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Fandom JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Viridian Passage Character Sheets


Gravitational Force

Dark Lord of Creativity
Name: (This will be set in America, so keep that in mind. I'll allow one JoJo character, so if you want your character to be them please determine with the rest of the group if that is alright)
Appearance: (I'll accept images or a written description.)


Personality: (This is more about showing than telling, so you don't have to put much into here if you can roleplay them to show it)
Quirks: (What makes your character stand out?)

Stand Name: (Your character's Stand should named after a song/album title. If you can't figure one out or want advice just message me and I'll be happy to help.)
Stand Ability: (Your character's Stand ability should be based on their personality. If you can't figure one out or want advice just message me and I'll be happy to help.)
Stand's Appearance: (Describe it with words. Be as detailed as possible)
Stand User: 『Jerry Muddel』

Stand Name: 『P R I M U S』


(not sure if the stand chart was required but I like the look of it.)

Jerry can usually be seen wearing a pair of greasy denim jeans and a plain white muscle shirt, with a baseball cap of some indeterminate car parts company. Behind this baseball cap lays a head of surprisingly well kept orange-red hair. He's sort of got that lovable idiot thing going on, with about a 4/1 ratio on the idiot side, and is probably the most stereotypical truck driving, beer guzzling, pot-bellied southern hick there is, with an IQ to match. However, he takes pride in the things he can do well, rather than what he can't do.

(did not realize it was as edgy as it was until just now)

Jerry was a race car driver and mechanic before he got into a bad car accident that may or may not have been the result of one too many cold beers one night. The doctors told him he'd never walk again, much less drive any sort of automobile but after an inspirational recovery he was back to his old ways, albeit a little more cautious. This gave him a new view on life, and hit him with the sudden realization that life is short, and you gotta make the most of it. Ever since then he has worked on improving not only his life but the lives of others around him, and wishes to prove to himself that he's more than a drunk, stupid nobody.

Jerry's stand, Primus, has the ability to morph and separate it's body into what is referred to in the science world as grey goo. This goo can not only assimilate materials into itself but can duplicate said materials. This can work on Jerry's body, as well as inanimate objects. This essentially means that Primus can create a 25cm by 25cm by 25cm block of any material it has previously consumed, and rearrange it into any shape necessary. Primus also has a shockingly low range, in exchange for a close quarters powerhouse. People in the know sometimes state that this was how he survived his tragic accident.

Primus is similar to White Album, in that Jerry can manifest it as a functional piece of armor. However, this cannot take place in an area above 25 cm cubed, meaning that it cannot cover his entire body, and instead will block individual blows. This also means that the speed at which he can block said blows is somewhat slow compared to a faster stand. Primus can be most aptly described as an animate statue carved from steel, styled with what seems to be various car parts and such. A large #01 can be seen on it's forehead, a calling card to Jerry's original racing number.

Inspiration: Jerry was a Racecar Driver - Primus
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Name: Daveed Bellamy
Daveed is a teenager of dark skin, an average height and a slim build. He has short, barely kept brown hair, most of the time hidden away by a wide, black floppy hat. His eyes are usually covered by purple-glassed, oval goggles and brown in color. He dresses with a sort-of sense of formality, wearing multiple layers of vests in-between a white shirt and a dark-grey coat, along with trousers of the same color and black boots.

Background: Daveed hails from a fairly-well off middle income family, something that played heavily into forming him later in life. As much as he had a childhood as normal as any, his parents were extroverted in all the bad ways, constantly erupting into fits of rage over anything not going their way and tearing up about it afterwards. Whenever he came home, whenever he arrived for dinner, whenever he needed to ask about anything. It was always shouting, spit and tears. Over the years, this greatly tired the young boy, and after coming across theories from a set of foreign philosophies, he decided that he would give up on the world of emotion, in order to not become like his old folk. As a part of this, he never decided to attend college after semi-successfully graduation from high-school, instead opting to wonder around as his assets allowed.

Personality: Daveed likes to lock into himself. Or rather, likes to force it, as his beliefs may be lightly radical, yet his willpower barely so. It is in his nature to be riled up over things, no matter how much he sees that as a weakness. Moreover, despite the attempts at numbing himself down, he cannot help but keep a positive outlook on things, sometimes coming off as simply relaxed, until the inevitable happens and a sudden shut-off occurs, slumming into indifference and disinterest. With his outlook, he prefers to measure twice before cutting. But, when the cut is done, it is done and not to be worried about anymore, even if it was awfully wrong. Instead of worrying about it, better be to solve its consequences.
Quirks: definetly the head attire, that stuff's stylish The intro-extro duality of his approach to things. Tends to not really worry about things.

Stand Name: Origin of Symmetry
Stand Ability: A close-ranged fighter stand, Origin often relies on its power alone to solve conflict. It has the touch-based ability to force an object into mirroring the movement of another. That is, when two objects are touched by the stand's hands, one by its left and one by its right, the right-touched object is made to follow the exact movements of the left-touched in a mirror-like fashion, for as long as both are left unbroken. The limit to what objects may be moved lies in weight, which may not exceed that of anything that the user themselves could not move. The range of the ability depends of weight too. Light objects like pens and pebbles may move a few dozen meters away from each other, while heavy objects will take only a few meters to fall on the ground, no longer affected by Origin. Additionally, when either one of the objects is damaged by the stand itself, the damage will carry over to the other as well, regardless of material.

Stand's Appearance: Origin takes the appearance of a slim yet broad humanoid, with skin that takes upon various shades of blue and occasional dark spots. Its legs are long and end with stumps, the stand levitating instead of walking by their use. Its face is always completely without emotion, the only show of it being the mouth, while any other facial features are missing. Four protrusions are located on the stand's head, two long, thick and straight and another set of thinner, wigglier ones coming from just below the same point. The arms are most defined on the stand's body, ending with hands with long fingers and prominent knuckles. The stand's right palm holds the engraving of the left half of a spherical symmetry group, while the left palm holds the right.
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Name: Oliver "Ollie" McFadden
Age: 32
Ollie is in excellent shape, boasting above-average physique in all areas. He stands at around 6 feet and weights around 170 pounds. His eyes are a dark shade of blue.

Background: Ollie was born to two hardworking parents who struggled to make time for their only son. Because of this Ollie grew up teaching things himself and cultivating a yearning for knowledge, especially the sciences. He had always achieved high grades and got many scholarships to attend Harvard and its department for physics. He excelled in academia, aspiring to be a professor in the sciences. As a student he contributed much to his research in the physics field, working mostly with probes that had been sent out to space. Oliver eventually began to struggle with depression, as he was not getting the revolutionary discoveries and even though his articles were popular, he yearned for a breakthrough. However, this all changed when he received his stand.

A student had brought him into the hospital, stating that he found a wound buried into his stomach. Oliver claimed he had been struck by an arrow, but was quickly dismissed by doctors when they stated his wound had already miraculously healed. To his surprise, two cables emerged underneath his sleeves, appendages that the doctors did not seem to notice even when he poked it inside one of their arms. He realized through this that he had a broader knowledge of medicine and operation for simple wounds like his own. He named his stand after a song he listened to while struggling to publish his articles, one that encapsulated feelings that were no gone, Blue Monday.

This excited Ollie, he finally had something that no one else knew about, something that he could gather information on. Within the week Oliver had retired from Academia and began to travel to see if he could find who had struck him with the arrow and gave him his power and see if anyone else knew more.

Personality: Ollie is an open and innovative individual with a love for learning and experiencing life. He is overly ambitious and wants to make an impact in his life, being unable to makes him prone to a depression. Ollie is a natural problem solver, able to use data to get solutions. He is generally kind, but is willing to do anything to get what he wants, though he is no psychopath and draws lines at bringing lasting harm to someone.
Quirks: Is excellent at math, physics, basic medicinal knowledge and chemistry, a natural problem solver, has used Blue Monday to teach himself basic martial arts and speaker of French, English and Spanish.

Stand Name: Blue Monday
Stand Ability: Blue Monday has the ability to download secrets of a person or object, uncovering weaknesses or information into Ollie's brain by inserting a cable into the object he wishes to download. Application of Blue Monday includes learning new languages or techniques in a short amount of time, discovering secrets of others or discovering the ability's of another's stand are the surface. An example would be if someone is sick with a mysterious illness, Blue Monday has the ability to download the body's information and provide an answer. Blue Monday provides no solutions however and only reveals data or patterns presented, it is up to Ollie to interpret this. It takes time for Blue Monday to download information of people (around one minute) and during this Oliver is incredibly vulnerable to enemy stands; it takes less time to use it on objects such as books or computers. Downloading too much information can also give Oliver a headache and cause him to potentially forget bits of his past, which is why he must be specific when looking for information and be quick. Blue Monday has little fighting prowess but can be used to strangle or tie someone up. Unlike most stands, destroying Blue Monday does no harm to Oliver, instead it will take time to regenerate.
Stand's Appearance: Blue Monday is simply just a pair of black cables that extend from Oliver's sleeve that each have a needle at the end. Though the needle is sharp, it is more akin to a mosquito bite and provides no sensation when inserted in a person. However, it is able to puncture metals quite easily.
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Name: Austin Nash
Appearance: Austin is a young adult with fair skin, which is somewhat dusted with freckles along his cheeks and shoulders. He is taller than the average male, boasting a height of 6'1 with broad shoulders and a muscular build. His attire is mainly casual and he is always sporting a ripped denim jacket and a pair of shades to match his outfits. He has green eyes and has ginger hair, though it's on the darker side.

Background: Austin was born to a single mother, but she wasn't able to stick around for very long. She died shortly after childbirth leaving him in the care of his uncle who raised him as he was his son. His childhood was something that could only be described as comfortable. He wasn't rich and was more of a lower middle class, being only able to afford a few things he wanted. His uncle owned a bar and did a few sketchy things, but those things were always kept under the table. As he grew Austin grew up his uncle asked him to do certain things at the bar as well to other people. The two main things were gambling in the back of the bar and fighting people that the important clients didn't like. Austin rarely ever did sit at a gambling table, instead being the dealer of the game, but he always did manage to cheat people and make them lose all their money. The fighting aspect was really where he shined through, he always had natural strength but he didn't know how to properly fight and instead just threw punches and kicks until the other person submitted, but it got the job done at the end of the day.

Due to growing up in such a busy and packed environment Austin became social and liked being the center of attention, always liking to have talks with the regulars of the bars. He learned from the rich men he spoke with about how to make conversations the way he wants them to, mainly forcing the person to have no other option, but listen to what he was saying. If they didn't listen then he would either attempt to convince him he was right or again leave them with no other choice, but to accept whatever he was proposing. No matter how many times he has gotten in trouble for attempting to cheat, or charge customers more for their drinks Austin never learns from his mistakes and would rather suffer the consequences than change the things he does.

One day on a rainy night Austin was stopped while on his way home by several men. He couldn't make out their faces, but he concluded they were men that he had either cheated or beaten. He was going to ask them who they were before one man threw a bunch which lead to the rest joining in as well, they were quick to beat the young man up until he was bloody and every inch of his body was covered in bruises. They were going to leave him to bleed out in an alleyway, but one man decided to finish the job and pulled out something that Austin still doesn't know what was and stabbed him in the neck. From that day on Austin swore he would find the men that did that to him and get his revenge with the very thing they gave him, his stand.

Personality: Austin can be described in two words, loud and reckless. He likes his presence to be known to everyone in the room. He is social and knows everyone and everyone knows him. He talks over people, interrupts them and them and has very few manners, he likes to argue with people a lot, even if he is on the losing side. Austin has a 'small' tendency to do whatever he pleases without keeping any of the consequences in mind, a very 'act first, think later' mindset, which gets him into trouble more times than he would like to admit.
Quirks: His attire is one thing, it's always filled with holes and rips and filled with accessories, and bright colors to catch the eyes of people. His accent is another thing, he has a Boston accent and it's very noticeable, he slurs words sometimes and mispronounces others.

Stand Name: Ice Ice Baby ( Vanilla Ice )
Stand Ability: Ice Ice Baby is close combat stand with incredible power and speed, limited only by its short range. It has the ability to manipulate ice and use its main technique, Frost Breath, to freeze its enemies for a certain period of time. Its frost can be melted down by fire and other objects with high temperatures. It can also use a ground pound to freeze the ground beneath it for a certain range around its user, as well as anything that comes into contact with the ice.
Stand's Appearance: Ice Ice Baby has a human-like shape, but it doesn't like a male, nor a female. Its body is adorned with small spikes that go all the way up to its head which has small horns sticking out of it; much like a crown. Much like ice, the stand has a pale blue color which white specks trailing all over it and a matching pair of black gloves, boots, and cape.
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Name: Joey Joestar
Age: 17
Joey is a tall, well-built young man, at around 6'2" and weighting 180 lbs. He is always seen wearing a tattered jean jack with several holes exposing a messy white shirt and black pants with brass buttons. Both his pants and jacket are clearly too small for him, his jacket exposing his bellybutton and his pants are tight and reach his ankles. He almost never changes his outfit. His hair is a dark brown that is swept back away from his eyes, with long strands scattered about his forehead. He has wide chin, with a friendly and coy look to his visage. Joey has light-green eyes, that emit an approachable glow. On each hand, Joey wears an assortment of rings. On his right, they are metallic bands with lettering that read "J J ★" with each finger. His left hand bares a couple rings he has stolen from people who have rubbed him the wrong way. He is a well-built person with a balanced body that regularly works out. Joey stands roughly 5'6" and weights around 180 lbs.. He has brown hair that is almost black from all the grease he puts in it, accompanied by mint eyes. Joey is never without his tattered jean jacket that he was worn since he was 15.

For fighting, it should be noted that Joey's shoe's soles are a unique mixture of metal and he wears a pair of fingerless gloves

Background: Joey had been born into unfortunate circumstances. At just three weeks of age he was left at the doorstep of a orphanage in New York where he was simply left with the note reading out his name and birthday. Little was known about his last name, Joestar, the officials were unable to find anyone bearing it in any records. The nun who took care of the orphans noticed that Joey seemed to have an elaborate imaginary friend that he claimed to be real, in reality this would be his stand. Many picked on Joey for being an oddball, but many weak children flocked to him for protection against the threats in the slums for his ability to fight back. Those who hated him and those who loved both denoted him commonly as "Jojo."

Joey spent most of his youth in fights, rather than attending school. He had been suspended on multiple occasions and even expelled, but the fights he got in rarely ended up too harmful to his opponent, there were just frequent. While he enjoyed fighting, he preferred to play tricks on those who crossed him: putting frogs in sandwiches, fireworks in lockers and the like were what often got Joey on people's shit list. Up until this point, Joey had also remained quiet about his stand, holding him back in the corner of his mind. At the age of 15, in a violent brawl with a kid 3 years older than him put Joey on the edge. Beaten and bloody, on the verge of death, his stand Footloose had awoken to its potential. It stopped his bleeding wounds and fought while he was knocked to the ground, knocking the boy to the ground. With no one else as a witness to the fight, the boy's claims that he had been struck by a "ghost" were simply labelled as a result of a brain injury.

While Joey was recovering, he was visited by enigmatic man in a suit. He claimed he had known his father at one point, explaining that they had left Joey for his own safety and that his parents were currently somewhere in the states. The man also explained to Joey about his stand, that it was not something in his head. His last warning was that now that it had awoken, that other stand users would go after the Joestar, drawn by fate that draws all stand users together.

Joey was not worried about himself, however, he was afraid for those who didn't have a stand. He left the orphanage and dropped from his school to draw attention away from the those he had come to love. The man who visited him in the hospital was vague, but he would find out why his parents had abandoned him.

Personality: Joey is a paternal person with a soft spot for those who cannot protect themselves. He is no stranger to violence, but he avoids causing any serious harm. Some might call Joey rather eccentric and weird, hard to predict but easy to trust. He is a loyal friend and does not take lightly to those who betray his respect. Joey is seen as unpredictable in his actions and mood, at points being calm to going perfectly berserk at something as little as an insult. He is reckless and rarely plans, instead relying on his gut instincts.
Quirks: Strong street skills, brawler, good with tools and weapons

Stand Name: Footloose
Stand Ability: Footloose is both a projectile and close-quarter stand, using a sticky, membrane-like substance it creates with other its hands or mouth. It is able to directly stick to whatever Joey designates, meaning that it can rip paint off walls without damaging the building at all. Escaping is nearly impossible. Its membrane is incredibly durable, able to withstand explosions and blunt attacks, but struggles to block against anything incredibly sharp. Like its membrane's stickiness, it can also choose what passes through it unhindered. Footloose can shoot out globs of its membrane like glue that can stick to whatever it pleases. Footloose is an excellent brawler and its membrane offers it a natural defense against attacks.
Stand's Appearance: Footloose is a blue humanoid stand that is coated in a thick, see-through, dripping membrane that coats its entire body. It wears a tight pair of white sunglasses that shield its black eyes. Footloose has white, armor-like bands that run across its head and shoulders and wedges of the same color that line its knuckles (these being the only part that is not covered by the membrane). Around its body is a glittery form of its membrane that work to form a see-through cloak around it. Footloose makes loud breathing noises like it is gasping for air and when Joey gets worked up, the breathing gets ghastlier.
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