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Fandom JJK Brainrot Returns

Endless Grimoire

New Member
Jujutsu Kaisen brainrot is returnint in full force with the latest chapters coming out. I’m just… I’m so conflicted and in need of some degree of HAPPIER JJK, what an oxymoron that is. But I need it XD

I am open to - OC x OC, OC x Canon or Canon x Canon.

Preferrably, I would like to keep things within the world of JJK - Cursed Energy, Curses, Danger; just that no one has to die like that XD

I typically do a lot of MxF pairings with JJK. There really aren’t a lot of MxM or FxF canon pairings I personally ship like others, though I could probably get behind it if its OCxCanon if that’s what you want to do. I love including romance - Action, Some tragedy and some drama, I enjoy all of that.

PM me if you want to talk more.
If you’re still seeking partners, I’d love to potentially brainstorm something up with you! (:

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