Jjang, A Highschool Romance


So yeah, this is the thread for plotting and sh*t. I'll talk about the first thing we're going to do in this RP. We're going to go for the morning routine on the way to school. Wake your character up, eat food (or be one of THOSE people), and do your things. I want to know. Are you the precise routine person, or... You get the idea. Write your posts, and then just have them end up at their school yards. It's the first day of school, so don't be the douche who misses first day ceremony. We'll RP homeroom a bit, establish a few relationships, then we'll skip to afterschool goof-off time.

Sound good? Let me know. Let's actually use an OOC for it's intended purpose for once.
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@Ivan: Female Students. Got it.

And it looks like our first applicant has an Anime Pic, so go ahead and use those I suppose.

Also, to everyone, The Jjangs and gang members won't know other Jjangs and gang members from other schools, at the start of this RP. See, this RP is really when the school gangs start their war against each other. They might know rumors about each other, such as mine, for instance...

"A new Jjang has taken over the males side of Fukuoka.I hear he's not really one you'd consider a gangster, I hear he's actually pretty quiet and acts normal."

And that's what you have to go on, to start, at least. Obviously the gangs know who their individual members are, but St. Gakuen Oji's Jjang might not know who St. Sakura's Jjang is, see?

Of course, if you want, you can have your character be well known as the Second of this school, or the Jjang of that one. Student Council Members will generally know the Stuco members from the other schools, at least the head honchos, since the schools work together for festivals and the like.
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Alright people, read the intro the OOC. I edited it, and I want feedback please.

Oh yes also, now that the RP is only two days away, and the Jjangs are just about done, it's time. We, the Top Dogs of our schools, must pick our hideouts, which will be secret at the start of the RP. I will post them up, but there will be no metagame thinking, period. If your character spies out another hideout in thread, and then launch an attack or something, that's acceptable and awesome.

I'll state Fukuoka Male's now. Ephraim's hideout is the old school dojo he works at. When I say old school, I mead tatami mats, big wooden gate, little garden sort of dojo. It's not really hidden, but bite me.

And something else I forgot, for Fukuoka, girls can be in the male's gang, and vice versa. They just can't be the Jjang of that gang, and generally aren't even in the top three. And I need some cronies. I'm lonely here at Fukuoka :P
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So the rp starts tomorrow, right? I just want to make sure I've got that right. And if it will start tomorrow, I won't be able to post until the evening. Work gets crazy on Saturdays. :3
Yes it does my friend. And that's fine, I know how it is. I'm lucky enough to have weekends off with my current job, but my last job was weekends at a rather popluar chicken wing place. Ohh boy.

Anyway, peeps in power, I need to know hideouts.

And peeps in general, do we want to have any preestablished relationships? Other than Shimizu and Ryuu, and the Jjangs and their gangs. Should Ephraim have a stalker? How about Ephraim and Shimizu are close friends, but have no idea of each other's gang affiliations? Ideas, give them to me! And to the rest of us too, I suppose.

Anyway, let's enjoy this everyone. I adored this RP the last time I had it going, and it was my most successful one to date, well over 200 pages, several loves had bloomed, and my character had to beat the hell out of another one in delicious detail. And my standards have upped since, then. Since you all made it, it shows that I believe we all have the same idea for how an RP should be run and written. So thank you all for my helping my return to RP making as smooth as I could have hoped. I really had missed this.

Now go back to whatever you were up to, my friends. I'm going to go watch Dr. Who now.
Indoodily neighborino. I had to watch the Time of the Doctor again. Matt Smith <3

Anyway, I'm working on Ephraim's intro post, which will be the official start of Jjang! I just need the people who still aren't done to poke me when they finish so I can take a quick peek at the unfinished parts, basically all of you are good and accepted otherwise. I don't mind editing later, btw, if you want to add details or something later, you can. just get a quick synopsis of the character's life for now so you can just start posting. It's what I did for Ephraim. I'm not changing him again, but I will edit in more details because I can. Take that.

Also, I'm adding something to the character sheets. I'm adding a relationships section! Simply, it's just a list of the other characters, a codeword on the general standing of that characer in your eyes, and then a little sentence in your character's words about that character. For example:

Ephraim Laverne


Yuuko Wakanabe - Aquaintance - I don't really know her, but she seems nice enough. Hot body too.

See? That easy. Just do the same for everyone. The codewords are (from lowest to highest): Enemy, Unfriendly, Nuetral, Aquaintance, Friend, Crush, Love. You can probably guess what each means. And I just had an awesome idea while typing this. You can combine these if you want, for instance:

Ephraim Laverne


Shimizu Satsuma - Enemy/Friend - We're always at each other throats, and we compete every chance we get, but I kind of like the guy... When I'm not in the same room as him.

Just... Please, take people's character's and personal wishes into account. For instance, Ephraim has been Jjang of Fukuoka for 3 years, and never was too secretive about it, so that could color the other character's view of him. But let's say someone wants to remain anonymous as a Jjang, or is a brand new student, then take that into consideration.

And I don't know why I'm giving so many examples. You all seem intelligent enough to not need them. I'm shutting up now.

I think we'll have fun here. Anyway, I'll add it to the character sheet templates so you can know where to post it. And with that, I'm off to get this ball a rollin' :D
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I never even seen this until now~ :P So sorry, i forgot to watch this thread Dx But i love the idea >w< Can't wait for you to make a template and now i'll work on my reply~ ;D
Template is made my friend. It's on the character sheets in the sign up page. You can fill them out as you meet and socialize with a certain person too, it's what i'm doing. Right now I just have Yuuko on my list, because I already have a few ways I'm considering having Ephraim respond, and he's always friendly to everyone, unless they really piss him off..

And lovely times were had by all.
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I should be able to put my bio up for my second character this evening... Hopefully. I've been fighting off the flu, and work is killer right now. But I will for sure get him posted tonight or tomorrow. :3
Oh goodness, I keep forgetting to follow each thread. So I just noticed the portion about starting. I should have mine up tonight, I've been trying to finish a ton of schoolwork, its the last week of the semester and I've been a slacker. lol.
It's fine. I understand most of you are probably in school so posting isn't always the most important thing.

But yes, follow the threads, and if you know someone who might be interested, feel free to invite them. Same goes for anyone.

I just joined this RPing site and I am considering in making a sheet or two. Please bear with me as I may not be able to make as many posts as warranted. :)
Hullo All.

I'm going to go ahead and put up another Ephraim post, just to get the ball rolling with this some more.

I had a question for more experienced users of this site, however. How does the rating system for RPs work? I've figured I can't vote for my own RP, but if a few of you slap a rating on it, does it get more noticed? Or is it just some asinine thing like it was on my old site, where all it was for was opinions on if the RP was any good? If it does put it out there more, could a few of you vote on this thread? I require more souls for harvest players for this here RP.

And hello Ein, it'll be great to RP with you again. Also, I would ask that you do extend your post when you have a minute. I'd like the first post for each character to be a synopsis of their morning routines, as well as fooling around (or not) in Homeroom.
The Rating System: It gives feedback to possible new applicants about the roleplay, what people think of it, and the reviews tend to explain what's goodabout the roleplay. And such. I don't think I'm making sense, am I?
Oh, just for your information, I should be finished Aiko's character sheet tomorrow. Sometimes I think to myself just how amazingly lazy I can be. Anywho, I'll also (hopefully) type up an opening post for her as well.

Unsure if this has been posted yet or not, but St. Sakura Blossom Gang's hideout is a lingerie shop by the name of Sectoria Vicret. And yes, ladies. We get discounts there too. c;

Almost forgot! Aiko, as the Jjang of St. Sakura Blossom, will have rumors such as the following:

"I heard the Jjang of St. Sakura Blossoms' a demon in disguise."

"Yeah, a demon! They say she's over eight feet tall!"

Hmm...height complexes. *relates to Aiko* Anyway, just so you all know. . . 
Oh! I should add this in but once we get enough attention, we cn be featured in the Featured Roleplays section! \*^*/ Hoorah!

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