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Stand There *looks at Hungrily*
  • These arent my ideas, i just thought i'd be cool to do them

  • so I'm really feeling a vampire & human roleplay rn, but I haven't been able to pin down a concrete plot I'd like to do for it?? I have some loose ideas but I'm also open to suggestions. It'll probably be a low-semi-lit sort of thing (at least one chunky paragraph per post) with relatively limited roles, lots of angst and some over-the-top drama if you're into that sort of thing. pm me if you're interested or if you want to suggest smthn???

    - maybe a small group of vampires and a small group of vampire hunters at odds with each other, both trying to take the other out, but one individual on each side is secretly a traitor who's feeding information to their enemies and thus they've been left at a stalemate. lots of internal drama, maybe some forbidden love, etc.

    - OR the plot is that a royal/noble family has invited some potential suitors for the heirs of the house to come reside at their palace for a while, sort of competing to earn the favor of their heirs. but, secretly, the noble house is actually a coven of vampires who are looking for new people to turn and expand their influence. some of the suitors start to get suspicious, but they've got the older members of the coven there along with the younger ones who are picking out potential new vampires, so they're kind of in a dangerous position if they decide to fight or try to escape, and of course there's bonds that form and all that too c:
Do you have any preferences? Because I like both, however, if you don't I like the small group of vampires vs the vampire hunters

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