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Fandom It's Time for a Pokémon Adventure!


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Greetings and Salutations fellow Pokémon fans!


You may call me H2W for short if you wish.

First, about me as a Roleplayer and what I am looking for in my potential partners:
1. Please be active.
2. Be courteous.
3. I ONLY write M/F romance-pairings.
4. Romantic content MUST be kept at the PG - PG13 level.
5. I am looking for literate to advanced writing partners; I WILL ask for a writing sample.
6. Absolutely ZERO controlling my character(s) and Pokémon!!!
7. I ask that THIRD person be used during roleplay; first is awkward for me.
8. I would prefer to write over Forum Threads to keep my Inbox from getting full / confusing.
9. For character images / face claims I ask that they be anime-style, for this IS an anime-based-fandom.
10. Please use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation; I want to be able to understand what you have written for me.
11. I would prefer this to be OC / OC.
12. I prefer long-term roleplays that build up and slow burn.
13. I very much enjoy OOC with my partners; don't make me do all the plotting!
14. I am ditch friendly; life / crap happens, we lose our muses, I get it.
15. I live in the Central Daylight Time Zone so please try to keep that in mind.




This is an arial view of the Yohana Region. Pokémon of any and all kinds can be caught in the Yohana Region. Even the Legendary Pokémon are yet to be discovered here. Legend goes that the Legendary Pokémon created the Yohana Region for Pokémon of any and all kind to live here safely amongst Humans. That is...Until a dastardly group, calling themselves Team Black, formed. Their leader remains unknown and mysterious, but Team Black's ultimate mission is to take control and rule the island and its Pokémon, even if they belong to other trainers.



Name: Kai Cho
Age: 12
Birthday: July 4th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Skin: White
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Blue
Height: 4' 8"
Weight: 115LBS

Personality: Cheerful, Kind, Determined, Observant, Studious, Adventures, Intelligent

Personal Story: Ever since she was eight, she learned of Pokémon from her mother and father. She moved with her parents to the Yohana Region. Her father interested in studying the Pokémon there. Kai herself dreams of exploring all of Yohana and documenting as many Pokémon as she can in her Pokedex her father has developed for her for the Yohana Region. Along with helping her father and mother's research, she collects Gym Badges, wanting to become a strong and powerful Trainer with all she knows about Pokémon.

Mother (Living)

Name: Lisa Cho
Age: 35
Birthday: May 10th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Skin: White
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 135LBS
Tattoos / Piercings: None
Occupation: Pokémon Nurse

Father (Living)

Name: Saru Cho
Age: 36
Birthday: November 1st
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: He, His, Him, Professor
Skin: White
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Purple
Skin: White
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 148LBS
Occupation: Pokémon Professor / Researcher

If interested in roleplay this with me, please send me a Private Message and we'll see what we can work out together.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


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