Jjang, A Highschool Romance [Inactive]


Elysium submitted a new role play:

Jjang, A Highschool Romance - Student council and school gangs vy for control of the schools

A War of the Jjangs

The high schools in Japan are having problems...With the schools conducts and power over who runs what places, who leads the schools, who controls the entire area. It's a three way battle Student Council Vs Jjang gangs, Jjang vs Jjang and gang vs gang.

Formal Order: Rules and regulations are strict in each school, all rules are protected and enforced by the Student Council committee. Disciplinary actions are taken for those who are delinquent and broken the rules....
Read more about this role play...
Ephraim James Vanderbilt

0500 to 0830 Hours

September 1st

A iphone's alarm shattered the silence of the unconcious inhabitant's dark bedroom. Some heavy metal dragged the sleeping male's brain back into the world of the living, and a large arm fished out from under the covers to silence the foul device with a swipe of a long, thin finger. "Bluuuh," The figure groaned as he sat up from under his heavy blanket. After a few seconds of scrubbing the sleep out of dark gray eyes with calloused palms, Ephraim stood up, letting the blankets fall off him, revealing a extremely defined body. He was nothing huge, you'd never see him on a bodybuilding magazine, but there was no denying the power that body could deliver, no matter the job.

Scratching his bare chest idly, yanking that one effing strand that was the extent of his chest hair off. It'd be back in a few days, and Ephraim would exact brutal warfare on it once more then. But until that day, that battle was won. His torso remained hairless, and Ephraim saw it was good.

A few seconds later, Ephraim was out the door, pulling on his other training shoe and straightening out the tank top he had thrown on. He put his Iphone on shuffle, then strapped it to its hip holster, ready for his daily run.

For the next hour, Ephraim ran, Not too fast, but staying at a consistent pace to keep his heart rate up. It had been his daily routine since he had started the martial arts, and even if he didn't practice techniques or sparring that day, Ephraim always worked out, unless he was horribly ill. As it is, he has only missed it once.

His foot barely broke the threshold back home before he dropped to the floor and started doing pushups. He didn't do any set number, instead just going until his chest and triceps started aching a bit, then he rolled onto his rear and started doing crunches, bringing shoulders to knees. This, again, went on until his stomach muscles began complaining.

Ephraim flopped to the floor for a moment, just to finish catching his breath and slowing his heartbeat. When he felt like he could move again, Ephraim rolled to his feet and took off for the shower, starting with cold to help finish waking him up and cooling his body down, then going hot to help relieve soreness, and because, y'know, hot showers.

After cooking himself breakfast in his boxers, the well-built male lamented his uniform's tightness across the chest as he packed himself up and headed for the train. He had a car, an old muscle car he was working on fixing, but right now it was in a million pieces all over his garage. Plus trains were generally faster during rush hour Tokyo.

The trip was as uneventful as ever, aside from that one time he decked a gropist, and the Strongest In Fukuoka strode towards his domain, a confident solidarity gracing each of his footsteps. Sure, the Males of Fukuoka had fallen on extreme times lately. Actually, Ephraim was the only one left defending the small territory they still had. But he had defended against the Females, and the other school's gangs, singlehandedly, to a stalemate on any front directed at him. He was street-fighter at instinct, wielded the training of a 3rd Dan Black Belt, and, should he be riled up, the bloodlust of a starving vampire.

He never killed, and always stopped when an enemy surrendered, but he sated himself on the thrill of war. The sounds of fists or feet slamming into flesh were sweet symphonies to his ears. The smell of sweat and blood and chaos in the air was sweeter than any rose. And the thrill of being locked in a struggle where only strength mattered...

Well, Ephraim was strong. And everyone knew he was. But they also knew of this titan's reputation as a kind and overall goofy sort of fellow. So when he breached the gates to his school, he was greeted jovially, with waves and calls from across the courtyard, and he responded to every single one. Somehow, he had managed to get popular, and now he had this to deal with. It was better than being labelled a monster, he figured, so he didn't complain.

Pulling another little pink envelope out of his slippers and tossing it into the bin nearby, Ephraim headed to homeroom, smirking at the thought of yet another love letter. A woman would have to be able to keep up with him in order to interest him. There were a few candidates that had caught his eye, but they would have to show him new skills this year to win him over, as a friend, an ally, or lover.

Until then, he stood alone, as the only male gang member, the only one preserving what little dignity the men had left in Fukuoka. He took his seat after a few minutes of goofing off around the corridors and homeroom.
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Yuuko Wakanabe

0530 to 0830 Hours

September 1st

The sound of Dye It White, her favorite song by Haku blared through the speakers, jolting the purple-haired individual violently from her dreamless sleep. Yuuko shot up like a scalded cat and her duvet fell off onto the polished wooden floorboards, her eyes darting around the room wildly as she held up her hands in a defensive position, ready to launch into action if anyone came bursting through the door. But no one did. It took her a moment to realize that her alarm was still ringing, the voices of the j-rock band members sounding through the walls of the empty penthouse. She sighed, shaking her head, strands of her long hair fell around her face like a messy curtain. It wasn't the first time she had woken up like this. She yawned and stretched, this caused the hem of her pajama top to ride up, exposing the top of the rose tattoo on her hip bone that peeked from beneath the loose waistbands of her low-slung pants. Yuuko got off her bed, and shivered when her feet touched the ground. " Someone needs to turn up the heat in this house," she grumbled sleepily, trudging out of the room.

Taking a sharp turn, she walked into another room which she had converted in a gym, both for combat training and exercise. The penthouse had been sort of a I'm-sorry-your-brother-died-but-we-still-have-work-and-you-have-to-take-care-of-yourself gift from her parents, and being the only person living there, she'd found other uses for the extra rooms. She did a few warm-up exercises and turned towards the punching bag. She closed her eyes for a moment, and brought herself back to night her brother had left.
What if I had gone with him? Would it have made a difference? " No," a voice whispered inside her head, " It wouldn't have. He'd be too busy protecting you to protect himself. Either way, he's dead." With a snarl, her eyes snapped open, and she shot towards the punching bag, the first punch landing against the sturdy material with a loud smack. From there, she attacked it relentlessly, landing a bunch of blows and kicks on the hanging sack until she could feel soreness start to tingle in her muscles. A sheen of sweat soaked through a shirt, creating a small patch on the fabric at the back of her torso. She pulled away after her muscles finally begin to burn dully, and went on the treadmill. This was pretty much her daily morning routine, except when she wakes up late of course. When she finished, she got down onto a floor and did a few sets of cardio exercises. Being in a gang kind of meant you have to keep in shape, even if it meant you have naturally good metabolism. And you can't exactly go into fights with weak muscles and horrible stamina either.

After a while, she exhaled and dropped onto the floor, her entire body felt like it was on fire, and her arms throbbed numbly. Suddenly her phone rang, and she shot up again. She grimaced when she felt her abdominal muscles process. Scrambling up, she raced to her room, onto reach her phone just as the ringing stop. She groaned, and unlocked the screen. There on the screen, it read: Missed Call- Unknown Number, 7.20 A.M. Yuuko arched her brow, " What the?" She shook her head and threw the phone on her bed. " Ah well!" She clapped her hands together, " Time to take a bath!" She stripped off her sweat-soaked clothes and threw them in a pile by her bed, walking into the bathroom. She twisted the handle, and a jet of ice-cold water hit her body, making her yelp and jump (which almost made her slip and hit her head on the sink) before she finally started to enjoy the coolness. She sighed, she liked her morning showers cold, it was a good way to wake her up for the day. When she was done, she slipped on a white bathrobe and had a quick breakfast before changing into her clothes. After putting on her uniform, she eyed herself in the mirror. Her lavender-colored hair was pulled up messily, and her uniform hugged her figure appreciatively. She had dips and curves in all the right places, but all the hours she spent exercising had given her a toned body as well. Being only 5'6, she wasn't as tall as most of the girls in her year, but she had a pretty good proportion. Her long toned legs peeked out from beneath her dark red pleated skirt, her white stocking-clad legs ending with a pair of black school shoes that each student was required to wear. She tipped her head sideways, it wasn't exactly the most conventional outfit, but she had to admit, it didn't look half bad.

Grabbing her bag, she darted out of the two-story penthouse apartment, and locked the door of the empty house behind her. She hopped onto a train at the train station. When she arrived at the school, she was greeted by catcalls and whispers, which she silenced with a glare. She knew she gained a lot of attention, not because of her reputation (hey, she might not be a Jjang, but she can handle herself pretty well too) but her looks as well. And sure, she's a bit flirtatious sometimes, but that didn't mean she liked being hit on by most of the male population of Fukuoka.

When she reached her homeroom, she wasn't surprised to see Ephraim standing there, probably waiting for the rest of his gang. He was the Jjang of the Fukuoka males, and even though they were all in the same school, there was still some rivalry going on between the Males and the Females of Fukuoka. She took a moment to appreciate his figure, he was one of the better-looking guys in the school, and he had a reputation as well. And it wasn't hard for naive girls to fall for him one-after-another either, she shook her head and sighed. He was the only other person there, and she smiled slightly as she approached him. It wasn't usual, but it was advisable to be at least sociable with the gangs from other schools (or their own), to prevent any...unwanted conflict. "Good morning, Ephraim." She nodded at him, and took her seat, crossing her leg over the other.
Shiori Nakamura

0500 to 0730 hours

September 1st

The quiet music began to play as the radio near the bedside blinked continuously, alerting the now awoken Shiori what time it was. Taking a deep breath, Shiori ran a hand through his brown hair as he forced himself to sit up. After reached over to the night stand and carefully picking up his glasses, he cleaned the lenses with some wipes before placing them on his face. He wasted no more time as he softly swung his legs over the side of the bed, making sure that they didn't touch the floor as he slid them into his slippers. After a moment, he turned off the calming alarm, finding it to put him in a better mood than a normal alarm ring would.

Making his way towards the bedroom door, he was sure to unplug the various nightlights that were strategically placed throughout the room. Once out into the large hallway, he made sure to disinfect the knobs on the door with the paper towels and disinfectant spray that was sitting on a stand next to him. Making sure to dispose of the contaminated paper towels correctly, he went to the bathroom and set out to get ready for the day. The shower seemed to take extra long as he began to think over everything he had to do. The Student Council had many responsibilities, and lately with all of the gang activity rising, his job was becoming more and more troublesome.

A permanent frown seemed to be stuck on his face as he put his glasses back on and dried his hair. He was already contemplating ways to encourage students to focus more on studying and less on these immature acts of 'king of the hill'. Why they all seemed so obsessed with wasting their lives away with childish games was beyond him. If the country's youth wasn't careful, in ten years there would be no one with the skills sets to take over the previous generation. The economy would spiral downward, along with unemployment. Why did it seem that he was the only one concerned about these things?

He tried not to let these annoying thoughts destroy his morning as he hurried back to his room and changed. He was glad that he had ironed his uniform the night before, since it had taken him so long to prepare this particular morning. He had a set schedule that he had to follow, and if he wasn't careful, he'd be late. Making sure to check his planner as he double checked his school bag, he wrote a few extra notes before looking to the mirror to make sure that everything was in order. Glasses were clean, uniform spotless, and his hair was free from any stray strands that he would sometimes find. He made sure to put his leather gloves on, taking note that the fingers were beginning to wear out from constant use. When he had time this week, he would have to buy a new pair.

Not wanting to waste time, he put his bag across his shoulders as he hurried down the stairs. He made sure to avoid any of the other rooms, not even stopping for a bite to eat as he made his way to the front door. There were plenty of other things he needed to do before the day started, like making lists to present to the school board concerning this semester's events, and plenty of planning concerning the student council's schedule. It was for these reasons that he made sure to leave the house early so he could finish these at school. He could always do them at his home, but it wasn't his 'favorite' environment to work in. If anything, he only came back here to sleep and shower. The house always seemed so cold and empty... but he knew that there were two other people in it. Despite that, it felt like a lonely environment.

After changing from his slippers to his recently cleaned black shoes, he wiped the door handle off with disinfectant before stepping outside. It was still warm outside, and with only a few clouds in the sky, it looked like it was going to be a bright day when the sun reached it's peak. Shiori didn't have time to waste on appreciating the warm September air as he hurried to the station. Despite how much he hated being at home, he loathed the trains. It was dirty, loud, and there were too many people. It made him cringe just thinking about all of the germs he could come in contact with on one of those monstrous vehicles. But if he wanted to arrive at the school early, he had no other choice but to use the transit.

As he stepped into the station, he could feel his fingers rubbing the leather together as he stiffly walked around the people mulling about. Everyone at this time of the morning was no doubt either tired, or to busy with work or school related things to pay heed to him, but he still felt disgusted. The smells were almost painful, and the feeling of someone bumping into his shoulder made his skin crawl. School couldn't come soon enough...
Kaminari Oshiro

o500 to 0830 Hours

September 1st

The attendant's knees began to shake as she approached the young mistresses door. She was new, and had only heard a few of the horror stories surrounding the young girl who lay resting between the dividing wall. As she reached out to turn the knob of one of the french doors, she heard the pounding of something coming closer to the door on the other side. Her heart clenched in her throat as the handle that had been in her sweaty grasp only moments ago was yanked away, with such force she stumbled forward into a wall of soft flesh. There was a slight pause as the young attendant regained her footing and finally met the eyes of a beautiful face contorted in rage. "I-I-m s-so s-or-" the words were not out of the attendants mouth before she heard the sound of whooshing air, and felt a blow to her jaw that knocked her to her hands and knees. She scuttled backwards as the tall looming form of the mistress advanced upon her. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, the young mistress yanked the attendants face back to meet her piercing gaze. "First off, never enter my room without knocking. Secondly, if you ever touch me again, I cut your hands off." She sneered, relinquishing her grasp on the attendant, only to leave her cowering against the wall as she sashayed back into her room.

Slamming the door behind her, Kami let out a sigh of exasperation. Is it really that hard to teach servants that I have to do that this early in the morning? She thought to herself, as she grabbed a bag of cheesepuffs off of her glossy bedside table. Grabbing a handful and proceeding to stuff it into her mouth, she made her way into the sprawling bathroom that was adjacent to her bedroom. Her feet padded their way across the marble floors over to the mirror held in it gilded frame, above an extensive granite sink. Kami crumbled her now-empty bag of puffs and threw it to the floor, knowing that one of the maids would clean it up later. She leaned over the sink, peering at the small ovular face reflected in the mirror. Her facial features were small and petite, her unnatural lavender eyes (contacts) were quite large however, and her pointed chin and defined nose gave her a permanent arrogance. "Still as hot as ever!" She said, smirking at her obvious perfection. She flounced her way over to the shower and proceeded to get ready for another day of world domination.

Kami glided her way out of the steam-filled bathroom and over to her massive closet. One thing was off about it though, to the usual spectator, Kami's closet appeared to be a male's with a particular love of lavender. One whole side was filled with dress shirts in all different shades of mauve, another side filled with tailored dress pants. In the center of the spacious room, a chest of drawers was filled with all sorts of ties in different shades of the wearer's favorite color. Kami proceeded to put together her normal suit-and-tie affair and walked back across her bedroom and into her bathroom to finish getting ready.

Kami made her way through her capacious home, trying to avoid the the-ever-clingy grasp of her mother. As she reached the kitchen, she proceeded to check around her for the dependent old hag. "Your mother has already left for work, young mistress." Came the rasping voice out of the kitchen. Kami pounced onto the old woman who had spoke, hanging her arm around the crones neck. "Ah my eyes and ears, always dependable for information. The only reason I keep you around!" Kami smiled sweetly as she spoke almost-fondly to the old woman. "Always at your service mistress. I sat out your breakfast and your usual pack of snacks for the day." Whispered the old maid as she scurried about getting Kami's things for her. Kami snatched her satchel from the crone's wrinkled hands and made her way out of the house and down the lawn to the town car waiting for her. Once the door was opened by the waiting attendant, she sprawled herself across the leather clad backseat and began to open a sugary treat that would be followed by many, as per usual.

Once the glittering black town car pulled to the front of St. Sakura, Kami adjusted her blazer and brushed the crumbs from her lap. She opened her compact mirror to investigate her pride and joy; her voluminous, cascading lavender-hued hair. She pursed her lips in awe, "Its not fair I'm so perfect!" she exclaimed as she sighed in amazement. Kami exited the town car unfolding her extensive stature. She made her way up the sprawling steps leading to her kingdom, her dominion. "Today is going to be a good day for crushing the human populace!" she cackled, as she shoved a group of giggling girls out of her way. "He-" one of the girls started until she was met with Kami's domineering gaze. "I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" panicked the student as she dropped on all fours, prostrate in front of Kami. Kami shaking with malice, snatched an open water bottle out of the hand of a nearby student and proceeded to dump it over the girl's bowed form. She crumpled the bottle in her fist and hurled it in the girls face. "Maybe next time you'll pay more attention." Leaving the girl shaking, and the rest of the students cowering, Kami made her way up the stairs, and through the doors held open by a few suck-ups. Humans are so stupid. Kami sighed. "Well good thing I'm a God!"
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0700-0730 Hours

September 1st

Andy yawned loudly while sitting on his beloved chair. The class is opening, and this is the busiest time for the student council. He got to school early to a last minute inspections of the classroom and the overall school facilities. There are no concerns so far, but he can never be complacent. It is his job, after all, to make sure that things are going well. Looking at his phone, he sighed when he saw that there were no texts from his staff "oh dear... Do they know that this day is important for the council?" he mused and he turned to his table.

Andy was suddenly jolted by what he saw: there was a thin layer of dust on the surface of his table. He could not possibly have overlooked this. Hastily, he wiped the wooden table with a table napkin and he neatly folded the napkin in a triangle shape before disposing it in the "paper" waste bin--the waste bins are divided into 11 categories, and he had them all under his table. With the table settled, the president started to wait for the commencement of classes.
LannaRae said:
Yuuko Wakanabe
0530 to 0830 Hours

September 1st

The sound of Dye It White, her favorite song by Haku blared through the speakers, jolting the purple-haired individual violently from her dreamless sleep. Yuuko shot up like a scalded cat and her duvet fell off onto the polished wooden floorboards, her eyes darting around the room wildly as she held up her hands in a defensive position, ready to launch into action if anyone came bursting through the door. But no one did. It took her a moment to realize that her alarm was still ringing, the voices of the j-rock band members sounding through the walls of the empty penthouse. She sighed, shaking her head, strands of her long hair fell around her face like a messy curtain. It wasn't the first time she had woken up like this. She yawned and stretched, this caused the hem of her pajama top to ride up, exposing the top of the rose tattoo on her hip bone that peeked from beneath the loose waistbands of her low-slung pants. Yuuko got off her bed, and shivered when her feet touched the ground. " Someone needs to turn up the heat in this house," she grumbled sleepily, trudging out of the room.

Taking a sharp turn, she walked into another room which she had converted in a gym, both for combat training and exercise. The penthouse had been sort of a I'm-sorry-your-brother-died-but-we-still-have-work-and-you-have-to-take-care-of-yourself gift from her parents, and being the only person living there, she'd found other uses for the extra rooms. She did a few warm-up exercises and turned towards the punching bag. She closed her eyes for a moment, and brought herself back to night her brother had left.
What if I had gone with him? Would it have made a difference? " No," a voice whispered inside her head, " It wouldn't have. He'd be too busy protecting you to protect himself. Either way, he's dead." With a snarl, her eyes snapped open, and she shot towards the punching bag, the first punch landing against the sturdy material with a loud smack. From there, she attacked it relentlessly, landing a bunch of blows and kicks on the hanging sack until she could feel soreness start to tingle in her muscles. A sheen of sweat soaked through a shirt, creating a small patch on the fabric at the back of her torso. She pulled away after her muscles finally begin to burn dully, and went on the treadmill. This was pretty much her daily morning routine, except when she wakes up late of course. When she finished, she got down onto a floor and did a few sets of cardio exercises. Being in a gang kind of meant you have to keep in shape, even if it meant you have naturally good metabolism. And you can't exactly go into fights with weak muscles and horrible stamina either.

After a while, she exhaled and dropped onto the floor, her entire body felt like it was on fire, and her arms throbbed numbly. Suddenly her phone rang, and she shot up again. She grimaced when she felt her abdominal muscles process. Scrambling up, she raced to her room, onto reach her phone just as the ringing stop. She groaned, and unlocked the screen. There on the screen, it read: Missed Call- Unknown Number, 7.20 A.M. Yuuko arched her brow, " What the?" She shook her head and threw the phone on her bed. " Ah well!" She clapped her hands together, " Time to take a bath!" She stripped off her sweat-soaked clothes and threw them in a pile by her bed, walking into the bathroom. She twisted the handle, and a jet of ice-cold water hit her body, making her yelp and jump (which almost made her slip and hit her head on the sink) before she finally started to enjoy the coolness. She sighed, she liked her morning showers cold, it was a good way to wake her up for the day. When she was done, she slipped on a white bathrobe and had a quick breakfast before changing into her clothes. After putting on her uniform, she eyed herself in the mirror. Her lavender-colored hair was pulled up messily, and her uniform hugged her figure appreciatively. She had dips and curves in all the right places, but all the hours she spent exercising had given her a toned body as well. Being only 5'6, she wasn't as tall as most of the girls in her year, but she had a pretty good proportion. Her long toned legs peeked out from beneath her dark red pleated skirt, her white stocking-clad legs ending with a pair of black school shoes that each student was required to wear. She tipped her head sideways, it wasn't exactly the most conventional outfit, but she had to admit, it didn't look half bad.

Grabbing her bag, she darted out of the two-story penthouse apartment, and locked the door of the empty house behind her. She hopped onto a train at the train station. When she arrived at the school, she was greeted by catcalls and whispers, which she silenced with a glare. She knew she gained a lot of attention, not because of her reputation (hey, she might not be a Jjang, but she can handle herself pretty well too) but her looks as well. And sure, she's a bit flirtatious sometimes, but that didn't mean she liked being hit on by most of the male population of Fukuoka.

When she reached her homeroom, she wasn't surprised to see Ephraim standing there, probably waiting for the rest of his gang. He was the Jjang of the Fukuoka males, and even though they were all in the same school, there was still some rivalry going on between the Males and the Females of Fukuoka. She took a moment to appreciate his figure, he was one of the better-looking guys in the school, and he had a reputation as well. And it wasn't hard for naive girls to fall for him one-after-another either, she shook her head and sighed. He was the only other person there, and she smiled slightly as she approached him. It wasn't usual, but it was advisable to be at least sociable with the gangs from other schools (or their own), to prevent any...unwanted conflict. "Good morning, Ephraim." She nodded at him, and took her seat, crossing her leg over the other.
Ephraim James Vanderbilt

0830 to 0900 Hours

September 1st

"Hello, gorgeous. Have an alright break?" Ephraim responded to Yuuko, as he pulled his hair back into a loose ponytail. He flicked her a bit of a smile as he reached down into his backback and grabbed the case for his glasses and the clear little binder his homeroom teacher had given him to make sure he had his summer homework in relative order. Thin black frames perched on the bridge of his nose as he scanned his schoolwork again. He fiddled with the silver hoops in his ear as he glaced over the pages, his frown growing with every flipped page, until his frown threatened to consume the lower half of his face.

It was very average work, and Ephraim knew he was going to get no end of hell when homeroom actually started. Matsumoto-Sensei enjoyed making a bit of a show about publicly humbling the fearsome Jjang. There was a bit of him bracing for impact as he tossed the binder back onto his desk carelessly and cracked open the can of Java Monster he had picked up at the train station.

It was the first day of the semester, his final year here at Fukuoka, and he knew it was going to be hell on earth for a few days. The poor position of the Fukuoka Male Gang (which was composed entirely of Ephraim at the moment) was going to attract all sorts of sh*t from the other gangs, Matsumoto was going to roundly, but mostly legally, assault him, and that damned student council president was going to hound him about the gangs and the "Cataclysm" (as the student body called it in rumors). That was an event that Ephraim buried. And if he had his way, that would stay buried.

Ah well. At least the women would be one year older. One year hotter. And the fights would be more fun now that his rivals had a whole summer to grow without too much contact between them. Hell, Ephraim could only remember seeing the Sakura Jjang, the fighty little redhead... Aiko, if his memory served, and her pink-headed second, over the course of the summer. It had been quiet.

Keyword "Had". Ephraim was back for more war, and he had a gut feeling that there was something big about to happen between the Jjangs, the Gangs, and the Student Councils. In the end, he had a feeling there was going to be only one team left standing.

And Ephraim had yet to lose his footing. In combat or in the game of life. A slightly bigger smile crept along his face as he considered it.

This year, well, this would be rather eventful.
Saito Takumi

0200-0830 hours

September 1st

Takumi woke with a start from one of his frequent nightmares; finding himself entangled in sheets, he rolled around for a few minutes trying to get free. When he managed it, he glanced at his bedside clock. 02:00, it read. That made every night in the past week. Takumi sighed and rose from his bed, knowing he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. Grabbing his phone and headphones, he walked down the fully lit hallway to the kitchen. When he reached it, he opened the fridge and perused its contents, trying to find something to eat.

He finally settled on a half-eaten bowl of ramen, gave it a preliminary sniff, and, deciding it was adequate, made his way to his sanctuary, the media room. He turned the stereo on when he entered the room, and walked over to his music wall. He looked it over for a few minutes before deciding on a mix CD of techno and trance songs. He slid the disc into the stereo and made his way to the sofa in the middle of the room. Splaying out on it, he began to eat his ramen, head bouncing in time to the music.

When the mix was over, he switched to his PS3 to play Diablo 3. He connected with one of his friends from overseas and they played for a few hours, until Takumi decided it was time to get ready for school. He turned off the game and made his way to the bathroom, picking up some clean clothes on the way there. After a shower, he poured himself a bowl of cereal and left the house by the back door, slipping on his headphones as he went.

He made it to the school by eight and found his homeroom quickly. When he got there, he sat at the back of the class and played the new Pokemon game on his 3DS with his music on full blast, ignoring the flittings in the corners of his eyes.
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