Jjang, A Highschool Romance


Character Sheet Templates

Student Council

(Appearance Pic Here)








School Status:
(Stuco Job?)

Part-Time Job: (Most don't have one)

Likes: (At least five)

Dislikes: (At least five)

Biography: (A solid two paragraphs at the very least, please).

Personality: (Paragraph or List)

Secrets: (Everyone has at least one...)

Character Relationships:

Theme Song: (Optional)

Other: (Anything that didn't fit anywhere else? Put it here!)

- - - - - -

Jjang and Gang Members

(Appearance Pic Here)








Gang Status:
(Jjang? Second in Command? What?)

Reason for joining the Gang:

Job: (Most don't have one)

Likes: (At least five)

Dislikes: (At least five)

Biography: (A solid two paragraphs at the very least, please)

Personality: (Paragraph or List)

Secrets: (Everyone has at least one...)

Character Relationships:

Theme Song: (Optional)

Other: (Anything that didn't fit anywhere else? Put it here!)

- - - - - -


Character List

St. Gakuen Oji High School Students List

Student Council President

~ Shiori Nakamura ~ SpiralSamurai

Student Council Vice President

~ itsapig (Reserved)

Student Council Members

Secretary ~

Treasurer ~

Disciplinary Chair ~

Jjang of St. Gakuen Oji

~ Satsuma Shimizu ~ Izaki Nakajima





Gang Members(Unlimited)





St. Sakura Blossoms High School Students List

Student Council President

~ Kaminari Oshiro ~ KillerKougami

Student Council Vice President


Student Council Members

Secretary ~

Treasurer ~

Discplinary Chair ~

Jjang of St. Sakura Blossoms

~ Aiko Tachibana ~ Darth Pai


~ Reiko Minami ~ L u n a



Gang Members(Unlimited)





Fukuoka High School Students List

Student Council President

~ Andres Luis Marcos ~ Einkun

Student Council Vice President


Student Council Members

Secretary ~

Treasurer ~

Discplinary Chair ~

Jjang of Male Students

~ Ephraim James Vanderbilt ~ Elysium





Gang Members(Unlimited)





Jjang of Female Students

~ Ryuu Toya ~ Ivan Nakajima


Yuuko Wakanabe ~ LannaRae



Gang Members (Unlimited)





- - - - - - - - - -
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Can you save me a spot~? I'm busy revising for an exam so I couldn't make a character sheet right now~ :3

But I'm almost sure that jjang is Korean.
:o ...Is it?
Alright, I can save you a spot. What position are you interested in?

And yeah, Jjang is Korean. But the original creator named it this. I'm not changing it.

Name: Yuuko Wakanabe

Nickname: Yuu, Yui

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Weight: 117lbs

Height: 5'6

School: Fukuoka High School

Gang Status: Second in Command (female)

Reason for joining the Gang: To find the gang who killed her brother and avenge his death.

Part-Time Job: Works as a waitress at a cos-play cafe.

Likes: Combat, shooting, weapons, cos-playing, dancing, candy, cooking, designing and making costumes and outfits.

Dislikes: Mathematics, paying attention in class, the student council, rivals, cucumbers, extra-spicy food

Biography: Her parents, both who were severe workaholics, left her in her brother's care as soon as he could cook and clean. On the outside, he was the perfect role-model, student and brother. He had perfect grades, a perfect track record, as well as a perfect disciplinary record. At home, he taught her to read, to write, and to cook (that's why her cooking was excellent). But at night, he was part of a notorious gang, one that roamed the dangerous streets. He never kept it hidden from her, she was the only one outside the gang who knew. Her brother cared for her deeply, and did everything he could to protect her. He was the first person who thought her how to fight, and how to handle a gun. despite knowing what he was, she was never afraid of him. She didn't care if he was a gangster, he was her brother before anything else.

However, one night on the summer of her 13th birthday. He left for a fight with a rivaling gang, and never came back. A few days later, she saw her brother's picture on the paper, above it was that day's headlines, written in big bold letters- YOUNG MAN FOUND SHOT DEAD IN DITCH, SUFFERED FROM NUMEROUS BULLET WOUNDS. It broke her sweet, almost-innocent childhood apart. She never found out who killed him. She ditched her studies almost immediately, focusing all her time on joining the gang in her school. Since then, she'd trained her best to become a better fighter, and sworn to find her brother's killer and avenge her brother's death.

Of course, there were other things, tiny things she enjoyed in her life. As a child, she'd love reading mangas. And what caught her attention the most were the unique costumes and outfit. She eventually fell in love with designing costumes, and even taught herself to sew. She made a living by working as a waitress in a cos-play cafe two towns away (since she doesn't want anyone from her or other gangs finding out), and even helps them with their costumes.

Personality: Yuuko is a very...expressive person, to say the least, and can be melodramatic at times. She doesn't ever censor her thoughts, and her words go straight to her mouth. (If she has something to say, she'll say it all right.)When she's not careening around the room like a box of explosives, she has a sort of a dreamy air about her. But don't let that fool you, she'll push you up against the wall with a knife at your throat if you try to pull anything funny. Despite what most people believe about her, she doesn't exactly go around looking for trouble. Sure, she has a sly and flirtacious nature, but she doesn't exactly run around looking for fist-fights. The more accurate phrase would be that trouble has a way of finding her. Her eccentric sense of humour only add to her unpredictable attitude. Meaning: She can be a really amusing friend to have, or a very tricky (and dangerous) enemy.

Secrets: She works in a cos-play cafe, and sometimes have extreme mood-swings.

Theme Song:

Other: Even though it's against the school rules, she continuously dyes her hair lavender purple.
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"People ask me why I fight. And I say, simply, 'For Fun'."


Ephraim James Vanderbilt


The Karate-ka of Fukuoka, Strongest In Fukuoka (Self-Awarded Title)






197 lbs.




Fukuoka High

Gang Status

Jjang of the Males

Reason for joining the Gang

The Fights. Ephraim is a high class martial artist. He'll only get better with practice. Plus he's the only one strong enough in Fukuoka to be the Male Jjang.

Part-Time Job

Assistant Sensei of a Karate Dojo


Exercise, Snacks, Classic/Vintage Vehicles, Music, Video Games, and Goofing Off


Waiting, Studying, Pushy People, Large Crowds, Arrogance


Ephraim was raised in an orphanage in Brooklyn, never having met his parents, although the caretaker at the orphanage said his mother was still alive somewhere. But Ephraim could care less about here. She abandoned him after all. He lived a decent, but noway near happy and healthy childhood. But eventually his grandmother, a business mogul in the Orient, found him. And his grandmother raised him well from his tenth year of life onwards.

But damage had been done. Being unwanted for ten years had altered his outlook and personality. He became an introvert, staying in his room all the time, talking to no one at school, and all around was awkward. And because of that, he got beaten by the bigger kids at school. A lot.

His grandmother caught wind of this, and that's when his life changed. She pushed him into a family friend's karate dojo, and something about martial arts clicked with Ephraim. He was good at it. he had a lean but strong and flexible body well suited for combat and defense. So he poured himself into it, not wanting to stay in his dark, lonely room anymore.

After a couple of months, life got better. He could defend himself against the bullies on the playground, and as the years rolled by, throwing punches and countering strikes became second nature. So he moved onto other things, such as bodybuilding and mechanics

And life went on. It got even better. With his strength came confidence, and with that, he went to high school with friends, and even a girlfriend under his belt (like most middle school romances though, it didn't last too long). And one day, he stumbled into a meeting of the Male gang of Fukuoka. There was a fight, and with minor effort, the well-built and skilled Ephraim took the throne of the Fukuoka Males.

That was his first year of high school. And for that first year, the Men were in charge of Fukuoka. The top three of the Fukuoka Males were the stuff of nightmares. The controlled much of the territories that make up the Highschool Underworld. They were a small army, and they were feared for it.

But then things went south, two years ago. His gang, all fifty of them, went to go take an abandoned boxing gym from one of the previous Jjangs, and it should have been simple. That gang only had about thirty members, so Ephraim wouldn't even have to use his full army, right?

Wrong. Someone had betrayed them, and waiting for them were well over one-hundred gang members, the enemy Jjang having called in favors and gathering every human resource he could. It wasn't just easy, it was a slaughter, for the opposing team's benefit.

The Males of Jjang fought brilliantly that day, but they were vastly outnumbered, outresourced, and were the visitor team on the home field. Some of the Fukuoka Males died that day, several were beaten beyond repair (paralyzed, blinded in an eye, deafened in an ear, whatever), and very few actually walked out of their on their own accord, but Ephraim fought like the monster he is, and managed to, while not winning the fight, at least scaring his opponents into letting them gather their comrades and retreat without reprisal.

Ephraim eventually found out the traitor was this Third, and publicly beat the hell out of him in a grudge match all over the Fukuoka grounds. But the damage had been done.

After the "Cataclysm", as rumors call it, the gang members just sort of lost heart. Hell, their second in command had died that day. The ones that were left ended up just giving up and moving on. Most were moved to new schools, and none of them kept in touch with each other. That part of life was over now.

Except for Ephraim, who kept fighting, kept saving those who asked for him, and kept defending his, and the Fukuoka Male's, diginity all by himself. And eventually he had a rematch against the Jjang who ruined it all, and put him down. He left the gang to decide a new leader. He didn't care about the gang. He just cared about the revenge he exacted on the enemy he had just rendered paraplegic.

Now Ephraim fights alone, people too afraid to join his side, and Ephraim with too high a set of standards to accept any schmuck with a baseball bat. But that doesn't matter to him as much as it once did. He defends his spots against any challenge, and to retain his dignity and standing, he accepts any challenge directed at him, even the ones that are obvious traps.

Ephraim will stand on top once again, even if he must get there alone.

Character Relationships

Yuuko Wakanabe - Aquiantance/Friend - I honestly like her, but she doesn't talk to me much. It's probably the gang thing. She's hot though, so if she wants to get to know me more... *wink and a sly smirk*


Ephraim is the super happy-go-lucky type, unbothered by virtually anything. He works hard at everything he does, whether it be work or school (although he's not very good at the latter). He only gets serious when defending something he believes in, and even with that, he as a flippant and sarcastic attitude. He tends to be really tactless, and has absolutely no clue how to treat women (which is why he probably lost his girlfriend), foul-mouthed, and stubborn.

However, when doing things for his gang (or people who've wormed their way into his heart), he's serious, and when he's in a fight, he's an engine of war. Ephraim fights without mercy and without remorse. However, his white-knight always shines through in the end, for he always spares his opponents, lets them surrender if they wish, and will rescue even the most hated enemy if they need it. Ephraim is a Noble Knight in the world of the Jjang.

He never takes advantage of surprise, unless it's to even the odds. If a weapon-using opponent drops their sharp pointy thing, Ephraim will pick it up and hand it back to them before continuing to beat (most of) the life out of them. And he always accepts a white-flag or a truce, but doesn't ever let his guard down.

Also, it should be mentioned that he's a flirt. Be ready women.


Ephraim's a cat person, and feed the strays around his apartment.

- He never speaks of what his necklace is, and god have mercy on your soul if you dare to touch it without his permission.

- The Fact that he's the only Male Gang Member left in Fukuoka. After the Cataclysm, basically everyone ended up leaving the gang, being too injured to ever fight again, and a few deaths, which Ephraim feels personally responsible for. It's not really a secret that things have gone south for the Males, but the full extent and the reason is held close to Ephraim's heart.

Theme Song


While he technically lives with his grandmother for the sake of school paperwork, Ephraim has his own apartment on the western outskirts of the city, easily accesible from car, bus, or train.

Ephraim tends to lisp a bit in japanese, and speaks extremely casually. But give him a break, he's only been speaking it for 5 years, and it's a complex language at best.

He wears glasses, black metal frames, for reading and schoolwork. He doesn't need them at all for anything else.

Due to America's more cavelier attitude on piercings and whatnot, Ephraim has three silver hoops in his left year, and the outlines to a tattoo covering his entire upper right arm. He doesn't like the tattoo needles much, so he's building it slowly but surely.

Because of the deaths in his gang a year ago, Ephraim doesn't accept members into the Male gang, unless they're really gotdam impressive by his standards. As of yet, Ephraim has yet to find anyone like that, so he runs a one-man army... for now.

Despite only having practiced Karate solely during his term as a warrior, Ephraim does study and know basics of several martial arts styles. He can't fight with them, but he knows the theories and skill focuses of them well enough to adapt to just about anything.
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[[ Place Holder ]]



Ryuu Toya

(( Some people think she's a boy at first when hearing her name ))


Rei (By friends or family)

The She-Demon (By gang members/her title)






138 lbs




Fukuoka High School

Gang Status:

Jjang of Females

Reason for joining the Gang:

To become stronger and show people what she could do.

Part-Time Job:




- Boys stronger than her

- Guns

- The color red

- Sleeping



- Taking orders

- The color blue

- People that try to intimidate her

- crowded places



Ryuu is the type of girl who likes a challenge; she doesn't like it when things are too easy for her. She tends to think things through before jumping to any conclusions and taking action. Ryuu is a hard girl to manipulate and doesn't back down easily from a fight though she holds more intelligence than pride and knows when the odds are against her. Ryuu likes to watch from the sidelines for a little while then jump into action when the time is right; she tends to be more strategic than most people.


Her father is the chief of police in the city; never brings up her last name

Theme Song: (Optional)

Other: (Anything that didn't fit anywhere else? Put it here!)

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|The Queen of St. Sakura Blossoms|

3/4 history is complete.


  • Name:

    Aiko Tachibana


    The Queen (public) or Oppai-Chan (teasing nickname)


    "Plans for university..? Hm..."





    110 lbs


    "Don't call me short, these eight inch heels will hurt."




|Biography of Aiko Tachibana|

  • On August 11th, 1996, a healthy baby girl was born into the Tachibana family to a young couple. She was quite large and heavy for a baby, weighing at ten pounds, but still medically healthy. As the new mother held her baby in her arms, the corners of her lips stretched upwards as a smile grew on her face when she stared at the creature that had just squeezed out from her womb. Turning to her husband, the woman gestured towards their child, a bright grin on her face. Well, as bright of a grin a woman who just went through hours of labor can manage. The husband approached his wife and his new daughter and kissed his love on the lips. Staring down at his baby, the man's eyes widened in shock.

    "It...it looks like an alien!" The husband's jaw slacked as he took a few moments to process what had just happened in his brain. And then, he fainted. After all, newborns look like baby squids with only four limbs. It could also be the fact that the man was dealing with stress, and the baby's cry was not helping him. One way or another, the man fainted, and was rushed onto a hospital bed while his wife shook her head in amused disapproval. Shouldn't she be the one fainting? But, she knew, no matter how strong her husband was physically, he was an emotional sap on the inside.

    While her husband was unconscious, Akane Tachibana stared down at her child a smirked. "You're going to have one hell of a life, little one." Leaning back with the baby still in her arms, Akane watched as the newborn began to calm down and fall asleep, obviously very tired from the journey she had made from her uterus. "You're tired? I should be the one tired, y'know. I was the one who pushed you out my vagina." Chuckling as she said that, Akane found herself becoming more and more fatigued as the seconds passed by. It wasn't too long until she found herself falling asleep with the newborn in her arms. "Sweet dreams. . . Aiko. . ."

    When Tatsumi awoke from his little slumber, he quickly remembered his wife and his child and how she was never going to let him live it down about how he fainted when seeing his newborn baby girl. Glancing over to Akane, Tatsumi smiled as he heard her mumble their little girl's name. When he was asked what they were going to name the child, Tatsumi smirked and wrapped his arms around his wife lovingly.

    "We're going to name her Batman." Tatsumi grinned in accomplishment, because who wouldn't want to name their new born child Batman? Of course, Akane was obviously against this decision, but Tatusmi knew that if she was asleep, she couldn't be awake to protest against it.

    And it seemed that we spoke too soon. The moment Tatsumi said that they were going to name their child Batman, Akane's eyes shot open as she punched her husband across the room with unimaginable strength that one would think impossible for a woman who had just gone through labor. Her nostrils were flared as she held the baby in her right arm, careful not to wake her up.

    "We are NOT naming our baby Batman!" Growling ferociously at her grinning husband, Akane turned to the birth certificate and wrote down the real name that they were going to give their baby. "We're going to name her Aiko." Smiling gently down at her sleeping child, Akane yawned and watched as a nurse asked to take the baby girl - Aiko - from her hands so that they could perform medical checkups on the child.

    And as Akane and Tatsumi slept, Aiko was busy getting assessed by doctors and nurses. It was a few days later that the young couple was allowed to take their new baby home, by then, Aiko didn't look like a little weird red alien that had just popped out of Akane's womb, because she looked kind of. . . cute. Well, that's what Tatsumi commented when he saw Aiko in his wife's arms once again, he even offered to hold the child, even if he was a little scared that he might crush her with his gigantic muscles.

    "Welcome home, Aiko." They said together, red and blue creating a nice shade of purple, as they walked into their large traditional Japanese dojo, the members of the mafia lined up in orderly fashion as they greeted their bosses. It took a few moments for all of them to finally swarm the little baby, commenting on how adorable and cute their little young master was.

    "She's a girl." Akane raised an eyebrow at the mafia members, causing them to fall back in line to allow the couple into the house. But, even with the little discipline Akane spoke into them, all of the members had a large grin spread across their faces. After all, Aiko was a new member of their family. The Tachibana Family. Akane was the queen, Tatsumi was the king, now, what would that make Aiko?

    Of course, she would be their little princess. Princess Aiko.
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It's been a while since I've joined a group RP, and I'm new to this particular site, but this one sounds intriguing enough to try out. I work two jobs, so it's hard for me to answer a lot, but I can definitely answer a few times a day. If that's not a problem, I'd like to join. That is, of course, if you're still accepting. 
Preferably student council president at St. Gakuen Oji. :) Thank You. 
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  • Aoshiki.full.1316478.jpg

Phew! I hope you don't mind if I finish this tomorrow. <3 I can't finish it all today since I'm getting busy with school. D: It's three-fourths done, so I think it's not gonna take so long~
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?Name?Reika Minami

?Nickname?Rei (the usual), and Sakura -- meaning cherry blossoms -- from her light personality, hair color and love for the color pink. Almost everyone in school she attends to knows that nickname.

?Age? 16 years old


?Weight? 128 lbs.

?Height? 5'6 feet

?School?St. Sakura Blossoms

?Gang Status? Second-in-Command

?Reason for joining the Gang?Despite her strength that only few know about, she doesn't have an exact reason of why she joined the gang, probably except for the fact that she met new people there. "How could I refuse Aiko-chan? Plus, it's pretty fun."

?Part-Time Job? A caretaker for any kind of. People whom she know would just call her whenever.


Friends and specifically everyone.

The gang; She spends more time with them than the school or anyone else, and she loves sticking around, either to tease, help, or simply talk to the Jjang of St. Sakura Blossoms. (Aiko Tachibana, Darth Pai's character)

"They rule the world. But Aiko-chan's the best of them all!"

The color pink; It's more of obsession, and she totally adores that color.

"They're so mysterious. I like mysterious. They like food too."

Doing mischievous things (especially with their gang) and getting away with it.

Acting and lying; She's really good at it.

Music; A cheerful ambiance and background is heaven for her.

Food; especially sweet and spicy, or both combined together.

Combat between males; She just doesn't feel it when against women.

Everything else except for the things she dislikes.

And last of all, jumping and hopping on people.


The Student Council; "They're definitely no fun!"

The absence of fun and happiness.

"What were you talking about? TELL ME!"

Awkward and boring times;
"Now what?"

"Whad'dya say?"

People who are up for fights;
"F*ck that, let's get along!"

Clothes that are too tight.

?Biography?It all started sixteen years ago... obviously.

Have you ever heard of the surname Minami? No? Poor you! Or not. For generations, those who held that last name were fortunate enough to know that they had a great future and amount of money ahead of them. They were considered a clan, actually; Helping each other and bringing themselves up in times of need. Every single member in the family knew a lot more than they were expected to be--Their expertise was all about business, yet, don't be surprise when you discover how much categories they reach up to. Their range is just big. However, not only business encircled the whole clan. Even a mafia, strong enough rule the world--Or at least, that's what their big heads thought.

Meet Reika Minami, the youngest of the Minami clan, born and raised by Ai and Rinto Minami. It was odd for them, having sixteen years pass by without anyone in the family having a new child, but nobody really bothered to question that. All those years she had lived, she just pretty much lived a happy-go-lucky, normal life, and the only difference of her and the fully normal people with normal lives and families was that she was really wealthy because of her family, and the daily lessons she is required to take just because she lives with some kind of mafia family. She rarely cared, and she wasn't
that stubborn that she managed to get physically strong, unconsciously.

"I joined Aiko-chan's gang a few months or years ago. Me and her and our families are a little... We know each other."

?Personality?"Uhh, what I feel about you? You're cute. Is that what you mean?"

At first glance, if one would judge her smiles and actions that seem to never end, they might think that Reika is just some normal high school girl who can do nothing to protect herself and nothing else in life except hang out with friends and become one of those typical girls. Actually, people might have already thought of that. But, despite the fact that she thinks that being normal isn't so bad, she's not exactly what you call typical.Even if she's not that much displeasing, she's still always positive and hyper, resulting to occasional rudeness to others. But the problem is, she doesn't even care about how most people feel, especially if she's in the mood to do random things. She just says what she says, does what she does, and gets away with it.

She does not hate, or have hatred in her heart for specific people, and sometimes she's just so clueless in life that she doesn't realize the current situation she'd be in. In fact, a lot would think that she's just plain innocent, but it was probably her amazing skill of acting what she's not that helped her survive until today. She's not the type to actually judge someone, and she gets easily bored, which brings her to observe every single thing and fact around, being that she's quite the curious one and noticing and thinking about things would cure her boredom.

She thinks that everything and everyone is cute, most of the time. There are also (very) rare times when she would get serious about things, but never has anyone actually seen her be like that. Sometimes, she prefers being calm and alone, especially at cold nights at some park. Her everyday life just consists of happiness and not caring about things, and she would never do things that do not have at least the smallest hint of fun. However, no matter what she does, thinks or says, she is definitely not innocent.

?Secrets?She's an extreme masochist. This is one of the reasons why she does not have the expression of pain, complain because of pain, or shows anything when pain is done to her--because she likes it and is used to it.

?Theme Song? Specialist

?Other?Around the place and even at other areas/ schools, she has many connections, and thus, knows lots of things going around. She doesn't even care to think if what she knows is wrong.

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My computer is acting retarded, so I'm going to have too repost my edited version of the bio. Sorries about that! *bows* 
Here's my complete version of my bio. I'm a little nitpicky, so I'll probably fix stuff later, lol.

Student Council President


Name: Shiori Nakamura

Nickname: Doesn't use one, nor does he like referring to others by one. He believes that you should be recognized by your family name, not a name you or another one of your peers have given you. He hates his first name though, since he thinks it's girly, so he goes by 'Nakamura'.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Weight: 145

Height: 5'6" (He prefers not to have his height mentioned)

School: St. Gakuen Oji High School

School Status: Student Council President

Part-Time Job: None

Likes: Cleanliness, organization, solitude, studying, responsibility, rules, intelligence, schedules (he is never without his planner), disinfectant.

Dislikes: Gangs, mindless things (television, manga, games, ect.), rules being broken, irresponsibility, touching things that hasn't been thoroughly cleaned first, public areas (because they are 'dirty'), being touched, nicknames, his height, troublemakers, loud and energetic people, overly friendly people, the dark (He has no night vision, and therefor he is terrified of the dark. Not that he'd ever admit it, of course.), violence, guns, having his position on the student council questioned, ghosts and/or anything supernatural and haunted.

Biography: Growing up in a rich family, Shiori had nothing really to complain about. His father owns a energy manufacturing company, and the business thrives more and more every year. Having an older brother and younger sister made Shiori the middle child, which meant that he tried very hard to live up to his parents expectations so that he wouldn't be overshadowed. Being extremely smart and having a good work ethic didn't hurt anything. He always was in the top scores on testing, and strove to be the best in everything he did. He lived his sister dearly, and would spend every free moment with her. Once his brother left for college, Shiori tried his best to make up for his absence and make sure that his sister never felt lonely.

On day when Shiori was thirteen, he was with his sister in a nearby park when suddenly he lost sight of her after turning his back for a moment. Looking desperately for hours and asking anyone he came across if they had seen her, he had no luck in learning anything about what had happened to her. Now, four years later, there has still been no sign of her, nor any word of what might have happened.

After that, his parents became distant towards him, sometimes not speaking to him for days. His brother, still in college in America, never contacted him after he heard about what had happened. Shiori took the blame on himself, becoming confused and lonely as he mulled over the events of that day. He has gone to the same park every day since then, never missing no matter what the season or weather was. He knows that it's pointless, but he can't help but go there in hopes that somehow he'll learn something.

After about a year, Shiori became extremely obsessed with studying, his personality becoming slightly jaded as he focused on his school work. He found that if he immersed himself with responsibilities and work, that he wouldn't have time to think about his parents lack of interest in him, his brother's abandonment of him, or everything he could have done to save his sister. He became a workaholic, and soon found himself President of the Student Council thanks to his grades and diligence. It wasn't that his school mates liked him personally, but it was the obvious job that he was best suited for.

So now days, even though his parents still pay him hardly any attention, despite the fact that he still lives with them, he hardly has time to worry about it as he constantly striving to become the best and to make sure everyone else stays on task, too.

Personality: Very serious and stern, he doesn't joke, nor does he appreciate others who joke around. He's very responsible, even if he tries to do too much at once. He doesn't like to be helped with anything, even if he knows that he can't do it on his own. Being slightly naive about relationships, he has a hard time understanding why people 'pretend' to like each other. He will keep up the appearance of the considerate Student Council President if he must, but for the most part, he doesn't hold back on criticism or on directing others. He can be very nitpicky, which makes him slightly annoying to others. He tends to nag and criticize, especially if he thinks that the person is a troublemaker and/or gang member. While he doesn't have the most likable personality, he doesn't try to fix it to be accepted. He thinks that friends and relationships just eat up your time that you can be spending on preparing for your future (studying, taking extra classes, gaining responsibility, ect.).

Since he's extremely OCD, he can't deal with handling things that others have touched. He wipes down everything first, or makes sure that he's wearing his gloves. He wants everything to be in perfect order, so each thing that he owns is in tip top shape, and placed in strategic places so that the room keeps a constant equilibrium. When it comes to studying, he's very diligent and is constantly at the top of his class.

He hates every gang and their members, because he thinks that they are a bunch of 'hooligans' who waste their time and others time. He wants to see everyone doing their best, like he constantly strives to do, so it angers him to no end when groups like that goof off and get into meaningless fights. It's not that he's a 'protector of justice' or anything, but he doesn't hesitate to lecture gang members when he sees them causing trouble. This can be a problem, however, since he doesn't have much common sense when it comes to putting himself in harms way. He automatically assumes that no one would hurt him, so he will blatantly talk down to Jjangs or other gang members. He originally became Student Council President so that he could be busy with something, and now he wants to see the gangs in his school brought to an end.

Despite his downfalls and unlikable personality, he can actually be an airhead in certain situations. Like if he's faced with something that he can't understand, it's almost like he 'overloads' and can't compute anything else for a bit. He has a surprisingly insecure side, but would never show it to anyone in a million years. Since he has bad vision, he's absolutely terrified of the dark and anything supernatural or haunted. He doesn't want to be left alone when there's no light, but at the same time, he doesn't want anyone to know about his 'embarrassing' fears. Because he's so critical of others, he's also very critical on himself. If he makes a mistake, he harps on it and won't let it go, blaming himself quietly for months and even years.

He's a prime example of a 'tsundere', but he hasn't met anyone yet who he would even consider opening up too. If he were to try and be nice or make friends with someone, it would be obvious because he turns into an awkward mess. He doesn't understand other people or, so he becomes muddled if he tries to be 'nice'.

Secrets: Like most tsunderes, he secretly loves small or/and cute things. He would absolutely die if anyone ever found out, though. Also his fears of the dark and of 'scary' things is a well kept secret too.

Theme Song: "Down" by 'Jason Walker'

Other: He has exceptionally bad sight, so he always is wearing his glasses. Also, he has an extreme fear of germs and 'dirty things', so he always wears a pair of gloves, no matter the season, and he always his disinfectant and kleenexs on hand just in case he has to remove his gloves to touch something.
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Satsuma Shimizu











St. Gakuen Oji

Gang Status:

Jjang of St. Gakuen Oji

Reason for joining the Gang:

Satsuma would rather spend his days controlling others than sitting at home alone, to be honest he feels rather lonely at times though he never wants to admit it to anyone and being part of a gang sounded like the perfect way to get attention when he thought about it.

Part-Time Job:



-Nature: Grew up with it as a kid.

-Shonen & Shojo Manga: Got into Manga when he was young, he had nothing better to do around his house rather than read.

-Dogs & Cats: Has always wanted both of these when he was a boy but his mother never allowed it.

-Swings: Was his favorite thing to play on at the park when his Aunt would bring him, though he was a little to old to play he still loved to just sit on the swings.

-Purple: Loves this color so much that he wears contacts that make his eyes look purple.


-Cooking: Believes that is woman's work.

-Alcohol: His mother is an alcoholic.

-Ryuu: Jealous of her in many ways.

-Most of the Student Council: They always try to ruin the fun of things.

-Pools/lakes/rivers: He never learned to swim and intends not to.


The Shimizu family business is the Petroleum industry which includes the global processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting, and marketing petroleum products. Of course different lines of the family take care of different things, such as Satsuma's
father transports and his mother takes care of marketing. Satsuma grew up being an only child which for him was a very lonely life, his mother didn't allow pets in the house so all he could have were exotic fishes which didn't satisfy him at all and his father never did the whole bonding thing. At first Satsuma tried his best to get there attention by winning trophies at his middle school for sport events but surprisingly it never helped one bit, they ignored him like always and it hurt him even though he never showed it. Soon after he went onto more bad behaviors, it seemed that road worked much better, once he was in a fight his parents were forced to come down to the school and have a talk with him or the principal. Satsuma's parents finally noticed his bad behavior and they wanted it to be fixed but they were much to busy to fix the problem themselves, so they sent Satsuma to his Aunts house in hopes that she could fix the troubled boy and she was much different from Satsuma's parents. His aunt Mikumo was a very kind lady, she was born into a wealthy home and younger sister to Satsuma's father but she chose to leave life of riches and become a mother of one girl who was married to the chief of police. Most would think his troubles would be solved and he would behave better but instead it got worse, he had a jealousy for Ryuu his cousin who got to have such a wonderful life with caring parents though he would never admit to her, as he spent his days with his aunt Satsuma made it his mission to make Ryuu feel terrible. At the time he and Ryuu were both 14 and they went to the same middle school for a short while, Satsuma would spread terrible rumors that everyone one believed about his cousin and he would purposely ignore her while he was with his friends, the boy had no soft spot for the girl. He hated her for something she never could have controlled in the first place, he knew Ryuu was strong so he felt no pity for her when girls would call her foul names that started because he spread false rumors. Satsuma was truly jealous of her kind nature, the way her parents paid attention to her and cheered her on at softball games. He couldn't believe that a low class girl like Ryuu could ever overshadow him, soon his parents took him back but he was sad to go because he truly did love his aunt and her kind nature which is where Ryuu got it from. Satsuma's parents never had to deal with his bad behavior again but it wasn't because he had changed, it was because he learned how to hide it better than before, he continued his nasty behavior to others and you could even say he was a bully in freshmen year but no one said a thing. But he grew out of his childish stage, he still puts his anger out on others though he can keep his cool much more naturally.

Another thing to note is that Satsuma's mother has a major drinking problem, when she's hungover she'll put on sun glasses and demand that no one speak to her. She has become violent on more than on occasion when she had been hungover and Satsuma in result would get hit by her but these weren't everyday beatings so he didn't consider it abuse. Though whenever she was drunk she was like a teenage girl, as he got older he tried his best to make sure she didn't make a fool out of herself at formal events or went home with any other man rather than her own husband. She was almost very kind every time she was drunk and she didn't ignore her son like usual, one time when Satsuma's mother was drunk she mistook him for a strange man and asked to have sexual encounters with her own son but she never remembered the next morning. Of course Satsuma turned down her request and got her to bed, even though he had a terrible mother he still couldn't hate her. It was almost impossible for someone to hate the woman that had given them life, he loved his mother as much as he loved his Aunt but he did have a hate for his father. The fact was that his farther didn't care for anything or anyone but his work, there were several times when Satsuma had caught his mother cheating and at first he said nothing to his father but once he finally confessed he was shocked to know that his father knew about it all along. His father didn't care for anyone but he did care what others thought about him and thats why he was so furious whenever Satsuma stepped out of line at school, staining the family name.


Satsuma hides all his true feelings behind a cocky attitude, he doesn't like it when others are able to make him lose his temper or people who are able to read him well so he keeps on this cocky attitude to hide it all away. Deeply he is an angered boy who never got any love from the ones who brought him into the world nor did they allow joy into his life, sure he was rich and got almost everything he asked for but really he wanted a sign knowing that they stilled care for him but it never came. He truly hates overs who have a happy life, he envy's them and sometimes he wished he was them but soon he will over think it to much and become angered so he tortures that person just as he did with Ryuu. Though he doesn't show it much Satsuma is very lonely at times, he wishes he had someone to depend on like most other people do but he pushes away almost everyone he meets or they instantly hate him for his attitude. When Satsuma was a child he got easily angered, now that's he's older he found that getting angry was useless but getting even was better. If you cross this young man in any way that offends or harms him, no doubt he will find a way to get even with you.

And so as you can see this young male has many bad qualities but the good ones are the ones that count the most right~? Even though he acts all cold blooded, the truth is he loves nature a lot. When he was a child the only living thing that brought him joy as he grew up was the fresh out doors, so now he finds a sense of serenity while being flourished with nature. Though he would rather spend the time in nature with someone other than himself for he hates being alone, more than anything deep inside he wants people to know but he is to stubborn to let them know.


Satsuma has a secret that he isn't even fully aware of, deep inside he actually cares for Ryuu. When it comes down to it he will actually protect her from harm.

theme Song:


Cousin: Ryuu-Played by Muffin~Tyrant

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I was wondering if I could reserve the spot of the Student Council President of St. Sakura Blossoms High School? I'm starting to work on my character sheet now, I'm just not sure how long I'll be. I tend to be a bit detail oriented...
Oh, and I was wondering if there was going to be positions for the Student Councils? Like so far there is only the President spot, and then there's the members...

Maybe there could be a Vice President and Secretary? Just an idea. :3
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Is it all right if I post mine tomorrow? c:

I'm taking a break from school and plan to regain my energy~
Elysium, if you need another spot to be filled at any point (ex. The last student council president), I would be fine with taking another character. I read the rules on how many characters we could have, and I'm actually very used to writing multiple characters. Obviously someone else might sign up before the rp starts, or you may just want everyone to stick with one character for now, but I just wanted to offer. I could even make a back up character in case you decide that a spot needs to be filled right before the rp starts, and I could wait to post the character until then. I'm totally fine with anything, so don't think you'll hurt my feelings by saying no. :3
Thank you for the Doge. Anyway, everyone, If we could start using the OOC to write to each other publicly and plot and be random together there. I'd like this to remain strictly for characters and character comments from now on, make it tidier. Plus the OOC is where I'm going to posts news and updates. Thanks!
Student Council President

View attachment 35722

Name: Kaminari Oshiro

She answers only to a shorten form of her name "Kami". She believes she is god on earth, and will only be associated as so.




5'9 (She has a slender boyish figure)

School: St. Sakura Blossoms High School

School Status: Student Council President

Part-Time Job:


  • First and foremost: Herself.
  • Suits; she is never seen in public without a proper dress shirt and tie.
  • Music; she keeps her mp3 player with her at all times, and uses it to block out the useless minds around her.
  • Food; she is always eating, and likes to flash chewed up food at people who bother her.
  • The color lavender; she loves it so much that her hair is dyed accordingly. She tends to freak out if anyone else wears, or has anything lavender colored.
  • Power; she will use anything to get ahead, even if it means stepping on others, or using means that lack morals.
  • School; she always has top grades, and enjoys learning.


  • Other people.
  • Anyone who challenges her position or intelligence.
  • Overly happy people. Her happiness is all that matters.
  • Anyone who is overly anything; overly happy, overly clean, overly expressive..ect. Once she picks up on one of these traits, she will slight that person in different ways, according to their trait.
  • Gangs; gangs mean groups of opposing power, and that doesn't sit well with Kami.
  • Guns; (not necessarily all weapons) her father was shot and killed during a diplomatic conference when she was a child.


As a child, Kami grew up very much alone. Her parents were both foreign diplomats, so their jobs required them to be away for lengthy periods. If there ever was a time that they weren't out of the country, Kami clung to them, seeking their attention. She adored her parents, and looked up to them. They were at the height of power, controlling the lives of many people, and that was something Kami dreamt of as well. She looked only to impress them, always showing off her grades, or an extracurricular she had exceeded at. However, her parents had no time to appreciate her, and when they were home, they only made time to take pleasure in their hobbies. It wasn't long before they would be gone again, leaving her to her own devices. Being an intellectual girl, and always wanting to impress her parents, she kept up with the workings of her parents job. The diplomatic trades become dangerous, and it began to worry Kami that her parents were in danger.

One morning, as she was sitting on the lawn of her parents estate, playing with the family German Shepard, a bustle of cars began to appear around the bend in the driveway. As many uppity people began to step out of their cars clothed in black, she realized something was wrong. She was informed by a kindly co-worker of her father's that he had been assassinated at a diplomatic conference. Kami ran to her mother for comfort, only to be pushed away. "You caused this you little tramp, if you weren't so needy, your father wouldn't have had to work all the time to make money for you!" her mother had sneered at her.

From that day on, Kami's personality began to change. She began to hate humanity and everything that came with it, family, friendship, anything will emotional ties. She realized that you could depend on no one, not even your own flesh and blood. It was only then that she looked back and saw how poorly her mother had treated her, forgetting in the light of her fathers death, that he did as well. She separated herself from all others, holding her own self on a high pedestal, crushing all others.

As time went on, she began to further her power in all areas of her life. In school, she used any means she had to be the best. Whether this was using force on other students to vote her into student council, or threatening the teacher with his position to give her better grades. Most of all, she swindled her mother. Once her mother got over the initial shock of her husbands death, she began to cling to Kami, and try to smother her with affection. Kami only used this to her benefit, and used her mother's position to find out information about other students parents, for furthering her "dominion" as she would call it. She continued in this pattern, until she reigned supreme as the St. Sakura Blossoms Student Council President, and she has no intention of relinquishing that power.


Due to her fathers death, Kami has a lot of pent up anger. She longs only to crush anyone in her way, until she controls everything around her. Kami has no friends, only acquaintances that put up with her domineering personality. These include the student council members who work with her to keep the Jjangs at bay. But lets face it, in Kami's eyes, she could crush them herself without any help, but allows formalities for tradition's sake. She may seem uptight and controlling, but she does allow herself to have a bit fun; with peoples minds, that is. Once Kami figures out something that makes you tick, she makes it her job to mess with you, according to your trait. Your response is her pleasure, she wants to be confronted, only to crush you in the end. She likes to use a shock factor whenever she's annoyed with a particular person. You look at her too long? She will open her mouth to allow you to see the chewed up remnants of her last snack. Taking to long at the water fountain? She'll slam your face into the water spout. St. Blossom is her kingdom, and she will allow no one to get close to her throne.

However, beneath that mask of a leering queen bee, she's still that tortured child, only wishing to impress her parents. She'd never let you know that though. Kami will push and push her way to the top, only wishing that one person will find a way to melt her hardened (and I mean rock hard) heart. But even then, it will be a battle between what Kami has only ever known, to crush or be crushed.

Its up to you decide if you want to get on her bad side, or stay off her radar, because there is no good side with Kami.

Her major secret is the fact that she once was an okay person, and she actually felt love for her parents as a child. If you ever found out, she would probably kill you.

Theme Song: Don't Stop by Innerpartysystem (This is Kami in a nutshell!)

Other: (Anything that didn't fit anywhere else? Put it here!) 
Nice of my picture not to load. Well this is what Kami looks like.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9ac0a3c_PossibleCharacter.jpg.081ea6bbbb600e0d2aed6b80604e6b17.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9ac0a3c_PossibleCharacter.jpg.081ea6bbbb600e0d2aed6b80604e6b17.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Possible Character.jpg
    Possible Character.jpg
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I lied. I had to edit Ephraim for the sake of my own Sanity.

I didn't change anything, so he's still the same guy. I just added a lot of details to everything.
Obviously this is a WIP, but I wanted to go ahead and post what I had so far. :3


Name: Eiji Ono

Nickname: N/A

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Weight: 140

Height: 5'9"

School: Fukuoka High School

School Status: Student Council Vice President

Part-Time Job: N/A

Likes: Sleep, sweet foods, cooking, cleaning, indoors, warm weather, warm clothes, reading, the colors red and black, chess, listening to others talk (he's to shy to join in on conversations), acceptance.

Dislikes: Spicy foods, being looked at, rain, storms, the cold, winter, exercise, being the center of attention, meeting new people, too much responsibility, being alone, loud noises, making decisions, stairs (he tends to fall down... or up them), handling breakable things, being yelled at, frightening people (that's most of the population to him).

Biography: Eiji's parents met 17 years ago when his mother, a journalist, was writing an article for the paper and happened across his father, a Host who was her junior by eight years. Through a string of events that they may or may not have regretted, Eiji's mother became pregnant with him, and she avoided Eiji's father after their son was born. Not wanting to risk her job being compromised by a scandal of those proportions, she raised Eiji on her own, not telling him more than a couple basic details about his father.

Ever since the day he was born, Eiji was a very sickly child, having more health issues than a single working mother could take care of. Nevertheless, she didn't want her child to suffer because of bad decisions she had made, so she did everything she could to properly care for him and take care of the many needs he had. Money easily started to become sparse thanks to the doctor bills, and she began to take on stories that no one else wanted to because of the risk factors that were involved.

When Eiji was twelve, his mother was working on an story that covered the top gangs in their area. It was on one stormy night when she was at home with her son that their house was suddenly raided by masked men with guns. Unsure how else to protect Eiji, she covered him with her body as she was shot multiple times. Although she lost her own life, she managed to save her son's, with only two stray bullets hitting him. One bullet hit him on the upper arm, and although it now causes him pain when he over stresses it, it was no where near life threatening. However, the second bullet went through his chest, nicking the top of a lung. Although the injury was serious, thanks to months of hospitalization, he managed to pull through. However, he heard things spoken between doctors and nurses about some sort of head injury, but whenever he asked them about it, they told him that it was nothing to be concerned about.

After spending some time under care of the physicians, Eiji's father was finally found and contacted about the situation. Without hesitation, his father came and picked him up, taking full responsibility for the son he had never met. Although his father, Hisashi, had never had any responsibilities or needed to care for anyone else for his entire life, he tried everything he could to make Eiji feel comfortable and welcome. Eiji's already weak conditions, which were made worse by the gun wound, proved difficult for both of them to deal with, but somehow they managed. Although Hisashi wanted to be a good father to Eiji, because of his immaturity on many things and his late night job, Eiji has ended up being more of the caretaker than his father. Despite the fact that they met under unseemly circumstances, both of them try their best to keep the past behind them as they never talk about those things.

Now days, Hisashi is convinced that Eiji's weak body, delicate features, and his quiet nature will cause many 'issues', so he's very over protective of his son. Making sure that Eiji never leaves the house without his inhaler, cell phone, pepper spray, tazer, and who knows what else, he also walks Eiji to school despite Eiji's quiet protests.

Personality: Very quiet and never outspoken, Eiji is easily taken advantage of. Even if he adamantly disagrees with someone, more chances then not, he'll simply stay quiet and not speak his opinion. He's the perfect example of a pushover, and even if his own life were in danger, he wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone. The only time he would ever show a will of his own is if he were to see someone else in danger. Not being able to help his mother, and having her throw away her life to save his own, made him convinced that he's alive for the sole purpose of helping someone else. Nevertheless, his timid and nervous nature makes him almost impossible to talk too.

Although he seems painfully serious, he's a complete airhead who knocks over or breaks practically everything he touches. He's constantly tripping, which concerns Hisashi to no end. On top of his quiet demeanor, it's not hard to make Eiji cry. If anything, he has a tendency to tear up if anything becomes to stressful complicated for him. He tries his best not to be that way but it's always one of his first reactions.

Because of his weak body, he has to take quiet a lot of pills every day. And despite his height, he is under weight thanks to his small appetite and lack of any muscles whatsoever. Also, he can't become involved in any sports or activities that might cause his heart rate to rise. He always has an inhaler on hand, but if he gets to frantic, he'll break it like many of the other's he's had previously. It's embarrassing for him to not join in with other teens his age, and to stay in the background so he won't be asked to carry anything heavy, but he knows it's for his own safety. Of course, if someone were to pressure him into doing something he knows he shouldn't, since he can't say "no", he'd go ahead and do it.

Eiji joined the student council because he wanted to get involved with something that wouldn't cause him to over exert himself physically, but something that would help other's. But unbeknownst to him, the Student Council President left the week that Eiji because Vice President thanks to family(?) issues. The President said that he (she?) wouldn't be gone for long, but Eiji is convinced that he can't handle things while the President is gone. He has a list that was given to him of his responsibilities, but it's a bit overwhelming for him. On top of that, the rising problem with gangs in the school is cause for panic in him. Absolutely terrified of anyone affiliated with gangs, he finds himself shaking every time he steps onto the school property, knowing that the gangs hate the student council.

Secrets: (WIP)

Character Relationships: (WIP)

Theme Song: (WIP)

Other: (WIP) 
Stupid zerochan! I'll upload the picture when I finish the bio! :3
Student Council


Name: Andres Luis Marcos

Nickname: Andy

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Weight: 150 lbs

Height: 5'6"

School: Fukuoka

School Status:
Student Council President

Part-Time Job: Online Writer in the evening



*Fish Crackers


*The Scent of Old Newspapers

*People Watching




*Crumbs of all sorts


*Anything that threatens his alma mater


Andy is a Filipino national, whose family decided to move to Japan due to his father's job as a diplomat. He's been staying in Japan for more than ten years, and has adapted to the lifestyle of the country. At first, Andy experienced a hard time adapting to the culture, but he got through it eventually.

Andy currently holds the Student Council President post of Fukuoka, a thing that even the school administration frowns upon--because he is a gaijin. Though the school admin does not like him, his constituents pretty much loves him. Since his first year, he used his diplomatic skills that he learned from his father to help out his fellow schoolmates in any way. This ranges from helping them to answer an essay question through text, up to looking for a student's lost hairpin. Even up to now, he still goes out of his way to help others in need--no matter hos trivial it is.

One incident, however, managed to escape Andres's notice: the "cataclysm" incident--as the students call it. Several Fukuoka students were injured, and even killed, in that unfortunate incident. Reports say that these students are members of school gangs, nevertheless they were still Fukuoka students: ergo, they are under his protection. The police has been able to nab most of the enemy gang members, but the charges bogged down as most former members of the Fukuoka and its rumored Jjang, Ephraim, decided to keep their silence about the bloodbath.

Though it was not entirely his fault, Andy felt responsible to the injuries and deaths of the Fukuoka gang members. So from that moment on, he decided to keep a close eye on Ephraim and he plans to get his cooperation, not as a witness for the death and injury by tumultuous affray charges, but to finally open up and submit to the student council's authority by legalizing fraternal organizations such as the high school gangs. After all, who will watch the watchmen if not him?


Andy is a laid back guy who never shows his emotions in front of people. Like a diplomat, he will always keep up a straight face an a cheery smile. It is not, however, all fake, as he is always actually in a good mood.

He likes to walk around the school grounds, and whenever he is in his vacant hours, you can see him walking around at random spots of the campus, eating an over-sized cheap fish crackers. Rumors claim that he was once seen coming our from the girl's comfort room, but no evidence was shown to support such claim.

You can always see him wearing big and round glasses. So big that he looks like a Minion from "Despicable Me." But when push comes to shove, he will remove his glasses to indicate that he is not f*cking around and sh*t is about to get down. He is not a fighter though, but when he gets serious, he will use everything in his power to turn the student handbook your worst nightmare. He memorized them and he knows that you can get suspended if you are simultaneously violating three minor offenses. And one more thing; he has a devilish slight of hand, and he will use them to slip some evidence to frame you up. Well, this is expected: after all, he is a politician, not a saint.

One thing notable about him is his love for Fukuoka and its students. He believes that his alma mater may not be as rich and as affluent as Oji and Sakura, but the school is as rich as the two in terms of diversity. Anything that tries to harm Fukuoka is his enemy. Though he know that he cannot do much against external threats to his schoomates, he still tries to make sure that they are at least safe when they go home: that's why he urged the school board to hire guards to key points of the neighborhood to do just that.

Andy may have let his people harmed, but he will never let that happen again. He felt that it was up to him to stop another Cataclysm from happening.


He loves watching Korean monthly drama series. He usually streams them on the internet. He's even active in the drama forum sites: participating in discussions about who gets to end up with who or will the female lead die of cancer.

Andy has a strong sense of pride in his position.

Character Relationships: To be discussed in the OOC

Theme Song: Eric Satie's Gymnopedie no. 1


Andy is a clean freak. He may be seen eating crackers all over the school, but you will never see him do the same inside his office. In fact, you are ALWAYS required to surrender your food in the deposit area before entering his Inner Sanctum ermmm... office. One misplaced crease in the curtain is enough to drive him insane. And don't even ask that time when someone forgot not to place his glass of cold juice on the coaster. But despite of it all, nothing grinds his gears more than crumbs. Any form: be it bread, or what-not, a single crumb will flip a psychotic switch on him. Well, this was because of the fact that when there is food on the floor, ants and rats will eventually caught wind of them. And he doesn't want that. There was a time when a rat was spotted in one of the stock rooms, he decided to have the entire school evacuated and let the pest control take over. This was good for the students because... well, free day. But definitely not for the admin.
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