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Fandom JJBA Roleplay Main Thread

Interaction: Group, cops
Location: Milwood Bridge
With one hand, Garet carefully lifted up the corpse of the unfortunate real estate CEO. He wanted to check if there were any other injuries. Was the cause of death really just a splash of really hot water? Depending on the temperature that could have been a slow and painful way to go, and ineffective. Poor Mr. Brawn could have been flailing around for a good while before he succumbed, which would make robbing him harder. "And no one heard him screaming or anything? No one is the nearby buildings saw anything? Do we know why Mr. Brawn was out in the first place? Just a walk? Did he have any family?"

He'd been hoping that it was a cold-related death so that he'd have a type advantage over the culprit, but if it was heat-related... At least he had some expertise.​
Interaction: pbtenchi pbtenchi Captain Lycanroc Captain Lycanroc
Location: Milwood Bridge
Helen nodded in agreement with Chris, the more she looked at what few facts they had about this case the more obvious it seemed that this was the work of at least one stand user. When Chris got up to take a better look at the body Helen, mostly out of a lack of better things to do, followed him. It started to seem like she could add crime scene investigation on the evergrowing list of things she wasn't very good at. Although, she mused, this was only her first day after all.

As Helen watched Garet lift up the body, she was struck by a sudden realization. "Something doesn't quite add up here." She exclaimed cheerfully before remembering why they were here in the first place. Taking a few seconds to find a tone of voice that better fitted the circumstances, she continued. "I mean if the burns on the victim were a result of boiling water and that's what killed him, where does the ice come from? Like, whoever did this gained absolutely nothing from freezing the water, so why bother with it?"
Christopher Williams.png

Chris chuckled as Shizuka returned to the group giving her a thumbs up before turning his attention to Helen and rubbed a hand on his chin and nodded with Helen's observation, squinting at the body "you may have a point... It seems a little odd to do that, doesn't it? I get the burning of the Face and hands so we couldn't recognize them, but the freezing just seems like dancing on the grave..."

turning his attention to Garet he nodded his head as he walked over, and dipping his hands into his pockets. "Well, He has a son, Vincent Brawn. He works with the Realestate company as well, I'm sure he might be able to give us some info about people that don't really like his father. I think the best step we can go for now is checking around Black Falls to figure out what kind of person Mr. Brawn was and how deep he was in to get off'd like this, whatcha' guys say?

he turned to the group with a shrug, not knowing what else to do at this crime scene, considering it didn't seem like they could glean much more from the frozen and burnt corpse, or the unintrested cops.

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