his face.

@Kalin Scarlet

As you head down to R&D, you find yourself facing a rather large, pressurized door. A young woman, probably close to your own age, approaches somewhat nervously. Long red hair kept in a tight braid, soft, ocean-blue eyes looking to the door, ten to you. "S...So is this R&D? I'm kinda new here. Apparently I have what they call a "Stand", but I was thinking about seeing if I could find someone to teach me about it. It looks like most of them look pretty human, but I don't even know what mine looks like."

The door slides open, a tall, muscled, middle-aged man dressed up like he's about to go on a hunt in the brush stepping out, looking back with a wink before he walks right into you, turning back to look you in the eye. "Howdy." he says, before turning to face the girl, giving a wink to her, and leaning in the door frame, keeping it from closing as she heads on in.

"Thank you..." She mutters.

"Any time, beautiful." He says in a rather charming tone, before moving to head back upstairs.
The hulking Vampire nods, soaking in the mans information quietly.

"I consider the Nazi's quite possibly the single largest disgrace to my nation, heritage, culture, and legacy. But they had wonderful toys." He explains calmly as he slides into the Limousine, even as his partner slides to sleep. The big man sighs, and watches Joel sleep quietly, as he contemplates the mans words.

He woke in the midst of the horrors of the Holocaust, and he can't find it in himself to be anything but enraged and disgusted at the lack of honor he saw from the Nazi's involved. While he may have seen things on other fronts, from those who did not know, that left him proud- the Nazi party earned a special place in his heart for, in his eyes, defiling a culture and people he had loved, and still does love.

Hearing that their technology is a source of great good in this world leaves him frowning darkly.

The ride continues, unmolested, as after a good half hour's drive, you arrive at the airport. Joel sleeps silently, as 80's Power-Rock quietly plays in the background. As you arrive at the Airport, the driver pulls up aside the incredibly busy, bustling place. People sit massed, waiting for their flights, or rush across the parking lot. The parking lot itself a sea of taxi cabs.


A voice chimes in on the speaker system, following a musical tone as the world rolls by below. "Attention all passengers, this is your captain speaking. We will be landing shortly. Please turn off all electronic devices, and wait for the stewardess to direct you off-board. Make sure all luggage is attended to and please, don't leave any garbage on board. Thank you for flying with American Airlines. Have a nice day."
TacoMann said:
@Orikanyo @Thief of Words
One of the scientists stops his work, giving a very concerned, almost worried look to Rosie. The other, continues to explain, not noticing his colleague's expression.

"Well. Forces, seems to be, sort of...animalistic. Feral, if it where. Imagine if you took an alpha-wolf from the darkest depths of the jungle, and dropped it into, say, a well-forested park, without any larger predators. But afew park rangers on patrol. It's learned to be scared of the few people it can't hurt, and when it wants out to prowl, it takes to prowling. No one's been hurt since last month, and it doesn't get out nearly as often anymore. We suspect we simply need to find a viable host for the mask...the last volunteer was...well. Three months ago. Director Kujo has insisted the host search be volunteer-only, and that at even the slightest sign the process go wrong it be canceled. He even threatened to crush the shard that actually contains forces with the hammer on display in his office....not even sure why he has that thing with a stand like his-"

"Dude! The hammer's been in the director's office since back when this building only had six rooms! That's the hammer Speedwagon himself used to destroy the first Stone Mask ever recovered!"

"I thought that everything Speedwagon owned was passed on to his son?"

"His GOD-Son. Old Man Joestar."

The scientist in the far corner continues to stare at Rosie with an uncomfortable look on his face.

@Kalin Scarlet

As you head down to R&D, you find yourself facing a rather large, pressurized door. A young woman, probably close to your own age, approaches somewhat nervously. Long red hair kept in a tight braid, soft, ocean-blue eyes looking to the door, ten to you. "S...So is this R&D? I'm kinda new here. Apparently I have what they call a "Stand", but I was thinking about seeing if I could find someone to teach me about it. It looks like most of them look pretty human, but I don't even know what mine looks like."

The door slides open, a tall, muscled, middle-aged man dressed up like he's about to go on a hunt in the brush stepping out, looking back with a wink before he walks right into you, turning back to look you in the eye. "Howdy." he says, before turning to face the girl, giving a wink to her, and leaning in the door frame, keeping it from closing as she heads on in.

"Thank you..." She mutters.

"Any time, beautiful." He says in a rather charming tone, before moving to head back upstairs.
Simon stops breathing for a moment when the man bumps into him, only for it to be released in a long drag as he realizes that nothing happened. He nods to the man quickly and walks past. Turning to the girl as the door shuts behind him, Simon scratches the back of his head softly.

"Uhm, well, I wish I could be more helpful to you, but I'd never used my Stand intentionally before today. I guess we're both a bit new here."

With a nervous laugh, Simon smiled at the girl, who seemed a bit uncomfortable, herself. "I'm Simon."
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Stein reaches over, shaking Joel awake with a huge hand on the mans shoulder, being gentle as a man of his absurd strength can manage in their downtime.

"Kid. Wake up- we've arrived, Signore. Jah?" He says in a disgusting mish mash of various accents.
Rosie was listening to the two people talk about the mask and Forces... when he noticed the odd look from the other scientist... that face... was the face of somebody who just heard something they shouldn't have... it appears they do have somebody who can read minds... Wonderful... just wonderful... he narrowed his eyes at the man and shook his head.

*You don't know anything, understand? What happens in here, stays in here, if you talk about that with anybody... thats the least worst thing I could think up.* he thought with a scowl towards the scientist before he looked to the door. "Eh? Speak of the devil and so he appears, Zappa correct? been awhile, and you've made it to the right place. Glad to see your alright, this heres Danny." he motioned towards his friend "And you can call me Mr.Gunnery, heard you've been holding up around here, hows the place been treating yea?"
Tyler had traveled light, given the short notice. A carry-on dufflebag and stuff in his pockets. That was all he really needed. Whatever got New York HQ concerned, it had been recent and he'd been called up fast. Mexico had been dealing with some criminal cartel poking around the old dig site where Santana had been sleeping.

They'd wanted to set up a base or safehouse - the Foundation didn't want them in range of any possible hidden leftover of Pillar Man society. Easy enough for Tyler to drive out. He dug the duffle out of the overhead bin and strolled off the plane. Now, to find his ride.
@Kalin Scarlet

"Zappa." She says softly, carrying on down the corridor. Giggling along with him, equally nervous. "S...certainly not as glamorous as the front, is it?" She gives another nervous giggle, before she turns down the hallway to come face-to-face with Rosie and The Maiden. She gives a pleasant smile, rapidly approaching.

@Orikanyo @Thief of Words

"It's good to see you again! I... I mean, well, a day of so many new things, it's nice to see someone familiar. E...even one oh so recently learned." her blushing gaze lingers on the maiden for a moment.

"Well, just glad you're settling in! I had a breakdown when I first learned about this place, let me tell ya! And heya! Good to see you Simon! God, did I mention how much I loved your last Album- bah, glad you decided to come on down to R&D! We've been having fun discussions about...uh... Terrible things in the night and psychic death threats apparently. Eheheh- But hey, things should be going easier now. Oh! Zappa, since you and The Maiden are somewhat acquainted, why don't you help with introductions?" He gestures back and forth between The Maiden and Zappa, as blush spreads across her face, and she turns her gaze down.

"The Maiden saved me from a vampire who wanted to drag me off for...experiments ... it said... She watched over me in the night...Th...thank you for that, Maiden. It feels strange to say, but I felt safer with you there. S-Strange because of wh-what you are! Erm! No-Not that there's anything bad about it! Just-You seem like you should be scary! I mean- Uhh- S-Sorry..." She trails off, her face now completely red.


Joel clambers out of the limo, heading into the airport as a plane from the south pulls down to land. Gesturing for you to follow. He gives a soft grunt as he sits down in the "Picking up" area. One of the few mostly-empty areas of the airport.


As you exit the plane, and head down into the terminal with the crowd, you find a duo likely there to greet you. A man in heavy riot gear, and a man in a by now very familiar uniform. Both the riot gear and the uniform marked with the SPEED - WAGON logo omnipresent in your life.

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