Jjang, A Highschool Romance

Student Council

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Orihara.Izaya.full.432662.jpg.39d6796d8e8ff194b5c7385803be29ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12200" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Orihara.Izaya.full.432662.jpg.39d6796d8e8ff194b5c7385803be29ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Saito Takumi

Nickname: Headphones

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Weight: 150

Height: 5'11"

School: St. Gakuen Oji

School Status: Student Council Vice President

Part-Time Job: Clerk at a video game store


-Music. Most kinds, but he prefers techno and trance.

-Video games. Generally, Takumi enjoys RPG's and competitive online games, but he'll play anything once. Except horror. He doesn't like horror.

-Movies. He mostly likes comedies and action movies, but he'll watch most things. However, like video games, he doesn't enjoy horror.

-Manga. Especially Shonen with lots of action.

-Chess. The tactics and having to think on your feet intrigue him, and he plays any opponent he can. He's always trying to get better.


-The sun. It makes him sneeze.

-Psychiatrists/Psychologists. He doesn't trust them.

-Darkness. Ever since he was a child, Takumi never liked the dark. He sleeps with the lights on, and generally leaves most of the lights on in his part of the house.

-Alcohol. He's been offered different types of alcohol a few times, and hasn't enjoyed any of the drinks given to him.

-Drugs. He's never tried them, but he knows people who have, and doesn't like what they do to them.

-Sushi. It's a texture thing.

Biography: Takumi's first years were hard: he was technically a stillbirth, and his mother died during labor. He had issues with his heart as a baby, to the point that he had to have open heart surgery when he was one year old. He's had many surgeries because of issues with failing organs and such, but he's been medically stable since he was fourteen. However, due to his surgeries he has many scars on his torso and tries not to take off his shirt around people due to the fact that he doesn't like answering questions about himself.

Takumi's father, being the CEO of a major company, was distant. He remarried when Takumi was seven to his secretary of the time. However, she left him two years later, when Takumi was nine, when the chance came to work in another country. A few years later, when he was 15, Takumi's father married again to his current wife, the vice president of a non-profit organization. She tried to become Takumi's friend, to talk to him, but he didn't trust her, and besides, he was used to fending for himself, to not having to rely on anyone.

When he entered high school, Takumi began hearing voices, and thus began wearing headphones whenever possible to drown them out, and earning his nickname in the process. He started seeing things that weren't there in his second year of high school, and learned to ignore those by keeping his eyes concentrated on whatever game he was playing, or if he was in class he'd avoid looking at it (or them) at all costs by writing something, or drawing.

Earlier this year, his stepmother gave up trying to get him to be social, and they gave Takumi his own wing of the house, complete with kitchen, as he didn't trust the maids and butlers of the normal house, and always prepared his own food anyway because he thought the house chefs were trying to poison him.

Takumi didn't have many friends, and still doesn't, as he doesn't really see the point of personal relationships. He joined the student council in his first year and quickly climbed ranks until becoming the Vice President last year.

Personality: Takumi tends to view most things with a detached interest. He doesn't like to get involved in complicated things, despite his position on the student council. Generally found listening to music or playing some kind of handheld game, he always wears a big pair of headphones around his neck or on his ears. Takumi generally doesn't talk on his own, but he will put in the occasional comment to a conversation if it interests him enough.

Secrets: Takumi has undiagnosed schizo-effective disorder, but hasn't told anyone about it because he's afraid if he tells someone, the hallucinations will hurt him. He hallucinates on a regular basis, and uses the music and video games to help him ignore them. He's also slightly Autistic, and finds it hard to pick up on social cues as a result.

Character Relationships: Takumi doesn't have anything one could call a traditional "friend". Most of his acquaintances live overseas, people he met on the internet. He's not close to anyone in town, simply because he doesn't start conversations. And because of the flat affect from the schizo-effective disorder, people find it disconcerting to hold extended conversations with him.

Theme Song: Somebody's Watching Me, by Rockwell/Michael Jackson

Other: Just an explanation of what schizo-effective disorder is. In Takumi's case, he would be diagnosed with schizo-effective disorder because his symptoms mirror the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. However, because someone who is under eighteen can't be diagnosed with schizophrenia, his diagnosis would stay as schizo-effective disorder until he was eighteen. Flat affect is a negative (physical) symptoms of schizophrenia. It basically means your face can't show expressions correctly, and most of the time you look passive, neutral. Flat. Anyway, sorry, just thought I'd explain anything people might not know... Thanks for reading ^^



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