It's all backwards


New Member
In the deepest part of the woods there is this sopposedly haunted mansion where you can hear wolves howling at the moon. Little did everyone know that these wolves wern't just wolves they were warewolves that could turn on instinct. These warewolves would sometimes go out at night and abduct the children aging from 13 to 18 who would run away! When they captured you they wouldn't kill you of course they would inprint on your body and from then on out you are their survent and have to do everything they say but when your master warewolf dies you become one of them too. How will you live after this can you find something good in being in a Mansion with a bunch of warewolves? Probobly not but lets try our darndist!

Warewolf Character




Appearence Human Form:

Appearence Beast Form:


Human Character








Try to keep the cussing to a minimal a sentence with "You ******* ****** *****" Isn't a very good sentence.

Keep one liners to a minimal unless you have writers block from time to time just not every post.

Have Fun!

I can add more rules if need be hopefully no need will be.

Masters can have more then 1 servent but a servent can only have 1 master.

I would say as many as you could handle but right now I'll say you can only have 1 master character and 1 servent character for now at least.

Human Character




History:Just like any other normal teen Kite argues with his parents alot this time it was about his trust issues. One day his parents had gone out for a little while and they had a baby sitter baby sit their 14 year old boy what is wrong with this picture? Yeah he was irritated and also this Baby Sitter was horrible to him. For instence the night Kite ran away she had broken a 70 doller vase! Oh and thats just he beginning, and she blamed it all on him and when his parents got home they would always say go to your room your grounded for a week young man! Then after a few hours his dad would come in there and make him pay for everything that he had broken and when he didn't have the money it was either backbreaking chores that his dad would make up or a backbreaking belt! So he ran away. Soon after Kite had ran away he saw this thing in the woods and it looked like a stray dog but he couldn't really tell what it is. So he wen't up to it and suddenly the wolf jumped out at him and knocked him out cold! He woke up in a mansion with a wolf standing in front of him.


Personality:Kite can be nice at times but when he's mad he gets mad and he dosn't come back to being nice for quite some time.
(Okay, cool. I'll post my regular human character in a little bit.)

(Another question, is it okay gor some of the charries to fall in love or at least have crushes?)


NAME: Daniel (Dan) Qwen

AGE: 17

GENDER: male

HISTORY: Dan became a werewolf at a rather young age. Nine years old to be exact. His werewolf master had died of old age two years later, leaving eleven year old Da alone to run with the other wolves. He has been a werewolf ever sense. He has had many servants in past, but when they failed to please him, he quickly destroyed them and moved onto the next. Dan is currently in need of a new servant to accompany him.

APPEARANCE: (sorry, I dunno how to post pictures, so I'll just put up a pretty decent description) Dan is slightly taller than the average seventeen year old. He nor muscular, nor skinny, he's somewhere inbetween. His long shaggy hair is a dark chocolate-brown.shade with lots of little blonde streaks. From hazel to blue to green, his eyes tend to change between those colors depending on the light and sometimes his mood. He often is found wearing a pair of maroon red skinny jeans with large rips in the knees, some random Tshirt usually a black one, his favorite gray hightop sneakers, and a lucky shark tooth necklace.

PERSONALITY: Dan is not exactly the nicest person. He treats his servants rather poorly, he sometimes even forgets to feed them. Anger issues is another problem he has trouble dealing with. Though he absolutely despises them, he tends to act like a vampire from time to time; Hissing, bareing his fangs, screaming about the sunlight, and even threatens to drink a person's blood somtimes...yet he claims that he hates vampires. He keeps all of his thoughts and feelings locked away inside, including his love. He tells himself everyday that 'he's the only person that matters. They're just low-lifed humans." He can have his moments were he has a touch of kindness...rarely ever happens.
Accepted and yes it is ok to have some of the charcters to have crushes or fall in love just don't take it too far.
(Okay :3 cool)


NAME: Nami Kohaku

AGE: 13

GENDER: female

HISTORY: Nami is believes in werewolves, but has never actually seen one before. Obviously she's never been bitten by one either but she once had a friend who supposedly have been bitten. One day, her friend suddenly disappeared. She never saw them again. She wasn't sure and still isn't sure what really happened that day. Ever since then she's been purchasing and borrowing practically mountains of books about wolves, werewolves, and other mythical creatures.

APPEARANCE: Nami is kind of short for her age, which often leads to being mistaken for an elementary student. She has long, curly silver hair that reeaches down to her lower back; It appears to shinmer in the sunlight. She also has large aqua blue eyes with a hint of purple flecks around the edges. She tends to wear an outfit including nice blue denim jeans, a pair of red flats, a somewhat-fancy blouse, and her favorite black beanie hat.

PERSONALITY: Nami is a rather curious person. If she gets the chance, she'll race down to the library and bring home piles of fantasy books. Being a curious person she asks a lot of questions. She can be very friendly somtimes and is usually happy. She smiles and giggles and lind of acts like a carefree child. Though she gets scared and will cry easily.
Warewolf Character

Name: Star Maples



History: Star has been a werewolf since she was born. She was found in the woods and had been separated from her parents and family members leaving her all alone. She treats her friends like family and is very protective of each and everyone of them.

Appearence Human Form:


Appearence Beast Form:


Personality: She is very sweet and outgoing and loves to have fun. She stands up for her friends and won't back down from a fight. She likes to laugh and loves to look at the stars on a clear night. She is nice to everyone but if someone is mean or hurts her friends or family, she becomes furious but she learned how to control it.

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